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There is nothing more fascinating than the fusion between power and mystery in our great, little treasure: the human brain.
Hajar Charkaoui
You've got your Brain, Google, and most importantly, you've got Youtube. Use'em!
Olawale Daniel
In most cases, you look for what you don't have. It limits and stagnates you. And unfortunately, you don't know know how to use what you do have. Yes, you've got your Brain, Google, and most importantly, you've got Youtube. Use'em to your advantage! They are powerful channels you can harness for maximum accomplishments in your life.
Olawale Daniel
When it comes to the core of who we are, it takes incredible effort to shift more than one standard deviation from the mean of your life.
E. Obeng-Amoako Edmonds
Great growth comes from loneliness. You have time to develop, dwell in your own mind and go a bit mad. All great people are a bit mad. That’s good to remember. Don’t escape it. Great growth comes from time spent in foreign lands, watching foreign people with foreign cultures. It makes you forget about your own land and race and town for a while. Great growth also comes from rooting yourself into one place from time to time. Unpack your bags, get a nice bed, a book shelf, some friends. Learn to show up, keep in touch, stick around. Growth comes in all sort of forms and shapes, everywhere at all times, and it’s yours to take and consume. Do what ought to be done. Here and now, to get you somewhere — anywhere.
Charlotte Eriksson
Every flower blooms at its own pace.
Suzy Kassem
The seeds we sow today will grow to serve as shades for weary travellers tomorrow
Nike Thaddeus
Eventually you'll get tired of going through the motions with very little emotion.
Tyconis D. Allison Ty
The day you start trusting the people who think you are right, more than the people who are actually right, you are on your way down.
Inevitably, if we are to grow and change as adults, we must gradually learn to confront the challenges, paradoxes, problems and painful reality of an insecure world.
James P. Krehbiel
There is an hidden energy in a child that works in all areas of growth and development
Sunday Adelaja
Hobbies may eventually grow into a major activity that brings money
Sunday Adelaja
In order to understand our life mission and answer the question “Where am I going?” we need to grow and shape our personality
Sunday Adelaja
Don’t be restricted to your comfort zone alone
Sunday Adelaja
Your spiritual and physical growth depends mainly on your time management and personal relationship with God
Sunday Adelaja
Your daily choices and actions should be rational and productive
Sunday Adelaja
Self-evaluation and assessment should be a major part of our lives as believers
Sunday Adelaja
You should train disciples and followers to work and perform better than you did
Sunday Adelaja
Use your influence to make impact and help others grow
Sunday Adelaja
Even you can’t tell yourself how to change, because you didn’t create you. To love someone is to desire and work toward their becoming the best version of themselves. The one person in all the universe who can do this perfectly for you is God. He has no other agenda. He has no unmet needs he is hoping you can help him with. And he knows what the best version of you looks like. He delighted in the idea of it, and he is already working on it. The apostle Paul said, “We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him.” Which means God is at work every moment to help you become his best version of you.
John Ortberg
The greatest thing in this world is not so much where we stand as in what direction we are moving.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Life here on Earth is promised suffering and one needs to find ways to live through it. Many people turn to meditation and prayer—anything that can connect us deeper into ourselves and with the divine.
Kat Lahr
It is our ultimate purpose to continually evolve as a species both physically and emotionally, as change is the mechanism for growth and development, and if we fear change we stunt our own growth and with it, human evolution.
Kat Lahr
The only thing that makes advice great is when you apply it and it works so try, try try.
Rob Liano
If you manage to live long enough, most of your greatest fears become fond memories to look back on.
Ashly Lorenzana
Loss is an invitation to a journey of unparalleled growth, yet we seldom RSVP the invitation.
Craig D. Lounsbrough
Self-preservation is to hunker down in the suffocating confines of this infinitesimally tiny existence that I define as ‘me,’ instead of letting ‘me’ run through the infinitely massive expanse of everything that is not me. And if the beast of self-preservation does not permit such freedoms, I will preserve myself to my own death.
