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An old childhood playmate once told me ‘second guessing every step prevents any forward momentum. Trust yourself. Forgive yourself. And move on.
A.G. Howard
Now fair and marvellous was that vessel made, and it was filled with a wavering flame, pure and bright; and Earendil the Mariner sat at the helm, glistening with dust of elven-gems, and the Silmaril was bound upon his brow. Far he journeyed in that ship, even into the starless voids; but most often was he seen at morning or at evening, glimmering in sunrise or sunset, as he came back to Valinor from voyages beyond the confines of the world.
J.R.R. Tolkien
I hope so,” grumbled Ian. “I’m going to look for another one of ‘em winged dogs for Mabel.
Ness Kingsley
When it came to time travel, science and science fiction and fantasy had flip-flopped. Nobody was going to create a machine that traveled to the future or the past. Time machines might be accepted in science fiction as an enabling device to get the story moving, but they're like faster-than-light space ships-- neither one is going to happen any time soon, not with any technology we know how to implement.The guys who had it figured were the fantasists, Dennis. The Finneys and the Mathesons and the Ellisons and the Serlings. No machines and no advanced physics, at least not most of the time. Just an overpowering desire. Just need and longing and pain and regret and the right talisman or the right surroundings. Put the right person in the right place, and perhaps with the right objects, and the potential for time travel is there.
Tony Rabig
He has come to seduce the god of seduction, and oh, has he come prepared.
N K Jemisin
How terrible to be a god of change and endure grief unending.
N K Jemisin
Each part of your body corresponds with an element,” the Maiden explained. “Your hair is air. How you toss your head, play with your hair - that is all for air magic. You can command the wind. Arms are for fire,” she said, making fluttery, flame-like motions with her tendriled fingers and slim green arms. “Fire, fire elementals, electricity, light, and heat come from their movements. Water,” she said, swaying her hips, “is from your center. This is why your middle must be free to move. And earth is the feet, where you make contact with the mother of us all.
Christie Golden
She was tasked with guarding the doorway to the Otherworld, keeping the balance of nature (as much as anyone could in these modern times), and occasionally, helping a worthy seeker.
Deborah Blake
If the future historians were to digitally unearth our generation, they would decipher the facial expressions on the "Selfie's" as the generation of people suffering from wide spread constipation!
Vishwanath S J
For what is magic, but passion freed from reason?
Nenia Campbell
I am married to a prince who will one day be a king. Usually this is where the fairy tale ends. Stories don't go much further than this moment, and I fear there's a good reason for it. A sense of dread hung over today, a black cloud I still can't get rid of. It is an unease deep in the heart of me, feeding off my strength.
Victoria Aveyard
The only person in my head is me.Tibe is not the same. The crown has changed him, as you feared it would.The fire is in him, the fire that will burn all the world.And it is in your son, in the prince who will never change his blood and will never sit a throne. The only person in my head is me. The only person who has not changed is you. You are still the little girl in a dusty room, forgotten, unwanted, out of place. You are the queen of everything, mother to a beautiful son, wife to a king who loves you, and still you cannot find it in yourself to smile. Still you make nothing. Still you are empty. The only person in your head is you. And she is no one of any importance. She is nothing
Victoria Aveyard
We go straight". I say again. "If we start making turns, we might not know what direction is what. If we keep going straight, at least we know how to get back to where we came from if we get into trouble. I know it's tiring, but walking uphill is a good thing-every step we take is a step closer to getting out." "I see shoulders droop, I hear heavy sighs. They don't want to agree with me; they want to go the easier way".
Scott Sigler
If you truly love someone, you will cherish what they despise most about themselves" - Fernando Conclaves
Deborah Harkness
I've never been this dirty. I've never been this sweaty and disgusting. I've never been this afraid, this thirsty, this alone". "I haven't been a good leader, but--people are counting on me to take them to safety. I don't know if I'm twelve or twenty or if I'm twenty and I don't think age matters anymore-------There is a way out. I will find a way out.
Scott Sigler
People survived by being cautious, but they got ahead by being bold.
V.E. Schwab
He’s drowning, suffocating under the weight of my darkness and there’s nothing I can do to stop it.
Aimee L. Salter
She floated across the boundary of realms, nothing more than a human shell. She existed but only as a shadow of who she once was.
Abbie Chandler
I'd never asked what year it was here-1492? 1750?-though to the animals I guess it hardly mattered. This was a safe place apart from the world of people, and only in the world of people did the year make any difference.
