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Lucifer is the hero of the Bible, and the most misunderstood being in its narrative. He is not Satan, but the Light Bearer!
J.Adam Snyder
Satan is screaming lies over us all day long. And God whispers the truth is a still, small voice. So often the voice we listen to most is the one we hear loudest.
Steven Curtis Chapman
God does not seek the opinions of others about your life.
Bryant McGill
Ignorance is a limitation.
Sunday Adelaja
Remember, this type doesn’t really believe He’ll forgive them, by repenting they are trying to earn what they do not think, in any case, He will pay.
Geoffrey Wood
Restoration and hope is available each time you return to God.
Jim George
All of my days are held in your hand, crafted into your perfect Plan.
Moosa Rahat
I’ll admit, Jasnah, that I empathize with your skepticism, but I don’t agree with it. I just think you've been looking for God in the wrong plac
Brandon Sanderson
Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.
Westminster Shorter Catechism
I visit the orchards of God and look at the spheric productAnd look at quintillions ripened, and look at quintillions green.
Walt Whitman
GOD means General Of Dominion.
Osunsakin Adewale
When people pushes you to end, trust God fully because two things are likely to happen. Either He holds when you fall or teaches you how to fly.
Osunsakin Adewale
Seek God in the morning. Praise Him during the day. Meditate on Him at night.
Alisa Hope Wagner
When you have had nothing most of your life, you learn to appreciate the small things in life. The real challenge is appreciating the small things in life as you start to acquire material things and amassing wealth.Jim Robinson
James Morris Robinson
while people go on chatting about a million and one thingsI mostly sit and observe with ascended understandingsas they bring up the topic of death and of a person dyingI listen quietly while often accidentally smilingat the absurdity of anybody ever believing in deathI don't mean to be insensitive towards a body's last breatha higher Reality laid bare, bodily expiration is of no accountwith this revelation incalculable life fears we surmountthe Sage is notorious for finding strange things funnygiggling at horrors and ridiculous events not so sunnysometimes a straight face is merely for showbut spy the glint in his eye about a truth you don’t knowan unfounded assumption is that we only live oncenot a Mystic throughout history has avowed this occurrenceChristian ones may not have mentioned being reborn againthey also didn't deny it—their teaching was kept plainjust as the Buddha intentionally avoided the God conceptultimately not essential, under the rug reincarnation is swept
Jarett Sabirsh
If there is one Christian left who holds out hope that a God honoring, biblically accurate, mainstream Hollywood movie will emerge, I have some advice for you…stop waiting, it’s not going to happen, move on. If you want authentic Scripture, read the Scripture.
William Branks
She said: “I’m so sick of this joint.”“Why?”“No freedom. I can’t go out. I can’t get drunk or gamble or wear swell clothes…”“They look swell to me.”“Shut up, honey. I’m trying to tell you something. I like to dance. I like good restaurants and night clubs, and movies. Here all I’m supposed to do is think about God. It’s getting me down.”“You don’t like God?”“I can take him or leave him.”I laughed.
Jonathan Latimer
Life-power rises by penetrating the body in the seventh plane, gets the layer of the cerebrum removed, and the ocean of Bliss of God is seen. It is called seeing the ocean of Satchidananda – the all Blissful aspect of God." - Sri Jibankrishna
Dipak Kumar Pramanik
Only internal bliss is perpetual, nothing else is created to last. That's why God lives within us and all storms pass
Carl Henegan
There is but one God. He at first appears as life-power in the body, and finally transforms into Supreme Bliss. These are all but various aspects of God with forms, and nothing can be said of God without any form .
Sri Jibankrishna or Diamond
Myth: USDollar is money. Fact: Gold & Silver are money. USDollar is legal tender/debt brought down to low parcels for spending purposes.
Ziad K. Abdelnour
Each of you is a daughter of God. Reflect on all the wondrous meaning of that one paramount fact.
Gordon B. Hinckley
God lures us into marriage through love and sex and loneliness, or simply the fact that someone finally paid attention - all those reasons that you got married in the first place. It doesn't really matter, he'll do whatever it takes. He lures us into marriage and then he uses it to transform us.
John Eldredge
My worth to God publicly is measured by what I really am in my private life.” Oswald Chambers
Oswald Chambers
The faith in an afterlife, however much our reason ridicules it, very modestly extends our faith that each moment of our consciousness will be followed by another - that a coherent matrix has been prepared for this precious self of ours. The guarantee that our self enjoys an intended relation to the outer world is most, if not all, of what we ask from religion. God is the self projected onto reality by our natural and necessary optimism. He is the not-me personified.
John Updike
As believers, everything we do is based on how we view God.
Hayley DiMarco
All must read their so-called 'holy' book - word by word - to determine, by self, its unholy bit.
Fakeer Ishavardas
Everything God created was created in a seed form, small and miniature.
Sunday Adelaja
RACE INTERFACEIf God created man in his own image - What's his facial profile?Kamil Ali
Kamil Ali
Expecting to receive a rebuke, her heart lifted when she read the words on the page, “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.
