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Fear not, brothers and sisters, God, who is full of grace and abounding in steadfast love, meets us in our sin and transforms us for God's glory and the healing of God's world. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, your sins are forgiven, be now at peace.
Nadia Bolz-Weber
The burden of sin leads you to the need for a Savior.
John Paul Warren
Love is a heart smile.
John Paul Warren
God love's in the dark.
John Paul Warren
If anyone had a right to lecture people about their sin, it was the sinless son of God. If even he could meet sinners as equals, how much more should we Christians---all sinners ourselves---treat as equals the people we encounter in our lives?
Justin Lee
It is not the balance in your check book that makes life count. It is the investment one makes in the lives of others.
John Paul Warren
The Church is not called to overthrow government but to influence culture.
John Paul Warren
Whatever your problems may be, they pale in insignificance in the light of eternity. No matter how great your failures, God's grace is greater still. Lift up your heart and face life head-on.
Prince Akwarandu
I sometimes wonder if God calls us into the church because it represents not the people of God at their best but us at our worst. I wonder if he calls us to become embedded in this wretched institution precisely because it is wretched. And calls us to be a part of it not to reform it or save it or control it in any way, but to simply love it.
Mark Galli
There is an obsession in the Church with sin management. People think more about their sins than about their redemption through Jesus
John Paul Warren
Grace has a face. It is Jesus Christ.
John Paul Warren
My vision of the gathered church that had come to me... had been replaced by a vision of the gathered community. What I saw now was the community imperfect and irresolute but held together by the frayed and always fraying, incomplete and yet ever-holding bonds of the various sorts of affection. There had maybe never been anybody who had not been loved by somebody, who had been loved by somebody else, and so on and on... It was a community always disappointed in itself, disappointing its members, always trying to contain its divisions and gentle its meanness, always failing and yet always preserving a sort of will toward goodwill. I knew that, in the midst of all the ignorance and error, this was a membership; it was the membership of Port William and of no other place on earth. My vision gathered the community as it never has been and never will be gathered in this world of time, for the community must always be marred by members who are indifferent to it or against it, who are nonetheless its members and maybe nonetheless essential to it. And yet I saw them all as somehow perfected, beyond time, by one another's love, compassion, and forgiveness, as it is said we may be perfected by grace.
Wendell Berry
Pentecost was the day of power of the Holy Spirit. It was the day the Christian church was born.
Billy Graham
The word church as applied to the Christian society was first used by Jesus Himself when He told Peter, “Upon this rock I will build my church” [Matthew 16:18]. He is the foundation of all Christian experience.
Billy Graham
The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church.
Billy Graham
The blood of Christ purchased the church.
Billy Graham
If we in the church want a cause to fight, let’s fight sin. Let’s reveal its hideousness. Let’s show that Jeremiah was correct when e said: “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked” [Jeremiah 17:9 NKJV].
Billy Graham
I am convinced if the church went back to the main task of proclaiming the Gospel it would see people being converted to Christ, and it would have a far greater impact on the social, moral, and psychological needs of people than anything else it could possibly do.
Billy Graham
America and Western Europe are on a moneymaking, pleasure-mad spree unparalleled in the history of the world. God is generally ignored or ridiculed. Church members in many cases are only halfhearted Christians. Judgment is coming.
Billy Graham
We have been trying to solve every ill of society as though society were made up of regenerate men to whom we had an obligationto speak with Christian advice.
Billy Graham
God’s church is a Bible-centered church, and it grows strong under persecution.
Billy Graham
Before three thousand people were brought into the church on the day of Pentecost, the disciples had spent fifty days in prayer, fasting, and spiritual travail.
Billy Graham
The Bible nowhere teaches that the church will ultimately convert the whole world to Jesus Christ. There has never been a generation in history, nor will there ever be generation, in which the majority of the people will believe in Christ.
Billy Graham
Thousands of people have entered churches without discovering a vital experience with Jesus Christ. The substitutes have been handed them in the guise of religious rituals, good works, community effort, or social reform . . .none of which can gain a person a right relationship with God.
Billy Graham
There will come a time when people hungering for the truth will seek it where it is supposedly disseminated, such as books and churches, but they will not hear the Word of the Lord. Instead of receiving a message to satisfy their spiritual longings, they will hear a sermon on some current political or social problem, or a sermonette on art and literature. And so they wander from one place to another, going from hope to despair, and eventually giving up.
Billy Graham
Unless the church quickly recovers the authoritative biblical message, we may witness the spectacle of millions of Christians going outside the institutional church to find spiritual food.
Billy Graham
What right does any church have even attempting to approve of lifestyles or certain acts for which God prescribed the death penalty in the Old Testament?
