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Grains of sand will only flow with the winds, Kenton, never against them.
Brandon Sanderson
Friendship's like a relationship between friends.
kevin mcpherson eckhoff
Your judgments about another person say more about your own character than the character of the person you are pointing a finger at.This is the key and one of the most fundamental insights about the ‘red flags’ that we often dismiss regarding the people in our lives. If someone complains a lot to you about other people, guess what? That is part of their current character. And, as quickly as the tide changes, you can just as easily become the person they target and criticize, point fingers at, and negatively judge. Forever and always, until vibrations are raised, this will be the cycle of the relationship. So, it’s your choice to continue to engage in the cycle with them, or to move on.There are plenty of people who do not criticize, point fingers, or judge. THIS is the kind of character we want to foster within ourselves. THIS is the character of the kind of people we DO want to develop close relationships with.
Alaric Hutchinson
Am I a friend or a prospect? Imagine how much kinder life would be if people put as much effort into befriending others instead of trying to sell them something.
Donna Lynn Hope
I'll put it on my table where I keep my drawings," Hassan said.His saying that made me kind of sad. Sad for who Hassan was, where he lived. For how he'd accepted the fact that he'd grow old in that mud shack in the yard, the way his father had.
Khaled Hosseini
The stares were annoying, but I knew they didn’t mean any harm. So, every morning, smiling at them became part of my routine, too.
Sarah Todd Hammer
There is now a distance,pressing quite persistent,May be only inches apart,but as if an artery is blocked.There now seem some secrets,a word which was earlier so needless.May be they now laugh so less,and even in summers,the air between them feels dense.Who connects? Who neglects?Barely matters when you are no more friends.
Jasleen Kaur Gumber
One did not fully exist without the other.
Kate Mildenhall
A spiritual connection with someone lasts forever, even when physical presence fades.
Danielle Barone
We all used to try so hard to fit in. We wanted to look exactly alike, do all the same things, practically be the same person, but when we weren't looking that all changed....what the summer actually brought was independence from each other.
Now and Then
It is easy to make friends.But, it is tough to honor that friendship with'em.If you find those people,hold on to them.If you don't,move on.
Sachin Panwar
A Company of a good friend is worth thousand people around you or else you are Gathering a Crowd
irrfan ishaq
I cannot even imagine where I would be today were it not for that handful of friends who have given me so much of themselves, helped me find so much of me, and always been there to support when I needed it most. #BandOfBrothers.
Ted Rubin
Look at your own behaviors and ask yourself, “Would I want to be my friend???
Ted Rubin
REAL trumps PERFECT... because REAL creates TRUST.
Ted Rubin
Listen for “Moments” — and Make it Personal
Ted Rubin
It's about "Moments," not Milestones.
Ted Rubin
If you are only focused on the Money... You risk completely overlooking the People.
Ted Rubin
He doesn’t understand why Harry is doing this to him, why Harry is trying to pull him apart. He doesn’t understand how Harry has seen past his carefully crafted display. Louis has got smoke and mirrors down to a science, he knows how to deflect and he knows how to act and he’s managed to keep people at arms length so nobody would ever question how the magic works. He’s got his relationship with Zayn and Liam down to an art, how to give enough so that he doesn’t have to lie to them, but able to keep them from knowing how close he is to the edge. Yet here is Harry, ready to unravel everything Louis has sewn together.
Where a man cannot fitly play his own part; if he have not a friend, he may quit the stage.
Francis Bacon
I envy the tireless intimacy of women’s friendship, its lastingness, and its unbendable strength.
Pat Conroy
Another thing about Oscar is that he wasn’t afraid of anyone. And he always made up his own mind, no matter what other people said. They’re two of the best things I remember about him now.He wasn’t just my friend. He was kind of magic. I can’t really explain it better than that. He was honest and he was decent and he was always cheerful. And evem though his brother Stevie had to use a wheelchair, it wasn’t a problem the way people usually think it is, because Oscar always made sure that every door was opened and every stairway had a ramp, and every train station had the right access so he could get it. He used to say that if the world was designed properly, the whole population would be flying around the place in wheelchairs. And when he said that, Stevie used to laugh.
Sarah Moore Fitzgerald
Something good happens to you, and you let off a different energy that attracts other good things.
Candace Bushnell
Only trials can bring you triumph and only obstacles can bring you miracle.
Patience Johnson
You are knocked down? Get up and move on....
Patience Johnson
What happens to you when you are not enough for yourself? The day that you will know that the second name of this world is trouble? The day that you will understand that salvation does not eliminate trials? The fact that you are baptised by the holy ghost does not send the devil to hell fire?Jesus didn't say kill the devil, He said cast him out. You may cast Him out from Germany, he may land in the United Kingdom. ..he is still there.Just bear in mind that heaven and earth may pass away but God and His words still remain the same.
Patience Johnson
God is looking for a willing heart. He is searching for few like Easther....who will say if I perish I perish! God is looking for peopke like Ruth....your God shall be my God and your people shall be my people. With just 3 He can do more than with the crowd.God does not use all to win all.
