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don't look in my eyes you will fall into a deep well and drown
d nasty
Perhaps it was the approach of death that had opened his eyes wide and made him see so clearly.
Francine Rivers
Sam studied his brother. At one time he thought Frankie had a good head on his shoulders. Sure, he had a temper. And he was conceited. But he always used common sense. But now he wasn’t so sure if that were true. He had brought him his lifeless fiancé. Like a dog dragging in a dead rabbit looking for praise.
Holly Hood
You can't stay young forever. Being young is a privilege. God knows, how many of them in their death bed wished to be young again and they regretted all the things they should have and should not have done.
Diyar Harraz
For the sake of goodness and love, man shall grant death no dominion over his thoughts.
Thomas Mann
Satan will not ask you to carry a chair and sit with him, instead he will snatch the chair from your hands and dismantle your body with it.
Michael Bassey Johnson
But I couldn't absorb the idea that death could actually walk by my side, with a human face and a heart that was poisoned with hatred.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón
Seconds turn into minutes and minutes into hours. It is all still the same. Or it no longer is. If I were to ask what has changed, perhaps nothing, but conceivably everything would be the befitting reply. I no longer feel the same. Loss preceded me, alienating my soul from the body. I feel I am gliding through an alley making a journey from the known towards the unknown. There is a deep abyss inside where sometime back, my heart used to beat and a noisy, rusty old machine has replaced my mind; solitarily creating useless noise.I don’t remember what day it is and since when have I been lying here. It must have been yesterday… or was it day before. I cannot recollect anything except the dull throbbing pain inside my brain. I can see the time, almost 9: 45, difficult to say which time of the day it is. The bigger hand is soon going to overshadow the smaller hand. It looks like a game of cat and mouse; the bigger hand chasing the smaller one. Anyone stronger in terms of physical appearance, money, power, fame or name tramples upon the weak ones - that is the rule of the world. There are only two possible reasons behind it, love or hate. When you love someone you want to control everything that person does and hence, sometimes, knowingly or unknowingly you squash them like melons. While on the other hand in the case of hate, there is no need to specify the reason for walking over someone like that. Hate is a strong reason in itself. I am confused as to what crushed me, was it love or hate? I somehow don’t like the sound of it – love, it in itself smells of treachery, for love is not a pure emotion. Lust and hatred are the only pure emotions. Love is camouflaged, for needs and desires. Desires – they are magical in their own way. They can be innocent. They can be monstrous. But they exist, no matter what, and many such needs and desires make us helpless slaves of the same. We hide these desires either in the realms of our mind or in the dusty corners of our hearts for we are scared…what if someone finds out what we desire. We give them identities so as to not let the real thing show. The only thing visible on the front is a mask we wear to deceive people or that’s what I thought. For I was deceived while I believed I am the deceiver. Or was I not? I debated as my mind once again tried to enter a sleep-induced trance.
Funerals, I had decided, are for the living.
John Green
Be kind to everyone, everyone is going through something
Mary Elizabeth Owens
If they succeed, it will not matter if Man becomes immortal.He will have nothing to live for.
James Edwin Gunn
When he did think—when his brain began the slow chugging of rusty gears—the only thoughts that came were unspeakable things like, what’s the worst age a child can die? Worse yet was—after hours spent staring at the ceiling until it became a real-life Escher print with fans on the floor, useless windowsills, and dresser drawers that spilled underwear when opened—worse yet was when his mind found answers to those questions. Two-years-old isn’t so bad, he mused. They barely had a life. Twenty? At least they got to experience life! But fourteen... fourteen was the worst.
Jake Vander-Ark
Going insane would be worse than dying. At least death is clear and final
Rita Stradling
I prayed for death so as not to live in madness.
Andrew Krivak
For him, behind every feeling and thought was the sense of the open door leading into nothingness. To be sure, he suffered from dread of many things, of madness, the police, insomnia, and also dread of death. But everything he dreaded he likewise desired and longed for at the same time. He was full of burning curiosity about suffering, destruction, persecution, madness and death.
