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If your financial life is not in order, every other area of your life will be in disorder.
Bamigboye Olurotimi
If you are straightforward, then others will have no choice but to be straightforward with you. If someone curses you, is he doing so at your responsibility? Is he doing so at God’s responsibility? No. He curses you at his own responsibility. And if you were to curse back, then it will be at your responsibility.
Dada Bhagwan
Just as one has no choice but to defecate, one has no choice but to get married. If your mind remains single, then there is no problem. However, one has no choice but marry if the mind is already married.
Dada Bhagwan
There are many differing viewpoints on nature versus nurture, and there are those who believe that bad behavior can be excused and understood if a person doesn't know better. The theory that someone who has been abused as a child will go on to abuse their own children, and so on, because they don't know differently is widely held. But children know. We all know.Learned behavior. When a child is abused, he or she knows, even as it is happening, that it is wrong. I knew. I was abused. When a child is treated unfairly in any way, he or she knows that it is wrong. I knew. I was treated unfairly. And when a child is treated with love and affection, he or she knows that it is right. I knew. I saw how other kids were treated with love and affection by their parents. I knew. My soul cried out to me and told me so. We all know. We all know right from wrong. Our souls cry out to us and tell us so. And we decide, we make our choices, and we are responsible for those choices. We, no one else but we, decide.Anger, hurt, pain, humiliation, fear, dread, confusion-all these emotions we choose. De we hold on to our anger, our pain and humiliation, and hit back, or do we strive to understand that we can do better?
Rosemary Altea
To make the best dicision for a book first check out the title, second check out the cover, third to check out the category what type is it - is it a horror or thriller or it's a psychology - it's important this. Then for sure check out little what's about the book. By openning it and reading the first 3 pages or as much as possible to make your decision!
Deyth Banger
It's not a silly pursuit to read beyond what's handed to you, to seek out new voices and leap over the usual books everyone's already talking about and see what you can find on your own.Making definitive choices about what we spend our time on as readers can make a statement, a difference. We can lift other writers up, give space and attention to more voices than the ones that already have all the space and attention.There is power in what we choose to consume as readers, and there is power in what we choose to amplify, celebrate, and share.
Nova Ren Suma
We are told that in translation there is no such thing as equivalence. Many times the translator reaches a fork in the translating road where they must make a choice in the interpretation of a word. And each time they make one of these choices, they are taken further from the truth. But what we aren’t told is that this isn’t a shortcoming of translation; it’s a shortcoming of language itself. As soon as we try to put reality into words, we limit it. Words are not reality, they are the cause of reality, and thus reality is always more. Writers aren't alchemists who transmute words into the aurous essence of the human experience. No, they are glassmakers. They create a work of art that enables us to see inside to help us understand. And if they are really good, we can see our own reflections staring back at us.
Kamand Kojouri
Intentional living is the art of making our own choices before others' choices make us.
Richie Norton
Leadership is about focus and concentrations. To be in focus, choose a clear direction. To concentrate, remain in that direction!
Israelmore Ayivor
Unless they're utterly heartless, people put a certain value on human life. It keeps us from killing each other off for no reason. But for leaders like you and me, a moral high ground is too absolute. There are choices to be made.
Amanda Bouchet
Leadership is a choice. It is not a rank.
Simon Sinek
Words and actions will separate a wise man from the crowd.
Bamigboye Olurotimi
The choice to lead is nurtured by the willingness to rise above challenges of life.
Israelmore Ayivor
We do not have to believe something is right- to believe a person has a right to choose it. God doesn't force us to serve him. It is a freewill choice we make, so why in the name of all that is holy and right do we think we can force other people to live by our particular brand of religion? We are commanded to Love if we are Christ servers.
Linda Wells~Harr
My heart says, ‘This way.’ The world says, ‘That way.’ God says, ‘I am the Way.’ And if perchance I choose to listen to the first two, I’m going to find myself so far off the ‘way’ that being lost becomes the ‘way’.
Craig D. Lounsbrough
Bridget wondered whether it all came down to the claustrophobic choice between dying beautiful or living ugly.
Ann Brashares
Which would you rather be if you had the choice--divinely beautiful or dazzlingly clever or angelically good?
L.M. Montgomery
There was rarely an obvious branching point in a person's life. People changed slowly, over time. You didn't take one step, then find yourself in a completely new location. You first took a little step off the path to avoid some rocks. For a while, you walked alongside the path, but then you wandered out a little way to step on softer soil. Then you stopped paying attention as you drifted farther and farther away. Finally, you found yourself in the wrong city, wondering why the signs on the roadway hadn't led you better.
