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Witchcraft isn't about picking up a book, and asking forgiveness.. or learning about spirituality through the words of others. What you learn from those books are the opinions of other people, and not your own. If this is what you believe then you are not an individual. Witchcraft is about accepting that YOU are responsible for the choices that YOU have made, and YOU teaching YOURSELF to make the right choices. Its about learning through YOUR OWN opinions, YOUR OWN life lessons, YOUR OWN inner self, and by doing so.. BECOME an individual.
Carla VanKoughnett
You said one day you would come back for usThe ones that believed in youThe ones that asked you into their heartsThe ones that served you
April Nichole
These hands are unlike any otherstrongbut gentlecaringlovingand understanding
April Nichole
In another land there is gloryIn another land there is happinessIn another land we all get alongIn another land we will stand with others
April Nichole
Today I want to leave the worldI want to leave the painLeave the heartacheI know where it is goingI want to see my Savior
April Nichole
To be held in his armsI long for that dayThe da that I get to seemore wonderful things
April Nichole
We can hear your voiceWe can hear it through the songs of praiseWe can hear it through the birdsWe can hear it through the windWe can hear your voice in our heartsWe can hear your voice in our mindsWe can hear you through everyhing
April Nichole
Look upward to himLook to him for everythingLook to him for helpLook to him for comfort
April Nichole
A nation established under GodA nation that will only winif we stand together
April Nichole
When I stand strong in youI can look beyond the cloudsWith your wordsThe sun will rise again
April Nichole
Letting goI can have a firm foundationTo honor youAnd hold you in my heart
April Nichole
He had forgotten that God saw through the silk robes to the sinful heart, that the only wealth worth having was treasure in heaven, and that even the king had to kneel down in church. Feeling that everyone else was so much more powerful and sophisticated than he was, he had lost sight of his true values, suspended his critical faculties, and placed his trust in his superiors. His reward had been treachery.
Ken Follett
These hands will never go awaythey will scoop you up at anytimeanytime that you want to be loved
April Nichole
You are my strength when I am weakYou are my shield when I am hurtingWhatever you say unto me LordI will do
April Nichole
Look upward to himLook to him for everythingLook to him for answersLook to him for a listening ear
April Nichole
Look upward to himLook upward on our goalKeep your eyes on himLook upward to him
April Nichole
Knowing that you knew everything about us before we were bornLord, your love is amazing
April Nichole
If the sky has turned a darkened grey and the sea threatens to spill the occupants in the boat, know that the Lord God made the storm still, and though you shall face storms in your life the Lord God will still them with his hand. When you are alone, Jesus will have his arms wrapped around you, holding you tightly, the angels shall call out your name when you feel that you have been deaf, and you shall see the light of Heaven when you think you are blind. When you feel your dreams are broken it does not do well to cast yourself into misery but look at the brighter side of life, and see all the Lord has blessed you with!
Ariana Pedigo
Lord Shiva, you my sunshine, my soul, Sivoham.
Usha Cosmico
I can look beyond the cloudsto feel your lovethe sun will rise againto end the darkness
April Nichole
When sorrows surround you few will comfort you. When happiness arises many will be part of the celebrationsAnd when Tragedy happens only the Lord is a prayer by calling out his Glorious name
Sonny Cele
I try to pray everyday or every night to thank my Personal Lord for all that he has given me, all that he is giving me, and all that he will give me.
James Hauenstein
Riley had no doubt that an "immediate and merciful act of the Almighty" had saved them from the surf at Bojador. According to him, all of his men believed this too. Later, when a friend advised him to play down this conviction, because skeptics would use it to discredit the rest of his account of the voyage, Riley refused.
Dean King
No life is messier than one in ministry
Jerry B. Jenkins
Don’t waste your most important resource—your life.
Elizabeth George
I do not preach doubtingly, for I do not live doubtingly.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Doubt wisely; in strange wayTo stand inquiring right, is not to stray;To sleep, or run wrong, is.
