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Country’s friggin’ dying, man, you have to triage the motherfucker.
Jess Row
In the first couple of weeks there were big piles of trash outside every house. All the stuff you couldn’t find another use for and couldn’t compost. Yogurt cups, torn trash bags, dirty diapers, hair-spray cans, paper towels. Sometimes you’d see a pile that was as high as your waist. Nathan said it was a purge, a cleanse. But you could just as well say that who we were went out with the empties. We will never get our selves back.
Jess Row
We are the dead . Our only true life is in the future. We shall take part in it as handfuls of dust and splinters of bone.
George Orwell
After all this time, I know exactly where I belong. Here. With Edmond. And that's how I live now.
Meg Rosoff
...the end of the world hasn't granted the clumsiest among us any measure of grace.
Patricia Hamill
I don't want to think about it, but I have to. Someone has to. I see the signs of spring and I weep...
Patricia Hamill
What’s with savage humans always wanting to cannibalize us?” Jaden asks as she runs past Summer to check for any more of the Tainted around the corner.“They want to suck your blood,” Rob says in a Romanian accent.Jaden snorts. Too bad humor won’t help them out of this mess.
Laura Kreitzer
What we are probably given is a mixture of truth and untruth. It's anybody's guess as to which part is which and how much there is of each.
Ira Levin
Democracy and tyranny are not distant relatives. They’re bedfellows.”-General John JamesCommandant, USMCDecember 11th, 2032
L. Douglas Hogan
All of us sit here at this conference and feel secure in our belief that we live in an era beyond this kind of…authoritarian regime change; but what sort of political climate do you think could potentially break apart our current stasis and deliver us back in time, so to speak?Thank you, I am gratified there has been so much interest in our little project. Gilead Studies languished for many years, I suppose those who had lived through those times did not want them resurrected for various reasons including what might have been done to them and what they themselves might have done. But at this distance, we can allow ourselves some perspective. It’s fortunate that is the last question as my voice is giving out. As to your question, in times of peace and plenty, it is hard to remember the conditions that have led to authoritarian regime changes in the past. And it is even harder to suppose that we ourselves would ever make such choices or allow them to be made. But when there is a perfect storm and collapse of the established order is in the works precipitated by environmental stresses that lead to food shortages, economic factors such as unrest due to unemployment, a social structure that is top heavy with too much wealth being concentrated among too few, then scapegoats are sought and blamed, fear is rampant, and there is pressure to trade what we think of as liberty for what we think of as safety. And, when the birth rate of any society is low enough to create an aging shrinking population, then commercial and military authorities will become alarmed. Their customer base and their recruitment base will be in jeopardy and there will be extreme pressure on women of childbearing age to make up the population deficit, thus our handmaid and her tale.
Margret Atwood
My chest tightens to the point I fear my heart will suffocate from the pressure of it. Society's standards are the total opposite from how I was raised. The boy who I thought to be so strikingly handsome has less than a year of his life to live, my new friend only a few more months beyond that. Yet they are living these uneventful lives in which they don't think there is a reason for anything. Will I ever see my mother again, or is this how I will be forced to live the rest of my life, as well?
Jen Naumann
I pushed my over-taxed muscles even harder. I could already hear the sound of the heavy wheels that moved the doors into place. And I knew I was not going to make it . . .
J.C. Morrows
The greywastes was a basin overflowing with insanity, the very earth underneath me was only surviving because it was too mad to know it had died
Quil Carter
It feels so good to find out I mean everything to the person who means everything to me.
Leslie Lee Sanders
I remember thinking that I could disguise the way I am by somehow filtering my expression for the sake of juvenile social acceptance or I could say to the world, “Here I am, if you don’t like it, don’t clap.” -Boys of the Fatherless-
David C. Riggins
We are brilliant shades of light, we can not be contained"-Boys of the Fatherless-
David C. Riggins
There is a secret layer of humanity that lies just beneath the surface of man, a secret layer where our fears and insecurities hide, that when touched in this secret place men and woman are somehow liberated.
David Riggins
Ribbons! Long ones, short ones, ones for every mood." He does a little dance to the singsong rhythm. "Thin ones, thick ones, and ones to tie your shoes!
