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Education these days is making youths suffer like mental patients, but no one has anything to say about it because there is no other option to be given.
Meghan Blistinsky
Dehumanization, although a concrete historical fact, is not a given destiny but the result of an unjust order that engenders violence in the oppressors, which in turn dehumanizes the oppressed
Paulo Freire
College: two hundred people reading the same book. An obvious mistake. Two hundred people can read two hundred books.
John Cage
The message for all students should be: Put down the bong and get to work, because the number of curious, eager-to-learn peers around the world with the means and ambition to get a great college education is about to increase a thousandfold.
Kevin Carey
Is it more important for you to know what happened in the First World War or to memorize other significant dates in history, or is it more important to learn the strategies they used for optimum leadership, success and joyful living? Don't you think schools need to teach the latter?
Maddy Malhotra
Is it more important for you to know who created which mathematical theorem or to memorize formulas which you will never use, or is it more important to learn how to add happiness, peace, love, and money - and how to subtract negative emotions? Don't you think schools need to teach the latter?
Maddy Malhotra
Is it more important for you to know the science of planets and of sea life, or is it more important to learn the science of happiness, loving relationships, positive parenting and becoming rich? Don't you think schools need to teach the latter?
Maddy Malhotra
I mean-- no offense, Leonard, but you really don't like to climb ropes, and get into the Marine Corps, and kill your countriy's enemies, do you?"I said that it wasn't one of the big goals of my life."Well, maybe you'd like me to get you into this corrective gym class, where you can study toe dancing, and grow up to be a little Commie, sissy boy," Mr. Jerris said.I told him I would like that just fine…
Daniel Pinkwater
education without inspiration is only a recipe for desperation
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Education is the future of a nation
Satyendra Singh 'Shyamal'
Think of the things killing us as a nation: narcotic drugs, brainless competition, dishonesty, greed, recreational sex, the pornography of violence, gambling, alcohol, and the worst pornography of all -- lives devoted to buying things, accumulation as a philosophy -- all of these are addictions of dependent personalities. That is what our brand of schooling must inevitably produce.
John Taylor Gatto
I hear, "Yes, Let us more education invest!"Whilst destitute, Outside their gates doth rest,Women, children, and men, Poor and a hungered!Odd that colleges fill, Yet mercy is numbered.
Kari L. Greenaway
It is a tragedy, at rate at which EBOLA VIRUS is spreading in West Africa. It is a fatal disease in the history of the world. Intensive education (formal and informal approaches) of the citizens of African can help prevent the spread. International cooperation is urgently needed to combat the EBOLA virus.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Always educate yourself regardless of how old you are.
Eraldo Banovac
School overpopulates students’ minds with too much of what happened yesterday; seldom with what the students can do today, or, tomorrow.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
All men are born free: just not for long.
John le Carré
education without inspiration is only recipe for desperation
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
This crippling of individuals I consider the worst evil of capitalism. Our whole educational system suffers from this evil. An exaggerated competitive attitude is inculcated into the student, who is trained to worship acquisitive success as a preparation for his future career.
Albert Einstein
Computer mistake in grade-giving resulted in academic failure of several brilliant students. After some years the mistake was discovered. Letter was sent to each student inviting him to resume his studies. Each replied he was getting along very well without education.
John Cage
School should become the place where teachers, not just students, learn.
Vijay Dhameliya
In brief, the teaching process, as commonly observed, has nothing to do with the investigation and establishment of facts, assuming that actual facts may ever be determined. Its sole purpose is to cram the pupils, as rapidly and as painlessly as possible, with the largest conceivable outfit of current axioms, in all departments of human thought—to make the pupil a good citizen, which is to say, a citizen differing as little as possible, in positive knowledge and habits of mind, from all other citizens. In other words, it is the mission of the pedagogue, not to make his pupils think, but to make them think right, and the more nearly his own mind pulsates with the great ebbs and flows of popular delusion and emotion, the more admirably he performs his function. He may be an ass, but this is surely no demerit in a man paid to make asses of his customers.
