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It's a toxic world out there folks, use caution when connecting online & offline. There's a darker side to going viral with success. My expert advice is that people innoculate their understanding with plenty of time-tested social research specifically regarding the authentic social, emotional intelligence and mature personality values of any circle. Look beyond their talk, uncover their stalk. If the mind is darkened with character disEASE, the behavior will symptomatically follow...those whose mentality becomes infected by their obvious blight, easily become the host targets of their contagion.
Tracey Bond
The Shrink always warned me that carriers stay wracked with lifelong guilt. It's not an uplifting thing having turned lovers into monsters. We feel bad that we haven't turned into monsters ourselves--survivor's guilt, that's called. And we feel a bit stupid that we didn't notice our own symptoms earlier. I mean, I'd been sort of wondering why the Atkins diet was giving me night vision. But that hadn't seemed like something to worry about...
Scott Westerfeld
Look beyond the talker, and uncover the stalker. If the mind is darkened with character disEASE, the behavior will symptomatically follow...those whose mentality becomes infected by their obvious blight, easily become the host targets of their contagion.
Tracey Bond
Hate is contagious. A few seconds after Donald Trump has told me something hateful, somebody else repeats it. He has legitimized what people only dare say in their kitchens and bedrooms.
Jorge Ramos
During our time together in this place Holly didn’t outright avoid me or treat me rudely. But she wasn’t—how do women like to put it? She wasn’t emotionally available to me.
Steven Ramirez
Her voice was small and distant, like she’d already left the room.
Steven Ramirez
His eyes were like two wafers of slate, grey and lifeless.
Steven Ramirez
A riverless silence made the air heavy.
Steven Ramirez
I felt a lunatic’s laugh welling up inside me.
Steven Ramirez
Did you ever think it won’t be the undead who kill us, but ordinary people?
Steven Ramirez
Drive. He’s already dead.
Steven Ramirez
But I was still determined to protect her. It might be the one good thing I would ever do in my life. I wondered if God would even notice.
Steven Ramirez
Even now I can’t describe the fear that contaminated my blood like black ink.
Steven Ramirez
‘Can’t you see what they are?’ I said. ‘They’re all dead.’
Steven Ramirez
I don’t know how these things died without benefit of a bullet to the brain pan. They seemed to exist in an eternal twilight of longing.
Steven Ramirez
I heard them tearing at it. It was the sound of mortality.
Steven Ramirez
For an instant I saw before me the young girl this used to be.
Steven Ramirez
‘Eighth one this week,’ he said.
Steven Ramirez
I knew then I was going to die in the street without ever seeing Holly again. All because I tried to help an old woman, proving for all eternity that no good deed goes unpunished.
Steven Ramirez
If you’d saved the girl, you’d be a hero. Next time.
Steven Ramirez
I wanted to see the bullet coming, wanted to know the exact moment of my death.
Steven Ramirez
‘There’s no time for right or wrong,’ I said.
Steven Ramirez
You shouldn’t have done that, Dave.
Steven Ramirez
She played me with a bad hand, and I fell for it every time.
Steven Ramirez
Remember. Observe, assess and act. No hesitation. No remorse.
Steven Ramirez
I turned to her, my whole body hard with tiredness and regret.
Steven Ramirez
There’s nothing worse than delivering bad news to women. I hoped I wouldn’t get good at it.
Steven Ramirez
She smiled at him like a freshman invited to the senior prom. It made my blood boil.
Steven Ramirez
The people inside the gym didn’t stand a dead drunk’s chance.
Steven Ramirez
The sound of him drinking was indescribable—like dirty runoff down a storm drain.
Steven Ramirez
This guy was a humorless bag of nothing but.
Steven Ramirez
Smiling, he handed Landry the bloody aluminum bat Warnick had used. ‘Time to die, old man,’ he said.
Steven Ramirez
She gave herself a hard twist and fell into a sitting position, staring at me with those maggot-filled doll’s eyes.
Steven Ramirez
Sal turned, an eye stalk hanging from his teeth.
Steven Ramirez
When I lifted up the skin, a fat kidney worm dripping with gore raised its bald, blind head and glared at me.
Steven Ramirez
It’s not about winning, it’s about doing what’s right. And yes, we will do what’s right.
Steven Ramirez
I’m not a bad person.
Steven Ramirez
I was a spectator who had gotten free admission to a freak show.
Steven Ramirez
We are born. We die. Somewhere in between we live. And how we live is up to us. That’s it.
Steven Ramirez
What I learned in this tragedy was the eternal lesson of good people going bad.
Steven Ramirez
I thought if I loved you enough I could change you. I was so stupid.
Steven Ramirez
This place is Hell’s waiting room.
Steven Ramirez
There’s no better way for a woman to punish a man than to make him sleep away from her.
Steven Ramirez
People talk about survival. What they mean is killing the other guy.
Steven Ramirez
I like to think she hates my guts a little less every hour.
Steven Ramirez
Where does contagion end and art begin?
Neil Gaiman
Greatness can be contagious, but first there must be contact.
TemitOpe Ibrahim
You can’t get the blood out.
Steven Ramirez
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