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The difference between a theist and an atheist is the degree to which God has revealed himself to them.
Eli Of Kittim
You can't just say there is a god because the world is beautiful. You have to account for bone cancer in children.
Stephen Fry
I find that all my thoughts circle around God like the planets around the sun, and are as irresistibly attracted by Him. I would feel it to be the grossest sin if I were to oppose any resistance to this force.
C.G. Jung
So you are Catholic? Didn't know that.I am nothing, I said. God knows God is no friend of mine. But I envy people who believe in this crap. They don't worry about the meaning of life and things, whereas I do.
Aleksandar Hemon
Coincidentally, the words RELIGION and BULLSHIT both have eight letters.
Daya Kudari
Religion suits everyone’s needs, believers, agnostics, atheists and god, just in case it exists
Daya Kudari
Evidence is of no longer consequence when hope enters the fray, and this is where faith is born—a seemingly abundant commodity certain powerful organizations feed on fervently, if not lavishly.
Justin Villanueva
Either blasphemy is a victimless crime or its victim is powerful enough to take care of himself without any help from you.
Richard Dawkins
God seemed to have become a brand, a packaging, and people purchase this trusted brand with such faith and devotion that they no longer care who the vendor is.
Justin Villanueva
Religion allows people to ignore the needs of real beings in favour of the supposed wishes ofa being that does not exist.
Alom Shaha
The impasse was this: If I let myself speculate even tentatively about that something, if I acknowledged the possibility of a nonhuman agent or agents, some mysterious Other, intervening in my life, could I still call myself an atheist?
Barbara Ehrenreich
My religious friends - and my friends were almost all Catholics or Protestants or occasionally something more exotic like Jewish or Greek Orthodox - were convinced that God had a "plan" for us, and since God was good, it was a good plan, which we were required to endorse even without having any idea what it was. Just sign the paperwork; in other words, don't overintellectualize.
Barbara Ehrenreich
I guess, like some guy once said, if triangles invented a god, the chances are high it would have three sides.
Michael Marshall Smith
Storyboarded by the West Coast’s finest, the ceiling celebrated the exploits of that most durable of action heroes—God.
Michael Marshall Smith
Christians don't think that Dawkins thinks that they think that God really has a beard. "Old man in the sky with a white beard" is a figure of speech – shorthand – which neatly encapsulates various errors which lazy atheists and naive theists sometimes make, for example: 1: They imagine that Christians think that God is a human being of some kind and therefore ask questions like: "What does he eat?"; "If he made the world, what did he stand on?"; "If he doesn't have a beard, how does he shave?" and "How did he evolve?" (Three guesses which of those questions troubles Professor Dawkins.) Christians don't think that God is an old man. They don't even think he is a man. They probably don't even think he's made of atoms. 2: They confuse symbols with representations: they think that when Michelangelo painted God on the Pope's ceiling, he was making an informed guess about what someone would have seen with their eyes if they bumped into God on the Roman metro – as opposed to using pictures to put across theological ideas. 3: They imagine that Christians think that God lives in some particular place in space and time. They may not think that we think that he lives in the sky, but I think that they think that we think that if you had a fast enough spaceship you could eventually track him down. Dawkins doesn't commit himself on the question of God's facial hair; but it is pretty clear that he thinks that God lives in the sky – or at any rate, in some place in the empirical universe.
Andrew Rilstone
But she was finding it increasingly easy to believe that God, if there was a God, and if it was remotely possible that any godlike being who could order the disposition of particles at the creation of the Universe would also be interested in directing traffic on the M4, did not want her to fly to Norway either.
Douglas Adams
An educated man believing in a this-that vile sky-god rewarding him-her, but punishing your enemies with hell and fire, is uneducated.
Fakeer Ishavardas
I'm not religious, and I'm not a Christian, but I do reserve the right to believe in the possibility of a God. It's kind of defending the indefensible, though; I'm critical of what religions are becoming, the more destructive they're becoming. But I think as an artist, particularly, it's a necessary part of what I do, that there is some divine element going on within my songs.
