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Its always hard to find out that a person you once considered a great friend has completely turned their back on you. Life is full of surprises, some good and some bad. From my experience, bumping into bad ones never gets easier, but you learn to expect it, learn from it, and move on. Thats the only thing we can do... is move on.
Hilda Yacoubian
Change your state of being and your experience will follow.
Raphael Zernoff
He said that I have to remember that even though I've changed a lot in here, I'm going back to a world that hasn't changed
Michael Thomas Ford
Every experience is seen through your mind's eye, so when you change your mind you change your entire world.
Bryant McGill
What Walter thinks is that people are like rivers. We never stay in the same place but jest keep flowing along, learning new stuff and picking up new experiences and changing all the time. So today’s you isn’t the same as yesterday’s you and won’t be the same as tomorrow’s you. But Walter also thinks that there’s a real perfect you that you’re always trying to get to, and the better you are at living your life, the closer you come to it.
Rebecca Rupp
That night, stargazing on the deck with Dad, eyes on the sky, he pointed out Orion, Betelgeuse. "It's an art to read the stars, baby."I never wanted to leave his side-my sure song for so long. Now? His eyes are stone changed. Just looking at them hurts my heart.
Norma Fox Mazer
Medicinal Spirit, Inside MirrorTherapy becomes a harmony, and that harmony is built on levels,No one knows how to upscale another, for it has to come from the inside grails,Striking inflicts at the mirror and hatred to the being of creator,Causes hate in mirror too and abused flesh to the author,Changes come from its prudence and rationalism liberation,Not its pardon,A mirror is but a substance of a conscious,But identity says "let me fly" when journeying from the subconscious to the conscious.
John Shelton Jones
They say that rape is the only crime in which the victim has to prove her innocence. And I want you to know, I believe in your innocence. You don’t have to prove anything to me.
Alina Klein
Nothing will change until we change - until we throw off our dependence and act for ourselves.
Myles Horton
Life is not about control or making things happen in the ways we think they should happen. In fact, it's rather arrogant for us to be on this planet that's been here for so long and expect to be able to control life on it. If we want to see changes, then our task is to set things in motion, not to micromanage and make them happen in the ways we think they should. If we have something that is possessing us, such as alcohol or our television sets or our cell phones, then it could be time to let it go and move on with our lives. If we're holding on to resentment and anger, we're simply raising our own stress levels and blood pressure, but we're not contributing anything positive to the situation--and it's time to let it go.
Tom Walsh
Don't be vain. What you look like doesn't matter. It's the deed that matters.
Sarah Addison Allen
Free yourself from fruitlessly worrying about things you can’t control and put your energy towards the things you can. Seize the day and take effective action on things you can change.
Steve Maraboli
Relying only on logic, on what can be factually established, may inform or intimidate, but it will rarely stir anyone into action or change.
Charlotte Beers
There's a place between passivity and violence. I'll meet you there.
Rivera Sun
To change you must want to change, you must be responsible for the change, and then take action to make the change. It is your race to run so you need to choose your road wisely.
Thomas Narofsky
We didn't come to the world just to entertain, we came to play remarkable roles, and our reward is to see you doing more than us.
Michael Bassey Johnson
The wolf blood, Arya remembered now. I'll be as strong as Robb, I said I would. She took a deep breath, then lifted the broomstick in both hands and brought down across her knee. It broke with a loud crack, and she threw the pieces aside. 'I am a direwolf, and done with the wooden teeth.
George R.R. Martin
Unless you change who you are now, you'll never get what you want. If you change who you are and how you are, then you’ll get what you want.
Sivaprakash Sidhu Sivaprakash Gopal sivaprakash sidhu
Ask no guarantees, ask for no security, there never was such an animal.And if there were, it would be related to the great sloth which hangs upside down in a tree all day, every day, sleeping its life away.
Ray Bradbury
Change does not surface when you are not ready to be the catalyst. Your reaction matters, not your inaction.
Michael Bassey Johnson
No matter how cold your proverbial winter, you can plant seeds of change in your life by changing your thoughts and actions.
Andra Brynnoeglein
Time changes things; rather, a person's action over the passage of time changes things.
Innocent Mwatsikesimbe
That's all science fiction was ever about. Hating the way things are, wanting to make things different.
Ray Bradbury
Mutants, super beings, gods, aliens, a guy who sticks to walls at one extreme, a creature who eats planets at the other; Each one that comes into being, they feel, diminishes the rest of humanity, ordinary homo sapiens, that little bit more.
Jim Lee
When you pray and hope for a change. Don't expect a change to come. Expect the opportunity for a change to come.
Jonathan Anthony Burkett
When one person attempts to “fix it” for the other person, the connection of acceptance is snapped and the sender and receiver miss an opportunity for understanding.
