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Torrance uses the analogy of an embrace. When we hug someone, there is a double movement. We open our arms and in so doing give ourselves to the beloved. But in the embrace we also draw that person close to us...One hand, Christ, opens the relationship, the other hand, the Holy Spirit draws us into that relationship with the Father.
Leonard J. Vander Zee
To be Spirit-filled is to be Christ-centered.
John F. MacArthur Jr.
It's through the test, that we find our true strength.
Chris Burkmenn
No matter how many times you think you have failed, there is always another opportunity for you to succeed.
Chris Burkmenn
Choose to believe the promise of God over the obstacles of man.
Chris Burkmenn
It is often the tiny steps that define the big moments in our dreams.
Chris Burkmenn
If we don't chase our dreams then we will be ran over by our fears.
Chris Burkmenn
Seek God's inspiration first, then you will become an inspiration to someone else.
James Tamara
Faith is trusting, that no matter what plan you had, God has a better one.
Chris Burkmenn
Be patient and pray for God will make a way.
Chris Burkmenn
Life is about learning to fly, when everyone says you will fall.
Chris Burkmenn
It's not about the storms we go through, it's about the umbrella that gets us through.
Chris Burkmenn
Life isn't about being perfect, it's about being perfected.
Chris Burkmenn
Your life isn't determined by your mistakes, but by your determination to keep going despite of them.
Chris Burkmenn
To a man without a country, He appeared a joint sojourner. To Joshua armed but afraid, He came a valiant warrior.To Moses raised up on the mount, He was the One yet higher. To Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, He was the fourth man in the fire.To Elijah who stood as one for God, he was never less alone. For Noah's faithful family, He made an ark their home. To Ezekiel He appeared to be the light cast over the dark. To King David running from the throne, He was the true Monarch. To Daniel at the bite of death, He was the lock upon their jaws. To King Solomon who'd had it all, He was the only worthy cause. To a sinking fisherman, He was life upon the water. To a grieving Jairus, He was life unto his daughter.To a woman at the well, He was complete acceptance. To a doubting Thomas, He was the proof for his reluctance. To a dozen throwbacks from the world, He unleashed His awesome power. From a greedy grave of several days burst forth his finest hour."~Things pondered
Beth Moore
God shall shine through the person you are and not the mistakes you made.
Chris Burkmenn
Your life is full of purpose, push past the set back and press into the set up.
Chris Burkmenn
If we who self-designate ourselves with terms like "Catholic," "Orthodox," "Protestant," "Evangelical," "Charismatic," "Pentecostal" and others would fully surrender ourselves to The Holy Spirit, we could stop focusing on the secondary words we use to describe the primary experience of The Holy Spirit.
John David Geib
Exchanging life with Jesus Christ as taught by Jesus and His designated witnesses is not following a set of laws, rules, codes, principles, disciplines, scripts or cookbook formulas in our own power in an attempt to be like Jesus. Exchanging life with Jesus is not us giving imitation performances with our own acting abilities of what we think Jesus would be or do. Exchanging life with Jesus is Jesus giving repeat performances of His life in anyone who allows Jesus to do so. Jesus then lives out the supernatural performance of His Life in and through their lives.
John David Geib
God has taken you from something in order to get you to something.
Chris Burkmenn
Not afraid to write about my past to inspire your future
Jordone Branch
Your is full of purpose Push past the set back and press into the set up.
Chris Burkmenn
You life is full of purpose. Push past the set back and press into the set up.
Chris Burkmenn
Warriors will always have wounds from the battle, but they are only stronger from them.
Chris Burkmenn
Believe that fighter in you is stronger than anything you will ever face.
Chris Burkmenn
Life is defined by the lives you touch, and not by the mistakes you've made.
Chris Burkmenn
Fix your eyes on what you believe and not what you see.
Chris Burkmenn
God will cause you to prosper, even when man says you won't.
Chris Burkmenn
If you are looking for an excuse to quit you will find it, but if you are looking for a reason to continue you must fight for it.
Chris Burkmenn
Life is full of chances, and today I hope you take each and every one of them.
Chris Burkmenn
If you're looking for an excuse to quit you will find it, but if you are looking for the reason to continue you must fight for it.
Chris Burkmenn
You're single not because you are not good enough for one, it's that you're too good for the wrong one.
Chris Burkmenn
If you have been born only once, you will have to die twice. But if you have been born twice, you will have to die only once (and you may even escape that one death if Jesus returns to the earth during your lifetime).
David Jeremiah
Jesus is more interested in your heart than your ministry.