Brandon Sanderson
Three things make people want to change. One is that they hurt sufficiently. They have beat their heads against the same wall so long that they decide they have had enough. They have invested in the same slot machines without a pay-off for so long that they finally are willing either to stop playing, or to move on to others. Their migraines hurt, their ulcers bleed. They are alcoholic. They have hit the bottom. They beg for relief. They want to change.Another thing that makes people want to change is a slow type of despair called ennui, or boredom. This is what the person has who goes through life saying, "So what?" until he finally asks the ultimate big "So What?" He is ready to change.A third thing that makes people want to change is the sudden discovery that they can. This has been an observable effect of Transactional Analysis. Many people who have shown no particular desire to change have been exposed to Transactional Analysis through lectures or by hearing about it from someone else. This knowledge has produced an excitement about new possibilities, which has led to their further inquiry and a growing desire to change. There is also the type of patient who, although suffering from disabling symptoms, still does not really want to change. His treatment contract reads, "I'll promise to let you help me if I don't have to get well." This negative attitude changes, however, as the patient begins to see that there is indeed another way to live. A working knowledge of P-A-C makes it possible for the Adult to explore new and exciting frontiers of life, a desire which has been there all along but has been buried under the burden of the NOT OK.
Thomas A. Harris
As change is a constant – as our houses, our money, our friends, our things and even our lovers can always disappear - the one thing that we will always remain the closest to, will be our minds and our bodies.
lauren klarfeld
Nothing can change for them, because they themselves can't change anymore.
Michael Ende
Your good character and attitude should be your message to the world.
Bamigboye Olurotimi
There's no such thing as a vote that doesn't matter.
Barack Obama
God designed life to be enjoyed by all, but human being turned things around and made it to be endured.
Bamigboye Olurotimi
Sometimes the things that happen can be changed. Sometimes they cannot. Which time is this?
Shanthi Sekaran
The most profound personal growth does not happen while reading a book or meditating on a mat. It happens in the throes of conflict—when you are angry, afraid, frustrated. It happens when you are doing the same old thing and you suddenly realize that you have a choice.
Vironika Tugaleva
Change is constant, but no amount of change will turn the attitude of vulture to that of eagle.
Bamigboye Olurotimi
Those who spend all they earn always end in penury.
Bamigboye Olurotimi
I am choosing to flow with the current of life rather than lying in a tide pool experiencing the same things again and again.
Marilyn Barnicke Belleghem
Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.
William Jennings Bryan
It's my choice to be beautiful. It's my choice to be ugly. And it's my choice to decided what those words actually mean.
Virginia Petrucci
HECUBA: I had a knife in my skirt, Achilles. When Talthybius bent over me, I could have killed him. I wanted to. I had the knife just for that reason. Yet, at the last minute I thought, he's some mother's son just as Hector was, and aren't we women all sisters? If I killed him, I thought, wouldn't It be like killing family?Wouldn't it be making some other mother grieve? So I didn't kill him, but if I had, I might have saved Hector's child. Dead or damned, that's the choice we make. Either you men kill us and are honored for it, or we women kill you and are damned for it. Dead or damned. Women don't have to make choices like that in Hades. There is no love there, nothing to betray.
Sheri S. Tepper
What tale do you like best to hear?' 'Oh, I have not much choice! They generally run on the same theme - courtship; and promise to end in the same catastrophe - marriage.
Charlotte Brontë
If you women continue to demand your choice to work, you will so upset the economy of this country that the time will come when you will not have a choice. You will have to work.
Helen B. Andelin
No: I shall not marry Samuel Fawthrop Wynne.""I ask why? I must have a reason. In all respects he is more than worthy of you."She stood on the hearth; she was pale as the white marble slab and cornice behind her; her eyes flashed large, dilated, unsm
Charlotte Brontë
The rule seemed to be that a great woman must either die unwed ... or find a still greater man to marry her. ... The great man, on the other hand, could marry where he liked, not being restricted to great women; indeed, it was often found sweet and commendable in him to choose a woman of no sort of greatness at all.
Dorothy L. Sayers
You don’t choose the music your enemies play, but you choose which songs you dance to.
Matshona Dhliwayo
Choice is always the driving factor in life.
