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One day soon, she'd have to leave the beach behind and go and find her real life, out in the rest of the world. The beach would shrink and fade and become part of her discarded childhood. Sometimes she almost wishes her father had never brought them here to live. Why show her what it was like to live in Paradise when her only choice was to leave again?
Cassandra Parkin
Oh bell-dumb heart, it makes you a fool to think you were ever closer to opening up the world — to art, to breaking it apart — than those who came before. But knowing that can't make you read or breathe more slowly. Since when did you listen to anyone? To give up on motivation is to give up on the work we do with alphabet and light. It's not enough to hunt or haunt our parents' hearts; we must occupy our own.
Ander Monson
I used to joke that we had prepared ourselves for a time like this by living with Mother. The problem with such a state of affairs was not that you did not get to do what you wanted---sometimes you did---but the effort to appease or resist the reigning deities left you so exhausted that it prevented you from ever really having fun. To this day having fun, just plain enjoying myself, comes at the cost of a conviction that I have committed an undetected crime.
Azar Nafisi
She had gills while other people were breathing with lungs. There was, however, no point in dwelling on it, as it was too later to grow up differently.
Sonja Yoerg
It may have been my youth that forged my heart but it is my adulthood that defines me now." ~quote by Roe'vaash in "Then'diel's HEART
K. Farrell St. Germain
Growing up seemed to mean that the only kind of pretending that was still safe was pretending we could do without it.
Saleema Nawaz
Sometimes or most of the time, we need to remind ourselves that we're not a KID anymore.
B.C. Yaras
I’ve always known my circumstances were far, far from the worst, but I truly believe that just the slightest misalignment in our upbringings can have such a dramatic knock-on effect on our lives.
K.A. Hill
In the beginning of his sleep, he cried out, "Flag!"It was not his own voice that called. It was a boy's voice. Somewhere beyond the sink-hole, past the magnolia, under the live oaks, a boy and a yearling ran side by side, and were gone forever.
Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings
Isn't it weird how people grow up when you're not looking?
Ann Benjamin
Sometimes or most of the times, we need to remind ourselves that we're not a KID anymore.
Bernie Yaras
As life runs on, the road grows strangetWith faces new, and near the endtThe milestones into headstones change,t’Neath every one a friend.
James Russell Lowell
The second hardest part about growing up is trying to figure out who you are. The hardest part comes after you've figured it out and the rest of the world wants to pull you in a different direction.
Jen Malone
Charlotte looked up doubtfully, wondering why, as she got older, she seemed to be more afraid of things, not less.
Penelope Farmer
It's very important my parent's don't think I'm starting to fall in love with people, because then they might notice that I'm growing up, and I'm kind of trying to keep it a secret. I think it will cause an incident
Caitlin Moran
The enormity of this started to sink in and I all but collapsed back into my chair. This, here, was life. This was life beginning for us: weddings and families and deciding to step up and be a man for someone. It wasn't about the fucking jobs we had or the random thrills we sought or any of that. Life was built from the bricks of these connections and milestone and moments where you tell your two best friends that you're about to have a child.
Christina Lauren
He knew he could never jingle change in his pocket or park his car like a confident adult, he was the Adrian he had always been, casting a guilty look over a furtive shoulder, living in eternal dread of a grown-up striding forward to clip his ear.But there again, when he sipped at the whiskey his eyes failed to water and his throat forgot to burn. The body shamelessly welcomed what once it would have rejected. At breakfast he demanded not Ricicles and chocolate spread, but coffee and unbuttered toast. And if the coffee was sugared he leapt from it like a colt from an electric fence. He ate the crust and left the filling, guzzled the olives and spurned the cherries. Yet inside he remained the same Adrian who fought down the urge to stand and shout 'Bullocks' during church services, smelt his own farts and wasted hours skimming through National Geographic on the off-chance of seeing a few naked bodies.
Stephen Fry
In Woody Allen movies people stood in line for Ingmar Bergman films or Holocaust documentaries talking up media theory to pass the time. At 16 that was my idea of fun. Now that I live in New York I can tell you that people lined up for tickets don't debate theory. They talk about cute guys at the gym or whether or not they live within walking distance of a Krispy Kreme. I was such a young fogy that growing up involved becoming less mature.
Sarah Vowell
He could add something to the list of things you weren't supposed to do. Don't get hurt, don't get dirty, don't get drunk, don't get scared, don't count on it. You ended up doing all of them.