John Donne
And yet when I wish to explore how faith works, I usually sneak in by the back door of doubt, for I best learn about my own need for faith during its absence. God's invisibility guarantees I will experience times of doubt. Everyone dangles on a pendulum that swings from belief to unbelief, back to belief, and ends - where?
Philip Yancey
In dealing with the arrogant asserter of doubt, it is not the right method to tell him to stop doubting. It is rather the right method to tell him to go on doubting , to doubt a little more, to doubt every day newer and wilder things in the universe, until at last, by some strange enlightenment, he may begin to doubt himself.
G.K. Chesterton
Ten thousand difficulties do not make one doubt, as I understand the subject; difficulty and doubt are incommensurate.
John Henry Newman
He said that doubt provided contour to faith, like shading in a drawing, that it allowed you to see what was really there. At the time we were learning how to sketch in art class, I felt like it was the one thing he said that I actually understood.
Anna Jarzab
So answer me, are you merely a cowardly Moses, pointing the way to the Promised Land but poisoned by doubt and so unable to cross the River Jordan?
Tony Vigorito
What you must realize, what you must even come to praise, is the fact that there is no right way that is going to become apparent to you once and for all. The most blinding illumination that strikes and perhaps radically changes your life will be so attenuated and obscured by doubts and dailiness that you may one day come to suspect the truth of that moment at all. The calling that seemed so clear will be lost in echoes of questionings and indecision; the church that seemed to save you will fester with egos, complacencies, banalities; the deepest love of your life will work itself like a thorn in your heart until all you can think of is plucking it out. Wisdom is accepting the truth of this. Courage is persisting with life in spite of it. And faith is finding yourself, in the deepest part of your soul, in the very heart of who you are, moved to praise it.
Christian Wiman
Faith doesn’t run deep because one is stuffed with right answers. It is cultivated by asking the right questions.
Josh Ross
If only I could tell someone.The humiliation I go throughwhen I think of my pastcan only be described as grace.We are created by being destroyed.
Franz Wright
Don't dig up in doubt what you planted in faith.
Elisabeth Elliot
Doubt is part of searching. Same as faith.
Gayle Forman
Some days I am not sure if my faith is riddled with doubt, or whether, graciously, my doubt is riddled with faith. And yet I continue to live in a world the way a religious person lives in the world; I keep living in a world that I know to be enchanted, and not left alone. I doubt; I am uncertain; I am restless, prone to wander. And yet glimmers of holy keep interrupting my gaze.
Lauren F. Winner
Cherish your doubts, for doubt is the handmaiden of truth.Doubt is the key to the door of knowledge; it is the servant of discovery.A belief which may not be questioned binds us to error,for there is incompleteness and imperfection in every belief.Doubt is the touchstone of truth; it is an acid which eats away the false.Let no man fear for the truth, that doubt may consume it;for doubt is a testing of belief.The truth stands boldly and unafraid; it is not shaken by the testing;For truth, if it be truth, arises from each testing stronger, more secure.He that would silence doubt is filled with fear;the house of his spirit is built on shifting sands.But he that fears no doubt, and knows its use, is founded on a rock.He shall walk in the light of growing knowledge;the work of his hands shall endure.Therefore let us not fear doubt, but let us rejoice in its help:It is to the wise as a staff to the blind; doubt is the handmaiden of truth.
Robert T. Weston
In the bitter waves of woe, Beaten and tossed about By the sullen winds that blow From the desolate shores of doubt, When the anchors that faith had cast Are dragging in the gale, I am quietly holding fast To the things that cannot fail: In the darkest night of the year, When the stars have all gone out, That courage is better than fear, That faith is truer than doubt; And fierce though the fiends may fight, And long though the angels hide, I know that Truth and Right Have the universe on their side; And somewhere, beyond the stars, Is a Love that is better than fate; When the night unlocks her bars I shall see Him, and I will wait
Washington Gladden
Confusion and doubt are an important part of faith.
