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Make your decisions like a rock & live your life like a flow of water
Arlin Sailesh Kapadia
Grateful attitude,Thank God for one specific thing daily and write it in a journal. You will be amazed at abundance of blessings which will flow in your life.
Lailah Gifty Akita
be the calm eye of the storm where nothing phases you, focus on your centre to remain balanced, let your life flow like a stream of wind
Jay Woodman
I flow like a butter in the nailed pan I stole. I also kept the nail, to polish and use as a means of teleportation.
Will Advise
Listen to what you have written. A dud rhythm in a passage of dialogue may show that you don't yet understand the characters well enough to write in their vo
Helen Dunmore
Love is like the sea. The waves of life, they ebb and flow; they come and go. Time sweeps us away from each other. Love always brings us back.
Kate McGahan
Water flows, but never changes. It's always H2O.
Ljupka Cvetanova
To experience more synchronicity and 'coincidences' we need to listen and be aware of the world around us and also our intuition.That's how the universe speaks to itself, it's an ongoing flow of information that comes from both the outside and from within.Pay attention to how the universe speaks to you today and participate in the flow by being attentive and by listening to your inner voice.
Maria Erving
You must learn that nobody can control everything in the flow of life,” said Dart. “Control is something we all strive for—but you will find, as you become more experienced with magic, that you gain more control over yourself by releasing your need to control life.
A. Grace Martin
I saw with my eyes people with and without purpose, people with the purpose know where they are going and the others follow the flow!?
Deyth Banger
Happiness is achieved by flowing with the known and the unknown within you, being in a state of simplified simplicity.
Pablo Andrés Wunderlich Padilla
Anytime that you look up to the clear sky and see colors in it, you should be suspecting that you are looking at a flow of energy through the sky that is causing a gas to glow.
Steven Magee
Nothing that is good can become stuck – and if it is stuck, it can’t be any good!
Silvia Hartmann
Few would argue that a simpler consciousness, no matter how harmonious, is preferable to a more complex one. While we might admire the serenity of the lion in repose, the tribesman’s untroubled acceptance of his fate, or the child’s wholehearted involvement in the present, they cannot offer a model for resolving our predicament. The order based on innocence is now beyond our grasp. Once the fruit is plucked from the tree of knowledge, the way back to Eden is barred forever.
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Control what you can, but flow with what you can’t.
Alan Cohen
the best ideas flow at night
Jaime Tenorio Valenzuela
Selfishness Stops The Flow Of Blessings To You and Others
Brenda Johnson Padgitt
One source of frustration in the workplace is the frequent mismatch between what people must do and whatpeople can do. When what they must do exceeds their capabilities, the result is anxiety. When what they must do falls short of their capabilities,the result is boredom. But when thematch is just right, the results can be glorious. This is the essence of flow.
Daniel H. Pink
Our prayers for others flow more easily than those for ourselves. This shows we are made to live by charity.
C.S. Lewis
However, by Sunday noon--not coincidentally, the unhappiest hour in America--you may have run through your options and wind up slumped on a couch, suffering from the Sabbath existential crisis. It's at just such unfocused, unproductive times, says Csikszentmihalyi, that "people start ruminating and feeling that their lives are wasted and so forth.
Winifred Gallagher
There's a hum that happens inside my head when I hit a certain writing rhythm, a certain speed. When laying track goes from feeling like climbing a mountain on my hands and knees to feeling like flying effortlessly through the air. Like breaking the sound barrier. everything inside me just shifts. I break the writing barrier. And the feeling of laying track changes, transforms, shifts from exertion into exultation.
Shonda Rhimes
Life itself is the best (and the only) timekeeper.
Rasheed Ogunlaru
All you have to do is wait. Sit tight and wait for the right moment. Not try to change anything by force, just watch the drift of things. Make an effort to cast a fair eye on everything. If you do that, you just naturally know what to do. But everyone's always too busy. They're too talented, their schedules are too full. They're too interested in themselves to think about what's fair.
Haruki Murakami
Life is a dance between heaven and earth, the ebb and flow of life.