Ransom Riggs
Before long, the smokey spectre appeared, as I knew it would, the barest whisper of a shadow, inky and incandescent. It darted forwards, then back, closer, then ppfft, it was gone in an instant, only to return, darker and more substantial. As ever, it grew bolder, and bolder, until finally it dared to drift through the window and into my home.Every night I had lain here, the geist had come.
Hazel Butler
Come, kiss me sweet, and then let us return to bed, for I am tired, and I would sleep.
Christopher Paolini
Blood always weighed the heaviest when it belonged to someone else.
Abbie Chandler
The future will be different from how they have told us
John Nexdar
Criminal activity exploded throughout the city – thugs multiplied by the thousands. Without fear of rebuke, there was nothing to stop them. It is the ultimate penalty that comes with tolerating the intolerant.
Sarah Brownlee
Cursed the crown that brought such grief to me
J. Leigh Bralick
He felt the imaginary weight of shackles press against his soul. He bound himself to her once more.
Abbie Chandler
The sudden pounding in her chest, the trembling of her hands, the inflation of her lungs. It was exactly like being alive. It was reanimating the dead.
Abbie Chandler
She has this passion to learn everything she can about life, and it is so amazing to see everything through her eyes. She’s guarded in a way that even she can’t explain, but she is embracing this life and giving it all. It’s beautiful. She’s beautiful.
Abbie Chandler
If they had met on different grounds, he may have been able to help her. Now all he could do was hope they reached the end with as little blood shed as possible.
Abbie Chandler
It is perhaps not the Church and all that it stands for that some fear so, but instead the demons of humanity that lurk within, tainting its Holy walls with their evil and their lust and their malice.And what if that window into our own souls wasn't just to show us our reflections, the good and bad of who we are, but instead the reflection of the whole world around us, and how we see that, in all its entirety of good and evil.
Ross Turner
It was too lonely to be heaven, and there wouldn't be stars in hell.
Kali Wallace
Don't make rash decisions while the world is dark. Wait for the light to make all things clear.
Bryan Davis
One of my earliest memories was of a maze of pale green walls. The corridors never ended, no matter which way I turned. I was running, my feet bare, my paper-thin gown flapping around skinny foal-like legs, and the demons kept on coming. I’d run the maze before, because I always knew which way to turn to find the little clear plastic box. I’d run, and run. Lungs aching, throat burning, my feet slapping against the smooth floor, and the sound of scrabbling claws chased me down. I made it to the box, every time (I’d learned later, there were others who hadn’t) and once inside, I’d yank the clear door closed. The demons didn’t see the box. They saw only me, the wraith-like little half-blood girl. They would launch themselves—claws extended, jaws wide, eyes ablaze—and slam into my box, sending shudders rattling through my bones. They’d snap and snarl, hook their teeth into the box and gnaw at its edges, desperate to get to the feast huddling a few millimeters away. Flooding, the Institute had called it. At first I was afraid, and I learned how to run. Then I was angry, and I learned how to fight with my fists and my element. Then, I got even. I lured those demons into a corner and ambushed them, killing every last one. After countless visits to the maze, after weeks, years, I’d started liking it, and killing became as natural as breathing. It was what I was good at. What I was made for. What I lived for.© Copyright Pippa DaCosta 2016.
Pippa DaCosta
There is nothing but heartache for a coru woman and a hunti man," she said, deliberately contrary. "He cannot control her and she cannot change him.""He never fails her and she always moves him," Darien corrected. "She can trust his strength, and he can be lifted by her joy.
Sharon Shinn
To love, to live, to feel so much that your world keeps spinning, faster and faster, in that wonderful, chaotic mess of humanity that you’d so hastily give up. Immortality is overrated. It is nothing but the ability to live through it all and not experience a single thing, to eat everything without tasting it at all." Isak’s eyes shone with a desperate need. He wanted, more than anything it seemed, to be like me, when all I wanted was to be like him.
Sophia Whittemore
Sometimes Truth cannot be silenced.
Rachel L. Schade
You can't just pick up a gun and become a gunfighter, or go off and explore for a new world, or pull a sword out of a stone, or rescue a damsel in distress, or-- so we play games and we read books because the world isn't the world we thought we were supposed to get, the world we thought we'd been promised by somebody. Because things didn't turn out the way they were supposed to. So we go someplace else.
J. Michael Straczynski
Sometimes, it seemed, the business of a Witch or a Godmother was not so much using magic as knowing when not to use it.
