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The flame of the spirit is a burning lamp.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Faith is a sacred fruit.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Show me a man that gets rich by being a politician, and I'll show you a crook.
Harry Truman
Whoever shall call on God, shall be saved.
Lailah Gifty Akita
We all know that there is a reward for every labour as well as there is a reward for every game played and won. How committed you are in life determines your reward.
Godspower Oparaugo
If you can survive and won the battle over other millions of semen deposited alongside with you in your mothers womb, tell me why you cannot win the battle over challenges, difficulties and poverty? Friend, I know you will succeed because; you'd once done it in the womb.
Godspower Oparaugo
it is not what happens to you, it is what happens in you.
Sesan Kareem
Only when we pray for one another, we will have peace.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Faith is intrinsic to humanity and the freedom to practice one's religion is a right no power can deny
Aysha Taryam
Risk is one of the qualities of any good decision. This is so because, decision itself is a risk. Therefore, making a decision literally means, taking a risk... In tracing the histories of successful men and women, the first thing to notice in their lives is risk.
Godspower Oparaugo
The faithfulness of God is forever sure.
Lailah Gifty
Sin is a shameful act.
Lailah Gifty Akita
If today is all you have to live, what will you do?
Lailah Gifty Akita
Reading the recipe of your grandma’s chicken soup will never compare to the taste. Seeing a magnificent sunset will never compare to somebody else’s description of that same sunset. Feeling the electrifying sensation of a passionate kiss will never compare to a second-hand account. Nothing replaces experience. If experience is at the heart of every religion, then theology points the way, practice gives us the vehicle, but we must take the steps if we want to personally explore our faith and reap experiences rather than rely solely on second-hand accounts.
Gudjon Bergmann
Experifaith is distinctly different from storyfaith. It does not provide answers to life’s big questions. Rather, it proposes a path of discovery through practice, where a person can come to his or her own conclusions. As such, it has more in common with the modern scientific method than storyfaith does, and, when practiced properly, experifaith is mostly verifiable within a community of practitioners.
Gudjon Bergmann
In an ideal world, both experifaith and storyfaith would provide spiritual aspirants of all faiths with guidance. Storyfaith would preserve tradition and teach morals through parables and examples. Experifaith would provide the blueprint for a personal path to follow. In the context of chocolate, storyfaith is a lecture about chocolate, including information about origins and fables about positive attributes, while experifaith is the literal act of tasting the chocolate.
Gudjon Bergmann
Monogamy is faith in the faithless
Virginia Alison
Rabbi, the great Teacher, Jesus Christ.
Laiah Gifty Akita
A man told me a while ago he could not believe a thing he had never seen. I said, “Man, did you ever see your brain?
Dwight L. Moody
May the grace of faith, keep you going in the forward motion to reach the ultimate goal.
Lailah Gifty Akita
The choice of courage is the confident in JESUS CHRIST.
Lailah Gifty Akita
A colorful body with fabrics, tattoos and jewelry is attractive, but a colorful heart with love, truth and faith is beautiful.
Anthony Liccione
Always carry champagne! In victory You deserve it & in defeat You need it!
Napoléon Bonaparte
There were moments when it hurt so bad you couldn’t breathe, yet somehow you survived the pain. There were days when you could barely put one foot in front of the other, yet somehow you arrived at your destination. There were nights when you cried yourself to sleep, yet somehow you held on until the morning. Your life is nothing less than a miracle.
Eleanor Brownn
My former bishop Allan Bjorberg once said that the greatest spiritual practice isn't yoga or praying the hours or living in intentional poverty, although these are all beautiful in their own way. The greatest spiritual practice is just showing up. And Mary Magdalene is the patron saint of just showing up. Showing up, to me, means being present to what is real, what is actually happening. Mary Magdalene didn't necessarily know what to say or what to do or even what to think when she encountered the risen Jesus. But none of that was nearly as important as the fact that she was present and attentive to him.
Nadia Bolz-Weber
I played my role as the good Christian girl and spared everyone the drama of an argument. But that decision to remain silent split me in two. It convinced me that I could never really be myself in church. That I had to check my heart and mind at the door.
Rachel Held Evans
Turns out, I wasn't the only one struggling with doubt. I wasn't the only one questioning my church's position on homosexuality and gender roles, and a whole host of other issues. I wasn't the only one who felt lonely on Sunday mornings.
Rachel Held Evans
I carried a bravado about my drinking like I was a hero of debauchery. But on that Christmas Day, I felt like shit. I had a vague realisation that I was just trying to keep up with some version of myself that I had decided was accurate.
Nadia Bolz-Weber
Amri ya Kristo ilipima imani ya yule kipofu, ikiithibitisha na kuiimarisha. Bila kuchelewa au kusita, kipofu alitii amri ya Mungu: Alikwenda kuosha macho yake katika bwawa la Siloamu na aliona. Wengi wanaweza kuona ni kazi ya kipuuzi kwa mtu ambaye ni kipofu kufanya kazi ndogo kama hiyo ili aone. Lakini kwa vile alitii, kipofu alipona. Baraka huja kupitia utii. Kwa maana nyingine, kipofu alimtii Yesu bila kuona. Lakini matokeo yake, alipata kuona papohapo; ambapo baadaye, hatimaye, alipokea uponyaji halisi wa kiroho.
Enock Maregesi
Of course, Mary Magdalene would have very little tolerance for the Christian platitudes and vapid optimism that seem to swirl around these kinds of tragic events. Those platitudes are tempting, but they're nothing but luxuries for people who've never had demons (or at least have never admitted to them). But equally, she would reject nihilism, or the idea that there is no real meaning in life or death - ideas present in so much of postmodernity. Those ideas, too, are luxuries, but they are for those who have never been freed from demons.