Patience Johnson
How do you feel when you want to stand and you see yourself on the floor?Sometimes what God will ask you to do will knock you down.What do you do when God says rise and He pushes you down?How do you feel when very many will become I alone? How do you feel when all the people you told your secrets sale you out?How do you feel when your confidant becomes your betrayal?How do you feel when the person you thought will push you forward told you, I know you will fail?Do you still remember that the bible says that not even a hair will pull of you without being noticed by God? Have you not heard that the steps of a righteous man are ordered by God?How do you handle disappointments?In every situation you find yourself, give God the glory.
Patience Johnson
Are you using your time to time God or you are working on God's timing? Don't ask God for the gift of Patience and you tell him you need it now. (A bit deep)
Patience Johnson
You may wonder how I managed to make these friends. Well, I will tell you. Making friends is actually not that hard when you drop every single one of your standards.
Leila Sales
Thorns may hurt you, men desert you, sunlight turn to fog;but you're never friendless ever, if you have a dog.
Douglas Malloch
Dont waste time to hate fake people, they dont deserve to be a part of your memory...chill n get boozed in the joy of having good 1s "Happy Friendship Day"..
After so many years drifting, not connected to anything, I'm finally tethered. Safe and loved, in the middle.We start senior year like kings, like nothing can ever tear us apart.We're wrong.
Abigail Haas
And I decided it really was true after all. You only really need two people to believe in the same thing, to feel as though you just might belong.
Joanna Cannon
If I had to choose a companion to be at the return of eternal darkness with, I'd choose you.'No offence, but I'd choose someone massive and really good at magic.
J.K. Rowling
A friendship like theirs was hard to come by, and when such a thing is found, it is often even harder to hold on to.But, as so few come to learn, absence does indeed make the heart grow fonder.
Ross Turner
I think of the note.I want to say me too.I want to say I know.I want to say I can read the gaps in your sentences. I can read the space between your letters. I know your language. It’s my language too.I want to say that.
Maria Dahvana Headley
With determination, it is possible to block out the negative things and enjoy the positive ones, despite the cons. Most importantly, it is possible to dance through everything pernicious.
Sarah Todd Hammer
Among the worst things about growing old is the loss of those irreplaceable friends who added richness and depth to your life.
Pat Conroy
You were the best part of my life; I do not regret making friends with you…I will wait for you till the end of my life…This time I won’t force you to come near me, take yourown time.If you feel you can return me my best friend, just typeme a small – Hi… or GM or GN… I won’t force you totype the complete words, as I don’t want to waste your timefor me…I Love You (As a best friend).Missing you very badly…Waiting for my Sid…
Deepak Ranjan
Herman Melville came to see me at the Consulate, looking much as he used to do (a little paler, and perhaps a little sadder), in a rough outside coat, and with his characteristic gravity and reserve of manner.... [W]e soon found ourselves on pretty much our former terms of sociability and confidence. Melville has not been well, of late; ... and no doubt has suffered from too constant literary occupation, pursued without much success, latterly; and his writings, for a long while past, have indicated a morbid state of mind.... Melville, as he always does, began to reason of Providence and futurity, and of everything that lies beyond human ken, and informed me that he had "pretty much made up his mind to be annihilated"; but still he does not seem to rest in that anticipation; and, I think, will never rest until he gets hold of a definite belief. It is strange how he persists -- and has persisted ever since I knew him, and probably long before -- in wondering to-and-fro over these deserts, as dismal and monotonous as the sand hills amid which we were sitting. He can neither believe, nor be comfortable in his unbelief; and he is too honest and courageous not to try to do one or the other. If he were a religious man, he would be one of the most truly religious and reverential; he has a very high and noble nature, and better worth immortality than most of us.[after what would be their last meeting]
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Jackie.''Mm.''Thank you for keeping me company in my nightmare.'Jackie grinned at her,'Nah, it's our nightmare now.
Joseph Fink
I can’t pray or weigh my words right; doomsday is here my friend, but you’re immune. We sufferfor you. I’m weaving crowns of sonnets, dreads;a souvenir so you’ll never forget your friends.
Jalina Mhyana
Lately, he had been wondering if codependence was such a bad thing. He took pleasure in his friendships, and it didn’t hurt anyone, so who cared if it was codependent or not? And anyway, how was a friendship any more codependent than a relationship? Why was it admirable when you were twenty-seven but creepy when you were thirty-seven? Why wasn’t friendship as good as a relationship? Why wasn’t it even better? It was two people who remained together, day after day, bound not by sex or physical attraction or money or children or property, but only by the shared agreement to keep going, the mutual dedication to a union that could never be codified. Friendship was witnessing another’s slow drip of miseries, and long bouts of boredom, and occasional triumphs. It was feeling honoured by the privilege of getting to be present for another person’s most dismal moments, and knowing that you could be dismal around him in return.
