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I believe when we’re able to fully own and express ourselves, we are able to tap into a creative power deeply rooted from our sexual energy – which is our creative energy. We’re so sexually loose, and also sexually strained. We don’t understand the creative power we have because we’re so busy using it in all the wrong ways – or worse, not using it at all.
Lauryn Doll
Musicians are artists, as silence is their canvas.
Mark Hewer
Slow down. Calm down. Don't worry. Don't hurry. Trust the process.
Alexandra Stoddard
Then the liars and swearers are fools, for there are liars and swearers enough to beat the honest men and hang up them.
William Shakespeare
You need feeling, emotion, to create. You can't create out of indifference.
Leo Tolstoy
When there is silence, Give your voice. When there is darkness, Shine your light. When there is desperation, Offer hope.
Tim Fargo
Any foolish boy can stamp on a beetle, but all the professors in the world cannot make a beetle.
Arthur Schopenhauer
If personal space is vital to creativity, so is freedom from "peer pressure".
Susan Cain
Creativity is an endless source that comes from above, from the most high source of creation[God].
Euginia Herlihy
Our ability to solve problem is limited by our conception of what is feasible.
Russell L. Ackoff
Everyone has talent. What is rare is the courage to follow that talent to the dark place where it leads.
Erica Jong
Transcendence is before you should you choose to take a swim.Into your deep blue you dive and all that is within.Referred to as my subconscious so you may understand me clear.But there’s nothing very simple about the message I’m sending here.The colour of your blood, the liquid through your veins, is really just a pathway to the place that feels your pains.The heart is an ocean but within it there’s a sun, submerged beneath the ocean, and all that is but one.
Nicole Bonomi
In the time of to Augustine, the conversation in the West mostly had been a Christian reaction to outside ideas. After Augustine, the Great Conversation would be about his ideas for centuries.
John Mark Reynolds
The Hands create, what the Heart feels!
courtland kusmierz
A person willing to fly in the face of reason, authority, and common sense must be a person of considerable self-assurance. Since he occurs only rarely, he must seem eccentric (in at least that respect) to the rest of us. A person eccentric in one respect is often eccentric in others.Consequently, the person who is most likely to get new ideas is a person of good background in the field of interest and one who is unconventional in his habits. (To be a crackpot is not, however, enough in itself.)
Isaac Asimov
I would rather be a real Timex than a fake Rolex.
N.M. Silber
You are responsible for everything you post and everything you post will be a reflection of you. [Social Media]
Germany Kent
Orwell's short and intense life has for years borne witness to some of those verities of which we were already aware. Parties and churches and states cannot be honest, but individuals can. Real books cannot be written by machines or committees. The truth is not always easy to discern, but a lie can and must be called by its right name. And the imagination, like certain wild animals, as Orwell himself once put it, will not breed in captivity. Actually, that last metaphor is beautiful but inaccurate. Even in the most dire conditions, there is a human will to resist coercion. We must believe that even now in North Korea, there are ideas alive inside human brains that were not put there by any authority.
Christopher Hitchens
If we all worked on the assumption that what is accepted as true really is true, then there would be little hope for advance.
Orville Wright
I will admit that we as young rebels always wanted fundamentalists to understand our take on their religion, but rarely, if ever, the other way around. The fundamentalists are the real artists. If you saw only a masterpiece of an original painting and someone threw a splash of red across it saying that their version is better, you would be offended too.
Criss Jami
Creators understand that their emotions are not necessarily a sign of the circumstances. They understand that in desperate circumstances they may experience joy, and in jubilant circumstances they may feel regret. They know that any emotion will change. But because emotions are not the centerpiece of their lives, they do not pander to them. They create what they create, not in reaction to their emotions but independent of them. On days filled with the depths of despair, they can create. On days filled with the heights of joy, they can create.
Robert Fritz
Knock-offs may look good, but they never last as long as the real thing.