Carlos A. Rodriguez
Your commitment to Jesus is a beautiful thing, but it will eventually dwindle down, unless you fully understand His commitment to you.
Carlos A. Rodriguez
Jesus was not a theologian. He was God who told stories.
Madeleine L'Engle
The world teaches us to be self-sufficient, self-reliant, self-motivating. But anytime we put self before Savior, we’re in trouble
Toni Sorenson
Jesus didn't die on the cross so we can do something epic. He died so we can have a relationship with an epic God who moves in epic ways!
Alisa Hope Wagner
Jesus came to serve, and He wants you to follow His example.
Jim George
When you yield yourself in complete and wholehearted obedience to God, He can do great things through you.
Jim George
When you judge others you reveal your inability to see them through God's eyes.
Carlos A. Rodriguez
We are all foolish sinners saved only by grace & we can all use a little guidance sometimes.
Lesley Sears
Proverbs 28:26Those who trust in their own reasoning are fools, but those who walk in Wisdom will be kept safe.
1 Corinthians 3:18-19Do not deceive yourselves. If any of you think you are wise by the standards of this age, you should become 'fools' so that you may become wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God's sight.
Mark 12:34When Jesus saw that he had answered wisely, he said to him, 'You are not far from the Kingdom of God.
The word surrender has some shadowy connotations. We think it’s weak to surrender, but sometimes it’s the bravest thing we can possibly do. It means to give our will over to another . . . and when that other is Christ, we are surrendering our pride, our self-reliance, our will to do things our way. We trust Him more than we trust ourselves. The origin of the word surrender did not mean to give up, but to give over. We give our will over to God, let Him do what He will with it, and in the process we lose nothing, but gain much.
Toni Sorenson
God hijacks and bends evil to work peace and healing. If God were only a God of justice, He could punish evil but do no more. Only a God of grace can use our evil to work His good. God’s grace is so much bigger than our sin . Sometimes He’ll let us pursue our idolatry until it kills us. Then He will resurrect us and turn our evil into testimonies of God’s grace.Charis: God's Scandalous Grace for Us (p. 86).
Preston Sprinkle
Be honest with the Lord. If you’re afraid, say so. If you’re feeling abandoned, tell Him. He already knows every sin you’ve committed and He loves you anyway. Confess honestly. Beg for help. Converse with the Lord in reverence and respect, but not as if you were approaching a distant, uncaring being. Nothing could be further from the truth. All you have to do is reach out to feel the grasp of Christ’s hand.
Toni Sorenson
Only one life, it will soon be past,only what’s done for Christ will last.
Elizabeth George
I think we need to say, 'Okay, Jesus, give us your eyes. Give us childlike faith. Give us the eyes of faith so that we can begin to see the way Christ does and get used to looking for God’s glory in each other.
Kevin Paterson
You don't fight the battles you know you will win, its the ones that everyone says you will lose.
Chris Burkmenn
Today you are planting seeds to your dream. Be patient because it will be a large harvest.
Chris Burkmenn
Intellectualism is a poor master over passion
Twe Stephens
We are a generation of lovers who long to be loved. We spend exorbitant amounts of money to compel others to delight in us. We construct our ideal life on Facebook because we are unsatisfied with our real life, which is tainted with boredom, loneliness, insecurity, and a lack of friends and followers . We do not enjoy the person God created us to be or the life God has gifted us with. We think we are overweight, underweight, too pale, too dark, too plain, or just plain boring. Yet we crave to be delighted in by a significant other. So we pursue misguided avenues to make ourselves delightful, to satisfy our craving to be loved.Charis: God's Scandalous Grace for Us (pp. 118-119).
Preston Sprinkle
The course of a life can be changed with some well timed, lovingly asked, honestly answered questions.
Lesley Sears
Have you had a 'relationship discussion' with God lately? Do you need to?
Lesley Sears
1 Corinthians 2:7 (CEB)We talk about God's Wisdom, which has been hidden as a secret. God determined this wisdom in advance, before time began for our glory.
To strategize a rescue mission irrefutably capable of saving every human being is leagues beyond our ability to comprehend, and enormous beyond any resource we possess to execute. And to embark upon just such a mission fully knowing that without our death the mission will fall to failure is bravery of the greatest sort imaginable. Yet, that is exactly what Christmas is.
Craig D. Lounsbrough
Non Violence and Religion: Both designed to keep the oppressed from murdering their oppressors.
Darnell Lamont Walker
A mature heart for Christ would much rather spend its time praising him than condemning his fanatics.
Criss Jami
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