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As the saying goes- “Habit trumps desire”. If you are a writer, you have to be writing. Write everyday. Set targets and meet them. Keep reading, keep learning, keep growing.Do not try to be a person you are not. Great writing is genuine and true. Remember to have the time of your life while at it :-)
Roxanna Aliba Kazibwe
Forrest Gander: "Maybe the best we can do is try to leave ourselves unprotected. To keep brushing off habits, how we see things and what we expect, as they crust around us. Brushing the green flies of the usual off the tablecloth. To pay attention.
Brian Christian
Curiosity is the hair of our habit tending to stand on end. It rarely happens that our attention is not stained in greater or lesser degree by this animal element.
Samuel Beckett
The body is a clothing that suits us for life. (Le corps est un habit - Qui nous va à vie.)
Charles de Leusse
Unattached and aimless, these old men are always infatuated with little certainties and regularities such as those that ordered the life of Mr. Krupper as seen from outside. Habit is living. Anything unexpected reminds them of death.("Hard Candy")
Tennessee Williams
Realtechnik is skeptical about linear progress. It encourages humility, a state of mind in which we are most open to facing problems and reconsidering decisions. It helps us acknowledge costs and recognize the things we hold inviolate.
Sherry Turkle
Spontaneities offer one kind of pleasure and taste of sanctity, repetitions another equally pleasurable and holy.
Eugene H. Peterson
She would know a good thing to do without thinking about it.
A.A. Milne
Neither by nature, then, nor contrary to nature do the virtues arise in us; rather we are adapted by nature to receive them, and are made perfect by habit.
Every day is a new beginning, the building of a habit. Every action is a step in some direction. There is no pause in living.
Anna White
The question is not what you look at, but what you see. It is only necessary to behold the least fact or phenomenon, however familiar, from a point a hair's breadth aside from our habitual path or routine, to be overcome, enchanted by its beauty and significance.
Henry David Thoreau
Habitualization devours objects, clothes, furniture, one's wife, and the fear of war. If all the complex lives of many people go on unconsciously, then such lives are as if they had never been. Art exists to help us recover the sensation of life; it exists to make us feel things, to make the stone stony. The end of art is to give a sensation of the object seen, not as recognized. The technique of art is to make things 'unfamiliar,' to make forms obscure, so as to increase the difficulty and the duration of perception. The act of perception in art is an end in itself and must be prolonged. In art, it is our experience of the process of construction that counts, not the finished product.
Victor Shklovsky
She had been too early habituated to anxious reasoning to drop the habit suddenly.
Thomas Hardy
What do you expect? This place is one big anti-climax.
Michel Faber
Criticism can never instruct or benefit you. Its chief effect is that of a telegram with dubious news. Praise leaves no glow behind, for it is a writer's habit to remember nothing good of himself. I have usually forgotten those who have admired my work, and seldom anyone who disliked it. Obviously, this is because praise is never enough and censure always too much.
Ben Hecht
We are to give (and take) true love without falling into the narcissistic habit of only trying to take it in.
Criss Jami
Humans get used to even if they are in the hell.
M.F. Moonzajer
Flavour your life in such a way that anyone who thinks he or she is biting or back-biting you, will rather take smiles away unexpectedly and with surprises.
Israelmore Ayivor
Happiness is simply a habit of looking on the brighter side of everything.
Richelle E. Goodrich
When I was a young man and very well thought of,I couldn't ask aught that the ladies denied.I nibbled their hearts like a handful of raisins,And I never spoke love but I knew that I lied. But I said to myself, 'Ah, they none of them know The secret I shelter and savor and save I wait for the one who will see through my seeming, And I'll know when I love by the way I behave.'The years drifted over like clouds in the heavens;The ladies went by me like snow on the wind.I charmed and I cheated, deceived and dissembled,And I sinned, and I sinned, and I sinned, and I sinned. But I said to myself, 'Ah, they none of them see There's part of me pure as the whisk of a wave. My lady is late but she'll find I've been faithful, And I'll know when I love by the way I behave.'At last came a lady both knowing and tender,Saying, 'you're not at all what they take you to be.'I betrayed her before she had quite finished speaking,And she swallowed cold poison and jumped in the sea. And I say to myself when there's time for a word, As I gracefully grow more debauched and depraved, 'Ah, love may be strong, but a habit is stronger And I knew when I loved by the way I behaved.
