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Tall, dark, and hot leaned against a pillar, watching me as I took my place in line. Tousled dark hair went every which way on his head. His eyes were slitted and intense, like he might need to have sex at any moment. Maybe even with me.
Veronica Wolff
And then he winked.Jeez, I thought my heart would explode on the spot. The last time a guy winked at me was years ago, and that’d been a creepy mall Santa.
Veronica Wolff
Surely there was at least one other girl on campus not sporting a French pedicure (do girls really think we’re fooled by the little white lines painted across their toenails?), who had some black in her wardrobe, and actually thought about things. You know, someone who knew the word French could imply more than just a way to kiss.
Veronica Wolff
Knowledge is enthusiasm to learn.
Lailah Gifty Akita
If you see yourself as other people see you, it means you are lost, you don't know yourself and you have closed down a world class university of diligence!
Israelmore Ayivor
People who enroll themselves in the schools of pride, eventually graduate with and high degree of fall. Failure employs “prides” scholars. Get rusticated now!
Israelmore Ayivor
The chance that you will become a master in something after the first attempt is neither here nor there. You don't get master's degree by attending school on the first day! Time will tell, so you got to persist!
Israelmore Ayivor
Brockhurst, the champion of individualism, was soon launched on his favorite topic."The great fault of the American nation, which is the fault of republics, is the reduction of everything to the average. Our universities are simply the expression of the forces that are operating outside. We are business colleges purely and simply, because we as a nation have only one ideal—the business ideal.""That's a big statement," said Regan."It's true. Twenty years ago we had the ideal of the lawyer, of the doctor, of the statesman, of the gentleman, of the man of letters, of the soldier. Now the lawyer is simply a supernumerary enlisting under any banner for pay; the doctor is overshadowed by the specialist with his business development of the possibilities of the rich; we have politicians, and politics are deemed impossible for a gentleman; the gentleman cultured, simple, hospitable, and kind, is of the dying generation; the soldier is simply on parade.""Wow!" said Ricketts, jingling his chips. "They're off.""Everything has conformed to business, everything has been made to pay. Art is now a respectable career—to whom? To the business man. Why? Because a profession that is paid $3,000 to $5,000 a portrait is no longer an art, but a blamed good business. The man who cooks up his novel according to the weakness of his public sells a hundred thousand copies. Dime novel? No; published by our most conservative publishers—one of our leading citizens. He has found out that scribbling is a new field of business. He has convinced the business man. He has made it pay.
Owen Johnson
What would be the natural thing? A man goes to college. He works as he wants to work, he plays as he wants to play, he exercises for the fun of the game, he makes friends where he wants to make them, he is held in by no fear of criticism above, for the class ahead of him has nothing to do with his standing in his own class. Everything he does has the one vital quality: it is spontaneous. That is the flame of youth itself. Now, what really exists?""...I say our colleges to-day are business colleges—Yale more so, perhaps, because it is more sensitively American. Let's take up any side of our life here. Begin with athletics. What has become of the natural, spontaneous joy of contest? Instead you have one of the most perfectly organized business systems for achieving a required result—success. Football is driving, slavish work; there isn't one man in twenty who gets any real pleasure out of it. Professional baseball is not more rigorously disciplined and driven than our 'amateur' teams. Add the crew and the track. Play, the fun of the thing itself, doesn't exist; and why? Because we have made a business out of it all, and the college is scoured for material, just as drummers are sent out to bring in business."Take another case. A man has a knack at the banjo or guitar, or has a good voice. What is the spontaneous thing? To meet with other kindred spirits in informal gatherings in one another's rooms or at the fence, according to the whim of the moment. Instead what happens? You have our university musical clubs, thoroughly professional organizations. If you are material, you must get out and begin to work for them—coach with a professional coach, make the Apollo clubs, and, working on, some day in junior year reach the varsity organization and go out on a professional tour. Again an organization conceived on business
Owen Johnson
Ever since college, I make friends. They get married. I lose friends.
Chuck Palahniuk
My books, my paradise!
Lailah Gifty Akita
Keep learning, keep learning!
Lailah Gifty Akita
Creation is scientific.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Education is acquisition of intellectual knowledge to be what we ought to be.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Knowledge is learning without a limit.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Always work enthusiastically.
Lailah Gifty Akita
I hate reading poems—school made me hate them. I’d spend hours interpreting one, just to read the memorandum and realize I’d be fucked during exams. I remember making a little asterisk next to every question I struggled with, and at the end of the paper, I’d realize I was looking at the fucking Milky Way.
Danielle Esplin
This irritated or puzzled such students of literature and their professors as were accustomed to ‘serious’ courses replete with ‘trends ’ and ‘schools ’ and ‘myths ’ and ‘symbols ’ and ‘social comment ’ and something unspeakably spooky called ‘climate of thought.’ Actually these ‘serious’ courses were quite easy ones with the students required to know not the books but about the books.
Vladimir Nabokov
Look at this one.” I picked up a small painting of a man with dark hair and a short, dark beard. He wore a loose shirt, cobalt blue, unbuttoned at the top, showing a prominent, knobby collarbone. He looked…complicated and hungry. She’d captured him focused intensely on a book, his face pressed against a wall like he was resting. Or waiting.
Laura Anderson Kurk
A degree helps to a degree, but your work is largely what you create it to be.
Ryan Lilly
Focus on your destination but enjoy every sacred moments of the journey
Lailah Gifty Akita
The obstacles were intended to be a distraction from the goal.You must keep a persistence focus to realise the goal.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Self education is holy mission.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Reading illuminates our path with the brightest light.
