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I never use hedge funds because I am well aware of what drives future performance, and hedge funds start out with a great disadvantage in every major category: taxes, fees, risk management, transparency and liquidity.
Peter Mallouk
The stock market cares about only one thing above all else: anticipated earnings. If companies make more money, their share prices eventually rise. The stock price is simply a reflection of a company's earning power. Everything else is noise.
Peter Mallouk
Rather than be fearful and sell out at the worst time or get greedy when the market is way up, investors should control their emotions and not only avoid panic, but embrace the market volatility for what it is: an opportunity and a gift. Suffocate the instincts that want to make you a bad investor and rather embrace the chaos that normally causes them to rise to the surface.
Peter Mallouk
Hello My BelovedDon't fail to see the light. Money, powers, fame, and wealthbecome your title in just a blink. If interested to join theilluminati brotherhood headquarters at (U.S.A) mail us(grandlodge008@gmail.com)For your online initiation. No matter where you are. No distancecan affect the work of our Baphomet.say yes to your dreams.Hail Baphomet...SIGNEDILLUMINATI OFFICIALSCOME AND LET'S MAKE YOU GREAT AND FAMOUS TO THE WORLD AT LARGE .....
Francis Mbasu
Gold belongs only in the portfolios of fearmongers and speculators. If you own gold in your portfolio, expect to not get paid an income, pay higher taxes on your returns, take a more volatile ride than the stock market, and get a long-term return lower than bonds.
Peter Mallouk
Financial illiteracy is like being in a rain storm and trying to jump in between the raindrops... eventually it all catches you at the same time.
Johnnie Dent Jr.
Cruelty links all three primitives [pleasure, pain, and desire]: Spinoza defines it as the desire to inflict pain on someone we love or pity. Financial speaking, cruelty is analogous to a convertible bond whose debt and equity depend on three economic underliers: the stock price, the level of interest rates, and the credit worthiness of the company's debt.
Emanuel Derman
There are no good or bad stocks. The company is either good or bad. Stocks are just stocks.
Kenneth L. Fisher
Everyday i meet with clients including widows and divorcees who have the same fears about money and it's my role to empower them, and women in general, to take control of their finances and create a plan.
Maili Wong
Creating a complete picture of a company financial health, by looking at periodic financial statements, is like turning a hamburger into a cow
Don Tapscott
Smart Risk will shatter the emotional myths to investing and help Canadians see the opportunities in today's volatile market.
Maili Wong
There is ample evidence that confirmation bias permeates throughout investors' decisions. For example, once an investor likes a stock, he is likely to seek out information that validates that stock. In a 2010 study, researchers showed that investors used message boards to seek out information that validated rather than challenged, stocks they owned (Park et al. 2010). If we own a stock, we tend to look for anything that validates our decision to buy it, and to reinforce why we should keep holding it.
Peter Mallouk
I make 2+2=5, and I get to keep the remaining 1 that’s not really there. I truly am a Master of the Universe. I don’t just do “God’s work,” as our CEO once put it, it’s more like I’ve actually become a god myself.
A.D. Aliwat
Being an investment banker is pretty much the perfect job for an all around triple-threat genius, and because I’m doing so well with it, I know I’m actually smarter than certifiable geniuses like Stephen Hawking and Einstein.
A.D. Aliwat
I try not to borrow, first you borrow then you beg.
Ernest Hemingway
The basic scam in the Internet age is pretty easy even for the financially illiterate to grasp. It was as if banks like Goldman were wrapping ribbons around watermelons, tossing them out fiftieth-story windows, and opening the phones for bids. In this game you were a winner only if you took your money out before the melon hit the pavement.
Matt Taibbi
If you owe ten pounds to the Bank of England, you get thrown in jail, but if you owe a million pounds, they invite you to sit on the Board
Philippe Riès
[Al-Qaeda's supporters] are aware of the cracks in the Western financial system as they are aware of the lines in their own hands
Osama bin Laden
Not a single person has died of boredom reading this book.
Nicole Fende
Right, you see that girl over there, the one in that group that keeps looking right at you?'...'Right, let's say I'm convinced she's wearing black knickers - she looks like a black knickers kind of gal to me - and I'm so sure that's what she's wearing, so positive of that sartorial fact, I want to bet a million dollars on it. The trouble is, if I'm wrong, I'm wiped out. So I also bet she's wearing knickers that aren't black, but are any one of a whole basket of colours - let's say I put nine hundred and fifty thousand dollars on that possibility: that's the rest of the market; that's the hedge. This is a crude example, okay, in every sense, but hear me out. Now if I'm right, I make fifty K, but even if I'm wrong I'm going to lose fifty K, because I'm hedged. And because ninety-five per cent of my million dollars is not in use - I'm never going to be called on to show it: the only risk is in the spread - I can make similar bets with other people. Or I can bet it on something else entirely. And the beauty of it is I don't have to be right all the time - if I can just get the colour of her underwear right fifty-five per cent of the time I'm going to wind up very rich...
