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we lived depravityand called it truth, silencingour dreaming, andour love, discardingthings holy.
John Daniel Thieme
You cannot change people but you can change the system so that people are not pushed into doing evil things.
Slavoj Žižek
The dream of all men is to meet little sluts who are innocent but ready for all forms of depravity—which is what, more or less, all teenage girls are.
Michel Houellebecq
Knowing God without knowing our wretchedness leads to pride. Knowing our wretchedness without knowing God leads to despair. Knowing Jesus Christ is the middle course, because in him we find both God and our wretchedness.
Blaise Pascal
How can a man’s candour be seen in all its lustre unless he has a few failings to talk of? But he had an agreeable confidence that his faults were all of a generous kind—impetuous, arm-blooded, leonine; never crawling, crafty, reptilian.
George Eliot
Without a heart transformed by the grace of Christ, we just continue to manage external and internal darkness.
Matt Chandler
Today. the celebration is for the "victorious", not the meritorious. The depiction to the youth, is that one can be victorious without merit, and that merit is less notable than victory. The result, is the masses are selectively and passively affirming that winning trumps hard work, that theft trumps the pride of ownership, and that personal success trumps collective progress.
Justin Kyle McFarlane Beau
When virtue has slept, it will arise again all the fresher.
Friedrich Nietzsche
True gospel preaching always changes the heart. It either awakens it or hardens it.
Chan Kilgore
Boasting about badness without actively involving in badness is mere madness.
Michael Bassey Johnson
Christmas is an indictment before it becomes a delight. It will not have its intended effect until we feel desperately the need for a Savior.
John Piper
A prison cell, in which one waits, hopes - and is completely dependent on the fact that the door of freedom has to be opened from the outside, is not a bad picture of Advent
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
The church is a whore, but she is still my mother. Augustine
Matt Chandler
The love of humanity does not prevent us from being good journalists.
Barbara W. Tuchman
I swung my hips around like I unscrewed at the waist.
Amber Dawn
When we get to Heaven, we can try a monarchy, perhaps." John Hay
John Taliaferro
Backward we are naturally to all good things, and it is a lesson of grace to learn to go forward in the ways of God.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Jesus takes the chaos of the world upon Himself.
Mark Sayers
It is too easy to call the church political. The nature of fallen people is political. And they happen to make up the church. So the church is innately political. This cannot be helped. But it can be navigated if not always stomached.
Mea McMahon
I get it. I haven't seen much of the real world yet. But let's say I do get out there... and it turns out that it's not even worth seeing? Or even worse.. what if it's so ugly and cruel that I can barely stand to look? What if I only meet idiots and the depraved? What's that going to teach me? What can I learn from that?
Naoyuki Ochiai
Poetry of World War I, at least in its lyrical mode, was itself the last flowering of the Age of Innocence that preceded the war, that the horrors of the trenches sparked the final blossoming, as friction gives rise to fire; that the daily nightmare unfolding before the soldiers sharpened their sense of beauty, prophecy, and mission.
Philip Zaleski
It’s an act of our will to choose to see people simply as wildly loved by God, to assume their beauty before guessing their depravity.
Mary E. DeMuth
Kindness and pain, joy and suffering are twins in this fallen world.
Philip Zaleski
Our misconception in viewing the past lies in assuming that doubt and fear, permit, protests, violence and hate were not equally present.
Barbara W. Tuchman
The Gospel worldview equips the artist with a unique combination of optimism and realism about life.
Timothy J. Keller
Hysterical optimism will prevail until the world again admits the existence of tragedy, and it cannot admit the existence of tragedy until it again distinguishes between good and evil. . . Hysterical optimism as a sin against knowledge.
Richard M. Weaver
To Tom, the march of technology was equivalent to the march of civilization.
Stephen L. Carter
No one can become and remain a theologian unless he is compelled again and again to be astonished at himself.
Karl Barth
If I turn mine eyes upon myself, I find myself a traitor with the rest;
William Shakespeare
When man comes into the presence of God he will find, whether he wishes it or not, that all those things which seemed to make him so different from the men of other times, or even from his earlier self, have fallen off. He is back where he always was, where every man always is.
C.S. Lewis
Self-deprecation is the appropriate response of any new convert, as he matches his stained soul against the purity of God.
Philip Zaleski
I am praying that the issues from the last 12 generations go into the ground with me so I have NEW issue is to pass on to my son.
Matt Chandler
Alas! it is but little we have done for our Master's glory. Our winter has lasted all too long. We are as cold as ice when we should feel a summer's glow and bloom with sacred flowers.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
It is well for us when prayers about our sorrows are linked with pleas concerning our sins—when, being under God's hand, we are not wholly taken up with our pain, but remember our offences against God.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
The shape of evil is much more superficiality and blindness than the usual list of hot sins. God hides, and is found, precisely in the depths of everything.
Richard Rohr
As his body became more and more defenseless, so his means of offense became steadily more frightful.
Arthur C. Clarke
Sin has sprung from a royal though evil stock, and if it be in the heart, it will struggle for the throne.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Evil things are easy things: for they are natural to our fallen nature. Right things are rare flowers that need cultivation.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
The last Bible I looked at contained over 2000 pages, and you humans managed to get yourself kicked out Paradise by page 5. That has to be some kind of record.