Craig D. Lounsbrough
So many people are afraid of the ending of their life on earth. Then there are others who are afraid of not being able to leave after their bodies have long failed them. There's nothing at all to be afraid of. Death is the last lesson in the school of life. It is the final stage of growth. Death is the one event that is designed to remove all of your remaining fears. Someday you will find that the things you were most afraid of, like death, were only illusions.
Kate McGahan
If we are not taught about love when our brains and hearts are forming, we may never even recognize it when it stands in front of us. We may even run from it. We would miss out on the one thing that makes life worth living.
Kate McGahan
Growth requires courage, strength and the willingness to go beyond fear.
Catherine Louise Birmingham
There is no finish line. Life is the experience and fear is the force of growth.
Catherine Louise Birmingham
Growth requires courage, risk and the willingness to go beyond fear.
Catherine Louise Birmingham
I don’t have to let anyone use me. I don’t have to bend the truth. Even if I’m not ready to forgive just yet, I don’t have to be tied to my scars, to the people who wounded me, or to the anger and fear that grew out of it. I can be myself and be honest and not be afraid. Not of getting hurt or of hurting others.
Ryan Galloway
Fear is the thing that makes the heart grow.
Charlotte Eriksson
Courage is the power to let go of the familiar.
Raymond Lindquist
Worry is stressing about a situation that may or may not occur and it’s always in the negative sense.
Rob Liano
The more important question, of course, was what the new Lucy would do, and even though I was pretty sure the old Lucy wouldn't be around much anymore, I was a little bit afraid the new Lucy hadn't yet shown up.
Pam Houston
Find out what a person fears most and that is where he will develop next.
C.G. Jung
The journey I'm taking is inside me. Just like blood travels down veins, what I'm seeing is my inner self and what seems threatening is just the echo of the fear in my heart.
Haruki Murakami
The only true end of love is spiritual growth or human evolution.
M. Scott Peck
Contrast is not ‘bad’ since the contrast we experience still causes us to learn and grow. Expansion never ceases, and that is a beautiful thing. Contrast allows us to see what is not in alignment with our Authentic Selves, and then presents us with opportunity after opportunity to respond from a place of compassion, forgiveness, acceptance, love, joy, gratitude, etc. Thus, when we break the karmic loop we swing back into alignment with Spirit.
Alaric Hutchinson
Fairy tales and stories of fantasy bridge the gap and inspires the heart and mind wherever religious thought reaches its limits or meets a dead end. In other words, fairy tales are spiritual in nature, rising above set dogmas and traditions to provide a modern and universal spiritual nourishment for the human soul.
Alaric Hutchinson
The war going on within you is a reflection of every war that has ever taken place… past, present, and future. Each individual is a Spiritual Warrior and there is only one demon you must conquer…your SELF. You are the devil and you are the savior. You are a human with free will, and every morning you wake up and you make a choice.
Alaric Hutchinson
There is no excuse good enough to ever be out of alignment with love. You’re going to get hurt, and you will feel pain. Yet your purpose is to keep loving, anyway. Keep moving forward with an open heart. Love is a Divine gift given to humanity. Wasting it is no longer an option. Love is what brings light to a dark place. Love is what transforms a dying world into a thriving planet.
Alaric Hutchinson
I had less and became more.
Nikki Rowe
It’s okay to experience the flow of all emotions; however, if we get caught up in feeling pity for others and take on the responsibility of being their ‘savior’, we often take away their power to ‘save’ themselves. If I see someone as ‘messed up’ then I am projecting my ‘messed up’ vibration onto them, so I am unable to hold space. Yet, if I already view them as whole, well, and beautiful – then I am able to be a vibrational key (vessel of Spirit) that uplifts their energy so that it may come into alignment with being whole, well, and beautiful. It’s not that I do any of the healing; I’m simply a mirror reflecting acceptance and loving them for exactly who they are, right where they are. That is all that is ever truly asked of us, to accept and to love.