Nick Cave
Free-thinking” atheists is an oxymoron. They chide Christians for being narrow-minded. No one is more narrow and closed-minded than someone who claims absolutes based on what they “know” as if there is nothing more to learn. I applaud agnostics who have the intellect, humility and openness to say, “I don’t know!” or “I can’t know!” At least they admit there may be more to know!
William Branks
Just because Jimmy Swaggart believes in God doesn't mean that God does not exist.
Walker Percy
There is nothing new under the sun but that of the Son. Man's rebellion against God has always been because he would rather fall in pride than rise in humility.
Criss Jami
I'd ask [God] why he keeps trying to kill us all with disease, pestilence, and natural disasters. I'd ask why 99% of all species there ever were are now extinct -- if God works in mysterious ways, that way is mysteriously genocidal.
Neil deGrasse Tyson
For those he has ignored, he allows them this. He allows them God, their only ally. Places to worship, but no one to teach.
Greg Rucka
God is Santa Claus for Grown-Ups.
Oliver Markus
I never heard enough damnation from your pulpit. Many mornings I had to strain to take hold of what you were saying, Reverend. I couldn't figure it out, and got dizzy listening, the way you were dodging here and there. A lot of talk about compassion for the less fortunate, I remember that. Never a healthy sign, to my way of thinking, too much fuss and feathers about the poor. They're with us always, the Lord Himself said. Wait till the next go-around, if the poor feel so sorry for themselves on this. The first shall be last. Take away damnation, in my opinion, a man might as well be an atheist. A God that can't damn a body to an eternal Hell can't lift a body up out of the grave either.
John Updike
I am not an atheist. I simply believe in a god different from yours
Bangambiki Habyarimana
God doesn't send atheists to Hell -- there's no room with all the Christians down there.
Quentin R. Bufogle
Decide for yourselves as to what you should thing of those who say there is God, that he is the preserver of justice and that he is the protector of all, even after seeing the practice of untouchablity in the form of man being banned from human sight and contact, from walking into the streets, from entering the temples and drawing water from a tank, is rampant in the land, and yet that land is not spared from being razed by an earthquake, burnt by the fiery lava of a volcano, engulfed in a deluge from the ocean, submerged in the chasm of the earth, or fragemented by thunder-storm.
Periyar E.V. Ramasamy
Even those, who some time ago believed all the stories about God, that is who believed that divine power exists, have now come to be so ashamed of their own belief, hiding their ignorance, they are now struggling hard to prove those stories as scientifically true.
Periyar E.V. Ramasamy
From bigots who hawk their goddoor-to-door, preserve us.
A.J. Beirens
What sort of a god are you, my Lord? Your punishments seem barbaric to me. Either that or we are more god-like and you’re merely human-like.
Darwin is my copilot.
T. Rafael Cimino
Life operates exactly like the Star Wars prequels. It’s boring, bloated, painful when it shouldn’t be, and lacks a cohesive storyline. And ultimately, it only exists to boost the ego of its creator.
Jake Vander-Ark
The origin and the operation of the universe do not require any violations of the laws of physics.
Victor J. Stenger
Observations in cosmology look just as they can be expected to look if there is no God.
Victor J. Stenger
The "you only live once" theory: Many people say that they do not believe in reincarnation; they believe when you die, you're dead. What about fish, clams, horses, bears, flies? People that say you only live once are saying some souls get to live just one life as a worm, and that is it for all of eternity.Other people believe you are judged by a god after you die. Is the worm judged?
Michael Smith
As Nobel laureate physicist Frank Wilczek has put it, "The answer to the ancient question, 'Why is there something rather than nothing?' would then be that 'nothing' is unstable." ... In short, the natural state of affairs is something rather than nothing. An empty universe requires supernatural intervention--not a full one. Only by the constant action of an agent outside the universe, such as God, could a state of nothingness be maintained. The fact that we have something is just what we would expect if there is no God.
Victor J. Stenger
The transition of nothing-to-something is a natural one, not requiring any agent.