N.M. Silber
Creation and Free Will are constantly moving, hand in hand, like children traveling along a path full of impulses and inspirations.Through the use of the Dragonflame philosophy they become superior artistic beings able to enjoy and share the fruits of creative labor.
Lawren Leo
If you are any kind of an artist, then validation … can be a result, but you’re going to do the work anyway. Because you’re just wired that way. It’s so engrained, it’s such a part of your personality that you don’t just stop doing it.
David Sedaris
YOUR WORDS ARE SEEDS. You have the choice to speak life or death. Your words have a nucleus.They can be magnificent co creations with angels, producing mind silk. Or, they can be the polymers of plastic sheets, suffocating the earth one square inch at a time.
Nicole Bonomi
Material wealth do not last forever, but that which probably lasts forever is the wealth of intelligence and creativity.
Michael Bassey Johnson
Prove to the world that you are alive, let your words breathe life into the nostrils of the universe.
Michael Bassey Johnson
I am pushing you, even if it’s off a cliff, to create. Write that book, that song; pore over the concept of redecorating your life. I meet people all the time who say they’re not creative. Bullshit, motherfuckers, you are creative.
Nikki Sixx
Don't assume you are more creative or better than anyone, because some people with better stuffs are just pretending to be dumb for a while.
Michael Bassey Johnson
Death ends a life, not a relationship. All the love you created is still there. All the memories are still there. You live on- in the hearts of everyone you have touched and nurtured while you were here.
Morrie Schwartz
High creativity is responding to situations without critical thought.' - John Cleese
Paul Arden
Pseudo-artists think that being an artist means opposing whatever seems to be an establishment. That is not creative at all. True creativity is the ability to gain perspective wherever you may have missed it before.
Criss Jami
Play and productivity are no longer two separate worlds that rarely meet. They can come together like happy fistfuls of Play-Doh, beautifully blending to reveal the brand-new colors of a meaningful life. You get to play AND do. Play matters. Your life matters. It's time to manifest.
Marney K. Makridakis
Random thought fills the streambed, cascading with care and spilling over the flood plain until bifurcation forces it to arc and fork into a single, determined stream.
Lorii Myers
It is appropriate to speak of the artisans as possessed of wisdom (and not just "skill"), because the biblical writers share the understanding common to most traditional societies that the active form of wisdom is good work. Wisdom does not consist only in sound intellectual work; any activity that stands in a consistently productive relationship to the material world and nurtures the creative imagination qualifies as wise.
Ellen F. Davis
Creativity is when a stupid clever soul gets up from bed and do amazing things that makes the world think he is wise.
Michael Bassey Johnson
Great people never sleep because their dreams keep them awake and striving.
Terrance Robinson- Artist Educator Scholar Entrepreneur
Your only limitation is the limits of your imagination so dream big.
Artika Tyner
All of the dissatisfactions he had felt in his practice of the art form he had stumbled across within a week of his arrival in America, the cheap conventions, the low expectations among publishers, readers, parents, and educators, the spatial constraints that he had been struggling against in the pages of Luna Moth, seemed capable of being completely overcome, exceeded, and escaped. The Amazing Cavalieri was going to break free, forever, of the nine little boxes.
Michael Chabon
Creativity is when a stupid clever soul gets up from bed and does amazing things that makes the world think he is wise.
Michael Bassey Johnson
Creativity should be integral to everything that we do. Creativity should also be intrinsic to our personality, if excellence is what we seek.
Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum
Doing better is creativity,doing faster is creativity,doing smarter is creativity,doing right is creativity.doing Exclusive is creating identity.
Mohit Manke
If you can bring yourself to apply your imagination to finding the possible favorable outcomes of undesired developments, even if only as an exercise, you'll see that it fosters creativity. This suggestion is much more than a way to find the silver lining our grandmothers encouraged us to look for. I include it in this book because creativity is linked to intuition, and intuition is the way out of the most serious challenges you might face. Albert Einstein said that when you follow intuition, The solutions come to you, and you don’t know how or why.