H.L. Mencken
Teaching is a Creative profession, it is our duty as School Leaders and Education Influencers to offer the right climate to foster innovation and support Innovative Teaching practices within our schools, and that's what will make our students succeed in the 21st century
Samer Chidiac
An education system is best belittled when the so-called educated gets hired by a company that’s owned by a so-called dropout.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
People who cannot put strings of sentences together in good order cannot think. An educational system that does not teach the technology of writing is preventing thought.
Richard Mitchell
Our life stories are largely constructed and without mindfulness can prove destructive.
Rasheed Ogunlaru
To be enslaved then, you needed to be ignorant. To be enslaved today, you need to be knowledgeable.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
What better way could we teach our children the importance of learning to push forward despite failure than to openly embrace in the education system Trial and Learn as our truly only human learning process. In doing so, we eliminate the stigma of failure and view it as an important part of the process of learning.
Martha Char Love
Read good books to improve yourself.
Lailah Gifty Akita
At a time India was known as golden bird because of its huge amount of gold assets. Let's make India once again the same golden bird full of innovation and technology.
Prakhar Srivastav
It would be better to have no school at all than the schools we now have. Encouraged, instead of frightened, children could learn several languages before reaching age of four, at that age engaging in the invention of their own languages. Play'd be play instead of being, as now, release of repressed anger.
John Cage
Why is it that children, taught the names of the months and the fact that there are twelve of them, don't ask why the ninth is called the seventh (September), the tenth called the eight (October), the eleventh called the ninth (November), the twelfth called the tenth (December)?
John Cage
Education is our path to change. Minds and hearts are brightened via learning.
Galit Breen
Children learn what they live. Put kids in a class and they will live out their lives in an invisible cage, isolated from their chance at community; interrupt kids with bells and horns all the time and they will learn that nothing is important or worth finishing; ridicule them and they will retreat from human association; shame them and they will find a hundred ways to get even. The habits taught in large-scale organizations are deadly.
John Taylor Gatto
Until a man begins to read, then He will discover himself.
Lailah Gifty Akita
To all the students - no school report card can tell you weather you can achieve your dream or not. Know your purpose, know your dream, know your vision, stay focused, do your job and do not listen to anyone including your report card. Don’t let the board results or rankings bother you. Do what you are passionate about, work harder, do better but don’t let your mark sheet tell you anything.
Sharad Vivek Sagar
How could we have improved ourselves, if we had not dared to read, learn and write?
Lailah Gifty Akita
The age of ex cathedra culture in education is definitely finished. Thesedays, we use modern teaching methods in line with advances in technologythat changes culture and even society itself. However, the biggest challenge for a modern education system is how to prepare new generations for living in a highly competitive world full of uncertainties.
Eraldo Banovac
Individuality, family, and community are, by definition, expressions of singular organization, never of "one-right-way" thinking on the grand scale. Children and families need some relief from government surveillance and intimidation if original expressions belonging to THEM are to develop. Without these freedom has no meaning.
John Taylor Gatto
Take one child, limitless dreams, unlimited potential, pure innocence and a sponge-like brain. Force them by law to spend at least ten years of their precious youth being force-fed the most useless information. Constantly reminding them that they’re only as good as their grades in a system that teaches useless mind-numbing subjects and claims to confirm our intellect with repetition and random memory tests. I didn’t give a flying fuck about the square route of the number nine or the speed of sound; I just so desperately wanted to know the basics. Happiness, love, the things that we need in our lives; the things that help us to find confidence in ourselves, our ability and our dreams.
K.A. Hill
As human beings, are we meant to develop as individuals serving only our own needs or also serving the needs of others? Do we aspire to develop as critically thinking, creative,innovative, humane people, or do we just want to think of ourselves as members of a specific nation and culture? Freedom allows choice and liberal education advocates for a specific choice: that the purpose of freedom is to enable creative, critically thinking,caring individuals to build healthy societies that serve universal (not just parochial) ends.
Gregory S. Prince
Preparing citizens to act thoughtfully to create a more just, open, and creative society gives form, substance and meaning to often abstract concepts of freedom and democracy.
Gregory S. Prince
Study to learn, do not study to pass".
Kamaran Ihsan Salih
lessons of medicrity, to a great extent, produce students of mediocrity
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Corruption in education leads to some people getting highly educated and then these people support the uneducated to rule over the illiterate masses.