Robert Harris
The mutual fund industry has been built, in a sense, on witchcraft.
John C. Bogle
Many small businesses would rather face an angry barbarian horde than tackle their cash flow statement or price a new product.
Nicole Fende
If you don’t laugh reading this book I’ll eat my pocket protector. Wait, did I just admit I had a pocket protector?
Nicole Fende
I see dead Presidents. Lincoln, Jefferson, Franklin, and Washington.
Nicole Fende
Finance is the art of passing currency from hand to hand until it finally disappears
Robert Sarnoff
They don't try to trade 'reality', they try to tradeother people's perceptions of reality. If a market is dominated by enough technical traders, it could lapse into a 'postmodern' state, with traders trading perceptions of perceptions of reality.
Brett Scott
The alluring, long-shot chance of a huge gain is the grease that lubricates the machine of innovation.
Jason Zweig
The key to finding financial freedom is to unlock your entrepreneurial intelligence, work your network and lead the time.
Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
Proformas rarely perform; missed projections are more often the norm. Still, we skew them up high, we miss but we try, for proformas which rarely perform.
Ryan Lilly
Learning to embrace and savor rejection is one of the best things that entrepreneurs can do. Launching a startup is the time to find your ever-optimistic inner child again.
Alejandro Cremades
Business is still more often about whom you know, not what you know.
Alejandro Cremades
Ideas are meaningless without a masterful execution.
Alejandro Cremades
Don’t expect investors to be throwing millions on the table for you to go off and buy a bigger house, get a new car, party half the week away, and generally upgrade your lifestyle.
Alejandro Cremades
If you want to glide toward money, you have to make sure your message is clear as a bell, and you need to ensure that you have a unified team capable of communicating it.
Alejandro Cremades
Business success requires business preparation. You don't have to be a master tactician, but you do need to have a plan in place. This plan will act as a foundation for everything you want to achieve.
Alejandro Cremades
The best entrepreneurs are not the best visionaries. The greatest entrepreneurs are incredible salespeople. They know how to tell an amazing story that will convince talent and investors to join in on the journey.
Alejandro Cremades
The genuine object of debate raised by the [2008 financial] crisis ought to be how to overcome the short-termism to which we have been led by a consumerism intrinsically destructive of all genuine investment in the future, a short-termism which has systematically, and not accidentally, been translated into decomposition of investment into speculation.
Bernard Stiegler
Raising interest rates is voo-doo. You can't deal with a global system problem by trying to solve it with this.
Stafford Beer
Money is a public good; as such, it lends itself to private exploitation.
Charles P. Kindleberger
This book is an essay in what is derogatorily called "literary economics," as opposed to mathematical economics, econometrics, or (embracing them both) the "new economic history." A man does what he can, and in the more elegant - one is tempted to say "fancier" - techniques I am, as one who received his formation in the 1930s, untutored. A colleague has offered to provide a mathematical model to decorate the work. It might be useful to some readers, but not to me. Catastrophe mathematics, dealing with such events as falling off a height, is a new branch of the discipline, I am told, which has yet to demonstrate its rigor or usefulness. I had better wait. Econometricians among my friends tell me that rare events such as panics cannot be dealt with by the normal techniques of regression, but have to be introduced exogenously as "dummy variables." The real choice open to me was whether to follow relatively simple statistical procedures, with an abundance of charts and tables, or not. In the event, I decided against it. For those who yearn for numbers, standard series on bank reserves, foreign trade, commodity prices, money supply, security prices, rate of interest, and the like are fairly readily available in the historical statistics.
Charles P. Kindleberger
In Chapter 5 we consider swindles and defalcations. It happens that crashes and panics often are precipitated by the revelation of some misfeasance, malfeasance, or malversation (the corruption of officials) engendered during the mania. It seems clear from the historical record that swindles are a response to the greedy appetite for wealth stimulated by the boom. And as the monetary system gets stretched, institutions lose liquidity, and unsuccessful swindles are about to be revealed, the temptation to take the money and run becomes virtually irresistible. It is difficult to write on this subject without permitting the typewriter to drip with irony. An attempt will be made.
Charles P. Kindleberger
Suckers think that you cure greed with money, addiction with substances, expert problems with experts, banking with bankers, economics with economists, and debt crises with debt spending
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
The most convincing and enduring foe of the global financial economy ultimately is the global financial economy itself. - Ulrich Beck
Richard Swift
Oh, and 13.1 million American people had their homes foreclosed. Because their debt, it turns out, was real; it was only the debt within the financial sector that was imaginary. It was only the people who generated the crisis who got three magical wishes from an economic genie. There was no abracadabra for ordinary people; they just got abraca-fucked.
