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What's wrong with the world?It's easy to probe the ills of the nation, the Church, and the planet and come up with a grave diagnosis... But it takes all the strength we can muster to stand at Mass and honestly say, 'I have greatly sinned, in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done and what I have failed to do..."Sin is not out there; it's deep inside you and me... What's wrong with the world? I am, because I sin, and my sins well up from the darkness in my own heart.
Scott Hahn
[H]er retaliation only made the sin the greater because she could not find words to confess.
Thomm Quackenbush
Confession breaks the power of canceled sin. It also heals the broken heart.
Mark Batterson
Without confession, there is no remission of sins.
Lailah Gifty Akita
On the way home from church, I felt like I was walking on clouds, as pure as an angel. I wished a car would run me down at that very instant, so I could die and go straight to heaven before I had a chance to sin again.
Alice Bag
The last confession he heard was from a young hysterical girl who seemed to him to be making up a chain of small sins so that she could imagine herself full of remorse.
Morley Callaghan
I know I’m not an easy She-dragon to. . not fear.” “I’m not afraid of you, Ghleanna. I’ve never been afraid of you. To be quite honest. . I think you’re amazing. I always have. Since the first time you ignored me.
G.A. Aiken
I too was pinched off from a piece of clay, I too modeled by omnipotence and flankedby things too wonderful for me
Bryana Johnson
It is a bad indication when, in any period, men will so exalt their confessions that they force the Scriptures to a secondary importance, illustrated in one era, when as Tulloch remarks: 'Scripture as a witness, disappeared behind the Augsburg Confession" ...No decrees of councils; no ordinances of synods; no "standard" of doctrines; no creed or confession, is to be urged as authority in forming the opinions of men. They may be valuable for some purposes, but not for this; they may be referred to as interesting parts of history, but not to form the faith of Christians; they may be used in the church to express its belief, not to form it.
L.S. Chafer
As we Christians strive to be more influenced by God’s kingdom than by this world, we’re reminded we will sometimes slip, but ‘if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness’ (1 John 1:9).
Van Harden
If you do what is bad, Lay upon your knees and call upon HIM, and he will guide you in the right way.
Margaret Slade
Telling the truth may cause a few seconds of pain, but there's no medicine that can manage the pain of keeping lies.
R.M. Ford
Everything unsaid can be guessedTruth may not always be confessed
Munia Khan
Maturity is when you're able to say, 'It's not just them. It's me.
Criss Jami
I’d think about you and how I didn’t want us to end. It’s complicated…’Max still held her, his thumbs stroking the spot on her wrists where her pulse was thundering away. ‘Uncomplicate it then. Did you miss
Sarra Manning
Give a man a mask, and he'll tell you deeper and darker truths. But he'll also be more abusive, unaccountable, and demonic.
Cory Duchesne
What’s the kindest thing you almost did? Is your fear of insomnia stronger than your fear of what awoke you? Are bonsai cruel? Do you love what you love, or just the feeling? Your earliest memories: do you look through your young eyes, or look at your young self? Which feels worse: to know that there are people who do more with less talent, or that there are people with more talent? Do you walk on moving walkways? Should it make any difference that you knew it was wrong �as you were doing it? Would you trade actual intelligence for the perception of being smarter? Why does it bother you when someone at the next table is having a conversation on a cell phone? How many years of your life would you trade for the greatest month of your life? What would you tell your father, if it were possible? Which is changing faster, your body, or your mind? Is it cruel to tell an old person his prognosis? Are you in any way angry at your phone? When you pass �a storefront, do you look at what’s inside, look at your reflection, or neither? Is there anything you would die for if no one could ever know you died for it? If you could be assured that money wouldn’t make �you any small bit happier, would you still want more money? What has �been irrevocably spoiled for you? If your deepest secret became public, �would you be forgiven? Is your best friend your kindest friend? Is it in any way cruel to give a dog a name? Is there anything you feel a need to confess? You know it’s a “murder of crows” and a “wake of buzzards” but it’s a what of ravens, again? What is it about death that you’re �afraid of? How does it make you feel to know that it’s an “unkindness �of ravens”?
