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A Godless life is a goalless life.
Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
Your best - no matter how great - isnothing if you minus God from theequation.
Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
Science was born, when religion failed to find the God!
Vishwanath S J
If you want to Success in your life,Just remember two things1) Your God2) Your Death
Fahad Rashiq
Create always: As God has seen fit in His perfection to give you such abilities, work and share of your gifts.
Duane Hewitt
Sadness is an invitation to God.
Kamand Kojouri
Maybe when we face a tragedy, someone, somewhere is preventing a bigger tragedy from happening.
Kamand Kojouri
I'm not a saint! Thanks God!
Ljupka Cvetanova
For this cause…for this privilege…you were born—to shine lights into the world for God.
Elizabeth George
The world promises you so much...and leaves you empty. God's promises are for real and forever.
Beth Moore Jones
The last thing Scripture should do is make you blind in the world. Instead, you hear everything, see everything, and feel everything because everything just so happens to point right back to it.
Criss Jami
Often times, the world looks at Christians and they are quick to criticize the ways we fall short. That is not God’s fault. That is each Christian’s fault, for not cultivating the fruit of the Spirit in their own soul. As Christians we all have a responsibility to ensure that we are always growing in our Christian walk, and that we are walking 'worthy of our calling,' as Paul says.
Lisa Bedrick
The evangelist is the world's hopeless romantic, and just like a hopeless romantic, he must hope for the miracle of God more than the romance itself.
Criss Jami
Pretty much every day consists of me trying to save the world.
Lisa Bedrick
There’s no god, it’s the elements that control this world and everything on it.
Scott A. Butler
Here today, may be gone tomorrow! Never take anyone or nothing for granted! Be sure to count your blessing daily because tomorrow isn't promised.
Surgeo Bell
You can NEVER be like someone else! Just be yourself and you will find that you'll be much happier that way and accomplish more as well.
Surgeo Bell
Saint John, in a moment of confusion, tells us not to love the world because "all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life,is not of the Father, but is of the world." This injunction is at best a paradox. Our humble and astonishing inheritance is the world and only the world, whose existence we constantly test (and prove) by telling ourselves stories about it. The suspicion that we and the world are made in the image of something wonderfully and chaotically coherent far beyond our grasp, of which we are also part; the hope that our exploded cosmos and we, its stardust, have an ineffable meaning and method; the delight in retelling the old metaphor of the world as a book we read and in which we too are read; the conceit that what we can know of reality is an imagination made of language — all this finds its material manifestation in that self-portrait we call a library. And our love for it, and our lust to see more of it, and our pride in its accomplishments as we wander through shelves full of books that promise more and more delights, are among our happiest, most moving proofs of possessing, in spite of all the miseries and sorrows of this life, a more intimate, consolatory, perhaps redeeming faith in a method behind the madness than any jealous deity could wish upon us.
Alberto Manguel
Never Expect Loyalty From A Person That Can't Give You Honesty.
Surgeo Bell
Rule #1 always look out for yourself first don't nobody love/care for you like you do.
Surgeo Bell
Fellas stop being blinded by the big asses and cute faces. Some men are so concern in having a “bad bitch” where they end up broke, and miserable Becuz their busy trying to impress a bad bitch. A bad bitch will cheat on you a REAL WOMAN gone hold it down take care of her own and chase her goals an educated, strong woman, she’s not concerned about how much money you have although you should be on your shit yourself. STOP GOING FOR A WOMAN THAT ONLY JOB SHE HAS IS WAKING UP TO LOOK GOOD AND POST HER ASS ON SOCIAL MEDIA AND THEN GOING BACK TO SLEEP!
Surgeo Bell
WATCH out for your surroundings, UPGRADE your mindset and keep FOCUS.
Surgeo Bell
Some folk learned the nature of God, that He was merciful, having spared a husband or some cattle, that He was strict, having meted out hard punishment for small sins, that He was attentive, having sent signs of the hunger beforehand, that He was just, having sent the hunger in the first place, or having sent the whales and the teeming reindeer in the end. Some folk learned that He was to be found in the world-in the richness of the grass and the pearly beauty of the Heavens, and others learned that He could not be found in the world, for the world is always wanting, and God is completion.
