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Talk helps shape one's thoughts.
David McCullough
As a way of life, an act of love, an expression of faith, our hospitality reflects and anticipates God's welcome. Simultaneously costly and wonderfully rewarding, hospitality often involves small deaths and little resurrections. By God's grace we can grow more willing, more eager, to open the door to a needy neighbor, a weary sister or brother, a stranger in distress. Perhaps as we open that door more regularly, we will grow increasingly sensitive to the quiet knock of angels. In the midst of a life-giving practice, we too might catch glimpses of Jesus who asks for our welcome and welcomes us home.
Christine Pohl
Noting the lack of crime or security in the Netherlands, the author asked a native who guarded a national landmark. He got the replay, "We all do.
Bill Bryson
A steady exposure to distant human need that is beyond our personal response can gradually inoculate us against particular action. . . Isolation from local need, and overexposure to overwhelming but distant need, make our responses to strangers uncertain and tentative at best.We need to find or create contemporary equivalents of the city gate, community rituals, and small group meetings in which we can build preliminary relations with strangers.
Christine Pohl
The secular world often finds its constituents disenfranchised and solitary as it has spent a great deal of time debating the religious community while failing to build a true community of its own.
Chris Matakas
We are a reminder to ourselves and others that we, as individuals and as a community, are stronger than we could have ever known until the moment we endured more than we previously thought possible.
Elaina Marie
Nearly half of all associational memberships are church-religious context. Religious worshipers and people who say religion is very important to them are much more likely than other persons to visit friends, to entertain at home, to attend club meetings, and to belong to sports groups; professional and academic societies; school service groups; youth groups; service clubs; hobby or garden clubs; literary, art, discussion, and study groups; school fraternities and sororities; farm organization; political clubs; nationality groups; and other miscellaneous groups.
Robert Putnam
We cannot seek achievement for ourselves and forget about progress and prosperity for our community... Our ambitions must be broad enough to include the aspirations and needs of others, for their sakes and for our own.
César Chávez
Two heads are better than one, not because either is infallible, but because they are unlikely to go wrong in the same direction.
C.S. Lewis
In true community we will not choose our companions, for our choices are so often limited by self-serving motives. Instead, our companions will be given to us by grace. Often they will be persons who will upset our settled view of self and world. In fact, we might define true community as that place where the person you least want to live with lives….Community will teach us that our grip on truth is fragile and incomplete, that we need many ears o hear the fullness of God’s word for our lives. And the disappointments of community life can be transformed by our discovery that the only dependable power for life lies beyond all human structures and relationships.In this religious grounding lies the only real hedge against the risk of disappointment in seeking community. That risk can be borne only if it is not community one seeks, but truth, light, God. Do not commit yourself to community, but commit yourself to God…In that commitment you will find yourself drawn into community.Parker Palmer, A Place Called Community, 1977
Parker J. Palmer
Hence, when his name was casually mentioned by neighboring yeomen, the listener said, "Ah, Clym Yeobright: what is he doing now?' When the instinctive question about a person is, What is he doing? it is felt that he will not be found to be, like most of us, doing nothing in particular. There is an indefinite sense that he must be invading some region of singularity , good or bad. The devout home is that he is doing well. The secret faith is that he is making a mess of it...So the subject recurred: if he were making a fortune and a name, so much the better for him, if he were making a tragical figure in the world, so much the better for a narrative
Thomas Hardy
Be the thermostat in your community, the one who makes a change. Not the thermometer who, just watches
Mya Waechtler
All of them with their own lives, untouched by mine. Or each other's.
Simon Beckett
Well, in the early days of humans, the community was our only protection against predators, and against the starvation. We survived because we trusted one another.
Sherman Alexie
For every tree, we plant, we saves a life.
Lailah Gifty Akita
In our modern religion there is a reticence in speaking of our personal relationship to Jesus which often causes great loss. We forget that the majority of men are guided more by emotions than by intellect: the heart is the great power by which they are meant to be influenced and molded.
Andrew Murray
The author concedes that the body of Christ may often judge wrongly , but he says that the judgment of the body as a whole is more sound that is one's ability to judge self objectively.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
paying taxes is a cheap price for a quiet conscience—much cheaper than actually having to get involved in the lives of their fellow citizens.
Charles Murray
Life is hard. Find some really good people to walk through it with. It makes things a little easier.
Andrena Sawyer
Were people to mingle only with those of like mind, every man would be an insulate being." Thomas Jefferson
John Ferling
Isolation is not a healthy ‘coping’ method, it’s like quarantining yourself in a gas chamber!
Joshua Stannard
While never violating our uniqueness, we move together, united in heart and soul. Our greatness is unleashed in the context of community. When we move together, God is most perfectly revealed in us.
Erwin Raphael McManus
Adams met with a convention on keeping the Sabbath and found the atmosphere surprisingly similar to that in Congress. Legalistic disputes so abounded that he found it difficult to keep order.
Paul C. Nagel
Our hatred of government is not caused mainly by government's goals, whatever their wisdom, but by government's techniques." Philip Howard
George F. Will
Law, rather than harnessing the passions, is increasingly pressed into their service.
George F. Will
The church is a whore, but she is still my mother. Augustine
Matt Chandler
George Foreman looks as if he might have organically appeared out of the very ground around the church.
Davis Miller
The Word, the Gospel, creates not just people individually but A people collectively
Matt Chandler
Washington DC is happiest when in indignation overdrive.
George F. Will
The sight of big ships, of the many new uniforms, at once serious and cool, left Bush with an overall sense of the navy's power and camaraderie and purpose.