Hermann Hesse
As incompetent in life as in death, I loathe myself and in this loathing I dream of another life, another death. And for having sought to be a sage such as never was, I am only a madman among the mad . . .
Emil M. Cioran
Death is Perfection's reflection. One cannot be the other, but without one, the other suffers.
Solange nicole
I always remember your own grandmother, she continued, nodding her head, old Mrs. Taylor. She died on a Christmas Night.Oh, I said shivering. I wouldn't like to die on a Christmas Night. A good night to die, she smiled; they say that the gates of heaven are open on Christmas Night.
Alice Taylor
Once they have dedicated themselves to a cause, women will fight to the end for it.
Sara Sheridan
Evan stares at me.I try to hug him. He takes a step back. I pause, my heart in my throat. I’ve got to reach out to him, let myself be vulnerable. I find the courage, but he backs up again.“You can’t go to Iraq anymore.”“I know.”He looks up at Deanna, then back to me. “Did you fight bad guys? You told me you weren’t.” His voice is suspicious, full of accusation. He doesn’t trust me, and I don’t blame him for that.“No, Evan. I didn’t fight bad guys.”I can’t bring myself to tell him the complete truth. I want so desperately to go back into this fight. I miss it every day. I always felt I could change the world with a rifle in my hands and our flag on my shoulder.“Did you get shot?” he looks me over, apparently searching for bullet wounds.I grin a little. “No, Bud, I didn’t get shot.”“People get shot in Iraq.”“Yes, they do.” It strikes me then that Evan for the first time has a grasp on the dangers that are faced over there. He’s six now, and the world is coming into focus for him.“People get shot, Daddy. They die. Bad guys kill them.”I think of Edward Iwan and Sean Sims.“Yeah, I know they do, Evan.
David Bellavia
In a fight to the death,I would in no doubt throw the fight.signed.....A pacifist
Anthony T.Hincks
A man dies and his skin loses heat like the sand on a summer evening. It makes you feel like warming him up.
Erri De Luca
I never really wanted to die. But I followed through anyway. The pain in my heart was excruciating, and death was beautiful.
Rae Hachton
A dead body is much more fascinating than a live one, and I have learned that most corpses tell better stories.
Alan Bradley
The feeling of death is not as peaceful as they make it sound in movies and books. It was frightening and empty...I never want to feel it again.
Shannon A. Thompson
I remembered screaming then, screaming until my voice stopped.
Ivy Devlin
There were worse things than dying, and those worse things happened to the people you left behind.
P.C. Cast
In my opinion, anyone who says they have no anxiety at all over experiencing their own physical death is not in touch with their humanity".~R. Alan Woods [2012]
R. Alan Woods
There are things far worse than death, for when it comes to us it is final. What lies beyond it is a matter of faith in what we had hope for.
R. Alan Woods
You cannot conceive of the depths of my sorrow, Campbell Maria Cooper." Alicia brought her fist to her mouth and her other hand to the rail of the bed and took a deep breath before she continued. "I will never be the same when you are gone. Things for me will be dim and gray and flat. But there is one thing that will keep me going, Campbell, and that is the belief in my connection to you. This thing. This crazy enmeshed love feeling that I have is real. Like this cup is real. Or this phone is real. And it will not just go away when you do. Okay? Wherever you are going, you will be connected to me by this thing, and you will never, ever be alone, okay? I want you to know that.
Wendy Wunder
One's ribs shouldn't be prison bars.
David Mitchell
My mother died of colon cancer one week after my eleventh birthday, and that fact has shaped my life. All that I have become and much that I have not become, I trace directly or indirectly to her death. ... In my professional and personal life, I have lived with the awareness of death's imminence for more than half a century, and labored in its constant presence for all but the first decade of that time.
Sherwin B. Nuland
To combat death you don't need much of a life, just one that isn't yet finished.
Herta Müller
Old age is catching up with me, or am I catching up with it?
