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Do not let your confidence or love be easily removed or frightened by the rage of a warrior
Ronie Kendig
Philip looked at his own work. How could you tell whether there was anything in it or whether you were wasting your time? It was clear that the will to achieve could not help you and confidence in yourself meantnothing.
W Somerset Maugham
Don't do anything stupid, they said. Well, it's now or never, I suppose, and stupidity and confidence run a fine line.
Rebecca Harris
It became so common to hear celebrities saying in flashy interviews: " I had nothing. I started from zero. I had a tough life". It became so common to read books, to watch news about heros, very poor people, that are not afraid to die for their belief.In both situations it can be about a calling, a destiny. But there is a huge courage you cannot pretend to not notice it. An immense difficult to understand courage.When you have riched the lowest level of living, when you have survived in miserable conditions, it is easier to follow your heart, your dreams, your belief.You know why?Because you have that confidence that you have nothing to lose if you have you.
Dragotel Viorica
Would a bird build its nest if it did not have its instinct for confidence in the world?
Gaston Bachelard
But they say that people who aren't confident in themselves tend to be more flashy
Kanae Hazuki
I have, as it were, constructed a lay-figure for the purposes of a demonstration which I desired to be as rapid and as impressive as possible.
Sigmund Freud
I just like how [glasses] look on me and how they make me feel more confident. Isn’t that the point of anything we wear, anyway?
Tommy Tighe
Ultimately, I think the #1 thing that draws me to someone is their sense of freedom. Freedom and confidence are two different things, in my book. Confidence is overrated — it can be faked, whereas freedom is fearlessness.
Emily Weiss
We all want to be happy and feel valued. We want love, connection, respect, confidence, health, vitality, passion, kindness, and success. When you generously provide these emotions for others, you activate the law of attraction to magnetize the same experiences for you.
Susan C.Young
For others to be generous it requires that a person accept their generosity for the cycle to be completed.
Susan C.Young
When you come to life from a heart of service, you may be surprised by the blessings you will receive in return.
Susan C.Young
Many people have never discovered the power generated from a heart of service. They show up to life projecting a right of entitlement in which their needs are their first priority and they will do whatever it takes to forward their own agenda without any concern for how it impacts others. This behavior pushes people away, creates barriers to trust and communication, and leaves a bad impression.
Susan C.Young
If you’re always taking, you will inevitably experience resistance and struggle. Without realizing it, you may be creating a firewall that is blocking you from receiving exactly the things you most desire.
Susan C.Young
If you can establish yourself in the community as a giver, those people with whom you associate yourself will extend your branding far beyond you.
Susan C.Young
Speakers, coaches, consultants, thought-leaders, experts, and authors who dedicate their professional lives for the love of humanity and the betterment of society are making a positive difference in the lives of millions. These messengers of hope make our entire world a better place through their love and generosity.
Susan C.Young
Love can extend far beyond the people whom we know and it makes us a part of something much greater than ourselves.
Susan C.Young
Passion gives you direction. It serves as an inner compass that links you to action.
Susan C.Young
When you choose a career that is aligned with your passion, the work becomes irrelevant because anticipation and fulfillment can outweigh everything.
Susan C.Young
When employees lack passion, it is nearly impossible to deliver excellent customer service. Doesn’t it make you less inclined to want to do business with them as well?
Susan C.Young
When an employee, a team, or a company is passionate about their products and services, I am more inclined to bring them my business. Aren’t you?
Susan C.Young
It can't be taught to all, but people who deliver exceptional work, merely by relaying their passion through what they say and do in the workplace, are priceless.
Susan C.Young
When employees are motivated and love what they do you will see higher productivity, less turnover, healthier communication, increased loyalty, and a happier environment.
Susan C.Young
Put the right people in the right positions to ensure their personal strengths and talents are being utilized and appreciated.
Susan C.Young
If you want to improve performance and productivity, set a vision that inspires and delights.
Susan C.Young
I simply needed to excavate passion lost by being resilient, resolving the blockages, and healing. As soon as I did, the passion, and joy, burst forth.
Susan C.Young
Think about the things in life that elicit passion in you and make you happy.
Susan C.Young
Do you have a dream or desire that is burning a hole in your soul? Something that lights your fire and brings you simple pleasure?
Susan C.Young
Passion is at the heart of your motivation. Let it fuel your spirit and feed your joy. It is your catalyst for courageous pursuits—and it will provide you the stamina to stick with it.
Susan C.Young
The Christian should never have to put others down in order to feel good about himself. Instead, he can simply check out the media's insistent portrayal of Christianity and feel grateful that he isn't as deceived as the masses who really swallow the garbage. Ignorance is ultimately how people put themselves down, and the mere Christian who knows what entails the mere Christian is ultimately free from such.