Alaric Hutchinson
The shaping of character mimics the smallest detail of habit; humans are creatures that learn from observation. Each little thing you do, and each thing you allow yourself to become desensitized to matters. They create you—whether you know it consciously or not.
Grace Sara
Would God be a frequent contact or an in case of emergency in your phone? If he is only an in case of emergency, he will you in different emergencies so he can be frequently contacted.
Andrea Ball
You are not supposed to go out and find love. Love will find you when you are ready.
Suzy Kassem
You do not find love. It finds you.
Suzy Kassem
How easily such a thing can become a mania, how the most normal and sensible of women once this passion to be thin is upon them, can lose completely their sense of balance and proportion and spend years dealing with this madness.
Kathryn Hurn
Don’t feel bad about feeling bad. Don’t be frightened of feeling afraid. Don’t be angry about getting angry. There is no need to give up when we are feeling depressed. Nor should we be dismayed at the grief which often accompanies the outgrowing of anything which needs outgrowing. We can be glad that our soul is speaking to us and pushing us onwards. We frequently need to persevere with a period of inner turmoil before the dust can settle and be swept out the door.
Donna Goddard
Don’t hide your hurt, beautiful soul. Grab a hold of it. Run it through the purifying flame of your heart and mold it into something beautiful. Allow the depths of your pain to expand the breadth of your compassion. Gather up your stumbling stones and build a bridge for someone else. Remember what it’s like to be lost in darkness so you can be someone else’s much needed light. Don’t deny your pain or bury it away. Let it rise to the surface. And then transform it into something that makes it worthwhile.
Cristen Rodgers
You’re probably wondering what the heck I mean by “The Pillars of Your Life”, right? Well this is simple. It’s the things that make your life what it is. The things or people that make you, you. There’s work, family, your hobby, your art, and your traditions. Except, some of us have wonky pillars. Some of us give one pillar too much to hold, and the others not enough. One’s too tall, whilst the others are too small. Therefore we become unstable, and sometimes, everything comes crashing down.
S.R. Crawford
Focus! (said a voice within me). We are here to craft emotions. To become a better person. Not to waste our serenity on someone who had a poor upbringing and are not taught manners.
Efrat Cytbulkiewicz
We are not here to give you the answer. We are here to give you an opportunity to have an insight and realize that you had the answers within the whole time. You couldn't recognize the answer without having it inside of you to begin with.
Jessie & Jason
We all have those things that help us carry on through life. It is important that these things upon which we depend for daily strength are healthy for our character rather than harmful. We must ask ourselves whether the comforts we reach for each day are vices or virtues? Do they feed the best parts of us or do they rob us of them? Even when we are at our most fatigued and are tempted to reach for self-destructive things, we must try to seek out and take solace in those things that will lead to our eventual renewal; rather than those things that will only serve to bring us lower.
L.M. Browning
You will be a different person after the storm, because the storm will heal you from your perfection.
Bryant McGill
Some periods of our growth are so confusing that we don’t even recognize that growth is happening. We may feel hostile or angry or weepy and hysterical, or we may feel depressed. It would never occur to us, unless we stumbled on a book or a person who explained to us, that we were in fact in the process of change, of actually becoming larger, spiritually, than we were before. Whenever we grow, we tend to feel it, as a young seed must feel the weight and inertia of the earth as it seeks to break out of its shell on its way to becoming a plant. Often the feeling is anything but pleasant. But what is most unpleasant is the not knowing what is happening. Those long periods when something inside ourselves seems to be waiting, holding its breath, unsure about what the next step should be, eventually become the periods we wait for, for it is in those periods that we realize that we are being prepared for the next phase of our life and that, in all probability, a new level of the personality is about to be revealed.
Alice Walker
Live simply. Deepest joy is like a flower....beautiful in essence.
Tony Samara
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