Mercedes Lackey
The creature which stood before me was no bigger than a child, yet I would have sworn she was wood nymph. With pointed ears, translucent skin and a halo of woodland flowers in her silvery hair, the small woman held a strange presence. Besides the creature's obvious beauty, I couldn't draw my gaze away from her magnificent opaque wings. They fluttered in the breeze like the leaves above us.
Freedom Matthews
Apple Tree Inn, the nightly gathering place of all Winslow residents, and in many ways the core of the town's happiness, always had a warm fire crackling on the hearth and was known for its good cider and company.
Clara Diane Thompson
She told herself there had been nothing outside, nothing peering in at her from the darkness. Nothing at all.
Clara Diane Thompson
Light, show yourself pure and strong,Save a man from evil's throng,Take a form, small and white,Give this girl the strength to fight.
Clara Diane Thompson
Losing someone close to you is more haunting than a life of cursed solitude.~The Moon Master
Clara Diane Thompson
I've read all of the old stories now – "Red Blood and Dirty Gold", "The Winter Witch", "The Scarlet Varulv" – and I want more. Though I want fantasy – made-up, impossible things – I don't want stories that step out of the pages and into the world around me.
Melinda Salisbury
She looked at her best friend as he unraveled the tightly wound cord from his heart and told her what she had been hoping to hear." from the upcoming The Witch of Belle Fleur
Isabelle Hardesty
She pointed a long lacquered nail at the pocket where his hand was fidgeting. “So is that an Obsidian in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
D.A. Henneman
Ah, so that must have been her mystery: she had discovered a trail into the forest. Surely that was where she went during her absences. Returning with her eyes filled with gentleness & ignorance, eyes made whole. An ignorance so vast that inside it all the world's wisdom could be contained & lost.
Clarice Lispector
Sometimes fantasy provides the only reasonable explanation for life's inexplicable moments.
J.S. Bierman
I do the same with my books...Nothing like a good argument in the margins with someone who's already said all they have to say on the subject.
Betsy Cornwell
Maybe this journey is a way for you to get your redemption..." he said softly, "Maybe, if Elder Man Belduran is right, it is the start of a journey, that leads to redemption for all of us...""Not all of us... There's no redemption for Elder Man Vaymaz..." Melchor replied softly, before turning and continuing to walk.
Nathalie M.L. Römer
Robert explained how much simpler it was to pay money for things than to exchange them as the people were doing in the market. Later on the soldier gave the coins to his captain, who, later still, showed them to Pharaoh, who of course kept them and was much struck with the idea. That was really how coins first came to be used in Egypt. You will not believe this, I daresay, but really, if you believe the rest of the story, I don't see why you shouldn't believe this as well.
E Nesbit
Necessity is the mother of invention, which probably explains why invention’s father left home on the pretext of buying a newspaper and hasn’t been heard of since.
Tom Holt
Being together came close to destroying both of us once already," he says. "But I don't fucking care. You are the memory that gets me through my days, and the fantasy that saves me in the night.
J. Kenner
Greatness, Master, is generally only considered enough if you are the greatest.
Jessica O'Toole
Do only the greatest good, for the greatest number of people. They will do the rest.
Jessica O'Toole
I wish this world had none of it. That we were all bound only by the matter around us and the dreams in our hearts. But it does, and we are all slave to it, unless we give the challenge. What is the point of possessing the power you have if not to use it for the greatest good you hold so dear? And why do you think that goodness exists in doing nothing, rather than trying something you’re uncertain of?
Jessica O'Toole
He spun round under her grip. She smelled so good, her touch so soft as she unhooked the buttons on his tunic. Pushing the shirt apart she frowned, her hands running over the thin scars through his tattoos. ‘And you belong to him, too.
Jessica O'Toole
One of the tribes of Lisser, Kisera, has a saying. "Tra ulea keyē milyenura keyē gryētu - you only live on through that which you leave." You have to leave something for others to remember.' She gazed at his solemn face, pulling the cord of her cloak open, grasping half the heavy material and launching it over his shoulders. He pulled it further until in encompassed them both. Then she did something both of them were surprised at - she slid her hand into his. ‘And you will.
Jessica O'Toole
Something stirred within him that was new, dangerous. The question of whether that was wise. ‘Sure.
Jessica O'Toole
It wouldn't do to go mixing up the present and the past, and cutting bits out of one to fit into the other.
E Nesbit
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