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Entrepreneur, take a bite out of Apple's innovation so in turn you can bear fruits of creativity.
Onyi Anyado
Culture is the sum of the values, beliefs and assumptions of human groups.
Max McKeown
The psychology of individual creativity is about at least three different things. First, creativity is about thinking differently. Second, creativity is about feeling differently. Third, creativity is about focusing, or committing, differently.
Max McKeown
Entrepreneurship isn't about luck, it's about vision, time management, creativity, determination and goals.
Onyi Anyado
There is nothing that makes its way more directly into the soul than beauty.
Joseph Addison
How my emotions starred as I played! During one of this tug-of-war contest between knowing right and doing wrong, I wrote the words to a song on my own for the first time.
Jeremy Camp
People like you must create. If you don't create, Bernadette, you will become a menace to society.
Maria Semple
Blank walls are a shared canvas and we're all artists.
Carla H. Krueger
The mind loves the unknown. It loves images whose meaning is unknown, since the meaning of the mind itself is unknown.
The need to be right all the time is the biggest bar there is to new ideas.
Edward deBono
She pours sugar on her life and drinks the artist’s marrow in the bone of her glass and she lives.
Kelli Russell Agodon
We are all creative, from the mother adding an extra pinch of garlic to her meal, to the entrepreneur launching a brand new product, to the business consultant who creates a more effective way for corporate departments to communicate. The call requires creativity.
Shannon Tanner
Berg paid his way with stories.
Nicholas Dawidoff
All creativity is a work in progress
Dean Cavanagh
The essence of real creativity is a certain playfulness, a flitting from idea to idea without getting bogged down by fixated demands. Of course, you don’t always get what you thought you were asking for.
Vernor Vinge
Asbjørn had a nose, that was his great talent, I had never met anyone with such sureness of taste as him, but what use was it, part from being the hub student life revolved around? The essence of a nose is judgment, to judge you have to stand outside, and that is not where creativity takes place.
Karl Ove Knausgård
Appreciate the creation, respect the creator of it, and admire the source of all creativity.
T.F. Hodge
poetry. i am not writing it.(make way for me please)it is my skin. dripping with light.
Sanober Khan
Selfish DreamscapesIf you have a dream, as you should, relish in being selfish about building every passionate aspect of it. The crowd of spectators and consumers will still be exactly where you left them... gossiping about everybody else's dream but their own.
T.F. Hodge
creativity is our only weapon against entropy
Dean Cavanagh
Through artistry, imagination not only allows one to express their creativity, but also their soul.
Donald L. Hicks
Language is the alchemy of transforming a thought into a word, and the word into a new reality.
Jennifer Sodini
We know too much and feel too little. At least, we feel too little of those creative emotions from which a good life springs.
Bertrand Russell
After all those neurochemicals are drained out, it takes a while for them to replenish so on the back end of flow state...I can barely string sentences together. I become stupid.
Steven Kotler
Art is the essence of life in creative form. If you want to compete, run a damn race. If you truly want to create essence, you need to leave competition out of it. 2014
Jenna Cornell
If you're not creating, you're disintegrating.
Tawny Lara
I found myself tumbling down a 2000-foot face and my senses were so reduced. I couldn’t hear anything. It was totally peaceful. I was totally calm.
Travis Rice
Live, Breathe, Connect, Create!
Michele Jennae
Sometimes the darkness finds us, that will always be inevitable. If one chooses to manifest such feelings creatively, then it really isn't darkness at all.
Beth Turner
You’ve heard poets talk about, poems flowing out of their bodies; painters, they get on a roll. You all have seen the musician, when they are in that state, the guitar, the piano, whatever instrument just becomes part of their body, their ego is completely gone and it is just their connection to the art, their connection to the emotions they are trying to share with the audience- that is pure flow.
Chase Jarvis
People who aren’t in that space will be like ‘So how was your trip?’ and you don’t even go into it. ‘I guess it was pretty good.’ And then you talk to other people who have been there and they know exactly why your eyes are glazed over.
Jimmy Chin
Seeing God is all about getting in touch with reality. If you want to photograph God, focus your lens on Hamakom, The Place, anyplace where you see divine light illuminating reality. Let your camera collect the light reflecting from the reality shaping your everyday life and you will find yourself photographing God in action." (From the Introduction to the book Photograph God)
Mel Alexenberg
How can we know the dancer from the dance? Did Yeats create his poems, or did his poetry make him a poet? How does one separate the creator from hiscreation? They create each other. On a mutual plane of reference, one has no existence without the other.