Maurice Spees
Perfection is an illusion. Allow yourself room to make mistakes and permission to be happy regardless of outcome.
Dawn Gluskin
In life one has a choice to take one of two paths: to wait for some special day - or to celebrate each special day.
Rasheed Ogunlaru
When your heart aligns with the truth of its energy, GRATITUDE sings your name, LOVE flows freely, and every bit of your being is awakened, breathing and moving in perfect HARMONY.
Angie karan
The universe is continuously creating, maintaining and destroying to create, maintain and destroy!!!! Be with the flow, know what you have to continuously create, maintain and then destroy!!!!
Harrish Sairaman
Whatever you do, it will be a path. Life does not work like a light switch - on/off, fat/skinny, miserable/happy, crazy/sane. All things take time, patience, and practice. Anyone who tells you different is profiting off your fearful ignorance of the truth.
Vironika Tugaleva
let my heart always belike it is...this very momentready to explode...with lovea violent rainstorm...with no streamno ocean vast enoughto flow into.
Sanober Khan
The more you keep your door closed, the more you will rot! Open your door! Let different ideas, different beliefs, different cultures and different attitudes flow into your mind. Anything different will help you to enlarge your little world! By opening your door, you invite the whole universe to your tiny house! Enlarge your house and enrich yourself! As long as your door remains closed, you shall continue rotting in your poor world!
Mehmet Murat ildan
Peace is life. Love is life. No river holds a grudge against a rock in its path. No leaf refuses to blow in the breeze. No plant denies water or sunshine. We, as human beings, have the gift of self-awareness, but this gift quickly turns to self-destruction if we do not learn to use it. We must learn to turn our minds towards the peace and love that we are flowing within at any given moment. This is the key to serenity. This is The Love Mindset.
Vironika Tugaleva
I am.I always was.I always am.I shall always be.The past and the futuremeet in the eternal now.I am the eternal now.I exist. I am.I am in the past.I am in the future.I am in the now.One is all, and all are one.We are one.Everything I see is a part of myself.Everything I can imagine is a part of myself.I could not imagine somethingthat is not. Everyone I interact withis a part of myself.Whatever I put out, I get it back.My state of being matters,it crystallises in my circumstances.The way I respond to my circumstancesreinforces my state of being.When I see an echo of an old beliefI respond with peace in my heart.My actions are matched with the highest version of myself I can imagine in that moment.Everything changes,and everything transformsfrom one form of life to yet another.It is a constant flow of life.It is the heart of all existence.Nothing can perish,nothing can cease being.I am always new.I am always history free.I am always consequence free.Yet I can create an illusion of consequence.Everything is possible,yet not everything is probable.It all depends on my synchronicity.What I choose to exploreshall present itself to me.What I believe to be true, is true.All illusions are made out of different beliefs.Yet there is only one knowledge.It is the wisdom of old, yet new.The thought gains the power,when it merges with the feeling.I feel what I desire.I always receive what I ask for.I always manifest instantly with no effort.My wisdom is to be aware of what I request.So it be.So it is.I ask for love,and I welcome bliss.
Raphael Zernoff
无惧无急 (The fearless do not hurry.)
Eric Micha'el Leventhal
Each one of you carries the potential to blossom like flowers. When you blossom, petals of your mind open and the fragrance spread far and near.
Banani Ray
When you go against the flow of nature and betray the spiritual laws existing within, there will always be a negative reaction.
Suzy Kassem
Ji Wenzi always thought thrice before acting. Hearing this the Master said, "Twice is enough.
If we do not judge flow of life by the limited human understanding, we will flow through life calmly and effortlessly.
Aditya Ajmera
Then she said a good ruler has to learn his world’s language, that it’s different for every world. And I thought she meant they didn’t speak Galach on Arrakis, but she said that wasn’t it at all. She said she meant the language of the rocks and growing things, the language you don’t hear just with your ears. And I said that’s what Dr. Yueh calls the Mystery of Life.” Hawat chuckled. “How’d that sit with her?” “I think she got mad. She said the mystery of life isn’t a problem to solve, but a reality to experience. So I quoted the First Law of Mentat at her: 'A process cannot be understood by stopping it. Understanding must move with the flow of the process, must join it and flow with it.