Peter S Beagle
He that becomes protector of sin shall surely become its prisoner.
Augustine of Hippo
Good things quickly become habitual and we often stop valuing them.
Sunday Adelaja
Motivation may be what starts you off, but it's habit that keeps you going back for more.
Miya Yamanouchi
As his mind becomes purer and his emotions come under control, his thoughts become clearer and his instincts truer. As he learns to live more and more in harmony with his higher Self, his body's natural intuition becomes active of itself. The result is that false desires and unnatural instincts which have been imposed upon it by others or by himself will become weaker and weaker and fall away entirely in time. This may happen without any attempt to undergo an elaborate system of self-discipline on his part: yet it will affect his way of living, his diet, his habits. False cravings like the craving for smoking tobacco will vanish of their own accord; false appetites like the appetite for alcoholic liquor or flesh food will likewise vanish; but the more deep-seated the desire, the longer it will take to uproot it--except in the case of some who will hear and answer a heroic call for an abrupt change.
Paul Brunton
People only keep their eyes open out of habit. And, nothing more.
S.D. Lawendowski
At the beginning of a pestilence and when it ends, there's always a propensity for rhetoric. In the first case, habits have not yet been lost; in the second, they're returning. It is in the thick of a calamity that one gets hardened to the truth - in other words, to silence.
Albert Camus
The author says his young son, adopted from South Korea, occasionally burps and says thank you but otherwise is doing all right.
Jim Bouton
A virtue is a habit that includes all of these things: actions (you take care of your child even when you don't feel like it), emotions (you are often overtaken by feelings of tenderness and delight), perceptions (you understand your little children better than they understand themselves), choices (you choose to get out of bed and go to the children's room even when you'd much rather not), and thoughts (you think differently, more thoroughly and carefully, about your children than about anyone else in the world). The habit of love includes all these things, but not necessarily all at the same time.
Phillip Cary
You are a reader, and therefore a thinker, an observer, a living soul who wants more out of this human experience.
Salil Jha
We stay the same as we've always been, keeping to the path we've walked our whole lives. Paths that carry so much importance and perceived stability that we are utterly convinced it is the only one to walk – that anyone not walking it with us is being misled.
A.J. Darkholme
You can do the right thing that seems wrong to others, or the wrong thing that seems right, and its actually puerile to await recommendation when what you are about to do doesn't concerns anyone.
Michael Bassey Johnson
The habit of thinking prevents us at times from experiencing reality, immunises us against it, makes it seem no more than any other thought.
Marcel Proust
Those who pretend as if they don't love you, are the ones who would hate to see you love another person.
Michael Bassey Johnson
In truth, the crossing from nature to culture and vice versa has always stood wide open. It leads across an easily accessible bridge: the practising life. People have committed themselves to its construction since they came into existence - or rather, people only came into existence by applying themselves to the building of said bridge. The human being is the pontifical creature that, from its earliest evolutionary stages, has created tradition-compatible connections between the bridgeheads in the bodily realm and those in cultural programes. From the start, nature and culture are linked by a broad middle ground of embodied practices - containing languages, rituals and technical skills, in so far as these factors constitute the universal forms of automatized artificialities. This intermediate zone forms a morphologically rich, variable and stable region that can, for the time being, be referred to sufficiently clearly with such conventional categories as education, etiquette, custom, habit formation, training and exercise - without needing to wait for the purveyors of the 'human sciences', who, with all their bluster about culture, create the confusion for whose resolution they subsequently offer their services.
Peter Sloterdijk
One-year enlistment had proven problematic since the troops were scheduled to rotate out of the army just when they had begun to internalize the discipline of military service and became reliable soldiers.
Joseph J. Ellis
Good form without knowing it is the best form of all.
