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How do you feel when you want to stand and you see yourself on the floor?Sometimes what God will ask you to do will knock you down.What do you do when God says rise and He pushes you down?How do you feel when very many will become I alone? How do you feel when all the people you told your secrets sale you out?How do you feel when your confidant becomes your betrayal?How do you feel when the person you thought will push you forward told you, I know you will fail?Do you still remember that the bible says that not even a hair will pull of you without being noticed by God? Have you not heard that the steps of a righteous man are ordered by God?How do you handle disappointments?In every situation you find yourself, give God the glory.
Patience Johnson
Are you using your time to time God or you are working on God's timing? Don't ask God for the gift of Patience and you tell him you need it now. (A bit deep)
Patience Johnson
Your body can be in captivity, your life can be in captivity, but there is only one thing you should not allow to be in captivity; that is your soul.
Patience Johnson
Slavery of the soul is worst than the slavery of the flesh.....
Patience Johnson
Where you are running to is not the answer, who is with you is the power.
Patience Johnson
Do you want to grow spiritually? Build better relationships? Succeed in your career? Conquer anxiety and find peace? Break a bad habit? Be healed from the emotional wounds of your past? Then meditate on, ponder, think about, practise mentally, and verbalise the Word of God. Instead of living off someone else’s spiritual insight, study God’s Word for yourself and allow the Holy Spirit to bless you with life-transforming insights. Jesus said, ‘The Spirit takes my message and tells it to you’ (John 16:15). And you’ll experience the truth of those words when you personalise the Scripture you’re reading.
Patience Johnson
Romans 12:2What is the difference between a person born with a silver spoon that later eat with the pig and someone born among the pigs without a silver spoon in his mouth and later eat with a golden spoon? One must have changed his mind. If you can renew your mind, you can change your destiny.
Patience Johnson
Your Skin is not a deprivation, your life is not a defeat, the fact that you call yourself black does not mean that your eyes, soul and brain are black try to whiten yourself. If they blackmail you, whitemail yourself.Don't allow people's opinion to pin you down. Build yourself above the standard of slavery.
Patience Johnson
The Greek word for ‘self-control’ comes from a root word meaning ‘to grip’. It calls for getting a grip on your spending so that you don’t go into debt for things you don’t need and can’t pay for. It calls for getting a grip on your temper and not saying things you’ll later regret: ‘Better … a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city’ (Proverbs 16:32 NIV 1984 Edition). It calls for getting a grip on your desires. If Joseph had failed to say no to the repeated advances of his boss’ wife, he’d never have seen his life’s dream fulfilled and sat on the throne of Egypt. Understand this: Satan has discerned your destiny and he’s out to stop you from reaching it. So pray for self-control, and practise it on a daily basis.
Patience Johnson
There’s an interesting story about Abraham Lincoln. During the American Civil War he signed an order transferring certain regiments, but Secretary of War Edwin Stanton refused to execute it, calling the president a fool. When Lincoln heard he replied, ‘If Stanton said I’m a fool then I must be, for he’s nearly always right, and he says what he thinks. I’ll step over and see for myself.’ He did, and when Stanton convinced him the order was in error, Lincoln quietly withdrew it. Part of Lincoln’s greatness lay in his ability to rise above pettiness, ego, and sensitivity to other people’s opinions. He wasn’t easily offended. He welcomed criticism, and in doing so demonstrated one of the strengths of a truly great person: humility. So, have you been criticised? Make it a time to learn, not lose.
Patience Johnson
They terminate your job? Employ yourself. They retire you? Refire yourself.
Patience Johnson
When you are busy doing something for God, God will also be busy doing something for you.
Patience Johnson
Do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires.’Romans 6:12Self-control is one of the great keys to success in life. And since God’s Word has a lot to say about it, if you ask Him He will help you to cultivate it. What you struggled with when you were young will be different from the things you struggle with when you’re older, but you’ll face temptation in one form or another as long as you live. Self-control is one of the nine fruits of the Spirit listed in the Bible (see Galatians 5:22-23). It calls for bringing every aspect of your life under the mastery of the Holy Spirit. It’s a lifestyle characterised by discipline, not impulse.
Patience Johnson
How do we know those who are on the Lord's side?My answer: when things happened adversarily, those who stand by God becomes Testifiers.I testify that the Lord is good, I don't know about you.
Patience Johnson
The people that God will bless the most are those who stayed with God. You do not work with walmart and expect Microsoft to pay you.
