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Sinners with broken and contrite hearts have but one desire. Filled with thanksgiving, they want to love Him who loved them so much. They are so overwhelmed that He has borne their sins and carried them away. When we receive forgiveness, our hearts are so filled with joy that we cannot help but love Him with a lavish love. We cannot help but give our lives to Him who gave His life for us and set us free from the prison of sin. We cannot stop thanking Him, and so we do everything possible to bring Him joy and to bestow our gifts upon Him, serving Him with all our talents and strength. And this is what heaven is all about: centering upon Jesus and loving Him above all else.
M. Basilea Schlink
He has been waiting for us, waiting in vain, and His fatherly heart was filled with grief. When He then sought to call us home through chastenings, we rebelled against Him and His actions and again refused to come home to the Father. What else should He do with us?
M. Basilea Schlink
With the word "Repent" He was beckoning to us as the Savior, offering us His love and salvation. But behind this word we can also see the grief of God that His children have turned away from Him.
M. Basilea Schlink
Is it not shameful to accept God's blessings as though they were our due without thinking of the heart of the Giver, who planned them all in love for us, and giving Him the response of love and gratitude?
M. Basilea Schlink
Our repentance should begin with the fact that we have no longer taken the Word of God seriously and have not come to repentance. We dared to use our own standards and were satisfied when we lived up to them. We are like the Pharisees.Outwardly we participate in Christian activities, perhaps even enthusiastically...And we think that this is enough. We use our own yardstick.But God will measure our lives according to His standards, and we shall have no excuse when we appear before His judgment seat, for He has clearly proclaimed His standards in His Word.
M. Basilea Schlink
How quick we are to reject what others tell us! How fast we are to cast the blame on others, saying they always criticize us and find fault with us, they are not satisfied with anything we do, they do not understand us.But if we cannot accept anything others tell us, we are proud. The humble want to hear what others tell them. They have the courage to hear the truth about themselves and to admit that they need to change. Whether it is a small matter or a big matter, they say, "Yes, it is true. I need to turn over a new leaf.
M. Basilea Schlink
Our objections - whether they be theological or psychological - usually have but one root: It is pride that makes us reject the message of repentance.For repentance means humbling ourselves before God and man, changing our ways and making amends. In doing so, we admit that our former ways were wrong, and that is humbling.No other sin is so firmly ingrained in our hears as pride, especially in the hearts of those who acknowledge Jesus as their Savior.
M. Basilea Schlink
People say, "How can God let that happen? How can God remain silent about all the wicked things that happen on earth, about all the terrible crimes that are committed?" And here again self-righteousness makes us blind and deaf.We no longer perceive how God speaks in judgment through wars and all the other troubles in the world. Yes, He is speaking powerfully. Such judgments are His last attempt to win us back in love.
M. Basilea Schlink
God keeps us in perfect peace when we rely on Him and are firm in the spirit
Sunday Adelaja
To live in peace and righteousness is to be restored to God’s dominion
Sunday Adelaja
Dear God, I ask that today and every day that follows you wash any anger from my heart. I desperately want to look at the world differently. Please help me understand that this anger is hurting me more than anyone else. Teach me to find love in every situation and then to find peace in my heart for the rest of my life. In Jesus’s name, amen.
Ron Baratono
God's creation is absolute amazing.He is the great God of wonders.
Lailah Gifty Akita
First, the wind would rumble in the distance like an approaching river, then he would see grass bend, pressed by a great invisible hand. The dull rumble would rise in pitch to a swishing, lashing exultation, causing stalks to lie flat against the ground while the tougher branches of shrubs held themselves up and shrieked their defiance in the gusts. Then the first drops, cold and heavy, would plummet from the sky and burst on the ground.
Jonathan Renshaw
By the power of God, everything came into existence.
Lailah Gifty Akita
The love of nature is the love for the Creator.
Lailah Gifty Akita
God is constantly Creating, Experiencing, Witnessing, De-constructing, and Expanding. God is everything and everyone – that’s the realm where we don’t exist at all. That’s the realm where there’s none, but One
Manprit Kaur
When I see a garden in flower, then I believe in God for a second. But not the rest of the time
Svetlana Alexievich
The love for God is the love to protect the environment.
