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Perfect people make for boring novels.
HL Balcomb
Stand in your own two shoes.
T. Scott McLeod
It is your life...OWN IT! Your life purpose empowers you and enables you to live life abundantly. Empowerment begins by taking responsibility for your life and being accountable for your actions. Empowerment is the courage to live passionately and purposefully each day
Thomas Narofsky
So, I have to know," he says, "what are you?"But just because he has to know doesn't mean I have to tell him anything.
Marilyn Hilton
DAD (Decide-Announce-Defend) remains the order of the day, with only a few inspiring models of EDD (Engage-Deliberate-Decide) available to us to demonstrate how very different things could be.
Johnathon Porritt
In the law, rights are islands of empowerment. . . . Rights contain images of power, and manipulating those images, either visually or linguistically, is central in the making and maintenance of rights. In principle, therefore, the more dizzyingly diverse the images that are propagated, the more empowered we will be as a society.
Patricia J. Williams
By increasing the amount of Torah (obligatory religious laws) in the world, they were extending His presence in the world and making it more effective.
Karen Armstrong
Enlightenment is coming out from the fear mode, victim mode and guilt mode of living to the mode of empowerment.
Amit Ray
The teacher is of course an artist, but being an artist does not mean that he or she can make the profile, can shape the students. What the educator does in teaching is to make it possible for the students to become themselves.
Paulo Freire
Don't say "I'm a worrier and this is just who I am"....or "I've always been a worrier, I can't help it"; instead decide from this day forward to become someone who DOESN'T worry.
Miya Yamanouchi
And how unfair it would be to torture your heart in never feeling again, because of a feeling you haven't even tried to understand yet.
Nikki Rowe
Don’t be so hard on yourself. Be perfectly okay with being who YOU are. Fully embrace yourself, flaws and all. Love yourself right where you are. Strive to do better, but don’t beat yourself up for every shortcoming that you may have. Be brave in your journey! Hold your head up high, and keep moving forward.
Stephanie Lahart
While understanding that we need this matrix to experience life on earth, we should also be able to enjoy a certain sense of detachment from it, and thus feel more empowered to make our own choices. We should thus come out feeling much more in control of our own personal journeys.
Julia Woodman
It seems almost like America wants their boys hurt. That they need that. That guy who writes books about the wolf and the boy: every book has a scene where the kid gets caught in an avalanche or a freak blizzard. Invariably, the kid winds up naked and alone and bleeding to death and it's only the effort of the wolf that saves him. The boy can never do it himself. If they did that with a female character in a long set of books like that, the feminists would be up in arms. But does anyone mind it when it's a little boy?
J. Warren
The best way to love your man, is to help him rise, let him feel his worth so strongly through your eyes; that he has no option but to become greater.
Nikki Rowe
Be your own kind of brave.
H.L. Balcomb
If the artist does not fling himself, without reflecting, into his work, as Curtis flung himself into the yawning gulf, as the soldier flings himself into the enemy's trenches, and if, once in this crater, he does not work like a miner on whom the walls of his gallery have fallen in; if he contemplates difficulties instead of overcoming them one by one ... he is simply looking on at the suicide of his own talent.
Honoré de Balzac
i loved her, for she was beauty dressed in a selfless personality and the skin of unconditional love. A voice of truthful melody and eyes holding a vision so large, maybe, just maybe she was born to change the world.
Nikki Rowe
Love yourself unconditionally.Do what you love to do.Be grateful for what you do have.Happiness is an attitude of gratitude.Love all of life.
Jan Porter
The more we understand how we individually operate, the easier it is for us to understand that we are all similar..from the same human race;doing the best we can based on the programmings that we've each acquired. Then, we never have to take things personally, because then we comprehend the fact that we are just like birds: same race, same tribe, but flying with different types of wings." :)
Dr. Jacent Mpalyenkana
Attention is a resource as abundant as sunlight. It streams outward all day long whether we choose to tap into it or not. By developing conscious focus of our attention, we learn to harness one of the greatest creative powers available to humankind, one that happens to be freely available within ourselves at all times.
Scott Edmund Miller
We all encounter things that we can't perhaps change and that's OK because surely there are many other things that we can.
Akiroq Brost
Take delight on a woman’s pubic hair for its a signature of maturity and a secretive covenant . . . the hair signifies potent sexual energy and strength hold but also signifies virility of the animalistic tendencies and royal power . . . A woman who rejects narcissism of complete vaginal hair removal gives a signature of strength, virtuously liberated, body acceptance, and more womanhood.