Nadine Brandes
I want to be done with tears, and the day is too beautiful for them anyway. Nevertheless, I consider my tears for a moment, the idea of them, a link to the earth’s ancient origins. I’m comforted by the notion that I carry a bit of the sea within myself wherever I go. It’s nice to think that water is not such an exotic thing after all.
Denise Getson
The land will sink into the water, and then, the water will evaporate into the air, taking the sky with it. And all, but a tremor of what once was, will be gone." ~ Ichabod Everward, during the Fossil War.
Ryan Mark
There is no good or evil here, it all depends on what side you're standing. Nor is it about wrong or right, it's about surviving." Triven
Jennifer Wilson
If we keep punishing people for what their parents or their ancestors have done, the world as a whole can never move forward. Society will never grow.” -Triven
Jennifer Wilson
As he plods behind Cameron and Summer, he can’t help but stare at Summer’s exposed, glistening skin. His thoughts aren’t depraved or even mildly in the splasher. In fact, he focuses on the marks of cruelty crisscrossing her back, stomach, and shoulders. He trudges along, drenched, feet swollen, constantly searching for even a hint of a breeze, all while being forced to stare at the alarming network of burns traversing Summer’s delicate skin. This latticework of hate reveals a brutal truth—one he can scarcely comprehend. Yes, he’s glimpsed and felt her scars before, but this is the first time he’s really, truly seen the severity and extent of her life as a slave. With each step, he must digest the monstrosities of her past, leaving him utterly devastated.
Laura Kreitzer
Gage is waiting on the makeshift bed when she enters the room she’s been sleeping in. The small lantern in the corner barely lights his features. His shoulders are hunched, his hands clasped together before him, and when he looks up, his face is downcast. There are a number of reasons why he would look this way, but the worst possible thing comes to mind first.Someone is dead.
Laura Kreitzer
Posterity will never hear of you. You will be lifted clean out from the stream of history. We shall turn you into gas and pour you into the stratosphere. Nothing will remain of you; not a name in a register, not a memory in a living brain. You will be annihilated in the past as well as in the future. You will never have existed.
George Orwell
He watches the sun out of the world and the stars into it and sometimes I wonder if he watches the sun come up again. Is it hard to sleep when you know you are almost at the end? Do you not want to miss a moment, even those that would otherwise seem dull and unremarkable?
Ally Condie
Reunion will come.
Atsuko Asano
Isolde took a swig. "It doesn't matter if you believe it or not. Your government just gave you two months to get knocked up." She held up the bottle, her face dull and red. "Cheers." "You better get your fill of the booze now, then," said Xochi. "You'll be drinking for two pretty soon.
Dan Wells
A shame. As promising as a sky full'a rainbows but as useful as a bag'a dirt.
Quoleena Sbrocca
I’m thinking ahead, imagining what our lives together would be like once we’re free from this hell and allowed to live and let go. You know? Really let go of our pain and finally enjoy each other … you and me.
Leslie Lee Sanders
I put my hand next to his shoulder on the door frame, not touching, but real close. “Look, Blondie. I’m not asking you to bottom, just to fucking navigate.
Rie Warren
For the first time I had the best of both worlds--a mission to live for and a man to love.
Rie Warren
My latest battle had nothing to do with The Company, the rebels, or any other faction. It was out-and-out warfare between my head and my heart. Keeping it cool during daylight, versus nighttime, when I unleashed my passion for him. ... Turned out the Wilderness was a lot more hostile than me.
Rie Warren
So damn pigheaded. I’ve studied you, not to report you, Caspar, but because I want a relationship with you.
Rie Warren
I’m wondering how long I have to deal with this bullshit before I can brief my troops. Oh, and I gotta feed my goldfish. Let’s get this straight, Blondie—”“Blondie?”“That’s an insult, not a pet name.
Rie Warren
It doesn’t matter where I am, or who I’m with . . . God, Caspar. I’ve dreamed about being with you.
Rie Warren
At the last moment, Kellan swerved around him, quickly leaving the zombie behind. “Why didn't you just hit him?” Jayden asked, turning to look behind us as we sped away. I did, too. The zombie spun around as he immediately started to follow us. “I didn't want to mess up my paint job,” Kellan sarcastically replied as he turned on the street that would lead us to the store. “Plus, I just washed it.