Patience Johnson
Only in christanity that people that fall remain on the ground. When boxers are knocked down they refuse to remain on the ground or to accept a knock out. Even when they are bleeding with swollen faces, they still get up to fight but in Christianity even a push, not even a blow, Boxers gets up, wrestlers jumps up, Christians lie down.Do you know why? They do not fight a good fight, they expect to lose before they enter the ring. Every good fighter is an enduring person, they do excercise and training, they learn the act of endurance. You can't be a good Christian without an amour which is the word of God.
Patience Johnson
We never look at people with the eye of God instead we look at them from their past, what they did wrong.
Patience Johnson
Don't be afraid of trial but don't die in your temptation.
Patience Johnson
If God permit you to fall, He will definitely stand by you to rise.
Patience Johnson
Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?’Amos 3:3‘Does This Person Belong in your Life?’A toxic relationship is like a limb with gangrene: unless you amputate it the infection can spread and kill you. Without the courage to cut off what refuses to heal, you’ll end up losing a lot more. Your personal growth - and in some cases your healing - will only be expedited by establishing relationships with the right people. Maybe you’ve heard the story about the scorpion who asked the frog to carry him across the river because he couldn’t swim. ‘I’m afraid you’ll sting me,’ replied the frog. The scorpion smiled reassuringly and said, ‘Of course I won’t. If I did that we’d both drown!’ So the frog agreed, and the scorpion hopped on his back. Wouldn’t you know it: halfway across the river the scorpion stung him! As they began to sink the frog lamented, ‘You promised you wouldn’t sting me. Why’d you do it?’ The scorpion replied, ‘I can’t help it. It’s my nature!’ Until God changes the other person’s nature, they have the power to affect and infect you. For example, when you feel passionately about something but others don’t, it’s like trying to dance a foxtrot with someone who only knows how to waltz. You picked the wrong dance partner! Don’t get tied up with someone who doesn’t share your values and God-given goals. Some issues can be corrected through counselling, prayer, teaching, and leadership. But you can’t teach someone to care; if they don’t care they’ll pollute your environment, kill your productivity, and break your rhythm with constant complaints. That’s why it’s important to pray and ask God, ‘Does this person belong in my life?
Patience Johnson
Love is the most precious gift in life. Be grateful for all the love and support you get from your parents, your family and friends. Because nothing is as precious as receiving true and devoted love" - Monsieur Jac Couture
Lily Amis
Love never lives on a one-way street, for it will always come back up the road bigger than how we had sent it down the road.
Craig D. Lounsbrough
A person who posses a cunning attitude are not always academically intelligent, but they are considered clever because they can manipulate and cause harm towards others in order to gain something out of them for their own benefit. They can be defeated if people stand up towards them and point out their actual inappropriate behavioral activities with logical reasoning.
Saaif Alam
Just remember, honey, you only have one heart.
Louise Bagshawe
Some people, though related by blood, are as sworn enemies. Others, bound only by friendship, would die for one another.
Beem Weeks
My Best Friend and I have spent plenty of time together, despite me being in my First Ever Relationship. This is because friends should always come first.
Holly Smale
Reason to move to New York: I don't to get left behind
Holly Smale
We are LornaCruzCharlotteDelilahIsla and we aren’t afraid of love, even if we’re supposed to be.
Corey Ann Haydu
Love puts itself first, and makes its own plans. It maps you out instead. Maybe that's what makes it perfect
Holly Smale
They say that life is just a blank chain, and precious moments are the beads we hang off it to make it beautiful.
Holly Smale
I can change my plans. But I can't change my family.
Holly Smale
The sad fact is, there are 7.220.400.641 people on the planet, but right now I haven't got a single one to talk to.
Holly Smale
Why do you always rescue me?" — "Every Cinderella needs a fairy godmother. But sometimes your fairy godmother needs you right back.
Holly Smale
And this way, l'll leave everything behind before it gets the chance to do the same to me.
Holly Smale
Family. Friendship. Loyalty. These things have been my guiding stars, my light in these dark times.
John Gwynne
I wish I had a parabatai," Emma said. "It's like someone who's your family, but because they want to be, not because they have to be.
Cassandra Clare
Friends are squad. Squad is family. Family is forever.