Indu Muralidharan
What I had to say to you, moreover, would not take long, to wit: Practice any art, music, singing, dancing, acting, drawing, painting, sculpting, poetry, fiction, essays, reportage, no matter how well or badly, not to get money and fame, but to experience becoming, to find out what’s inside you, to make your soul grow. Seriously! I mean starting right now, do art and do it for the rest of your lives…. You have experienced becoming, learned a lot more about what’s inside you, and you have made your soul grow.
Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
Does anyone ask a painter -- even the painter himself -- why he paints? Now me, I painted... used to... whatever I saw that was beautiful. It had to be beautiful to me, through and through, before I would paint it. And I used to be a pretty simple fellow, and found many completely beautiful things to paint.But the older you get the fewer completely beautiful things you see. Every flower has a brown spot somewhere, and a hippogriff has evil laughter. So at some point in his development an artist has to paint, not what he sees (which is what I've always done) but the beauty in what he sees. Most painters, I think, cross this line early; I'm crossing it late.("To Here and the Easel", 1954)
Theodore Sturgeon
Because we want to be inwardly secure, we are constantly seeking methods and means for this security, and thereby we create authority, the worship of another, which destroys comprehension, that spontaneous tranquility of mind in which alone there can be a state of creativeness.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
There must be a certain amount of imitation, copying, in outward technique, but when there is inward, psychological imitation surely we cease to be creative.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
The central point of the work of art is the work as origin, the point which cannot be reached, yet the only one which is worth reaching.
Maurice Blanchot
In 1829 Rossini was at an age which has often proven critical in the lives of musicians, painters and writers. Lapses into silence far more complete than Rossini's, creative failures, suicides, and unanticipated deaths have been common in the middle to late 30s. As Charles Rosen has noted, 'It is the age when the most fluent composer begins to lose the ease of inspiration he once possessed, when even Mozart had to make sketches and to revise'.
Richard Osborne
My heart balloons with admiration for these talented artists, which I so desperately want to be
Vicki Alayne Bradley
Open your umbrella of creativity when glaring heat of adversity hits you unaware." ~ Angelica Hopes, If I Could Tell You
Angelica Hopes
That tingle in the brain is called a word.It bats itself against its fleshy bounds.
Kate Kearns
Perfection is not just about control. It's also about letting go. Surprise yourself so you can surprise the audience. Transcendence! Very few have it in them.
Andres Heinz
Very few great artists feel the giant agony of the world.
Edith Hamilton
Arrogance kills Creativity, Curiosity and Passion. Stop it and you'll learn more.
Steeven Shaw
Creativity is easy.Originality is difficult.Relevance is a bitch.
Mark Rude
Creativity is a basic biological drive to engage in meaningful conversations with ourselves & the world around us.
Sara Saltee
Our suppressing who we are to fit in is exhausting. It kills flow and creativity. It also prevents genuine connection with others.
Henna Inam
A Poet never denies creativity entrance.
Micheline Jean Louis
Every thought is a creative energy that moves the universe to action.
Réné Gaudette
Practical utility, however, is not the ultimate purpose of a liberal arts education. Its ultimate purpose is to help you learn to reflect in the widest and deepest sense, beyond the requirements of work and career: for the sake of citizenship, for the sake of living well with others, above all, for the sake of building a self that is strong and creative and free.
William Deresiewicz
I realized there really is a natural interplay between my spirituality and my creativity. When I enter into a spirit of prayer, I can cultivate a receptive space and actually ask God for creative ideas that will enhance my my praying. Then these creative practices allow me to enter into the spiritual space even more quickly and deeply. The result is a spiraling effect leading to ever-expanding dimensions, encompassing both deeper spirituality and heightened creativity.
David Brazzeal
It was as if God had become not only the object of my praise and thanksgiving but my creative partner as well.
David Brazzeal
The whole world is like an opened candy jar, and we're plunging in for the best treats
Vicki Alayne Bradley
I love the longueurs of a book even if they seem pointless because you can get a peek into the author’s mind, a glimpse of their creative soul.
E.A. Bucchianeri
Some do not want to create rich experiences for others, others lack the ability to do so, but most just want to experience being rich, with little to no other experience.
Justin K. McFarlane Beau
Nobody is born with a style or a voice. We don't out of the womb knowing who we are. In the beginning, we learn by pretending to be our heroes. We learn by copying.
Austin Kleon
Genius moves to creation, not to destruction. Only a very few have combined both.
Edith Hamilton
Creativity and imagination are not frosting on a cake: They are integral to our sustainability. They are survival mechanisms. They are of the essence of who we are. They constitute our deepest empowerment.
Matthew Fox
It is not enough to be wrong, one must also be polite.
Niels Bohr
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