Russell Brand
My only allegiance is to my country. The success of our country is built on hard work, sacrifice, innovation, integrity, and confidence. How can you be confident if you can’t get a job? How can you be confident if the mortgage on your home is higher than your home’s value? How can you be confident when our elected officials haven’t given us one single idea how to fix this situation? – Jeremy Lyons
Marvin H. McIntyre
Price ain't merely about numbers. It's a satisfying sacrifice.
Toba Beta
Employment deprives you of purpose
Sunday Adelaja
Years ago, I dated a lovely young woman who was a few thousand dollars in debt. She was completely stressed out about this. Every month, more interest would be added to her debts.To deal with her stress, she would go every Tuesday night to a meditation and yoga class. This was her one free night, and she said it seemed to be helping her. She would breathe in, imagining that she was finding ways to deal with her debts. She would breathe out, telling herself that her money problems would one day be behind her.It went on like this, Tuesday after Tuesday.Finally, one day I looked through her finances with her. I figured out that if she spent four or five months working a part-time job on Tuesday nights, she could actually pay off all the money she owed.I told her I had nothing against yoga or meditation. But I did think its always best to try to treat the disease first. Her symptoms were stress and anxiety. Her disease was the money she owed."Why don't you get a job on Tuesday nights and skip yoga for a while?" I suggested.This was something of a revelation to her. And she took my advice. She became a Tuesday-night waitress and soon enough paid off her debts. After that, she could go back to yoga and really breathe easier.
Randy Pausch
To achieve what 1% of the worlds population has (Financial Freedom), you must be willing to do what only 1% dare to do..hard work and perseverance of highest order.
Manoj Arora
[C]ritics of Canadian securities regulators sometimes point out that a number of high-profile US securities cases have resulted in prison sentences for the offenders, while incarceration for Canadian securities law violators seems very rare...[A]s has often been noted, incarceration is far more frequent in the United States for crimes of all kinds, yet it is not usually suggested that this is proof that the United States is generally a safer place to live than Canada.
Paul Halpern
In many ways the effect of the crash on embezzlement was more significant than on suicide. To the economist embezzlement is the most interesting of crimes. Alone among the various forms of larceny it has a time parameter. Weeks, months, or years may elapse between the commission of the crime and its discovery. (This is a period, incidentally, when the embezzler has his gain and the man who has been embezzled, oddly enough, feels no loss. There is a net increase in psychic wealth.) At any given time there exists an inventory of undiscovered embezzlement in — or more precisely not in — the country’s businesses and banks. This inventory — it should perhaps be called the bezzle — amounts at any moment to many millions of dollars. It also varies in size with the business cycle. In good times people are relaxed, trusting, and money is plentiful. But even though money is plentiful, there are always many people who need more. Under these circumstances the rate of embezzlement grows, the rate of discovery falls off, and the bezzle increases rapidly. In depression all this is reversed. Money is watched with a narrow, suspicious eye. The man who handles it is assumed to be dishonest until he proves himself otherwise. Audits are penetrating and meticulous. Commercial morality is enormously improved. The bezzle shrinks.…Just as the boom accelerated the rate of growth, so the crash enormously advanced the rate of discovery. Within a few days, something close to a universal trust turned into something akin to universal suspicion. Audits were ordered. Strained or preoccupied behavior was noticed. Most important, the collapse in stock values made irredeemable the position of the employee who had embezzled to play the market. He now confessed.
John Kenneth Galbraith
A man always has two reasons for what he does--a good one, and the real one.
J.P. Morgan
You actions are your only true belongings.
Allan Lokos
If you're in 'HELL', you're in a bank.If you're in 'HEAVEN', you're on the other side of the counter.Signed....A Goldman Sachs Representative
Anthony T.Hincks
My grandfather used to say ‘It is my house I am paying the bills’,my dad used to say ‘this is my house I pay the mortgage’,my generation is saying this is my house I pay the rent.
Csaba Gabor-B
Rich men hold their secrets close to their chest and share among themselves only. I am not afraid to share my secrets to poor people because I know most of them will not use it
Ola Barnabas
Personal finances are like people’s personal health, crucial and tragic to the sufferer but tedious to the listener.
Thomas Keneally
Securing, not prohibiting, the orderly transfer of wealth from A to B, based on wealth differentials, is the raison d'être of the [New Deal programs]. The contrast between the modern progressive and classical liberal agendas could not be more explicit.
Richard A. Epstein
In bad countries the government takes care of everyone. In the best ones that's not necessary!
Celso Cukierkorn
The sense that just about anything goes with the collection of public revenues and the making of public expenditure has contributed mightily to the current malaise.
Richard A. Epstein
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