Billy Graham
There are many who sit in some churches week after week, year after year, without hearing the whole Gospel and knowing what it is to be born again. They hear a gospel which is incomplete, and consequently not good news at all.
Billy Graham
Statistics indicate that the church is rapidly losing in the population explosion. There are fewer Christians per capita every day.
Billy Graham
The church has lost its ability to discipline members who live openly in sin. Consequently, we have lost our witness in the community.
Billy Graham
The church is a storehouse of spiritual food whereby the inner man is fed, nourished, and developed into maturity. If it fails, it is not fulfilling its purpose as a church.
Billy Graham
It could be said that going to church will not make one a Christian. But . . . refusing to fellowship with believers will not make you one either.
Billy Graham
I hope the day will never come when the church abandons the “class meeting” and the prayer service . . .The old-fashioned “testimony” meeting should be revived, for through this medium we can share with others our faith and triumphs as well as our needs and mistakes.
Billy Graham
Down through the centuries the church has contributed more than any other single agency in lifting social standards to new heights.
Billy Graham
The church isn’t just a particular building or congregation but the spiritual fellowship of all who belong to Jesus Christ. If we belong to Christ, we also belong to each other.
Billy Graham
Many churches have molded their programs around the community—not the Word of God.
Billy Graham
The Lord did not design the church to cater to people’s needs—the Lord breathed life into the church to proclaim His truths.
Billy Graham
When the church begins to entertain the flock and respond to the cult of self—it is diminished to a mere community center.
Billy Graham
The fiercest storm is taking place in some of our churches—the unbelief and disobedience of God’s Word.
Billy Graham
In our desire to make Christ known and to increase the influence of the church, we are many times prone to think that Christians and the church can be made popular with the unbelieving world. This is a grave mistake on the part of the church.
Billy Graham
It is vitally important for local church leaders to keep in touch with the spiritual state of their members, to discuss their level of biblical knowledge, and to teach them how to study God’s Word and pray.
Billy Graham
The church is far greater than [a building or denomination]. It includes the whole family of God—that vast unseen fellowship of men and women throughout the ages who belong to Christ. Paul wrote of “God’s household, which is the church of the living God” [1 Timothy 3:15 NIV).
Billy Graham
Sometimes it is difficult to differentiate the Christian from the man of the world. In America, for example, churchgoing has become popular, but churchgoing may not necessarily be accompanied by genuine depth in prayer and Bible study or a change in lifestyle.
Billy Graham
Satan] invades the Sunday school, the Bible class, and even the pulpit. He even invades the church under cover of an orthodox vocabulary, emptying sacred terms of their biblical sense.
Billy Graham
I am afraid the church is trying to speak out on too many issues that really do not concern the church. There are certain issues we know to be wrong—racial injustice, crime, gambling, dishonesty, pornography. On these matters we must thunder forth as the prophets of God.
Billy Graham
In some churches today and on some religious television programs, we see the attempt to make Christianity popular and pleasant. We have taken the cross away and substituted cushions.
Billy Graham
In thousands of churches [people] are led astray theologically. Thus spiritually and morally they are drifting aimlessly, without compass or guide.
Billy Graham
The church in America has been deeply infiltrated by the “world,” and in the process it is beginning to copy and resemble the world in many of its activities.
Billy Graham
Preaching the whole council of God involves man’s environment and physical being as well as his soul. There is no doubt that the church is in danger of getting off the main track and getting lost.
Billy Graham
God did not ordain that the church should drift aimlessly in the seas of uncertainty without compass, captain, or crew.
Billy Graham
The church should be setting the pace. The church should be taking its proper place of leadership in the nation . . .God help the church to wake up!
Billy Graham
The church holds the key to revival. It is within our grasp.
Billy Graham
If the church is acceptable to this present ageand is not suffering reproach, then it is not the true church that our Lord founded.
Billy Graham
The church should not reflect pop culture but portray godly attributes. The church should not seek pleasures but seek after God.
Billy Graham
The church is blending into the community by embracing what the world enjoys and, in turn, bringing inside the church the world’s ideas and interests.
Billy Graham
Christ’s church is a place to grow people up in the Lord, not to enhance our leisure time.
Billy Graham
Church is not for pretenders and performers. Church is a place for pastors to preach principles of the faith in order to prepare believers to face the storms of life on the stage of an unbelieving world.
Billy Graham
The church is in turmoil today. The church is not to reflect the world but to be a portrait of Jesus Christ.
Billy Graham
No church is perfect, but don’t let that discourage you. Someone has said that if you ever find one that is, it will stop being perfect the minute you join!
Billy Graham
The church should not be pampered but rather prepare for, and expect, persecution—for it is Christ’s body on earth.
Billy Graham
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