Jonathan Safran Foer
We numb our minds and heart so one need not be broken and the other need not be bothered.
Peggy Haymes
We will never be cleansed until we confess we are dirty. And we will never be able to wash the feet of those who have hurt us until we allow Jesus, the one we have hurt, to wash ours.
Max Lucado
i'm sorryif iwasn't the daughteryou hadin mind-i only ever wanted to make you proud-
Amanda Lovelace
Keep your heart pure.
Lailah Gifty Akita
I’m beginning to get the feeling that confession is what we need in order to forgive ourselves.
Shane Kuhn
A delicate balance is required: keep the penitent tautly close to the point of recognizing sin, and then allow the relief of that pressure to flow through forgiveness. Confession increases this tautness, only to clear the path for release.
Thomas C. Oden
Whoever forsake the deeds of darkness, shall be forgiven by the Lord God.
Lailah Gifty Akita
A man does not have to feel less than human to realize his sin; oppositely, he has to realize that he gets no special vindication for his sin.
Criss Jami
Artists, especially writers, great writers, are the most honest people I know. There are deep confessions in their words. And if we're strong enough to expose the spaces between them, we find truths there also.
Darnell Lamont Walker
When I was seven I believed in God so I told Him I was sorry about kicking my sister and to “please not condemn me to eternal suffering in the interminable fires of Perdition for my transgressions.
Emma Rose Kraus
...remember after every autumn, the flora senses the rapturous kiss of cheerful spring.(Book-Love Vs Destiny)
Atul Purohit
Taking responsibility for your circumstances. Take responsibility. Be strong enough to admit your wrongs, ask for forgiveness, and think of constructive solutions to solve your problems.
Kevin J. Donaldson
But in practice, every psychological confession has religious significance, and every religious confession, whether ritual and sacramental or free, its psychological effects. It is perhaps in this fact that we perceive most clearly the unity of the human being, and how impossible it is to dissociate the physical, psychological and religious aspects of his life. Every doctor, even without specializing in psychotherapy, in so far as he has understanding of what is human and likes contact with human beings, may suddenly find himself promoted to a confessor's priesthood without having sought it.
Paul Tournier
Write about the thing that scares you most or your most private confession and you'll never have a problem coming up with decent fiction.
Don Roff
We first become salesmen as children in the confession booths of our parents.
Criss Jami
If you can confess before a friend, you don't need a priest.
Amit Kalantri
Step ahead immediately and do what you have to do before it's too late.
Moutasem Algharati
Wait for that wisest of all counselores, Time.
Don’t harden your heart. Return to the Lord. He will revive and restore you.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Suicide is a confession of failure. And like divorce, it is shrouded in excuses and rationalizations spun endlessly to disguise the simple fact that all one's energy, passion, appetite and ambition have been aborted.
Al Álvarez
They sell courage of a sort in the taverns. And another sort, though not for sale, a man can find in the confessional. Try the alehouses and the churches, Hugh. In either a man can be quiet and think.
Ellis Peters
You are a success and nothing will stop your shining!
Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
For a moment he could do nothing but close his eyes. Was this a taste of the rest of his life as Billie Bridgerton’s husband? Was he destined to live in terror, wondering what sort of danger she’d thrown herself into that day? Was it worth it?“George?” she whispered. She sounded uneasy. Had she seen something in his expression? A sign of doubt? He touched her cheek, and he looked into her eyes. He saw his whole world there.“I love you,” he said. Someone gasped. It might have been his mother. “I cannot live without you,” he said, “and in fact, I refuse to do so. So no, you will not be going on some ill-advised mission to the coast to hand off a potentially dangerous package to people you don’t know. Because if anything happened to you…” His voice broke, but he didn’t care. “If anything happened to you, it would kill me. And I’d like to think you love me too much to let that happen.” Billie stared at him in wonder, her softly parted lips trembling as she blinked back tears. “You love me?” she whispered. He nearly rolled his eyes. “Of course I do.” “You never said.” “I must have done.” “You didn’t. I would have remembered.” “I would remember, too,” he said softly, “if you’d ever said it to me.” “I love you,” she said immediately. “I do. I love you so much. I —” “Thank God,” Lady Manston exclaimed. George and Billie both turned.