Jane Smiley
Be willing to stand with God and be ready when the world judges you because of that choice. It’s better than to stand with the world for God to judge you!
Israelmore Ayivor
Most men are blinded by the words "Bad Bitches" and end settling for less!
Surgeo Bell
The world put's too much emphasis on what a person does in terms of monetary value and social status as opposed to who they are. If I was to ask you if you would be loved for who you are or what you do (eg. your occupation), I would guess that you would say who you are. Things are the wrong way around unless you follow Jesus.God cares about who we are primarily, not what we do. It is our character and approach to life that he cares about. God wants us to choose him and put him first which ultimately means being a servant to him and others.
Tim Crawshaw
When I speak about Jesus Christ, I do not speak about Christianity. Christianity has basically nothing to do with Jesus. The spirit of Christ can not be organized. Then it will not liberate you.Christ is the very essence of religion. Christ is the culmination of all human aspirations. In Christ all the aspirations of humanity are fulfilled.Christ celebrates life, he loves life, he is a song and a dance. He is also transcendental. When you come closer to him, you will find that his inner being is transcendence. You will meet the unknown, where the world disappears and God appears. You can trust him, because he is like you. He is part of your suffering, pain and sorrow, but he is also transcendental. That is why Jesus became a mile stone in the history of human consciousness. Jesus lived and loved with truth and grace. Jesus being was truth and grace. Whenever truth is there, grace is there. And whenever grace is there, truth is there. To come closer to Jesus, you have to find your own inner being, the kingdom of God. That is the whole message of Jesus. Then you will find that God is eternal. God is the whole existence. His creativity is eternal. God is creativity. God is not a person. God is existence, being. God is the energy that underlies all life, which is in the stones, in birds, in animals, in human beings and in the stars.
Swami Dhyan Giten
Leaders are good messengers; they take the message from God and share it with others in the world. Jesus is a true example; He said “Here I am, send me Lord”!
Israelmore Ayivor
The story of Sodom is God's reminder to the modern world.
Sunday Adelaja
If Jesus has to do it all over again, there will be more people shouting "Crucify him".You are not here to make the world a better place. Mark 15:13
Felix Wantang
In this sinful world, there is no such thing as enjoying life; not in a world where everybody is happily having a bubble bath of sin. John 14
Felix Wantang
God Father (the Creator) geometrizes, God Mother (Nature) fractalizes.
Stefan Emunds
If you have Jesus Christ, then you are no longer a slave to the forces of this sinful world; you are untouchable and unstoppable.Romans 8:15
Felix Wantang
The answer must be, I think, that the beauty and grace are performed whether or not we will or sense them. The least we can do is try to be there.
Annie Dillard
He was going to embrace love every day. He would appreciate the world every hour. And he will believe in God every second
Soroosh Shahrivar
When men and women who God has created to make a difference in the world, abandon the mandate for their lives and instead, begin to pursue all nonentities of life, God cannot but be frustrated
Sunday Adelaja
This human body is the perpetual home of God’, what does it mean? Where God is visualized – this body, not anywhere. So this human body is the perpetual home of God. What is happening for this reason? This human body is infinite and the world is also infinite.
Sri Jibankrishna or Diamond
God is in desperate search for those sons he could send to the world of sports to rule and manage it for him
Sunday Adelaja
God is in need of godly servants to send to the religious world to bring back his kingdom there
Sunday Adelaja
You are most beautiful in your purest form. You are a manifestation of God himself. Open your eyes and let the light flow right through to your core. All it takes is for you to notice a flicker of leaves, a momentary glance from a loved one, or for a wave to hit your toes and freeze you in that timeless place where you know with every cell in your body that God, indeed is real.
Soroosh Shahrivar
If a god had made the world, might world always be right, that would be so wise, we'd be spared so much suffering. But we made the world - out of our smallness and weakness. Our lives are awkward and fragile...