Gavin de Becker
Creativity is different than cleverness. Clever things are often fun, but usually shallow and short lived. Creativity is deeper.
Ted Keller
Here’s how I learned to improvise: I played some music in the studio and I started to move. It sounds obvious, but I wonder how many people, whatever their medium, appreciate the gift of improvisation. It’s your one opportunity in life to be completely free, with no responsibilities and no consequences. You don’t have to be good or even interesting. It’s you alone, with no one watching or judging. If anything comes of it, you decide whether the world gets to see it. In essence, you are giving yourself permission to daydream during working hours.
Twyla Tharp
I was a weird little kid. I was very irritable, bored, frustrated. I felt my imagination bubbling inside my head without having any way to express itself. Given a crayon and paper, I would not draw a train or a house. I would draw these monsters, beasts and demons.
Clive Barker
My friends think I'm outgoing, but I don't travel as much outside as I do from the inside.
Ana Claudia Antunes
We may not live for hundreds of years, but the products of our creativity can leave a legacy long after we are gone.
Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum
If we know that the inevitable setbacks and frustrations are phases of the natural cycle of creative processes, if we know that our obstacles can become our ornaments, we can persevere and bring our desires to fruition. Such perseverance can be a real test, but there are ways through, there are guideposts. And the struggle, which is guaranteed to take a lifetime, is worth it. It is a struggle that generates incredible pleasure and joy. Every attempt we make is imperfect; yet each one of those imperfect attempts is an occasion for a delight unlike anything else on Earth
Stephen Nachmanovitch
impossibility exist only in the weak minds
Hassan Choughari
Don't just think out of the box, stand on the box to see new possibilities and opportunities in becoming distinguished.
Onyi Anyado
Everybody starts small. We all begin life as a single cell. Every business starts as one person with an idea. How fast you go, how far you get, is in your hands. The bigger your vision, the bigger your achievement will be. Will you stumble on the way? Perhaps, but we cannot let fear keep us small. We have to be brave to be big.
Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum
Find the most talented person in the room, and if it’s not you, go stand next to him. Hang out with him. Try to be helpful. If you ever find that you’re the most talented person in the room, you need to find another room.
Austin Kleon
Get out of your mind and become crazy about your future in a creative way!
Michael Bassey Johnson
The beginning of wisdom, I believe, is our ability to accept an inherent messiness in our explanation of what's going on. Nowhere is it written that human minds should be able to give a full accounting of creation in all dimensions and on all levels. Ludwig Wittgenstein had the idea that philosophy should be what he called "true enough." I think that's a great idea. True enough is as true as can be gotten. The imagination is chaos. New forms are fetched out of it. The creative act is to let down the net of human imagination into the ocean of chaos on which we are suspended and then to attempt to bring out of it ideas.
Rupert Sheldrake
You have more brain cells than there are grains of sand on your favorite beach, and you have cleverness, dexterity, and creativity—all of which powerfully combine when you are at risk—if you listen to your intuition
Gavin de Becker
Sometimes ones man's creativity is another machine's brute force analysis
Andrew McAfee
All of our days are numbered; we cannot afford to be idle. To act on a bad idea is better than to not act at all because the worth of the idea never becomes apparent until you do it. Sometimes this idea can be the smallest thing in the world, a little flame that you hunch over and cup with your hand and pray will not be extinguished by all the storm that howls about it. If you can hold on to that flame great things can be constructed around it that are massive and powerful and world changing – all held up by the tinniest of ideas.
Nick Cave
Who knows their own story? Certainly it makes no sense when we are living in the midst of it. It's all just clamor and confusion. It only becomes a story when we tell it and retell it. Our small precious recollections that we speak again and again to ourselves and to others, first creating the narrative of our lives and then keeping the story from dissolving into darkness.
Nick Cave
My motto for creat
Austin Kleon
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