Hanya Yanagihara
Just as we can’t fully explain what is beautiful, so we can’t fully explain why we are friends with someone in a way that will make the grounds of our attraction obvious to another — and even to ourselves. Our efforts always leave something out. And it is what is always left out that we try to gesture toward when we say that it is not something ABOUT our friends that we love but our friends THEMSELVES. But the self that we love is always just one one step behind whatever we can actually articulate. And so we are faced with a choice between saying something that seems informative but is never enough of an explanation ('loyal, practical, unworldly and so on') and saying something else that seems like an explanation but is completely uninformative ('the individual, in the uniqueness and integrity of his or her individuality').
Alexander Nehamas
I use your love as a man burns a candle, burns it away, to light his steps.
Ursula K Le Guin
Your body can be in captivity, your life can be in captivity, but there is only one thing you should not allow to be in captivity; that is your soul.
Patience Johnson
Slavery of the soul is worst than the slavery of the flesh.....
Patience Johnson
Where you are running to is not the answer, who is with you is the power.
Patience Johnson
Do you want to grow spiritually? Build better relationships? Succeed in your career? Conquer anxiety and find peace? Break a bad habit? Be healed from the emotional wounds of your past? Then meditate on, ponder, think about, practise mentally, and verbalise the Word of God. Instead of living off someone else’s spiritual insight, study God’s Word for yourself and allow the Holy Spirit to bless you with life-transforming insights. Jesus said, ‘The Spirit takes my message and tells it to you’ (John 16:15). And you’ll experience the truth of those words when you personalise the Scripture you’re reading.
Patience Johnson
Romans 12:2What is the difference between a person born with a silver spoon that later eat with the pig and someone born among the pigs without a silver spoon in his mouth and later eat with a golden spoon? One must have changed his mind. If you can renew your mind, you can change your destiny.
Patience Johnson
Your Skin is not a deprivation, your life is not a defeat, the fact that you call yourself black does not mean that your eyes, soul and brain are black try to whiten yourself. If they blackmail you, whitemail yourself.Don't allow people's opinion to pin you down. Build yourself above the standard of slavery.
Patience Johnson
The Greek word for ‘self-control’ comes from a root word meaning ‘to grip’. It calls for getting a grip on your spending so that you don’t go into debt for things you don’t need and can’t pay for. It calls for getting a grip on your temper and not saying things you’ll later regret: ‘Better … a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city’ (Proverbs 16:32 NIV 1984 Edition). It calls for getting a grip on your desires. If Joseph had failed to say no to the repeated advances of his boss’ wife, he’d never have seen his life’s dream fulfilled and sat on the throne of Egypt. Understand this: Satan has discerned your destiny and he’s out to stop you from reaching it. So pray for self-control, and practise it on a daily basis.
Patience Johnson
There’s an interesting story about Abraham Lincoln. During the American Civil War he signed an order transferring certain regiments, but Secretary of War Edwin Stanton refused to execute it, calling the president a fool. When Lincoln heard he replied, ‘If Stanton said I’m a fool then I must be, for he’s nearly always right, and he says what he thinks. I’ll step over and see for myself.’ He did, and when Stanton convinced him the order was in error, Lincoln quietly withdrew it. Part of Lincoln’s greatness lay in his ability to rise above pettiness, ego, and sensitivity to other people’s opinions. He wasn’t easily offended. He welcomed criticism, and in doing so demonstrated one of the strengths of a truly great person: humility. So, have you been criticised? Make it a time to learn, not lose.
Patience Johnson
They terminate your job? Employ yourself. They retire you? Refire yourself.
Patience Johnson
When you are busy doing something for God, God will also be busy doing something for you.
Patience Johnson
Do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires.’Romans 6:12Self-control is one of the great keys to success in life. And since God’s Word has a lot to say about it, if you ask Him He will help you to cultivate it. What you struggled with when you were young will be different from the things you struggle with when you’re older, but you’ll face temptation in one form or another as long as you live. Self-control is one of the nine fruits of the Spirit listed in the Bible (see Galatians 5:22-23). It calls for bringing every aspect of your life under the mastery of the Holy Spirit. It’s a lifestyle characterised by discipline, not impulse.
Patience Johnson
How do we know those who are on the Lord's side?My answer: when things happened adversarily, those who stand by God becomes Testifiers.I testify that the Lord is good, I don't know about you.
Patience Johnson
The people that God will bless the most are those who stayed with God. You do not work with walmart and expect Microsoft to pay you.
Patience Johnson
Only in christanity that people that fall remain on the ground. When boxers are knocked down they refuse to remain on the ground or to accept a knock out. Even when they are bleeding with swollen faces, they still get up to fight but in Christianity even a push, not even a blow, Boxers gets up, wrestlers jumps up, Christians lie down.Do you know why? They do not fight a good fight, they expect to lose before they enter the ring. Every good fighter is an enduring person, they do excercise and training, they learn the act of endurance. You can't be a good Christian without an amour which is the word of God.
Patience Johnson
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