Malaika Gilani
And then there are those you stop counting the years with because they are here to stay.They are here. And they aren't going anywhere.Nothing will make them flinch.Nothing will make them think twice.They know you at your worst,the worst you didn't even know you had.They know the sound of your mood swings, the color of your anger, how you curse when you curse, how you shout when you throw a tantrum. They know when you're avoiding a subject. They know when you're lying. They know when you're jealous. They know your vices by heart and they celebrate them. They celebrate you-- vices included.They know your lost dreams and how life fucked you over. They know the battles you lost. And they think your fabulous when you think you're just an unlucky mediocre person who once thought will make it big in life.They know the last time you were happy. They see the unspoken sadness in your eyes. They know the words behind your silence. They know the photographs playing in your mind when you're looking afar.They know YOU, the naked YOU, the raw YOU, not the embellished YOU people see, not the YOU that will be read in biographies or in elegies once you're dead, not the YOU that introduces you to others.They love you from the bottom of their heart. They are your family regardless of their blood. They are your squad. They are your people.And no matter how many times you make them open the door, they can't walk out. They just can't. Because, just sometimes, when people say forever, they mean it. They do.
Malak El Halabi
You can't control who your family is. I know about that. You can only pick good friends and maybe that's a better family.
Ava Richardson
…reality is the make-believe of the majority that can only thrive in conformity.
Janvier Chouteu-Chando
It figured my family would get along better with Clark than they did me.
Gwenda Bond
You get out of hell one step at a time." -- Abbie Sullivan, "Cinderella Shoots the Moon.
Arlie Corday
Animals in our lives can be a blessing.
J. Wesley Porter
You say 'love' too easily, Kepler.""No, not rally - please don't call me that. The idea that love has to be a blazing romantic thing of monogamous stability is innately ludicrous. You loved your parents, perhaps, because they were the warmth you could flee to. You loved your first childhood crush with a passion that made your lips tingle, your flesh grow light in their presence. You loved your wife with the steadiness of an ocean against the shore; your lover with the blaze of a shooting star, your best friend with the confidence of a mountain. Love is a many-splendorous thing, as the old song says....
Claire North
Because that is how one survives eternity,” I say, “or even a few years. Friends. Family. Moving with them. Moving forward.
N K Jemisin
When people come to me upset and in need of advice the first thing I always suggest is to brew a nice cuppa tea. Not because this is easy advice to give, neither for lack of compassion nor understanding, but simply because I've not encountered a circumstance where tea was rendered futile. There's something concealed in the nature of tea that will consort you to a calm contemplation, a sense of purity and harmony, it lets you find your way through life's sordid deeds, and regain a sense of tranquillity, console enmity, and admire the beauty around you. I love my close friends and family so dearly that the first thing I wish upon them in a time of desperation is a nice cup of tea. So to my dearest friends, you're always invited; you, me and a cup of tea?
Georgia Barrett
What's the point of opening yourself up to your friends if they don't notice your vulnerable state? The point of it all is to love friends completely and utterly, at their best and worst, and to love more than just the good things.
Arka Pain
Together or apart, no matter how far apart, we live in one another. We go on together.
Ann Brashares
We will not always be here, so let's make the best use of what we have, when we still have it.
Olaotan Fawehinmi
A young nurse, someone new whom he didn't recognise, came up to Henry and patted him on the arm. "Are you a friend or a family member?" She whispered the question in his ear, trying not to disturb Sheldon. The question hung there like a beautiful chord, ringing in the air. Henry was Chinese, Sheldon obviously wasn't. They looked nothing alike. Nothing at all. "I'm distant family," Henry said.
Jamie Ford
Loving someone is not tough but the real courage is to be with that person forever.
Anuj Tiwari
..we'll deal with it, because the good outweighs the bad.
E. Lockhart
(I think Rowdy might be the most important person in my life. maybe more important than my family.) Can your best friend be more importamt than your family?
Sherman Alexie
I need them and they need me to need them
Rosie Thomas
Tragedy, he precieved, belonged to the ancient time, to a time when there were still privacy, love, and friendship, and when the members of a family stood by one another without needing to know the reason.
George Orwell
Thank goodness, we can choose our friends. We have to take our relatives as they are, and be thankful…
L.M. Montgomery
We can't choose our blood, but we can choose those who run importance in our lives.
Alina Baker
When Nico had woken up at Barrachina and found the Hunters’ note about kidnapping Reyna, he’d torn apart the courtyard in rage. He didn’t want the Hunters stealing another important person from him. Fortunately, he’d got Reyna back, but he didn’t like how brooding she had become. Every time he tried to ask her about the incident on the Calle San Jose – those ghosts on the balcony, all staring at her, whispering accusations – Reyna shut him down.
Rick Riordan
I thought how you can never tell just by looking at them what they were thinking or what was happening In their lives. Even when you got daft people or drunk people on buses, people that went on stupid and shouted rubbish or tried to tell you all about themselves, you could never really tell about them either... I knew if somebody looked at me, they'd know nothing about me, either.
David Almond
Together we shared a bond not even death would violate.
Dee Remy
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