Steven Redhead
Every choice has the potential to change the course of a life.
Steven Redhead
You are a product of your mind, a result of your thoughts, and a consequence of your actions.
Matshona Dhliwayo
If you suffer lingering doubts; if the consolation you cling to is ‘it will probably be okay,’ then run the other way because what you’re contemplating is not a good choice.
Richelle E. Goodrich
The tragedy waiting for politicians in future is greater than the gain in politics if it is measured, politicians kill, steal and betray the voters, but at the end they go to early grave, lose their peace and become miserable for the rest of their life.
Bamigboye Olurotimi
Women deserve better than propaganda and lies to get into panties. Propaganda and lies to get into office, to get out of court, to get out of paying child support. Get the fuck out of our decisions and give us back our voice. Women deserve better; women deserve choice.
Sonya Renee Taylor
.. when all this started, I asked myself, 'Am I going to withdraw from the world, like most people do, or am I going to live?' I decided I'm going to live - or at least try to live - the way I want, with dignity, with courage, with humour, with composure.
Mitch Albom
True freedom is the choice to create the desires one believes in.
Steven Redhead
Why, Mr. Anderson?, Why, why?. Why do you do it? Why, why get up?.Why keep fighting?. Do you believe you're fighting...for something?.For more than your survival?. Can you tell me what it is?. Do you even know?; Is it freedom?, Or truth?.Perhaps peace?. Could it be for love?Illusions, Mr. Anderson. Vagaries of perception. Temporary constructs of a feeble human intellect trying desperately to justify an existence that is without meaning or purpose. And all of them as artificial as the Matrix itself, although... only a human mind could invent something as insipid as love. You must be able to see it, Mr. Anderson. You must know it by now, You can't win. It's pointless to keep fighting. Why, Mr. Anderson?. Why?, Why do you persist?. Agent Smith ( Matrix Revolutions Movie, 2003 ).
William Irwin
When national ideals are confined to insignificant issues reflective primarily of a personal choice, there lies a problem of distorted priorities.
Moutasem Algharati
One of the disadvantages to having a choice is the inevitability to hang oneself on freedoms rope.
Donna Lynn Hope
My mother smoked two packs of cigarettes a day. Before she smoked her first cigarette, she was free to choose whether or not she would smoke. After awhile, her freedom reverted to Satan—so it would seem. The choice was no longer hers—so it would seem. Her mind and body were attacked with nicotine cravings that got so bad she would sometimes sacavage through garbage cans for butts when she’d run short on full cigarettes.tI watched, baffled at how something so small and so disgusting to me could have such power over my mother. That’s the thing about addiction—it binds us one choice at a time. That’s also the good news about addition—you can unravel the hold it has on you—one choice at a time.
Toni Sorenson
We are condemned to be free people, liberated people who must make life-defining decisions. Freedom requires choices and all choices entail value decisions.
Kilroy J. Oldster
You have a choice. Take hold of your future or the past will take it for you.
Pepper D. Basham
We have the freedom of choice, to choose what’s right.
Fennel Hudson
Maybe I should be still; accept my fate. But I have tasted freedom, known love – I have had choice and learnt what it is to have a human heart, not just a compliant one.
Dianna Hardy
So long as we are brave enough to accept the consequences of our actions, no one can take away our freedom of choice.
Mike Norton
O hell! to choose love by another's eye.
William Shakespeare
Most of us cherish freedom, but when we actually get the opportunity to make our own way it can be terrifying.
Tom Butler-Bowdon
Besides, a life without freedom to choose is not worth having.
Alasdair Gray
Now he understood clearly that roads do divide, at the crossroad there is a choice, and blinding oneself to it is a form of choosing, too; it is the fool's way, the coward's way.
Erik Christian Haugaard
With the Internet, we can choose the very communities we want to be a part of.
Alex Shakar
[F]rom my years of understanding ... I happily chose this kind of life in which I yet live [i.e., unmarried], which I assure you for my own part hath hitherto best contented myself and I trust hath been most acceptable to God. From the which if either ambition of high estate offered to me in marriage by the pleasure and appointment of my prince ... or if the eschewing of the danger of my enemies or the avoiding of the peril of death ... could have drawn or dissuaded me from this kind of life, I had not now remained in this estate wherein you see me. But so constant have I always continued in this determination ... yet is it most true that at this day I stand free from any other meaning that either I have had in times past or have at this present.
Elizabeth I
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