Frank Herbert
Love is stronger than both fear and hope - if you can love the natural beauty around you, the amazing gifts and skills we have, the fact that you are alive to experience life, each moment that you have, and love yourself and those around you just as they are, then there is no need to be owned by fear, or even hope, you just live the best you can, being the truth of that love that you are being, representing the stream of consciousness experiencing itself, always knowing that you will someday return to it again, and flow as part of it infinitely on.
Jay Woodman
Your life has a natural motion. Surrendering reveals how flowing this life could be.
Kelly Martin
People will ask you the question 'how is life treating you?' But my question is 'how are you treating life?' On that your happiness rests
Rasheed Ogunlaru
There are ultimately two choices in life: to fight it or to embrace it. If you fight it you will lose - if you embrace it you become one with it and you'll be lived.
Rasheed Ogunlaru
The only river i would like to be drown is the river filled with the blood of Jesus.
Michael Bassey Johnson
Take the broken pieces of your life, bake a master cake out of it. Don't stand still like a lake; keep flowing like a stream!
Israelmore Ayivor
It’s ridiculous to repeat costly mistakes because you believe there is always a next chance. Mistakes may flow, but you have all it takes to close the canals they used!
Israelmore Ayivor
Time flows smoother when you are with people you love.
Charlotte Eriksson
Oil may run out, liquidity may dry up, but as long as ink flows freely, the next chapter of Life will continue to be written.
Alex Morritt
We keep moving. And as we do, the things around us, well, they disappear.
Haruki Murakami
After all those neurochemicals are drained out, it takes a while for them to replenish so on the back end of flow state...I can barely string sentences together. I become stupid.
Steven Kotler
I found myself tumbling down a 2000-foot face and my senses were so reduced. I couldn’t hear anything. It was totally peaceful. I was totally calm.
Travis Rice
You’ve heard poets talk about, poems flowing out of their bodies; painters, they get on a roll. You all have seen the musician, when they are in that state, the guitar, the piano, whatever instrument just becomes part of their body, their ego is completely gone and it is just their connection to the art, their connection to the emotions they are trying to share with the audience- that is pure flow.
Chase Jarvis
People who aren’t in that space will be like ‘So how was your trip?’ and you don’t even go into it. ‘I guess it was pretty good.’ And then you talk to other people who have been there and they know exactly why your eyes are glazed over.
Jimmy Chin
Decision is the wing that makes dreams to go and grow and flow and fly. No decision, no fulfilled destiny!
Israelmore Ayivor
A giver's purse can never be paused.
Michael Bassey Johnson
We have the greatest power through love that can be known. It overcomes everything with its fierce and steady truth, if you can continue to stand in it.You can call love to you, directly from the original stream of consciousness, anytime you feel weak or fearful, and you will be given strength and courage.You can call love to you, directly from the original stream of consciousness, anytime you feel sad or alone, and you will feel embraced and comforted.Call love to you if you feel vulnerable. Feel its purity come to you from the universe and flow round you like a miraculous mother cradling its innocent child.Breathe love in. Say to yourself as you breathe deeply “I love. I am loved.” Say it over and over as you breathe it into yourself and out to the universe, until you really feel and believe that you ARE LOVE.Feel love pour into your lungs as you breathe. Feel it circulate round your body to fill every organ, every limb, and every cell. Vibrate with its radiance, and share it.
Jay Woodman
In a relativistic universe you don't cling to anything, you learn to swim. And you know what swimming is - it's kind of a relaxed attitude with the water. In which you don't keep yourself afloat by holding the water, but by a certain giving to it.
Alan W. Watts
May what I do flow from me like a river, no forcing and no holding back, the way it is with children.
Rainer Maria Rilke
Spring time is nature at its best.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Spend more time doing things that make you forget about the time.
Charlotte Eriksson
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