Stanley Victor Paskavich
Nature had found the perfect place to hide the yellow fever virus. It seeded itself and grew in the blood, blooming yellow and running red.
Molly Caldwell Crosby
Mama wasn't dead...exactly. They all said she was, but when Elma was small, she seen Mama creep into her room at night, half-naked, head all bloodied red like when they found her by the well that day, and Elma reckoned dead just meant pretendin' you couldn't move or breathe until nightfall when you got up and walked around like you was free.
Shannon Celebi
I will not go back. No bad thing for me to die. I will make it happen so that it happens only once.
Shahrukh Husain
I die with the dying light, yet shine brighter as the darkness approaches. Soon I’ll be whittled to bone and stripped clean through, nothing left but a skeleton on which to hang a hat. But have no fear, I look good in hats.
Chila Woychik
This world rubs me raw, scours me smooth like an SOS pad put to a grease-caked skillet. And pain: it stabs and scrapes and pulls me back to earth, my final B&B, that worm-spun cot of cool black sod.
Chila Woychik
Not how he died, not what he died of, even less why he died, are of concern, to me, only the fact that he did die, he is dead, is important: the loss to me, to us
B.S. Johnson
Differences disappear when faced with death.
Shannon A. Thompson
Everyone's dying, Milcah. Some people are just dying sooner than others.
K.K. Hendin
Death descended like a theatrical storm over the Drakensberg Mountains, stranding me while it ran its course.
B.G. Bowers
The scariest thing about death is not dying, it's the uncertainty of what happens after
Peyton J Glenn
I'd love to live forever except the person that made this game board has a tendency to occasionally knock some pieces off
Stanley Victor Paskavich
We never actively remember death,' Odenigbo said. The reason we live as we do is because we do not remember that we will die. We will all die.
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
But he drank a lot. When love dies, he told me, there are no survivors.
Eion Colfer
They say that when a man is going to drown, when he finally gives up the struggle - it's sort of blissful, for a moment. And then he drowns.
John Hodge
She died in my arms saying, “I don’t want to die.” That is what death is like. It doesn’t matter what uniforms the soldiers are wearing. It doesn’t matter how good the weapons are. I thought if everyone could see what I saw, we could never have war anymore.
Jonathan Safran Foer
A shade flickered to my left, an eerie shadow balanced even more precariously on the railing than I. Her plimsolls struggled to grip the same rail my fingers now held. I knew her face, just as I knew her death; I’d watched it often enough, those times I’d been unable to avoid crossing here. Nerys was always here, tied to the moment of her death, an echo, forever hurtling down into those waters, only to reappear an instant later, once more wavering on the rails.
Hazel Butler
Death is a misery.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Die in a good way, obviously.
Mindy Kaling
I will simply die, as you will simply die, when our hearts stop beating. And instead of the fires of Hell or the clouds of Heaven, there will be a chorus of hungry worms or fish, depending on how we go. Isn’t that what really terrifies you most of all, why you force yourself against all reason to believe in such tales? It’s because you’re afraid of the nothingness at the end. You’re ashamed of it.
Cliff James
Seventy years of life is nothing in front of a single day of death
Munia Khan
Only the dead, can speak about their world.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Death occurs in unexpected times.
Lailah Gifty Akita
And what after all, is death?? 'Tis but a cessation from mortal life; 'tis but the finishing of an appointed course; the refreshing inn after a fatiguing journey; the end of a life of cares and troubles; and, if happy, the beginning of a life of immortal happiness.
Samuel Richardson
Dave learned that Death is the opposite of peace: it’s struggle, it’s ugly, it’s horrific, it’s dirty. And ultimately, Death is emptiness.
Emily Bleeker
It's not that people don't know when they'll die. It's that they don't seem to know they'll die.
Raheel Farooq
He’d seen a lot of bizarre items left at gravesides, like a carton of eggs, a pair of reading glasses, a bag of licorice, smooth stones, a spoon.
Sheri Webber
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