J.E.B. Spredemann
Until our hearts find complete security and significance in God's unconditional love, we will never be satisfied.
Renee Swope
To build refuges of my own making is to construct fortresses of sand at ocean’s edge, where the relentless tides of time will leave my most magnificently constructed walls as perfectly flat sand. And now that I am subject to the very tides that destroyed these walls of mine, I am left with the reality that my single and sole refuge can only be the God who created both tides and sand.
Craig D. Lounsbrough
Everything. Everywhere. Every moment. That is the scope of God's call on our lives, and that is the dignity our lives enjoy.
John G. Stackhouse Jr.
[On what young husbands should say to their wives:] I have taken you in my arms, and I love you, and I prefer you to my life itself. For the present life is nothing, and my most ardent dream is to spend it with you in such a way that we may be assured of not being separated in the life reserved for us... I place your love above all things, and nothing would be more bitter or painful to me than to be of a different mind than you.
John Chrysostom
Marriage is a team effort. Grow closer to each other as you grow closer to God.
Jim George
The closer a husband is to God, the closer he will grow to his wife.
Jim George
I want to love like my grandmother, who loved a woman like Joseph loved Mary. Someone so imperfect, so human, brave enough to love someone who already knows God.
R. Y.S. Perez
I should not be surprised," said Mr. Graham, "that the day should come when men will refuse to believe in God simply on the ground of the apparent injustice of things. They would argue that there might be either an omnipotent being who did not care, or a good being who could not help, but that there could not be a being both all good and omnipotent or else he would never have suffered things to be as they are.
George MacDonald
My new and improved Golden Rule: Dom unto others as you would have God Dom unto you.
Michael Makai
A healthy nation is measured by its level of reconciliation. Reconciliation between people with God and people among themselves!
Paul Gitwaza
Your religion cannot be divorced from your relationships.
Jim George
God loves His people despite their sins and faults.
Jim George
At times things doesn't happen our way. Let it happen the way our life want or god has decided. May be yet to come is the best to come.
shivangi lavaniya
Choose God’s way of and choose the things that God chooses. His choices are the best
Sunday Adelaja
God Himself even "forgets" the wickedness committed by those whom He has forgiven. That's why it is never too late to clean up your life.
James C. Dobson
If want to Hide your secretsYou will trust least possible,So, I prefer my own self
Fahad Rashiq
God brought every one of us into this new time to challenge us.
Sunday Adelaja
They say God gives the hardest battles to his strongest soldiers
God sometimes allows problem to come into our lives to encourage us to make a step forward
Sunday Adelaja
His teachings, said his disciple Musaeus, had one simple theme: 'Everything comes into being from the One and is resolved into the One again.
Ann Wroe
Reach up-to Absence to feel Presence
Syed Sharukh
When you can see God in small things, you'll see God in all things.
Donald L. Hicks
What is God? God is a motion – perpetual motion. This normal motion is always running within a human body. A man has come to this earth to become God. What I have understood? I have only understood that God is one. I have not understood anything except this oneness.
Sri Jibankrishna or Diamond
We never stopped being each other.
Alicen Grey
We cannot love our enemies until we see those twin truths: God loves me. God loves them.
Mary E. DeMuth
Mastema prefers absolutes. He wants fences on the world and everything in its place, neat and tidy as a churchyard garden. God is not like that. God is boundless. For all his wisdom, Mastema cannot comprehend Yahweh’s need for surprises. An omniscient Being would naturally yearn for things beyond His control, futures He could not see, wills He could influence but not command. Strange, yes. It is odd when the puppeteer desires his wooden slaves to cut their strings, yet that is exactly what He did when he granted humans free will.
Kirby Crow
No attempt should be made to "reconcile" Yahweh's hardening of Pharaoh's heart (plagues 6,8,9,10) with statements in the other plagues that Pharaoh hardened his own heart.The tension cannot be resolved in a facile manner by suggesting, for example, that Pharaoh has already demonstrated his recalcitrance, so Yahweh merely helps the process along, or that he is doing what Pharaoh would have done on his own anyway. Rather, 9:12 is a striking reminder of what God has been trying to teach Moses and Israel since the beginning of the Exodus episode: He is in complete control. However Pharaoh might have reacted is given the chance is not brought into the discussion. He is not even given that chance. Yahweh hardens his heart. It is best to allow the tension of the text to remain.
Peter Enns
Every day is a blank canvas to use our free will to create something beautiful for our Creator.
Alisa Hope Wagner
The division in human religion has always been between those who see the fall of man as a fall into freedom and those who see it as an act of defiance against the tyranny of an all-powerful father. But Adam and Eve were never in heaven; they were in the mud, and had to leave the only home they had ever known behind. And why? For choosing love and freedom over perpetual infancy and slavery of the will. Their sin was moral responsibility. Their reward is clear: "They have becomes gods--knowing good and evil." And for that, they were condemned to live in a world of discovery and choices.
R. Joseph Hoffmann
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