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My friend John is an urgent care physician who has several patients who come to see him for various ailments on a regular basis. In addition to being brilliant and taking wonderful care of his patients, he has a unique ability to empathetically listen to his patient’s needs. One of his patients is a repeat visitor, even when she's not exhibiting symptoms. He takes the time to listen to how she's feeling and responds with kindness, empathy, and caring. He has come to realize that her visits are filling her deep need to feel validated, cared for, and understood in ways which she does not receive at home. His empathetic listening delivers incredible customer service for patient care and makes him a better health care provider. Wouldn’t it be incredible if this was the manner for not only doctors, but all professionals?
Susan C.Young
When my son Nick was five years old, he was sitting at the kitchen bar while I prepared dinner. In typical busy mother fashion, I was multitasking—cooking, cleaning, running the laundry, answering the phone, and attempting to listen to what he had to say.
Susan C.Young
Your tone of voice is less about what you say and more about how you say it. It enhances or diminishes the language you use, how you construct your sentences, and the way your words sound. It represents the emotional expressions of your thoughts, feelings, and attitude.
Susan C.Young
It is generally believed that nearly 40 percent of your first impression will be set from the tone of your voice. Your vocal thermometer can be more impactful than the actual words you use.
Susan C.Young
Your tone of voice can be conveyed in both the words you speak and in the words you write.
Susan C.Young
Your tone can represent the character of your business, the strength of your resolve, and express the depths of your convictions.
Susan C.Young
Does your tone match your intention? Is your tone of voice confusing or clarifying? Are you coming across to others as you had hoped? Once you begin to notice your tone, you can adjust as needed to make it work in your favor.
Susan C.Young
Heed Your Speed. Are you a fast or a slow talker? Be mindful towards the person with whom you are speaking to ensure that your message is being comprehended, understood, and absorbed. If they are listening at a slower rate than you are speaking, disconnect can occur.
Susan C.Young
As a professional speaker, I speak rather quickly with enthusiastic energy and emotion. This doesn’t always sit well with people who like to speak at a slower pace and need more time to process. What I have learned through years in this profession is that to be more effective I must adapt my pace to the comfort level of my audience. When I am speaking to academics, engineers, and doctors, I speak with a slower pace than the one which I use with sales people, customer services teams, or teenagers.
Susan C.Young
Align your voice value with the tone, pace, and pitch of your listeners will help you connect on all levels.
Susan C.Young
Have you ever paid notice to the full sound range of your voice? If you have ever been in a chorus or a singing group, you already know that they will separate the group based on each singer’s pitch and assign their roles accordingly. While my speaking voice has a soprano pitch, my singing voice is a lower alto.
Susan C.Young
A high-pitched voice may sound less authoritative, more youthful, and less experienced, whereas, a lower pitched voice may be perceived as being more authoritative, confident, and credible. It is unfortunate that listeners will make assumptions based on these differences before even knowing the depth and value of your message. Play with your ranges and find a comfortably low pitch. Practice it to see if it makes a difference in conveying more authority and brilliance.
Susan C.Young
When your speaking style is clear, confident, and concise, your listeners will perceive you as such.
Susan C.Young
Developing your eloquence and enunciation will reduce the likelihood of misinterpretation and misunderstanding, making your delivery more powerful.
Susan C.Young
By speaking in a competent and confident way, your message will sound more relevant and appropriate, reflecting you in a favorable light.
Susan C.Young
Variety is the Spice of Life. Voices come in all shapes, tones, and sizes. Some are compelling and effective, while others are grating and agitating.
Susan C.Young
Your Signature Sound. In music, voice value is categorized for singers, composers, and listeners. Whether a performer’s voice type is soprano, alto, tenor, baritone, or bass, they all have unique characteristics that make them unique and impressive. You, too, have a signature sound that is uniquely yours and makes you stand apart from the crowd.
Susan C.Young
Neen James (NeenJames.com) is an eloquent and successful international speaker who stands at four-feet-eleven with a rich Australian dialect and a high-pitched voice. For years, fellow speakers with good intentions told her she needed to take voice lessons to lower her pitch to give her more depth for a compelling stage presence. With complete confidence and loyalty to her uniqueness, she ignored the naysayers and her amazing signature voice has become a powerful brand.
Susan C.Young
Most people are familiar with the rich, resonant tones of James Earl Jones and Morgan Freeman. Their signature voices bring strength, authority, and lyrical enjoyment. Are there aspects of your voice that you can capitalize on to make a great impression and be simply unforgettable?
Susan C.Young
Think of the times that others remembered your name and used it kindly. How did it make you feel? When you use someone’s name it makes him or her feel recognized, appreciated, and special.
Susan C.Young
Your mindset serves as the operating system for your entire life’s experience.
Susan C.Young
Your internal thoughts determine your outer world.
Susan C.Young
One would think that if people truly wanted to live incredible lives, they would do everything in their power to create a mindset which helped them get there. Right?
Susan C.Young
More people continue to be and do exactly the things in life that prevent them from getting what they want or from waking up excited about their day.