Dennis Garvin
As for the vice of lust - aside from what it means for spiritual persons to fall into this vice, since my intent is to treat of the imperfections that have to be purged by means of the dark night - spiritual persons have numerous imperfections, many of which can be called spiritual lust, not because the lust is spiritual but because it proceeds from spiritual things. It happens frequently that in a person's spiritual exercises themselves, without the person being able to avoid it, impure movements will be experienced in the sensory part of the soul, and even sometimes when the spirit is deep in prayer or when receiving the sacraments of Penance or the Eucharist. These impure feelings arise from any of three causes outside one's control. First, they often proceed from the pleasure human nature finds in spiritual exercises. Since both the spiritual and the sensory part of the soul receive gratification from that refreshment, each part experiences delight according to its own nature and properties. The spirit, the superior part of the soul, experiences renewal and satisfaction in God; and the sense, the lower part, feels sensory gratification and delight because it is ignorant of how to get anything else, and hence takes whatever is nearest, which is the impure sensory satisfaction. It may happen that while a soul is with God in deep spiritual prayer, it will conversely passively experience sensual rebellions, movements, and acts in the senses, not without its own great displeasure. This frequently happens at the time of Communion. Since the soul receives joy and gladness in this act of love - for the Lord grants the grace and gives himself for this reason - the sensory part also takes its share, as we said, according to its mode. Since, after all, these two parts form one individual, each one usually shares according to its mode in what the other receives. As the Philosopher says: Whatever is received, is received according to the mode of the receiver. Because in the initial stages of the spiritual life, and even more advanced ones, the sensory part of the soul is imperfect, God's spirit is frequently received in this sensory part with this same imperfection. Once the sensory part is reformed through the purgation of the dark night, it no longer has these infirmities. Then the spiritual part of the soul, rather than the sensory part, receives God's Spirit, and the soul thus receives everything according to the mode of the Spirit.
San Juan de la Cruz
It is not, in Calvin’s view, that we sin because we believe the wrong things; it is, rather, that we believe the wrong things because we sin.
Russell D. Moore
Our view of human problems determines who is qualified to speak to them. If sin is the primary human problem, then those with the theological and practical expertise in dealing with sin – in its varied and complex forms – should lead the way in the field of people-helping. Unless we have an accurate and robust conception of sin, the church will concede much of its work to outside professional and will be ill-equipped to cooperate with them when needed.
James MacDonald
Her heart was revealed in a slip, as our hearts always are.
Rosaria Champagne Butterfield
On what grounds would God be told that He can bring death to millions of people at the end of a normal life span, but that He may not do it in any other way?
Donald Grey Barnhouse
He trusted the cosmos – but not necessarily the powers that held sway on earth.
Philip Zaleski
One is not necessarily made self-centered because he is foolish, but one is very often made foolish because he is self-centered.
Criss Jami
Humanizing war?! You may as well talk of humanizing Hell. Sir John Fisher
Barbara W. Tuchman
Our insight into the need of redemption will largely depend upon our knowledge of the terrible nature of the power that has entered our being.
Andrew Murray
If I created a new depravity I would be a priestess, while my imitators would founder, after my reign, in abominable filth...Don't you think that proud men, copying Satan, are more guilty than the Satan of the Bible, who invented pride? Is Satan not respectable because of his unprecedented and divinely inspired sin?
We owe God a "double debt" incurred by our passive receipt of Adam's debt but also by our active disobedience. The extent of our depravity is such that we also owe a "daring debt" because we challenge not only God's Law but His very grace as we blame Him that He has not done enough.
Foppe Vander Zwaag
He that becomes protector of sin shall surely become its prisoner.
Augustine of Hippo
One with God is always a majority. But many have been burned at the stake while the boats were being counted. Thomas Reed
H.W. Brands
As in a tree, there is more sap in an Arm of the tree, than in a little sprig; but the sprig hath the same sap for kind that the Arm of the tree hath, and it all comes from the same root. So though there be more venom in some gross, crying sins, than in some others; yet there is no sin but hath the same sap, and the same venom, for the kind, that every sin hath, that the worst sin hath.
Jeremiah Burroughs
There is good even in church people. You find it hard to believe, right? Jesus never shut the door on religious people. He just made sure that they understand He was that door, and not their deeds and tasks. Some of us, even I, need to be reminded of this. This being understood, the people of the church are like broken pieces of glass fixed into beautiful mosaic to reflect Jesus. The picture is beautiful, but the pieces do indeed still have sharp edges that can cut.
Mea McMahon
God's revelation in the Gospel not only reveals Who He is, but it also reveals who we are.
David Platt
If you spend your life on a moral hill-top, you see nothing but the mud below. If, like me, you live in the mud itself, you get a damned good view of clear blue sky and clean green hills above. There's none so evil-minded as those with a moral mission, and none so pure in heart as the depraved.
Stephen Fry
Though the outside of human life changes much, the inside changes little.
Edith Hamilton
Even the respectable have a small anarchist hidden on the inside.
Barbara W. Tuchman
Every artifact of human culture is a positive response to God's general revelation and simultaneously a rebellious assertion against His sovereign rule over us.
Timothy J. Keller
Sin is the native language in every ZIP code.
Matt Chandler
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