John Shelton Jones
Unchecked pride evolves into swagger, a hypnotizing mask of insecurity that can and does compromise our ability to make progress and attain power. Pride stands in the way of forgiveness and a strategic approach to navigating a chessboard rigged to prevent pawns from becoming kings and queens.
Jason Whitlock
If it doesn't challenge you, it will not change you.
Tamika L. Sims
Instead of waiting for the right moment, BE the right moment. You won't be ready for anything if you aren't ready to be you.
Kaiden Blake
We are what we allow ourselves to become. Never settle for less than what you deserve. Keep fighting the good fight! Keep giving your all to achieve, receive and succeed
Cecibel Contreras
You are a miracle, you are a light. You are not made of our weaknesses but of your strengths. You are a masterpiece made by The Master. Don't see yourself less!
Kemi Sogunle
Our minds are information vacuums. Either we fill them with thoughts of our choosing or someone else will.
Ray A. Davis
Passion + Purpose = Prosperity.
Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
Empowerment comes from self-realization and recognition of our internal gifts, which we already have.
Bryant McGill
Critical pessimists, such as media critics Mark Crispin Miller, Noam Chomsky, and Robert McChesney, focus primarily on the obstacles to achieving a more democratic society. In the process, they often exaggerate the power of big media in order to frighten readers into taking action. I don't disagree with their concern about media concentration, but the way they frame the debate is self-defeating insofar as it disempowers consumers even as it seeks to mobilize them. Far too much media reform rhetoric rests on melodramatic discourse about victimization and vulnerability, seduction and manipulation, "propaganda machines" and "weapons of mass deception". Again and again, this version of the media reform movement has ignored the complexity of the public's relationship to popular culture and sided with those opposed to a more diverse and participatory culture. The politics of critical utopianism is founded on a notion of empowerment; the politics of critical pessimism on a politics of victimization. One focuses on what we are doing with media, and the other on what media is doing to us. As with previous revolutions, the media reform movement is gaining momentum at a time when people are starting to feel more empowered, not when they are at their weakest.
Henry Jenkins
Do you wish to take control of your life? Begin by focusing on steering the storm, rather than where the lightening strikes.
Gary Hopkins
You are stronger, smarter and mmore powerful than you think.
Jan Porter
️Don't say "I'm a worrier and this is just who I am"!, or "I've always been a worrier, I can't help it"; instead decide from this day forward to become someone who DOESN'T worry.
Miya Yamanouchi
Surrender is not a weakness, but rather an empowering state of humility.
Bryant McGill
Destructive thoughts prevent your body from collaborating with your deepest wishes and needs. Sabotage has never been the road to success.
Thorbjörg Hafsteinsdottir
A high functioning palate allows you to live without sugar and salt
Nancy S. Mure
People who have character follow through. They don't lie to themselves or anyone else. They don't start something, ten give up because it's "hard." People of character set a goal and stick to it.
Nancy S. Mure
Perhaps more than never, in a highly globalized world, we must recognize that multiculturalism is not simply understanding ethnic/racial histories or the mere appreciation of cultural “difference,” but accepting that multiculturalism spreads across the very inner core of America’s institutions, and ingrained in the very essence of life, for multicultural perspectives, ideas, and ideologies empower us to elevate the multicultural discourse to a higher level of social transformation—ultimately, universal equality, justice, respect, and human dignity for all, in all facets of human existence.
Martin Guevara Urbina
If the shoe doesn't fit - break it!
Steffani Raff
Inside of each of us is greatness let us treat those around us as if they are much more than they appear. Let us treat each other with kindness and respect.
Steffani Raff
Happiness is achieved when you stop waiting for your life to begin and start making the most of the moment you are in.