Lailah Gifty Akita
A walk in nature is connection with the Creator.
Lailah Gifty Akita
I don't have any idea of who or what God is. But I do believe in some great spiritual power. I feel it particularly when I'm out in nature. It's just something that's bigger and stronger than what I am or what anybody is. I feel it. And it's enough for me.
Jane Goodall
There is divinity in the clouds.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Disobey God and you are forgiven. Disobey Nature and you get disease.
Nancy S. Mure
The nearest thing we have to a defence against [the gods] (but there is no real defence) is to be very wide awake and sober and hard at work, to hear no music, never to look at earth or sky, and (above all) to love no one.
C.S. Lewis
ENDURANCEI don't know you,But I love you,Just as God loves me and you.The sun and the moonAre opposing forces,But they still greet each other,Peacefully,As one awakens in the morning,Just as the other goes to sleep.Life has pounded me downAnd thrashed me around,Time and time again,But I always get right back up,Because I still love life -Just as the earth still lovesThe rain.
Suzy Kassem
God writes love and speaks poetry.
Criss Jami
If God were mortal and had but one life to give, he would have been more careful about how he created the world.
A.E. Samaan
Do you know how I picture God myself?" he said. "As an enormous, creative organ beyond our ken, who scatters millions of worlds into space, just as one single fish would deposit its spawn in the sea. He creates because it is His function as God to do so, but He does not know what He is doing and is stupidly prolific in His work and is ignorant of the combinations of all kinds which are produced by His scattered germs.
Guy de Maupassant
Yes, but I say that Nature is our enemy, that we must always fight against Nature, for she is continually bringing us back to an animal state. You may be sure that God has not put anything on this earth that is clean, pretty, elegant or accessory to our ideal; the human brain has done it.
Guy de Maupassant
The desert lay in wait, more infinite than God, no less remote.
Debora Greger
One time, when I was little more than a baby, I was taken to visit my grandmother, who was living in a cottage on a nearly uninhabited stretch of beach in northern Florida. All I remember of this visit is being picked up from my crib in what seemed the middle of the night and carried from my bedroom and out of doors, where I had my first look at the stars. “It must have been an unusually clear and beautiful night for someone to have said, “Let’s wake the baby and show her the stars.” The night sky, the constant rolling of the breakers against the shore, the stupendous light of the stars, all made an indelible impression on me. I was intuitively aware not only of a beauty I had never seen before but also that the world was far greater than the protected limits of the small child’s world which was all I had known thus far. I had a total, if not very conscious, moment of revelation: I saw creation bursting the bounds of daily restriction, and stretching out from dimension to dimension, beyond any human comprehension. I had been taught to say my prayers at night: Our Father, and a long string of God-blesses, and it was that first showing of the galaxies which gave me an awareness that the God I spoke to at bedtime was extraordinary and not just a bigger and better combination of the grownup powers of my father and mother. This early experience was freeing, rather than daunting, and since it was the first, it has been the foundation for all other such glimpses of glory. (The Irrational Season)
Madeline L'engle
Education will teach you ephemeral things. God will teach you wonders.
Michael Bassey Johnson
We have yet to encounter an observable astronomical phenomenon that require a supernatural element to be added to a model in order to describe the even...Observations in cosmology look just as they can be expected to look if there is no God.
Victor J. Stenger
Rather than being handed down from above, like the Ten Commandments, they [the laws of physics] look exactly as they should look if they were not handed down from anywhere...they follow from the very lack of structure at the earliest moment.
Victor J. Stenger
Although the gods were in the distant skies,Pythagoras drew near them with his mind;what nature had denied to human sight,he saw with his intellect, his mental eye.When he, with reason and tenacious care,had probed all things, he taught-- to those who gatheredin silence and amazement-- what he'd learnedof the beginnings of the universe,of what caused things to happen, and what istheir nature: what god is, whence come the snows,what is the origin of lightning bolts--whether it is the thundering winds or Jovethat cleave the cloudbanks-- and what is the cause of earthquakes, and what laws control the courseof stars: in sum, whatever had been hid,Pythagoras revealed.
...there is something which impresses the mind with awe in the shade and silence of these vast forests. In the deep solitude, alone with nature, we converse with God.