Criss Jami
Ariel sighed. “How are you not self-conscious about that?”Kitty chuckled. “Hey, I got used to it in a hurry, and I kind of like the side perks. I always wanted to … y’know, be superhuman, do some of the things I’ve been able to do with this setup.” She curled her tail up to take it in her hands. “Now I know how the guys feel, having something extra in your pants tends to be awkward after a while.
Don A. Martinez
Our Lord speaks of many coming up to His door confident of admission, whom He yet sends away. Faith is obedience, not confidence.
George MacDonald
Well, laddie, if you've let an old buzzard like me hurt you confidence, you couldn't have had much in the first place.
Tamora Pierce
There is nothing about you to be embarrassed about
S.C. Stephens
He inclined his head ever so slightly, displaying with his bearing the supreme confidence, even arrogance, that is the sole providence of cats, dragons, and certain highborn women.
Christopher Paolini
I don't get it. I'm sexually attractive to a remarkable degree-""And humble.""It's not bragging if it's true. And I'm his-which means, this is in the bag. Or should be.
Kresley Cole
Confidence comes from what you know and not from you don't know.
Abdulkadir Abdullahi Mohamed Mirre
Yes, I'm a man and everyone knows men are great hairy beasts scarcely tamed by civilization-Jermyn, Duke of Northcliff to Amy, Princess Beaumontaigne
Christina Dodd
Helping another person will instantly shift your energy. As you go from being self-absorbed to focusing on others, miracles seem to happen. And incredible impressions are made.
Susan C.Young
Love is not only one of the greatest blessings in your personal life, but when it is extended professionally, the possibilities are endless.
Susan C.Young
When you graciously accept something from someone else, you are giving to them in return. By accepting their gift, you're allowing them to act upon what is in their heart.
Susan C.Young
Begin asking how you may be of service and you will soon discover that the true gift is in your giving.
Susan C.Young
When in doubt, give it out. Regardless of what is happening in your life, there is always someone else worse off that needs your help.
Susan C.Young
Love is the universal language that transcends countries, borders, barriers, and differences.
Susan C.Young
Doesn’t it feel great when someone does something nice for you? Especially when you’re not expecting it? The irony is that they are getting as much joy by giving as you are by receiving.
Susan C.Young
It's simple. You enrich your life when you enrich the lives of others.
Susan C.Young
You and I may have never met, but I already know so much of what you want: to be happy and feel valued. We all want love, connection, respect, confidence, health, vitality, passion, kindness, and success.
Susan C.Young
You and I may have never met, but I already know much of what you want in your life: to be happy and feel valued. We all want love, connection, respect, confidence, health, vitality, passion, kindness, and success.
Susan C.Young
15.t“We all want to be happy and feel valued. We want love, connection, respect, confidence, health, vitality, passion, kindness, and success. When you generously provide these emotions for others, you activate the law of attraction to magnetize the same experiences for you.
Susan C.Young
He was grand in his convictions. He would stride forward to meet his own destruction.
Sōseki Natsume
Concentration comes out of a combination of confidence and hunger.
Arnold Palmer
My personal definition of confidence is to keep believing that the stars in the solar system are actually watching and applauding you.
Johnnie Dent Jr.
If you have confidence you have patience. Confidence, that is everything.
Ilie Nastase
To country people Cows are mild,And flee from any stick they throw;But I’m a timid town bred child,And all the cattle seem to know.
T.S Eliot
Pride in office without competence is as much a sin as competence without confidence.
Peter Tremayne
If You believe in yourself you can reach everything you want.
Kees Broos
Don't be so damned discouraging," said Wimsey. "I have already carefully explained to you that this time I am investigating this business. Anybody would think you had no confidence in me.""People have been wrongly condemned before now.""Exactly; simply because I wasn't there.""I never thought of that.
Dorothy L. Sayers
Surely it is the one who fears he is wrong who avoids criticism. The one who is sure he is right invites it. It only illuminates the strength of beliefs and makes them more available to others.
David L. Wolfe
It is common knowledge among psychologists that most of us underrate ourselves, short-change ourselves, sell ourselves short. Actually, there is no such thing as a superiority complex. People who seem to have one are actually suffering from feelings of inferiority; their "superior" self is a fiction, a coverup, to hide from themselves and others their deep-down feelings of inferiority and insecurity.
Maxwell Maltz
Yet none of these things gave him confidence. All they gave him was egotism, which is less the conviction of one's worth than the desire for that conviction.
Jetta Carleton
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