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Christ Jesus leads the way to holy heavens.
Lailah Gifty Akita
How wonderful is the word of God.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Many men but one Master.
Lailah Gifty Akita
The Holy Scriptures are words taught by the Spirit.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Devotion to sacred cause is divine.
Lailah Gifty Akita
The best I can do is to ‘pretend’ that I’m my own god. But in the pretending I have to pretend that I’m not pretending, and somehow that doesn’t sound very god-like to me.
Craig D. Lounsbrough
No doubt he must very soon realize that his own faith is in direct opposition to the assumptions on which all the conversation of his new friends is based. I don't think that matters much provided that you can persuade him to postpone any open acknowledge of the fact, and this, with the aid of shame, pride, modesty and vanity, will be easy to do. As long as the postponement lasts he will be in a false position. He will be silent when he ought to speak and laugh when he ought to be silent.
C.S. Lewis
So, were every man on earth to become atheist, it could not affect God in any way. He is what He is in Himself without regard to any other. To believe in Him adds nothing to His perfections; to doubt Him takes nothing away.Almighty God, just because He is almighty, needs no support. The picture of a nervous, ingratiating God fawning over men to win their favor is not a pleasant one; yet if we look at the popular conception of God, that is precisely what we see. Twentieth century Christianity has put God on charity. So lofty is our opinion of ourselves that we find it quite easy, not to say enjoyable, to believe that we are necessary to God. But the truth is that God is not greater for our being, nor would He be less if we did not exist.
A.W. Tozer
The ecstatic vision and social program sought to rebuild a society upward from its grass roots but on principles of religious and economic egalitarianism, with free healing brought directly to the peasant homes and free sharing of whatever they had in return. The deliberate conjunction of magic and meal, miracle and table, free compassion and open commensality, was a challenge launched not just at Judaism’s strictest purity regulations, or even at the Mediterranean’s patriarchal combination of honor and shame, patronage and clientage, but at civilization’s eternal inclination to draw lines, invoke boundaries, establish hierarchies, and maintain discriminations.
John Dominic Crossan
Sin is the preclusion of self-worth.
Benjamin Aubrey Myers
No mere man can do, what the Son of Man, the Saviour, did for all mankind.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Jesus Christ suffered,to bear the sin of mankind.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Whoever confesses his sins, shall obtain the mercy of God's grace.
Lailah Gifty
Jesus isn’t an afterthought only when we need help, but He should be our first thought. Our first friend. Our first listening ear. The first person we go to for advice. Jesus shouldn’t be our last resort, but the reservoir of strength that we draw from before we even begin.
Tiffany Webster
Of course I contradict myself. Why else would I often bite my tongue and attempt to put the fire out?
Jen Tindugan-Adoviso
Of course I contradict myself. Why else would hold things in and put the fire out?
Jennifer Tindugan-Adoviso
As a teenager, I loved how I looked in the outfit of using drugs and exercising poor judgement. I had tried it on, spun around in the mirror, and decided I would choose this look, this image, this identity. But eventually and without realising it, the ability to choose had gone. I had become what at first I had only pretended to be.
Nadia Bolz-Weber
The sword of the scripture.
Lailah Gifty Akita
The Holy Scripture is the truth of God.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Spirituality profits the soul.
Lailah Gifty Akita
The Great King, Jesus Christ.
Laiah Gifty Akita
Is there any Great Teacher like Jesus Christ, He taught his disciplines all that He knew..
Lailah Gifty Akita
Men are often mislead by their fellow-men.
Lailah Gifty Akita
the night of thought is the light of perception.
Evelyn Underhill
Are we creating and cultivating things that have a chance of furnishing the New Jerusalem? Will the cultural goods we devote our lives to - the food we cook and consume; the music we purchase and practice; the movies we watch and make; the enterprises we earn our paychecks from and invest our wealth in - be identified as the glory and honor of our cultural tradition? Or will they be remembered as mediocrities at best, dead-ends at worst? This is not the same as asking whether we are making "christian" culture.
Andy Crouch
My heart says, ‘This way.’ The world says, ‘That way.’ God says, ‘I am the Way.’ And if perchance I choose to listen to the first two, I’m going to find myself so far off the ‘way’ that being lost becomes the ‘way’.
Craig D. Lounsbrough
Christianity would be helpless without the idea of free will and the idea offree will would be helpless without incongruity.
Kedar Joshi
Let thy body be thy holy temple.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Believers should be open to and encourage the Spirit's moving within each one, including the spontaneity from individual initiatives when gathered together. Believers need to be vigilant to prevent formality of liturgy where the Spirit is stifled, and individual initiatives are not allowed.
Henry Hon
We are often more a piece of work than a work of art.
R.J. Grunewald
Knowing Jesus Christ is one thing! Jesus Christ, knowing you is also another thing! Be identified by Jesus Christ as His own, then you know you know Him, and He also knows you! When you know him and He knows you, you know!
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Believers can search the Scriptures on their own, and allow the Word of God, coinciding with the Holy Spirit, to enlighten their understanding, and open their spiritual eyes.
Henry Hon
All believers need to become teachers, shepherds, ministers, and good-news-bearers.
Henry Hon
The power of prayer is beyond description.
Lailah Gifty Akita
When we repent by grace, we shall receive times of refreshing from God.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Muslim store clerks should sell alcohol and pork. Christian bakers should bake gay wedding cakes. Everyone should do their fucking job.
T.J. Kirk
And how can evil be the mere absence of good? Is genocide the absence of something, of what? Of kindness? Were there no kind Nazis? Of love? Were there no Maoist revolutionaries who loved their families? Evil is an act, we commit evil proactively, it doesn't simply emerge in the absence of good. When you don't put a dollar in the donation tin in the front of the convenience store it doesn't mean that an ax murderer was created. We human beings have one set of actions described as "good" and another set described as "evil.