Victor J. Stenger
God does not exist, as neither does our hereafter, that second bogey being as easily disposed of as the first. Indeed, imagine yourself just dead—and suddenly wide awake in Paradise where, wreathed in smiles, your dear dead welcome you. Now tell me, please, what guarantee do you possess that those beloved ghosts are genuine; that it is really your dear dead mother and not some petty demon mystifying you, masked as your mother and impersonating her with consummate art and naturalness? There is the rub, there is the horror; the more so as the acting will go on and on, endlessly; never, never, never, never, never will your soul in that other world be quite sure that the sweet gentle spirits crowding about it are not fiends in disguise, and forever, and forever, and forever shall your soul remain in doubt, expecting every moment some awful change, some diabolical sneer to disfigure the dear face bending over you.
Vladimir Nabokov
The Bolsheviks killed their own most loyal supporters at Kronstadt in 1921, because they failed to understand that the revolution no longer required revolutionaries, but obedient servants.
Peter Hitchens
An atheist is a person who has nobody to blame when he screws up.
Fakeer Ishavardas
Only those who are brainwashed and foolsbelieve in the existence of a god.Those who are indifferent just pretend.
A.J. Beirens
I don’t think you can just choose to believe in God. You either do or you don’t, and no matter what camp you’re in, it would take something life-changing to truly lead you into the other one.
Paula Stokes
Our history, especially that of the great religions, Christianity in particular, has given us a "hidden prejudice" in favor of the "beyond" at the expense of the "here and now" and this must be changed.(quoted from The Age of Atheists" by Peter Watson, p 25)
Luc Ferry
Percy Bysshe Shelley
An atheist is someone who is certain that God does not exist, someone who has compelling evidence against the existence of God. I know of no such compelling evidence. Because God can be relegated to remote times and places and to uptime causes, we would have to know a great deal more about the Universe than we do now to be sure that no such God exists. To be certain of the existence of God and you be certain of the nonexistence of God seem to me to be the confident extremes in a subject so riddled with doubt and uncertainty as to inspire very little confidence indeed.
Carl Sagan
God is not here, Hannah said to herself; and made a small cross upon her breastbone, against her blasphemy.
James Agee
God is a hoax.Religion is a scam.Religious politics is a slaughter house.
The keystone… some have called God, some Brahma, some Zeus… some even IAO… but in truth, O seeker, it is Thy-SELF.
Aleister Crowley
God never wrought miracle to convince atheism, because his ordinary works convince it. It is true, that a little philosophy inclineth man’s mind to atheism; but depth in philosophy bringeth men’s minds about to religion.
Francis Bacon
Atheism is the philosophical equivalent of a fish denying the existence of land because he lacks the means to experience it.
J.Adam Snyder
Doing good for the sake of a heavenly reward is not an act of good, but a business transaction.
J.Adam Snyder
Religious bondage shackles and debilitates the mind, and unfits it for every noble enterprise, every expanded pro
James Madison
The act of sex is healthy, normal, God-given. It's the emotions and entitlement that everyone attaches to it that is harmful.
Alessandra Torre
But somewhere before the Renaissance they realized that it was impossible to live without love. Thus they created a new strand. The first of the synthetic emotions to ever be created. It opened up the possibility to recreate anything, including forging creation. We were on the path to becoming plastic gods.
Dimitri Zaik
Spirituality can exist only in a pure heart.
Sangita Pareek
True emotions yearn for genre love of God
Sunday Adelaja
Joy, like love, is an impenetrable, God-given state of being. The distinctions between joy and happiness and love and affection are important ones under the notion that happiness is an 'iffy' emotion, a highly dependent feeling both aroused and destroyed by external conditions apart from God. And the distinction between love and affection is parallel to such.
Criss Jami
Every time the sky cries, it is because an angel has died... Lucifer started a war in Heaven, and it persists even now. So if God cannot keep his angels under control, what makes you believe that he can keep humanity under control?
Lionel Suggs
I know human nature. We might sacrifice a few, because we are stupid and hardwired for group survival. But we would never die in the thousands because a god wished it. Those kinds of numbers require material gains, like power, wealth, territory.
Ilona Andrews
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