Edward Bond
Then the true name for religion,' Fat said, 'is death.''The secret name,' I agreed. 'You got it. Jesus died; Asklepios died - they killed Mani worse than they killef jesus, but nobody even cares; nobody even remembers. They killed the Catharist in southern France by the tens of thousands. In the Thirty Years War, hundreds of people died. Protestants and Catholics - manual slaughter. Death is the real name for it; not God, not the Savior, not love - death. Kevin is rights about his cat. It's all there in his dead cat. The Great Judge can't answer Kevin: "Why did my cat die?" Answer: "Damned i I knoe." There is no answer; there is only a dead animal that just wanted to cross the street. We're all animals that want to cross the street only something mows us down half-way across that we never saw. Go ask Kevin. "Your cat was stupid." "Who made the cat? Why did he make the cat stupid? Did the cat learn by being killed, and if so, what did he learn? Did Sherri learn anything from dying of cancer? did gloria learn anything-''Okay, enough,' Fat said.'Kevin is right,' I said. 'Go out and get laid.''By who? they're all dead.'I said, 'There's more. Still alive. Lay one of them before she dies or you die or somebody dies, some person or animal. You said it yourself: the universe is irrational because the mind behind it is irrational. You are irrational and you know it. We all are and we know it, on some level. I'd write a book about it but no one would believe a group of human being could be as irrational as we are, as we've acted.
Philip K Dick
Satan doesn't want the gospel to be preached in the whole world because he is afraid of what comes after that - the End of the Age. Matthew 24:14
Felix Wantang
Doing the things you hate is living in a world of sin. Hell is staying in the place Jesus saved you from. That is, to live on your own, without God.
J.R. Rim
Only a fool will accept a gift you cannot keep. You can't keep anything from the world but salvation is wise and everlasting. John 3:16
Felix Wantang
The world is not worthless but one should know how to get work done from it, because everyone is God, they all have different work to do. Therefore do not have dislike for anything in this world.
Dada Bhagwan
Guess life is really a road marked by crossroads. It's not the long and winding stretches that will hurt you the most. It's the crossroads. You make a bad choice and it's a tumble and a rumble before you get back on your feet again. But you'll get back on your feet. You'll find yourself. And then you'll be off to your next adventure (crossroads, I mean). In my case, I always had a safety net—my faith in God. But then, I'm more like the millions of simple folk who travel this world.
Psyche Roxas-Mendoza
God has planned the world too perfectly for me to doubt that everyone is where they are supposed to be.
Thomm Quackenbush
The Triune God is in the world, nearer to us than we are to ourselves, yet the world is also encompassed by his loving presence. He does have the whole world in his hands, even while he inhabits the whole world. For Christians, being saved means being caught up into this communion, indwelled by God and indwelling in him, and being opened up so that other people have room in us and we in them.
Peter J. Leithart
It is my wish and most cherished hope that God would be pleased with my legacy, that lives would be changed by it, and that the world would be immeasurably better because I was privileged to leave a legacy at all. And if perchance I am fortunate enough to have these things come to pass, I can then rest in the fact that I have lived well.
Craig D. Lounsbrough
I feign fullness, but in reality I am achingly empty. And it is because I too often sit at the table of the world instead of the feet of God.
Craig D. Lounsbrough
After the barter system money was introduced to the world and it had a limited value, but as the time passed it's value increased and now in 21st century money is given the value of GOD.
Neymat Khan
16. Christians should never consult astrologers, psychics, or those who practice witchcraft (see Isaiah 47:13-14). They are usually phonies who only pretend to have extrasensory powers. But in some cases, they are working in cooperation with Satan. Rather than tamper with this evil world, the one true God wants us to bring our needs, problems, and decisions to Him. He has promised to lead us into all truth (see John 8:32).
James C. Dobson
Nothing this world has to offer can even compare to experiencing God’s pleasure.
Andrew Wommack
Janie knew that God tore down the old world every evening and built a new one by sun-up. It was wonderful to see it take form with the sun and emerge from the gray dust of its making.
Zora Neale Hurston
We have to understand that we are children of God who are called to overcome the world
Sunday Adelaja
The only way for God to take over the world is to live in human flesh by His spirit
Sunday Adelaja
God desires for the whole world to see Him, so that he can conquer the world and make it His footstool
Sunday Adelaja
If you pour everything you have into this life, this world, which is temporary and fading, you're jeopardizing your relationship with God, the only thing that's eternal.
Craig Groeschel
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