Lailah Gifty Akita
The search for wisdom is like a search for gold.
Lailah Gifty Akita
You will create yourself with continuous self-education.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Your every positive action in your life will increase your self-esteem and this self-esteem will boost you for more positive action to take you on success
Rashedur Ryan Rahman
Give yourself a great self-respect to know who you are then your confidence will shine on you
Rashedur Ryan Rahman
Setting a goal is like to set your destination point in your life GPS which could take you to your desire position as you dreamed about...
Rashedur Ryan Rahman
Success comes with failure which leads to doubts but with determination we can still achieve.
Jonathan Anthony Burkett
What are the purposes of examinations anyhow? Are they to increase our educational attainment? Or are they instruments used to bring suffering and humiliation and deep hurt to a person who is trying so hard to succeed?
Virginia M. Axline
I had a dream. In the dream someone was critical of my newest novel The Snail's Castle. I said, "don't worry about it. If you don't like it, just throw it out the window." I awoke, grinning, with a wonderful feeling of freedom.
Mark Gordon
As cliché as it might sound, I'd rather lose than win by cheating. The latter is a much deeper, more personal loss in that one is admittedly whispering to himself his lack of competence. His cheating then begets more cheating, as he is ever-privately, ever-subconsciously insulting himself; thus, gradually deteriorating any remaining confidence.
Criss Jami
Young women are not putting themselves in danger. The people around them are doing the real damage. Who? you might wonder. The abstinence teacher who tells her students that they'll go to jail if they have premarital sex. The well-founded organizarion that tells girls on college campuses that they should be looking for a husband, not taking women's studies classes. The judge who rules against a rape survivor because she didn't meet whatevel standard for a victim he had in mind. The legislator who pushes a bill to limit young women's access to abortion because he doesn't think they're smart enough to make their own decisions. These are the people who are making the world a worse place, and a more dangerous one, at that, for girls and young women. We're just doing our best to live in it.
Jessica Valenti
People think I'm selling feminism in my books, but what I'm really doing is writing advertising copy for expensive private colleges that most women can't afford anyway. Oh, and try to find a job with a major in English literature. No luck? Joke's on you, sucker!
Mary Gordon
Our first kiss was there on the bridge in the woods. How do you describe a first kiss? It is like trying to hold water in your hands. There is an ancient Chinese proverb that compares kissing to drinking salted water. “You drink, and your thirst increases,” it says. Time, I’m sure, passed by, but we remained unavailable for comment.
Kirstie Collins Brote
Gareth Miller grabbed the beer first, then the hotdog, because if there’s one thing you don’t want to be caught dead without at these sorts of events it’s beer. The hotdog was strictly for show, a prop, a way of blending in.Burst of static in his right ear: “G-man, you read me? What’s yo’ twenty, dawg?”Gareth departed the concession stand, stopped, looked down at his hands, and tossed the hotdog into the first trash receptacle he saw. Raising his wrist to his mouth, he spoke into the cuff of his long-sleeved tee. “Concession stand, Section B. Over.”Allowing his hand to linger by his chin, he gingerly scratched his cheek as if he had meant to do it all along. The same voice: “Yo, I’m in position. Ready when you is.”Gareth cringed while crossing the wide concourse, checking both directions. The giant hallway was the main drag of a ghost town, its only residents a solitary custodian sweeping debris into a portable waste bin and the concession crew to his rear.
Jay Nichols
Breathe, Emma. Now is not the time to swoon.
Eva Walker
It was a time before Facebook and Instagram and texting. I imagine it must be easier now, for college students. Home must not feel so far away anymore. But how do you cut the apron strings if the strings are virtual?
Kirstie Collins Brote
For a lack of education, a child's future may hold no fortune.
Dennis E. Adonis
I love to teach children science.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Keep on exploring.Keep on evolving.Keep on experimenting.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Twice I'd come home as they were finishing, and, honestly, I cannot think of a lonelier sound on a Saturday night than one's roommate having a giant orgasm and then making an embarrassed sssh sound, realizing that maybe through her pleasure she'd heard the front door open and close.
Aimee Bender
The truest and noblest gift for yourself is personal development.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Failure is a teacher. It teaches what you ought to learn.
Lailah Gifty Akita
My priority is not about grades. I seek yearn for knowledge, skills and wisdom.
Lailah Gifty Akita
You will discover all that pertains to life by reading.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Never be discouraged. The fact that you will be a winner at the first attempt is unclear. You don’t get master’s degree after attending school on the first day. You got to endure till you get there.
Israelmore Ayivor
We must pursue knowledge and wisdom above all other things.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Every beginner possesses a great potential to be an expert in his or her chosen field.
Lailah Gifty Akita
It is the possibility of the dream, which quickens my spirit to take action.
Lailah Gifty Akita
So often we quit on the first failure. We must persistent long enough to achieve success.
Lailah Gifty Akita
You can achieve the goal with courage, confidence and commitment.
Lailah Gifty Akita
How could we have improved ourselves, if we had not dared to read, learn and write?
Lailah Gifty Akita
There is nothing better than expressions in words.
Lailah Gifty Akita
If only we were all better educated. If then, higher education would at last be a journey for skill and knowledge rather than for power and status.
Criss Jami
Qwana Reynolds-Frasier
Qwana Reynolds-Frasier
Qwana Reynolds-Frasier
Qwana Reynolds-Frasier
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