Germany Kent
But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name. John 1:12Divine sonship is not something that we gain of ourselves. Only to those who receive Christ as their Saviour is given the power to become sons and daughters of God. The sinner cannot, by any power of his own, rid himself of sin. For the accomplishment of this result, he must look to a higher Power. John exclaimed, "Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world." Christ alone has power to cleanse the heart. He who is seeking for forgiveness and acceptance can say only,--"Nothing in my hand I bring;Simply to Thy cross I cling."But the promise of sonship is made to all who "believe on his name." Every one who comes to Jesus in faith will receive pardon.The religion of Christ transforms the heart. It makes the worldly-minded man heavenly-minded. Under its influence the selfish man becomes unselfish, because this is the character of Christ. The dishonest, scheming man becomes upright, so that it is second nature to him to do to others as he would have others do to him. The profligate is changed from impurity to purity. He forms correct habits; for the gospel of Christ has become to him a savor of life unto life.God was to be manifest in Christ, "reconciling the world unto himself." Man had become so degraded by sin that it was impossible for him, in himself, to come into harmony with Him whose nature is purity and goodness. But Christ, after having redeemed man from the condemnation of the law, could impart divine power, to unite with human effort. Thus by repentance toward God and faith in Christ, the fallen children of Adam might once more become "sons of God."When a soul receives Christ, he receives power to live the life of Christ.
Ellen G. White
The word God can mean whatever you believe it to mean, for me it is the conscious stream of life from which we all come, and to which we can stayconnected throughout our lives as a source of peace, wisdom, love, support, knowing, inspiration, vitality, security, balance, and inner strength.I think that awareness is paramount, because in awareness we gain understanding, which then enables us to regain our feeling of empowerment.We need to feel empowered to make our choices conciously, about how to deal with changes in life, rather than reacting in fear (which tends to make us blind and weak).If we are aware, we can be realistic yet postive, and we can properly focus our intentions.Awareness can be quite sensual (which can add to your sense of feeling empowered). Think about how your body moves as you live your life, how amazing it is; think about nature, observe the intricate beautiful details of natural thngs, and of things we create, and breathe deeply to soak it all in.. Focus on the taste of food, the feel of textures in cloth, the feel of you partner's hand in yours; smell the sea breeze, listen to the wind in the trees, witness the colours of the leaves, the children playing; and be thankful for this life we are experiencing - this life we can all help to keep wonderful. Feel the wonder of being alive flood into you anytime you want, by taking a deep breath and letting the experience of these things fill you, even just by remembering.We all have that same stream of life within us, so you are a part of everything. Each one of us has the power to make a difference to everything.Breathe in that vital connection to the life source and sensual beauty everywhere, Feel loved and strong.
Jay Woodman
Honesty and integrity are the yardsticks by which we measure our intrinsic value.
Orly Wahba
Great women aren't born great, they become great.
Sabrina Newby
I've reached a point, where I no longer believe I am unworthy of greatness, If the people I'm surrounded by; aren't Intune with my growth, I'm happy to let go, If the job I'm working, isn't bringing out the best in me, I'm happy to find something that will. If I complain about one thing, I must be grateful for 2 more. if I can't always have everything I want, I'll make damn sure I have everything I need. If life's Thunder hands me tears, I'll be sure to laugh through it. If I lose some, I trust it's because i am about to win more. If there is darkness, the light is almost in reach. Every obstacle, is the gateway to concious living and every heartache is the gateway to the most empowered love you could feel.
Nikki Rowe
She wasn't ordinary, I liked her that way. Mystery oozed from her pours as she walked so lightly I could have mistaken her for an angel.
Nikki Rowe
Corporate strategy is usually only useful if you get people engaged with helping you to make it work.
Max McKeown
The road to empowerment starts from self-awareness
Kazeem Olalekan
Enlightenment gives profound joy of the heart and a great love for the fellow beings.
Amit Ray
Action is the means through which the intangible becomes tangible.
The wolf blood, Arya remembered now. I'll be as strong as Robb, I said I would. She took a deep breath, then lifted the broomstick in both hands and brought down across her knee. It broke with a loud crack, and she threw the pieces aside. 'I am a direwolf, and done with the wooden teeth.
George R.R. Martin
There's no time like the present to love deeply, claim our power and live our purpose!
Kristi Bowman
Grace is an empowerment to be above and beyond reproach, to live your life at a standard that pleases God.
Bidemi Mark-Mordi
I don't believe in failure. It is not failure if you enjoyed the process.
Oprah Winfrey
Your only limitations are those that you impose upon yourself
Gary Hopkins
Doormatitis: door-mat-i-tis noun; low self-worth. A learned behavior where the infected person allows others to walk all over them, blame them, treat them terribly, always giving the boundary crossers the benefit of the doubt. They make excuses for them, They will give in to guilt and intimidation and give the boundary crossers what they want again and again." P.A. Speers Dictionary
P.A. Speers
If you have no competition there's no need to debate.
T.F. Hodge
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