J.M. Barrie
Shaving was invented to kill time before a date.
M*A*S*H Episode Guide Team
There is a natural prejudice which prompts men to despise whomsoever has been their inferior long after he has become their equal.
Alexis de Tocqueville
Once you start settling, and letting others control your life, it can quickly become a habit, so it’s best to avoid such things altogether.
A.J. Darkholme
We are creatures of habit more than we are creatures of change.
A.J. Darkholme
When we make a habit of acting on the interests arising out of our authentic passions, our enthusiasm can open doors before we even realize the potential that lies beyond them.
Marian Deegan
It is well said, then, that it is by doing just acts that the just man is produced, and by doing temperate acts the temperate man; without doing these no one would have even a prospect of becoming good.
I am deep in my willed habits. From the outside, I suppose I look like an unoccupied house with one unconvincing night-light left on. Any burglar could look through my curtains and conclude I am empty. But he would be mistaken. Under that one light unstirred by movement or shadows there is a man at work, and as long as I am at work I am not a candidate for Menlo Park, or that terminal facility they cynically call a convalescent hospital, or a pine box. My habits and the unchanging season sustain me. Evil is what questions and disrupts.
Wallace Stegner
Cussing like a commoner wasn't something I was tested on. I picked that habit up outside of high school.
S.A. Tawks
Building alibis is a deeply rooted habit.
Napoleon Hill
Failure is good as long as it doesn’t become a habit.
Michael Eisner
I believe Jesus wasn't thinking about miracle when He performed it. He's just doing normal activities as he did in His heavenly kingdom.
Toba Beta
Memory and Habit are attributes of the Time cancer. They control the most simple Proustian episode, and an understanding of their mechanism must precede any particular analysis of their application.
Samuel Beckett
Better spend time working hard to maintain your good habits because you may look for time to recover it but to no avail!
Israelmore Ayivor
Take excuses and procrastination as your enemies. Let them see you and frown their faces and bypass you without greetings. You will excel if you don’t internalize the habit of giving excuses.
Israelmore Ayivor
Cultivate the habit of defining, refining, redefining and redeeming your opportunities. Failure is a temporal event, not a permanent trademark.
Israelmore Ayivor
I think that there are excellent and poor thinking habits just as there are healthy and unhealthy eating habits; and when a man really knows how to think, you cannot necessarily assert that he thinks too much in a strictly negative connotation. Perhaps this is in a sense food for thought, whereas the other is fool for thought.
Criss Jami
I think this is one bad side of a mirror; it helps us to see the reflection of the effects of our own actions on ourselves. We smile and it smiles back to us, we frown and it frowns to us. How I wish it shows us the reflections of the effects of our actions on other people as well so that we will be conscious!
Israelmore Ayivor
Develop accommodating values and habits. People are scared away from you when you have a value system and habitual actions that accommodate them comfortably.
Israelmore Ayivor
I was so much in the habit of having Albertine with me, and now I suddenly saw a new aspect of Habit. Hitherto I had regarded it chiefly as an annihilating force which suppresses the originality and even the awareness of one's perceptions; now I saw it as a dread deity, so riveted to one's being, its insignificant face so incrusted in one's heart, that if it detaches itself, if it turns away from one, this deity that one had barely distinguished inflicts on one sufferings more terrible than any other and is then as cruel as death itself.
Marcel Proust
We must experience Heaven on earth;May your homes, surroundings and work places portray a safe clean environment.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Excellence is a habit acquired by continuous improvement on the little things you do with a firm belief that it's going to be better than before!
Israelmore Ayivor
Determination is learning to form a habit, and never breaking it in future.
Michael Bassey Johnson
Cultivate the habit of making aware choice. Your choice makes your destiny. Do not be carried away by the unconscious choices.
Amit Ray
Thoughts close more doors then they open. This causes limitation. Action opens more doors then it closes. This results in liberation. I suggest spending less time on trying to change thoughts and more time on the action steps you will take to prove your current thoughts wrong. Once you take consistent, habitual action the thoughts change, spontaneously.
Charles F. Glassman
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