Virginia Euwer Wolff
Teenagers - tired of being hassled by your parents?Act now!Move out, get a job, pay your own bills.....while you still know everything.
James Hauenstein
Why is it when people are proud of me that my life sucks?”“Because growing up means making tough choices, and doing the right thing doesn’t necessarily mean doing the thing that feels good.
Katie McGarry
But babies become children, and they go to elementary schools that indoctrinate them on how to overthrow governments, and they get interested in boys and girls, or they don't, and anyway they change.
Joseph Fink
I think modern education over-emphasizes the intellect. I suppose that comes from the scientific trend of the times. You cannot obtain a useful citizen if you only develop his intellect. We take children from their parents because these cannot give them an intellectual training. So far, good. But we fail to give them that training in character which parents alone can give. Home influence, as Grace Aguilar conceived it " where has it gone? It strikes me that this is a grave danger for the future. We are rearing up a brood of crafty egoists, a generation whose earliest recollections are those of getting something for nothing from the State.I am inclined to trace our present social unrest to this over-valuation of the intellect. It hardens the heart and blights all generous impulses. What is going to replace the home, Mr. Keith?
Norman Douglas
It's true that I never wanted to grow up. But how important was it really — to have decided to be human?
Rachel Klein
That was my first real experience at feeling set apart. Not only did I not knock them dead, but rather it was I that died...acutely aware of being mutton dressed up as lamb. I exchanged my white tie and tails for a white waiter’s jacket and got back to my proper calling!
Graham Kerr
What if there were no grownups? Suppose the whole idea of grownups was an illusion? What if their money was really just play-ground marbles, their business deals no more than baseball-card trades, their wars only games of guns in the park? What if they were all still snotty-nosed kids inside their suits and dresses? Christ, that couldn't be, could it? It was too horrible to think about.
Stephen King
Fathers were supposed to be invulnerable - but that attitude was childish, he now saw. Irritatingly, he might have to change his outlook. He could no longer be merely indignant and resentful. He was not the only sufferer. Dad had hurt him, but he had hurt Dad as well, and they were both responsible. Feeling responsible was not as comfortable as feeling outraged.
Ken Follett
I'm not perfect and the older I get the more I realise that.
Graham Speechley
I knew that I had reached the end of childhood once I realized that adults in my life didn't know anymore than I did.
Matthew Quick
Childhood anxieties, childhood fears, never disappear entirely. They fade, but not away.
Lauren Bacall
That's the worst of growing up, and I'm beginning to realize it. The things you wanted so much when you were a child don't seem half so wonderful to you when you get them
L.M. Montgomery
Growing up is like walking through glass doors that only open one way--you can see where you came from but can't go back.
Meg Medina
Because of the consequences of trying to be heard as a child, many adults are unable to take the risk of telling as adults. The fear of the consequences is almost debilitating. The abusers and controllers know that; they rely on it.
Darlene Ouimet
One thing you learn early growing up a girl--people always talk, whatever you do,' Glain said. 'What bliss it must be to be male.
Rachel Caine
Everyone was doing that in their own way, rejecting things and moving on. It's just a part of discovering who you are; it's nothing special.
David Byrne
I am almost dizzied by a sudden knowledge, as cold as snow down my spine; that I, too, will grow up one day like everyone else, and look back and miss the years gone by, and the things I could have done, should have done. And growing up is suddenly not something to be impatient for, not all jam and buns and doing as one pleases. It is precisely the opposite.
Paul Kearney
That story you heard? About how we were all created by a super-powerful dude named God who lives up in the sky? Total bullshit. The whole God thing is actually an ancient fairy tale that people have been telling one another for thousands of years. We made it all up. Like Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.Oh, and by the way... there's no Santa Claus or Easter Bunny. Also bullshit. Sorry, kid. Deal with it.
Ernest Cline
Life would not be the same ever again. I would laugh again like a happy man would, seemingly with few worries in the world, yes, for memories fade, even of a deed like the one I had committed. However, the knowledge was there, sad and lingering, and I knew I had lost something.
Alaric Longward
Generally speaking, I resolve to change my life on average maybe thirty to forty times a week, usually at about two a.m, drunk, ore early the next morning, hungover.
David Nicholls
How shall I tell you of the world you faceStrident with sound of weapons and of hate,Make you aware now of the narrowing spaceBetween the hope of mortal and his fate?