T.J. Kirk
In Acts, every believer was living in a direct relationship with Him (Christ) and each one functioned normally as a member of His body in oneness with all believers.
Henry Hon
If you want to accurately judge the spiritual level of any human being, count the number of religions that he is capable of understanding and observe how effective he is in applying the lessons learned to his own life or the life of others.
Robin Sacredfire
Don't just cry over your 10 or 20 member church. Sometimes, God gives you your future first. The ones you call little carry in them every possibility you desire of the future. God would send you leaders but they may come as weak men and women first. Don't be so 'gift' conscious that you fail to realize that certain things are results of growth.
Kingsley Opuwari Manuel
I began realizing it was okay to just sit with Him instead of always reading and journaling prayers or hustling off to the next bible study. It was okay to just be still. It was possible to find Him in the immense stillness, the hidden parts of my heart. He was always there in my hiddenness.
Natalie Brenner
I wasn't there yet, I wasn't finding joy and gladness in my barrenness, but I believed I would. I believed He would make my barren soul as beautiful as His perfect garden.
Natalie Brenner
A daily practice of how you shall live in heaven, here on earth, is a good qualification plan to get to heaven
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
The Bible nowhere states that people before the law observed the Sabbath as a day of rest or worship.
David K. Bernard
Too often truth is doubted, while the error is believed.
Lailah Gifty Akita
The faithful have no dread of using the traditional language of the church. Terms like incarnation and resurrection need to be explained, not avoided.
Thomas C. Oden
Anything that dims my vision of Christ, or takes away my taste for Bible study, or cramps my prayer life, or makes Christian work difficult, is wrong for me, and I must, as a Christian, turn away from it.
J. Wilbur Chapman
The more familiar acquaintance we have with God the more do we partake of him. He that passes by the fire may have some gleams of heat, but he that stands by it has his colour changed. It is not possible that a man should have any long conference with God and be no whit affected. If we are strangers to God it is no wonder that our faces become earthy.
William Bramwell
You are free to go, Father," she whispered. "We are all of us free." Olivia finally understood what Mr Tugwell had tried to tell her. This was how it was for every fallen crteature. Christ bore the penalty we each deserve, to purchase our freedom.
Julie Klassen
It must be the full confession by Christendom of Christendom's specific contribution to the sum of human cruelty and treachery.
C.S. Lewis
Christian love is not a wave of emotion, but a deliberate conviction of the mind that issues in a biblical way of life. (p. 36)
P.G. Mathew
For if indeed God became a man, then Truth condescended to became a truth, from whose historical contingency one cannot simply pass to categories of universal rationality; and this means that whatever Christians mean when they speak of truth, it cannot involve simply the dialectical wrestling of abstract principles from intractable facts. (5)
David Bentley Hart
Jesus Christ is Lord of all, and all things have been put under his feet. There are no exceptions. (p. 70)
P.G. Mathew
If we are called to attention by God’s Life and Holy Spirit, then the ‘spiritual life’ is not a pleasant option we might like to pursue when we have space and time; it is that which is now creating its own space and time within us, and to neglect it is to lose ourselves.
Luke Timothy Johnson
if God spared not His own Son, how much less will He spare you!
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Thus, we must realize that October 21, 2011 will be the final day of this earth’s existence.
Harold Camping
Christianity . . . sees the necessity for man to have spiritual values and it shows him how to get at those through physical sacraments.
Malcolm Muggeridge
Whose but his own? ingrate, he had of meeAll he could have; I made him just and right,Sufficient to have stood, though free to fall.Such I created all th’ Ethereal PowersAnd Spirits, both them who stood and them who fail’d;Freely they stood who stood, and fell who fell.Not free, what proof could they have giv’n sincereOf true allegiance, constant Faith or Love,Where only what they needs must do, appear’d,Not what they would? what praise could they receive?What pleasure I from such obedience paid,When Will and Reason (Reason also is choice)Useless and vain, of freedom both despoil’d,Made passive both, had served necessity,Not mee. They therefore as to right belong’d,So were created, nor can justly accuseThir maker, or thir making, or thir Fate;As if Predestination over-rul’dThir will, dispos’d by absolute DecreeOr high foreknowledge; they themselves decreedThir own revolt, not I; if I foreknewForeknowledge had no influence on their fault,Which had no less prov’d certain unforeknown.So without least impulse or shadow of Fate,Or aught by me immutable foreseen,They trespass, Authors to themselves in allBoth what they judge and what they choose; for soI form’d them free, and free they must remain,Till they enthrall themselves: I else must changeThir nature, and revoke the high DecreeUnchangeable, Eternal, which ordain’dThir freedom: they themselves ordain’d thir fall.
John Milton
. . . I realized with a growing and startling sense of clarity that the seminary was educating and training me for a world that no longer existed. Moreover, the posture of this particular brand of Christianity toward the surrounding culture was one of enormous suspicion and at times hostility. It seemed that part of this evolving designation involved a posture of entrenchment and argument toward culture. But I loved culture. I loved the freedom to engage with people for the purpose of friendship and dialogue, not simply evangelism.
Tim Keel
In fact, when we listen to the church today, at least in the West, we are often left with impression that Christianity actually has very little to do with truth. Christianity is only about feeling better about ourselves, about leaping over our difficulties, about being more satisfied, about have better relationships, about getting on with our mothers-in-law, about understanding teenage rebellion, about coping with our unreasonable bosses, about finding greater sexual satisfaction, about getting rich, about receiving our own private miracles, and much else besides. It is about everything except truth. And yet this truth, personally embodied in Christ, gives us a place to stand in order to deal with the complexities of life, such as broken relations, teenage rebellion, and job insecurities.
David F. Wells
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