Susan C.Young
Since your mindset can make you or break you, how is it going? Is it representing you well or does it need a complete overhaul?
Susan C.Young
The Law of Cause and Effect is as active in your life as the Law of Gravity. It teaches us that for every action there is a reaction.
Susan C.Young
If you do nothing, you’ll have nothing. If you do something spectacular, you will have something spectacular.
Susan C.Young
Do you yearn for loving, loyal relationships? Be that for others
Susan C.Young
Communication skills, quotes by susan c young, relationship quotes, how to make a great first impression, preparation quotes, motivational speaker, susan young, build confidence, mindset quotes, attitude quotes
Susan C.Young
If you want to enjoy confidence, engagement, positive feedback, connection, and reward in your relationships, start being and doing what it takes to make it happen.
Susan C.Young
Mindset and attitude are so tightly intertwined they almost mean the same thing!
Susan C.Young
Your attitude is the one thing in this world you have complete control over. You have full command. As empowering as that truth can be, there are some days we let down and give in to a bad attitude.
Susan C.Young
When you wake each day, it is your choice if you are going to use your attitude to your advantage or allow it to work against you.
Susan C.Young
If you want to fly high and go amazing places, your attitude is crucial.
Susan C.Young
Put yourself in the driver seat by designing the best attitude possible to help you get where you need and want to go.
Susan C.Young
Throughout my life, I have been blessed with a positive and resilient attitude. I grew up with an alcoholic father and he tested my disposition in more ways than you might imagine. Knowing I couldn't depend on him for positive reinforcement, I clung to my positive attitude like a life preserver to give me the strength for positivity and self-reliance. Otherwise, I would have sunk into the depths of low self-esteem and worthlessness. A positive attitude was my saving grace and it became a habit by choice, day-in and day-out.
Susan C.Young
At times, maintaining a positive attitude and outlook takes great risk, courage, toughness, and flexibility. It is not easy to stay positive in a cynical and negative world.
Susan C.Young
Remain vigilant and try diligently not to succumb to the soul-sucking, mind-numbing, ill-mannered attitudes that seem so prevalent in the world today.
Susan C.Young
I have known many people who have been incredibly successful in life. It was not necessarily because they had immense talent, brilliance, an expensive education, or exemplary skills. It was because they had an extraordinary attitude to take on life with love, passion, conviction, consistency, and hard work. What they all had in common was getting their minds right and becoming positive thinkers—which activated their potential to achieve remarkable things and build strong relationships.
Susan C.Young
Developing a positive attitude is one of the most transformational things you can do to shift your mindset, improve your disposition, manifest good things, and attract quality people into your life.
Susan C.Young
The benefits you will enjoy with a positive attitude have a multiplier effect and exponentially impact your personal well-being.
Susan C.Young
A positive attitude will not only make you more fun to be around, but it will bring more happiness and joy both into your life and the lives of those around you.
Susan C.Young
Surround yourself with positive people who ignite your energy and spirit.
Susan C.Young
Believe in your power to make happiness a choice—do so every day, until it becomes a lifelong habit.
Susan C.Young
A positive attitude feels a heck of a lot better than a negative one.
Susan C.Young
Learn to leverage the Law of Cause and Effect to your advantage in positive ways!
Susan C.Young
Many people go through life complaining, whining, and obsessing so much about what they don’t have that they are doing exactly what it takes to block it.
Susan C.Young
Would you like to feel a calm confidence when you walk into a room full of strangers, knowing that you can start new a conversation with anyone?
Susan C.Young
Your mindset brings together your attitude, perceptions, experience, interpretations, opinions, beliefs, values, and understanding to determine how you think, act, walk, talk, behave, and engage.
Susan C.Young
To say your mindset is critical to your success is a gross understatement—it is the underpinning!
Susan C.Young
Developing your emotional intelligence will allow you to explore new depths of understanding in yourself and others.
Susan C.Young
Emotional intelligence will give you insight as to why people behave as they do and assist you in areas which you may wish to improve.
Susan C.Young
All the elements of greater emotional awareness can weave together to ensure you make a more positive impact.
Susan C.Young
Emotional intelligence marks one’s ability to perceive, understand, control, and evaluate his or her emotions.
Susan C.Young
Haven’t you known people who seem to have a “sixth sense” super-power when it comes to connecting, communicating, and understanding others? These emotionally intelligent people always know the right things to say to make us feel that we matter.
Susan C.Young
Your EQ (emotional quotient) is your capacity to recognize, discriminate, and label emotions accurately and interpret them to help guide your thinking and behavior.
Susan C.Young
Create and nurture a mindset that works for you rather than against you.
Susan C.Young
Strive to be optimistic rather than pessimistic— forgiving rather than a grudge holder.
Susan C.Young
Strive to be a possibility thinker rather than an impossibility thinker.
Susan C.Young
Strive to be happy rather than downhearted or miserable—hopeful rather than resigned and doubtful.
Susan C.Young
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