Frances Rodman
Stil it takes you strange walking in your old foot steps like that. Putting your groan up foot where your chyld foot run nor dint know nothing what wer coming.
Russell Hoban
It occurred to her that nobody really knew what anybody else was upset about, and that seemed like a terrible thing.
Kate DiCamillo
No one explains this to you, he thought. That there are so many things without solution.
Jesse Ball
We fall asleep to fairy tales, and the world rotates and revolves and time passes and we grow up and we understand that they are false. There are not heroes and princesses and villains. It's not that easy.
Amy Zhang
But maybe that was what it meant to grow up and have the seemingly infinite possibility of childhood vanish in an instant. You had to press on, no matter how dark and narrow the path ahead seemed.
Martha Brockenbrough
Americans are children who must go somewhere else to grow up, and sometimes die.
Ben Fountain
... I guessed that when you are nearly a man, you have to learn to put up with a lot of aggravation from little old bitty kids.
Fred Gipson
And to Tiger Lily he suddenly, inexplicably, seemed older than her, and wiser, and the thought hit her hard that it wasn't fair, because she'd suffered, and there he was, looking like he knew so much more than she ever would.
Jodi Lynn Anderson
Like a detective keenly searching for clues, our daughters are solving the mystery of womanhood itself.
Melia Keeton-Digby
I don't know why I didn't have this sixth sense or whatever it is all along, but part of me thinks maybe it means I'm growing up, evolving into a real superhero. Like maybe the world knew I couldn't handle it before, but now, now I'm finally becoming me an the world know sit -- or maybe I'm just learning to listen to myself.
Kelly Thompson
I was sixteen, and I honestly believed that I was due a love story.
Sara Barnard
Maybe growing up was just about becoming closer to the person you always were.
Cecily von Ziegesar
Today she’s walking down the driveway to get on the school bus. Tomorrow she’s going off to college. Don’t blink.
levi paul taylor
I do not believe any person is born knowing how to be human. Everyone has to learn their letters and everyone has to learn how to be alive.. . . .Maybe it's not a lesson so much as it's a magic trick. You can make a little girl into anything if you say the right words. Take her apart until all that's left is her red, red heart thumping against the world. Stitch her up again real good. Now, maybe you get a woman. If you're lucky. If that's what you were after. Just as easy to end up with a blackbird or a circus bear or a coyote. Or a parrot, just saying what's said to you, doing what's done to you, copying until it comes so natural that even when you're all alone, you keep on cawing __hello, pretty bird__ at the dark.
Catherynne M. Valente
Maybe in the future when life sees that we are ready for love we will meet up or stumble upon each other and it will ignite the light inside of us that we are craving right now.
Alex Guidroz
She raised her hand, bony fingers spread. “Don’t worry. She is supposed to cry. Her life will never be the same. You can’t give her everything.” I realized what Rajima meant. Until that moment, I had been almost exclusively providing everything Krishna could want or need. I was her sole succor and haven. But her needs were changing. She would now need sustenance from the earth, from Mother Nature, from the world, or at least Whole Foods. She would need more than what I could give her from my own body. We
Padma Lakshmi
In the book, you lost your powers. In the movie, you chose not to use them as much. I guess I did a little of both.
Mara Wilson
Elizabeth ran her finger along the windowsill, gathering dust. The view was almost exactly the same as from her own bedroom, only a few degrees shifted. She could still see the Rosens' place, with its red door and folding shutters, and the Martinez house, with its porch swing and the dog bowl. She'd heard once that what made you a real New Yorker was when you could remember back three laters -- the place on the corner that had been a bakery and then a barbershop before it was a cell-phone store, or the restaurant that had been Italian, then Mexican, then Cuban. The city was a palimpsest, a Mod Podged pileup or old signage and other people's failures. Newcomers saw only what was in front of them, but people who had been there long enough were always looking at two or three other places simultaneously. The IRT, Canal Jeans, the Limelight. So much of the city she'd fallen in love with was gone, but then again, that's how it worked. It was your job to remember. At least the bridges were still there. Some things were too heavy to take down.
Emma Straub
I never grew up all at once. I did it one place and another along the way.
Stephen King
I was eleven, the idea of two identical digits in my age still new and spectacular and heartbreaking. The girls must have felt this. They must have known. Where had ten, nine, eight, and seven gone?
Jacqueline Woodson
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