Ron Brackin
Faith and Doubt cannot reside in the same place; as soon as you have a glimmer of doubt, no matter how much you do, feel, vibrate, and affirm, you are showing the Universe that you do not really believe, you are just ‘trying’ out the concept.
Malti Bhojwani
They say in Zen, waking up to life requires three things: great faith, great doubt, and great effort. Faith isn’t a way of going to sleep. It’s the work of waking up. And, in order to wake up, you’ll need both great faith and great doubt. In itself, doubt is neither good nor bad. Its value depends on what you do with it. You can doubt what’s real in order to stay asleep or you can doubt your daydreams in order to wake up. You can use doubt to protect you from the truth or you can use doubt to leave you vulnerable to it. You’ll have doubts regardless. Repurpose them for the sake of faith. Saving doubt is a strong solvent that can burn holes in your [worldview] and lead you back to the work of being faithful to life and, thus, to God. Practicing doubt for the sake of faith is hard work and it demands great effort. Great faith, great doubt, great effort.
Adam S. Miller
When the voices of doubt start whispering, turn-up the volume of faith and listen to your heart.
Bryant McGill
do you dare to step in-to the vulnerable black, stripped to the soul with human blindness – when the full and weeping moon steps from the shade of a tumult of mountains – when, in the fragrant dim, day's tree stump transformsinto some nether-worldly other – when time's skin is thin and you arebared – when there is nothing between you and the Wildest Onewhose name is your own?
Beth Morey
Doubts are good. It means you are alive and searching. One does not become a believer overnight. He thinks he is a believer; then something happens in his life and he becomes an unbeliever, after that, he becomes a believer again and then an unbeliever again, and so on. Until we reach a certain stage, we constantly waver. This is the only way forward. At each new step, we come closer to the Truth.
Elif Shafak
(Meanwhile, other people seem to be getting along with God just fine, very well indeed. Why not me?)
Lauren F. Winner
There is nothing nominal or lukewarm or indifferent about standing in this hurricane of questions every day and staring each one down until you've mustered all the bravery and fortitude and trust it takes to whisper just one of them out loud
Rachel Held Evans
Mine is a stubborn and recalcitrant faith. It's all elbows and motion and kicked-up dust, like cartoon characters locked in a cloudy brawl. I'm still early in my journey, but I suspect it will go on like this for a while, perhaps until my last breath.
Rachel Held Evans
Doubt and faith are parts of human experience, whether one views them as right or wrong. Also doubt and faith are instrumental to grasping truth in some very obvious senses.
Leviak B. Kelly
She never belittled him though she knew the strength of his doubts
S.M. Hulse
I would argue that healthy doubt (questioning one's beliefs) is perhaps the best defense against unhealthy doubt (questioning God). When we know how to make a distinction between our ideas about God and God himself, our faith remains safe when one of those ideas is seriously challenged.
Rachel Held Evans
Well, they say there is no real faith without doubt.
Lorna Jane Cook
Sometimes, the risks we take are so extreme that if things didn’t work in our favor, we could lose EVERYTHING for the sake of our faith.
D. Nicole Williams
What I truly believe, I will achieve.
Walter Marin
There is no such thing as bad luck, it is true only if you believe it to be. Dismiss all negative outlooks that enter your mind. Build your faith. Realize that you attract what you think, believe, and feel the most. It is not the words that create, but the feeling behind the words that has the true power.
Jason Micheal Ratliff
Even if we’ve never been inside a synagogue or a mosque or a church—even if we have, and vowed never to go back—deep down in our striving hearts, beneath all the ambition and the fear, we suspect that we were made for a different sort of life.
Heather Choate Davis
It all begins with goodness in the heart.
Bjorn Street
Our faith in others betrays that we would rather have faith in ourselves. Our longing for a friend is our betrayer. And often with our love we want merely to overcome envy. And often we attack and make ourselves enemies, to conceal that we are vulnerable.
Friedrich Nietzsche
Surely, the Lord will save us in any situation.
Lailah Gifty Akita
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