Amit Abraham
As Lenin put it, "Through the schools we will transform the old world... the final victory will belong to the schools... the final sketch plan of the socialist society will belong to the schools." So the Frankfurt School targeted and took control of the teachers' colleges in order to control what was being taught to children....young teachers are forced to go through possibly the most rigorous courses of indoctrination available in any universities.
Anna Sofia Botkin
If people institute wrong institutions, wrong institutions do not just produce wrong people, but wrong people who understand and accept mediocrity as an institution
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
The world needs the kind of education by means of which character is formed, strength of the mind is increased and the human intellect is expanded beyond its own limits.
Abhijit Naskar
With or without 'college' we are able to use our senses by perceiving the world around us, that in turn shapes and creates ones own reality. Perception is reality. My 'reality' is not the same as your 'reality' since we all have a different mental database, life experience, physiology, different characteristics, environments we grew up and people we hang out with, etc. I might fall in love with a certain smell while it triggers bad memories for someone else. Same goes for the other senses while perceiving 'reality'. And how real is this so called 'reality' anyway? Our senses can be quite limited compared to a camera or other living creatures on the planet. There are sounds and colours humans can not detect with their senses. We in fact do not perceive the whole 'picture'. The most important things in life are unseen. My point is that we do not need hierarchic, indoctrinating, and capitalized institution called 'science' to tell us what, when, why, and how to think, experiment, sense, and live our lives. Long before there was any 'science', there was sense first.
Nadja Sam
Unfortunately for the university, none of that information could make the slightest place for itself inside the circuits of my brain. I was looking for education, but all I found was heartless indoctrination. And indoctrination is not just demeaning to the human conscience, it is lethal for the flourishing psychology of the hungry, young mind.
Abhijit Naskar
My expectations from the university were perhaps too idealistic. I had dreams of learning things about innovation and discovery in the field of technology, but all of it hit the ground hard, when I faced with the pathetic reality of the so-called higher education system. To my surprise, I found myself stuck behind the walls of meaningless facts, figures and rankings. It occurred to me that, it was not actually a place for education, rather it was a place where you go to get your head filled with useless undigested information, that you’d probably never use throughout your entire life. It was not education, and moreover, it was definitely not science.
Abhijit Naskar
All systems of the society are meant to serve the mind, not the mind to serve the systems.
Abhijit Naskar
Quite like religious fundamentalism, educational fundamentalism is based upon bookish creeds created by the self-proclaimed authority figures of the system. And this very fundamentalism is the cause of all the growing conflicts between the student-body of the education society and the teachers running that society. These conflicts further become tools of exploitation in the hands of a handful of war-mongering, authoritarian, blood-sucking politicians.
Abhijit Naskar
The authorities of this so-called education take pride in their ship shape structure where they manufacture dumb manikins.
Abhijit Naskar
Education means breaking free from the manacles of limitations put forward by primitive ignorance.
Abhijit Naskar
This is not Education. It is a process of manufacturing computation devices that look like Homo sapiens.
Abhijit Naskar
The flow of knowledge towards the mind should be moderated by the faculties of the mind itself, based on the acceptability of nothing but the mind.
Abhijit Naskar
The world needs teachers – teachers who have broken their own shackles of indoctrination – teachers who can go beyond the narrow-mindedness of the society. A handful of these young, brave and zealous teachers in every nation, shall be enough to rekindle the spark of pure knowledge in the entire species.
Abhijit Naskar
The true value in education is, I think, the way that it teaches us to investigate ourselves and our world. It often forces us to step outside of ourselves and our experiences, and that is an absolutely essential ability for a writer to have.
Kristen Twardowski
The craving for security has conditioned the society to perceive education not as an endeavor of the mind, rather as a preprogrammed task created by some sophisticated, illusory structure known as the “system of education”. Education means breaking free from the manacles of limitations put forward by primitive ignorance. Yet today’s fake education is gloriously founded upon the primordial element of “limitation”. And the authorities of this so-called education often take pride in their ship shape structure where they manufacture dumb manikins.
Abhijit Naskar
there is no place of politics in education. The moment you let politics invade your education system, you inadvertently welcome chaos into the future of young India. Educational institutions have nothing to do with political propagandas. So, open your eyes, and throw any kind of political agenda out of your institutions.
Abhijit Naskar
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