Rose Wynters
The scars are just something that happened to me. They aren't me. Not anymore.
Amy Engel
Welp I'm fucked, how am I meant to do that?! “Dilmore?
Charon Lloyd-Roberts
This doesn't feel right Agres...” Tria whispered “Nonsense!” Agres replied.
Charon Lloyd-Roberts
But they promised us everyone would return someday…when it was safe.” Her voice cracked at the end.“You’re being stupid again. Trusting in what they say.” Disdain dripped from his words like pus from an infected wound.
T.C. Avey
Sometimes it takes losing everything to see the truth in nothing, except love, honor, and death.
N.J. Paige
Today was the day to win again, Javlei held his axe in hand he had killed many people with it he didn't care that he had blood on his hands. He had won the STEDFARST races every year so far by being ruthless butchering other racers as he went.
Charon Lloyd-Roberts
Charon Lloyd-Roberts
Fear can cause blindness, said the girl with dark glasses, Never a truer word, that could not be truer, we were already blind the moment we turned blind, fear struck us blind, fear will keep us blind, Who is speaking, asked the doctor, A blind man, replied a voice, just a blind man, for that is all we have here.
José Saramago
The aftermath of bearing shackles is an exquisite devastation, fraught with the ravages of survival. Even though one is no longer held captive—be that from a person, a government, or one’s inner self—the scars are deeply engraved into one’s psyche, and there’s no remedy for the soul. Many have the misconception that freedom equals happiness forever and ever.That’s a wicked delusion.
Laura Kreitzer
Terror builds inside him. The reality that tonight will be his last leaves a sour taste in his mouth. The Tainted will eat him, or on a more terrifying note—if that’s even possible—maybe turn him into one of them. He’d rather die. But first, he’ll take as many of those bastards out as he can. He throws his pack into the throng and jerks the blade from his belt. With a thudding heart, he slices through them. Blood arcs over him, onto him.
Laura Kreitzer
Slowly, he lifts the flashlight. Her shorts are torn and frayed, her shirt ripped from chest to naval, exposing her black bra and dirty stomach. And then he raises the light so it reflects off her face, off the crimson tears streaming from the girl’s eyes. Her boney hands fly up to protect her face, and her head tilts sharply as she hisses.
Laura Kreitzer
We have survived the death of our childhood. We are soldiers now, maybe the last soldiers who will ever fight, the Earth’s final and only hope, united as one in the spirit of vengeance.
Rick Yancey
If you survive, you've got to live with the guilt, and that's more difficult than looking someone in the eye and pulling the trigger. Trust me. I've done both.
Sara Grant
Loyalty is the key to our survival. Without it, we are just like them.
Tiana Dalichov
The lucky ones died in the blasts. They were spared the fate of starvation, cannibalism, rape and slaughter. Where a man could be killed over half-eaten can of corn.
Joe Reyes
Centrally planned economies are upended by out of control population. Their escape valve is eugenics.
A.E. Samaan
All utopias are dystopias. The term "dystopia" was coined by fools that believed a "utopia" can be functional.
A.E. Samaan
There comes a time when a man must forgo familiarity and venture into uncertainty; risking obscurity, but also quite possibly… finding meaning.
Jerry J.C. Veit
The city is a plague… and I am the penicillin.
Jerry J.C. Veit
He’s a lovely guy, but there’s no spark between us whatsoever. It just goes to show, that even with all their fancy assessment tools, the government can’t legislate for chemistry.
Siobhan Davis
Everyone has to die at some point, so the thought of passing on together while holding hands with my one true love has always sounded like an amazing fairy tale. It reminds me of the old Shakespearean play Romeo and Juliet, and of the powerful love they shared.
Shannon Duffy
Without the Dreamscape, we can’t sleep.My parents remind me all the time about stories their parents told them, of how things were in the Manic Age. The time before our bodies were upgraded to sync with the amazing invention called the Dreamscape. Thirty-eight years ago, people actually had to fall asleep on their own and, sometimes, they would toss and turn for hours. My grandparents said when sleep, in its mercy, did come, it often brought with it horrible images I’ve heard people used to call nightmares.
Shannon Duffy
Darian murdered them in cold blood. That’s a crime punishable with life in the Terrorscape, where you experience the worst nightmares imaginable.
Shannon Duffy
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