Julia Quinn
I treat my thoughts like an old person treats their valuables: I cannot for the life of me proceed to throwing them out.
Criss Jami
Listen.I will lose myselfif it means I can find you.
Alaska Gold
You are new Creation by the blood of Jesus.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Jesus Christ seeks to save the lost souls.
Lailah Gifty Akita
I don’t have any fancy story,about the way we fell in love.It was that one awkward move,and the next I remember, I was looking at you.
Jasleen Kaur Gumber
I must go, uncertain of my fate; but I shall return hither, or follow your party, as soon as possible. A word, a look will be enough to decide whether I enter your father's house tonight or never.
Jane Austen
I can write about it if I am careful, if I keep it far enough away.
Kij Johnson
When you pretend you don’t feel hurt or angry or devastated, you’re not fooling God. Be honest! Don’t misunderstand; I am not encouraging you to be angry at God or to blame him. He deserves no blame. Rather, I am encouraging you to honestly confess to God your feelings of hurt, resentment, and anger. Often we look at suffering from our perspective and forget that God sees from another vantage point.
Randy Alcorn
I think about all the people I wish could die instead of you.
Colleen Hoover
I was a king for a while. I wasn't a very good one. I wanted all kinds of things. I wanted, well, you know. Power. Glory. To be feared. All that good stuff. But you know what? When the gaiaphage did it to me, when she made me cry and grovel and beg for mercy, I realized: There's no end to this for me. There's no end to the FAYZ. If we get out alive, there's still no end. And what happens to me out there in the world?" "No, you're wrong they can't blame you for everything that happened." He laughed. "Yeah, well, actually, they can. A king, warrior, whatever I was, I want to go out in a blaze of glory. I've risen as high as I'm ever going to. And if I survive, I'm just going to end up as prisoner number three-one-two-whatever. You coming to see me on visiting days." "But I will come see you. And I will wait for you." "No," he said firmly. "I get my big finish. And you get your life. Move on, Diana.
Michael Grant
Jesus Christ seeks to save lost souls.
Lailah Gifty Akita
With you, it's... I don't even know how to say it. It's like you're a work of art. Every time I'm with you, I see something new. Something beautiful.
Lisa Brown Roberts
Confession is good for the soul, they say. I'd imagine this is true. But my sins were too convoluted. And from the little I understand--too damning.
Kate Karyus Quinn
Man confesses God forgives
O miracle—thus to be able to give [peace] we ourselves do not possess, sweet miracle of our empty hands!
Georges Bernanos
Whoever confesses his sins, shall obtain the mercy of God's grace.
Lailah Gifty
LIFE’S SOFT EDGES‘Tis a truth I will confess that we ofttimes find soft edges –to such a degree, our livesare well manifestof people’s kindliness.
Tara Estacaan
The church is not a theological classroom. It is a conversion, confession, repentance, reconciliation, forgiveness and sanctification center, where flawed people place their faith in Christ, gather to know and love him better, and learn to love others as he designed.
Paul David Tripp
But the second she opened her eyes and looked at me, I knew. She was either going to be the death of me . . . or she was going to be the one who finally brought me back to life.
Colleen Hoover
We need repentance. You see, repentance is not only going to a priest and confessing. We must free ourselves from the obsession of thoughts. We fall many times during our life, and it is absolutely necessary to reveal everything [in Confession] to a priest who is a witness to our repentance.Repentance is the renewal of life. This means we must free ourselves from all our negative traits and turn toward absolute good. No sin is unforgivable except the sin of unrepentance.
Thaddeus of Vitovnica
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