Nadia Bolz-Weber
Why could he not have chosen some other woman? Why Avelina? But he knew why. It was because she had seemed good and kind and had expressed her thoughts without any false pride or pretense. He had admired her forthrightness and her compassion. And although he had never thought of a wife with strong opinions was a good thing, he actually found he liked her opinions-or at least admired her for having them. He wanted to get to know her, to know everything that was in her heart. He wanted to marry her and, surprising even himself, to love her.
Melanie Dickerson
Faith requires at times marching into the waters before they part.
Walter Wink
The overarching narrative of the Bible is that of humanity searching for home.
Diana Butler Bass
People who believe more must not be hard upon those believe less. Why? Because faith, ultimately, is not a virtue; it's a gift. If you want to believe but can't, stop looking inside. Go to Jesus and say, "help me believe." Go to him and say, "So you're the one who gives faith. I've been trying to work it out by reasoning, and thinking, and meditating, and going to church in hopes that a sermon will move me. I've been trying to get faith by myself. Now I see that you are the source of faith. Please, give it to me. " If you do that, you'll find that Jesus has been seeking you. He is the author of faith, the provider of faith, and the object of faith. (from King's Cross)
Timothy Keller
Keep hoping until hope dies; remember, however, that hope never dies! Just take good steps with faith and hope!
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Την επομένη δεν κουνήθηκα, όλη μέρα αναμασούσα τις σκέψεις μου. Σκεφτόμουν την Ιστορία, με κεφαλαία, και τη δική μου ιστορία, τη δική μας. Αυτοί που γράφουν την πρώτη γνωρίζουν τη δεύτερη; Πώς η μνήμη κάποιων συγκρατεί αυτό που άλλοι έχουν ξεχάσει ή δεν το είδαν ποτέ; Ποιος έχει δίκιο, αυτός που είναι αποφασισμένος να μην εγκαταλείψει στο σκοτάδι το παρελθόν ή αυτός που πετάει στη λήθη ό,τι δεν τον βολεύει; Μήπως, για να ζήσεις, για να συνεχίσεις να ζεις, ίσως πρέπει ν’ αποφασίσεις ότι η πραγματικότητα δεν είναι απολύτως αληθινή ή μήπως πρέπει να επιλέξεις μιαν άλλη πραγματικότητα όταν αυτή που έχεις βιώσει σου είναι δυσβάσταχτη; Άλλωστε αυτό δεν έκανα στο στρατόπεδο; Δεν επέλεξα να ζήσω με την ανάμνηση και την προσδοκία της Εμέλια, πετώντας την καθημερινότητά μου στην εξωπραγματικότητα του εφιάλτη; Μήπως η Ιστορία είναι η μέγιστη αλήθεια υφασμένη από εκατομμύρια ξεχωριστά ψέματα, όπως οι παλιές κουβέρτες που έφτιαχνε η Φεντορίν για να μας θρέψει όταν ήμουν παιδί και φαίνονταν καινούριες και πανέμορφες μέσα στο ουράνιο τόξο των χρωμάτων τους, ενώ αποτελούνταν από κουρέλια, ανομοιογενή σχήματα, μαλλιά αμφίβολης ποιότητας κι άγνωστης προέλευσης;
Philippe Claudel
Religion means peace! Faith means understanding!
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
It is better to be redeemed than to be rich.
Lailah Gifty Akita
The fear of God is a fierce faith.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Faith in God is an eager expectation.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Whoever calls on the Savior, shall be saved.
Lailah Gifty Akita
I might not have risen to destroy people's beliefs, but some beliefs do need destruction if the human society is meant to progress in harmony instead of sinking into the depths of illustrious interhuman conflicts. Meekness-induced prejudices have no place in the society of thinking humanity.
Abhijit Naskar
A good understanding is to keep the great law.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Faith is freedom.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Years ago I asked my friend, the great actress Ruth Gordon, to articulate in a few words the secret to her indomitable, unsinkable spirit. Her reply was a gift that became a mantra for me:“It takes courage.It takes believing in it.It takes work.It takes rising above it.It takes me liking you, and you liking me.It takes the dreaming soul of the human race that wants it to go right.Never stop dreaming.Think about it.
Gloria Vanderbilt
When we grow in faith, the doubt shall ceased.
Lailah Gifty Akita
It is not great faith but true faith that saves. And the salvation lies not in the faith but in the Christ in whom faith trusts.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Through faith we find peace And above allIt is in loving that we find life
Mimi Novic
Let it be admitted at once, mournful as the admission is, that every instinct in his intelligence went out at first to greet the new light. It had hardly done so, when a recollection of the opening chapter of 'Genesis' checked it at the outset.
Edmund Gosse
Faith Never does seem Feasible
Jocelyn Andersen
I don't understand how can people hold faith and reasoning in the same head. To my understanding, faith, like love, is blind.
Tarif Naaz
Whoever believed in Jesus Christ, shall be justified by faith in Son of God.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Without faith, we faint.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Whoever blessings, shall be abundantly blessed.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Faith is a fertile field.
Lailah Gifty Akita
If we put faith in Christ Jesus, we are justified by faith in Christ.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Live can only be fully lived by faith in the spirit of love.
Lailah Gifty Akita
You have to go through the fires to be tested by faith.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Love is the unity of two souls but one spirit.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Believers believe in their own selves first- that’s the foundation for believing in others. For achieving anything, you have to have self confidence and faith in your own self.
Latika Teotia
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