H.W. Brands
Cultural change works orders of magnitude faster then genetic change. Stephen Jay Gould
Jonathan Haidt
God's glory is most majestically displayed not through you were through me, but through US. God raises up the Church, and says to all Creation in the heavens, on the Earth, and under the Earth, this is the bride and body of My Son, bought and purchased by His blood to be My people and receive My power, and enjoy My presence, and declare My praise forever and ever.
David Platt
God grows the Church through holiness in Christians.
David Platt
If we construct an economy where quantities are controlled, based on the belief there is never enough for all, then we must compete to determine the winners. We begin this with grades in the first grade. There is the presumption that competition is essential and so there must be a normal distribution of grades. All students cannot receive high marks. If I get an A, someone in the class must perform poorly. It is an early lesson in how the marketplace ideology works. In a community organized around abundance, competition will occur, but it is not built into the system as a core design element. In a neighborly culture, the abundance of resources becomes the design element
Walter Brueggemann
Each one of us is serious individually, but together we become frivolous.
Barbara W. Tuchman
He was always the bridge, between men as well as between ideas.
Barbara W. Tuchman
Wherever I go, bookstores are still the closest thing to a town square.
Gloria Steinem
The continuous work of our life,” says Montaigne, “is to build death.” He quotes the Latin poets: Prima, quae vitam dedit, hora corpsit. And again: Nascentes morimur. Man knows and thinks this tragic ambivalence which the animal and the plant merely undergo. A new paradox is thereby introduced into his destiny. “Rational animal,” “thinking reed,” he escapes from his natural condition without, however, freeing himself from it. He is still a part of this world of which he is a consciousness. He asserts himself as a pure internality against which no external power can take hold, and he also experiences himself as a thing crushed by the dark weight of other things. At every moment he can grasp the non-temporal truth of his existence. But between the past which no longer is and the future which is not yet, this moment when he exists is nothing. This privilege, which he alone possesses, of being a sovereign and unique subject amidst a universe of objects, is what he shares with all his fellow-men. In turn an object for others, he is nothing more than an individual in the collectivity on which he depends.
Simone de Beauvoir
The belonging you seek is not behind you. It is ahead.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens
In our culture it is seen as a sign of weakness to actually seek help from someone else. And yet, as Christians, God designed us to need each other - He designed us to lean upon the body of Christ for support, prayer, wisdom, and even practical help.
Leslie Ludy
Pakistan is an Islamic country and the victim of an Easter terrorist attack. Groups like Isis or in this case the Taliban are not about religion. No more than the KKK is about Christianity. These groups are about hate! I did post on the Pakistani attack because it is really important to point out that brown and black people in the middle east and Africa are being killed. Terrorism isn't about Islam. It is about hate. SO let's fight this hate. Let's stand united with our Islamic brothers and sisters who are being slaughtered. Step back from judging a religion you are not exposed to. Understand that we need to work together. ALL faiths. That's how we defeat this
Johnny Corn
Sticks and stones may break your bones, and words – can cut your insides.
Jen Pollock Michel
The church has a deep well of joy, of which none can drink but her own children. There are stores of wine, and oil, and corn, hidden in the midst of our Jerusalem, upon which the saints of God are evermore sustained and nurtured; and sometimes, as in our Saviour's case, we have our seasons of intense delight
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Christ's vast benevolence must, from the very nature of things, have afforded Him the deepest possible delight, for benevolence is joy.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
He seemed less in need of a secretary than of someone to listen to him.
Barbara W. Tuchman
Excessive gentrification destroys the biodiversity and ecosystem of a community.
Khang Kijarro Nguyen
He loved his family, his friends, his writing, his painting; he knew their flaws, but they neither surprised nor embittered him.
Philip Zaleski
In the midst of the apparent diversity of human affairs, a certain number of primary facts may be discovered, from which all others are derived.
Alexis de Tocqueville
Network Gives You Reach… Community Gives You Power!
Ted Rubin
Such is a communityof inviolable immunity, protectedfrom tampering or harpooningmutiny. Every better thinker’s impulse to shrink us (at the shoreline from our lifeblood’s deep pulse) uses disparaging scrutiny to sink us.
Kristen Henderson
Plenty of people will think you're crazy, no matter what you do. Don't let that stop you from finding the people who think you're incredible—the ones who need to hear your voice, because it reminds them of their own. Your tribe. They're out there. Don’t let your critics interfere with your search for them.
Vironika Tugaleva
By far the greatest and most admirable form of wisdom is that needed to plan and beautify cities and human communities.
The Cross is the eternal expression of the length to which God will go to in order to restore broken community.
Martin Luther King Jr.
The fascist authoritarianism, characterized by sado-masochism and destructiveness, had a function which is comparable psychologically to a neurotic symptom - namely, fascism compensated for powerlessness and individual isolation and protected the individual from anxiety-creating situations. If one compare fascism to a neurotic symptom, it can be said that fascism is a neurotic form of community.
Rollo May
The astronomical community need to start acknowledging jet aircraft contrails to be the problem that they really are!
Steven Magee
Work for purpose, be for others.
If you possess enough courage to speak out what you are, you will find you are not alone.
Richard Wright
Empowered Women 101: A confident woman doesn't make her whole life purpose her man. She understands that he is her counter part to achieving whatever she is to accomplish on this earth with the blessings and talents God has given her. He is part of the plan, not the whole plan.
Shannon L. Alder
[There] is . . . a problem that bedevils all of us as members of communities of believers. I call this problem our disagreement deficit, and it comes in four parts. . . . First, our communities expose us to disproportionate support for our own ideas. Second, they shield us from the disagreement of outsiders. Third, they cause us to disregard whatever outside disagreement we do encounter. Finally, they quash the development of disagreement from within.
Kathryn Schulz
I felt as if each person within visual range were slowly draining the life from me. We were all connected, and the more them there were, the more I wanted to crawl under a table and cry.
Shaun David Hutchinson
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