Thaddeus Mason Harris
...is not Nature, rightly read, that of which she is commonly taken to be the symbol merely?
Henry David Thoreau
Most of those who have written about the Affects, and men’s way of living, seem to treat, not of natural things, which follow the common laws of nature, but of things that are outside nature. Indeed they seem to conceive man in nature as a dominion within a dominion. For they believe that man disturbs, rather than follows, the order of nature, that he has absolute power over his actions, and that he is determined only by himself.
Baruch Spinoza
I shall treat the nature and power of the Affects, and the power of the Mind over them, by the same Method by which, in the preceding parts, I treated God and the Mind, and I shall consider human actions and appetites just as if it were a Question of lines, planes, and bodies.
Baruch Spinoza
What are the temples which Roman robbers have reared, - what are the towers in which feudal oppression has fortified itself...to the deep forests which the eye of God has alone pervaded, and where Nature, in her unviolated sanctuary, has for ages laid her fruits and flowers on His altar! What is the echo of roofs...or or aisles that pealed the anthems of painted pomp, to the silence that has reigned in these dim groves since the first fiat of Creation was spoken.
Charles Fenno Hoffman
The Bible consistently and directly indicates that when we give generously, we're serving, honoring, and glorifying God. After all, generosity is fundamental to God's nature.
Craig Groeschel
To reciprocate God’s love is to have the nature of love
Sunday Adelaja
Love is the nature of who God is
Sunday Adelaja
Let your teaching reveal the nature of the kingdom of God
Sunday Adelaja
There is a god in man, and in nature. He, who sits in the dark, is the bringer of light. This beauty, the sign of an open eye.
One good, compassionate and caring Self is a thousand times greater than all the fanciful, imaginary supernatural entities in the world.
Abhijit Naskar
Don't become so materialistic and mechanized that one day you stop believing in God's created nature and the natural beauty,Enjoy god gifted natural beauty to the fullest as you have only one LIFE!!!
Santosh Adbhut Kumar
If in the place of God we write “Reality”, “Nature”, “Unknowable”, or “Zero”, it matters not one whit; the equation is just as obscure; for all we have done is to replace a by b, c, d, or e, not knowing what these letters mean. The symbol has changed, but what it symbolizes remains as inscrutable.
J.F.C. Fuller
We are all like cells within the body of the Universe/ God—as are plants, animals, air, natural resources and everything down to a subatomic level. Like cells in a body, these expressions grow, create, divide, destroy, die and are reabsorbed into the Universe/God to create again.
Russell Anthony Gibbs
..So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. 1 Corinthians 3:7
Lailah Gifty Akita
God is not some lesser employee, as many try to make Him out to be: rather He is the ultimate Treasure. He works in a man; He works on a man; He works through a man; He works around a man. Know that He does far more than simply work for a man. And yet, even as He Himself needs no one else, everyone else is ever in need of Him.
Criss Jami
My worth is not based on the ‘work of my hands’ despite how feverishly I might work and how audaciously successful I might be. Rather, my worth is based exclusively on the astonishing fact that I am the ‘work of God’s hands.
Craig D. Lounsbrough
Rather than worrying about work, schedules, and deadlines, I felt at peace with God. He was in control. The world at large would not crumble because I turned off my iPhone. This is how it's supposed to be. For the first time in who knows how long, I felt like myself. Fully alive. Fully present. And fully aware of God's goodness.
Craig Groeschel
God can only work through those who have totally identified themselves with His will and purpose
Sunday Adelaja
There is always more we can do in ministry, but God is not asking 'Can you do more?'. He is asking 'Do you love me?' Some of those extras are not always as vital as we think them to be.
Christopher Ash
To be diligent means to be serious and devoted to the work of God
Sunday Adelaja
God always estimates how diligent a person is to his work.
Sunday Adelaja
If you desire to be rich with joy, you have to be truly dedicated to God and His work
Sunday Adelaja
Living in God’s righteousness and conducting your work according to God’s golden principles will undoubtedly lead any born again Christian to incredible success
Sunday Adelaja
If we do not desire to work in order to receive these things, God will be powerless to help us
Sunday Adelaja
We limit ourselves and God who wants to work through us
Sunday Adelaja
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