David W. Earle
A distaste for the new is not always fear of the unknown, but sometimes ambition. Some people don't like the new way simply because they never got a chance to master the old way.
Criss Jami
I became a physicist to understand the world, then I became a writer to try and change it.
Carla H. Krueger
Knowledge evolves, understanding matures and wisdom progresses. Don't be so hung up on what you think you know.
TemitOpe Ibrahim
I'm electric with vertigo, even though I'm on the ground, vertigo like I felt once when I stood on the edge of a high cliff in Arizona and looked straight down.
M.T Anderson
The Earth's health is the only standard that is all-encompassing enough to overcome the ethnic, cultural, religious, and national tensions that are rending the world asunder. Only the Earth can become the central axis around which which world peace can be spun, for no religion is more compelling, no single nation larger, and no peoples older than the Earth itself. For that to happen, the collective human consciousness must expand enough so that our highest identification is as Earth-Humans.
Ilchi Lee
Sure all life's highways at some point must end, so I plan to ride it in style and plummet in a swan dive when the pavement runs out...And hopefully leave behind artistically that which may make other roads an even better ride...
Tom Althouse
Life follows a rhythm and we hold the drum.
Tom Althouse
If life were a highway, I would still look for the footpath, for walking that, I would learn about us, enjoying the extra time to do so.
Tom Althouse
The world turns and the world changes,But one thing does not change.In all of my years, one thing does not change,However you disguise it, this thing does not change:The perpetual struggle of Good and Evil.
T.S Eliot
My rage is derived from eyes so sharp they see through the idiocy being passed off as sophistication. Under the cloak of universal themes and terms such as freedom, change, and acceptance, madness ensues, being readily welcomed by those whose mind's eye questions nothing.
Justin K. McFarlane Beau
We can't change what is coming. Something is always coming.
Sarah Blake
Every part of life changes with every breath we take. If you don’t like where your story is headin’, you fight your fate with everything you have.
Jessica Fortunato
The only sure thing about luck is that it will change.
Wilsin Mizner
Because change creates opportunity, when we do it through purpose and awareness, we are working with the fates, and in turn they smile upon us.
Lawren Leo
Life, death, preservation, loss, failure, success, poverty, riches, worthiness, unworthiness, slander, fame, hunger, thirst, cold, heat - these are the alternations of the world, the workings of fate. Day and night they change place before us, and wisdom cannot spy out their source. Therefore, they should not be enough to destroy your harmony; they should not be allowed to enter the storehouse of the spirit. If you can harmonize and delight in them, master them and never be at a loss for joy; if you can do this day and night without break and make it be spring with everything, mingling with all and creating the moment within your own mind - this is what I call being whole in power.
Sometimes, I am my own worst enemy.
Tim McGraw
The question is not whether or not change and challenge are going to happen. They are. The question is, when they do happen, how are we going to choose to look at them, contextualize them, and navigate them?
Jeffrey R. Anderson
I love that there's no cutoff where we get labeled and sent off to a home for hopeless, cranky, depressives. Every day is a new chance to listen longer and be braver and love more. We get to try again and again and again.
Anna White
I doubt that anyone has a Damascus moment after experiencing discrimination. Most people seem to have shining moments of change after experiencing grace.
Anna White
We must be willing to get rid ofthe life we’ve planned, so as to havethe life that is waiting for us.The old skin has to be shedbefore the new one can come.If we fix on the old, we get stuck.When we hang onto any form,we are in danger of putrefaction.Hell is life drying up.
Joseph Campbell
When you imagine yourself as a failure or as having insurmountable problems in your relationships or any part of your life, you think failure, act failure, and produce failure.
Chris Prentiss
We tend to make adjustments in our lives to get by, to survive. Sometimes we don't actually heal. We make changes. We deny. We mask. We cover up. We hide things. I could not change the fact Shellie committed suicide while I was away no more than I could change the fact she left me the poem. Eventually, I put the poem away to separate Shellie and the thoughts of her from my day-to-day life. I quit carrying a wallet because the wallet reminded me of the poem, and the poem reminded me I was helpless.
Scott Hildreth
The first question we must address deals with optimism, the possibility of achieving our goal. Are we in a position where we can actually hope to effect change? Assuming we become convinced that there are reasons for optimism, we move to the next question. Are we cetain that we want change? The stories about EHMs, jackals, and suffering around the globe strike raw nerves, but now we demand absolute proof that our grievances justify the efforts change will demand. Third: Is there a unifying principle that will validate our efforts? We look to ascertain that we are not merely seeking to impose our moral, religious, or philosophical values on others but instead are intent on creating something of true and lasting universal benefit. And finally: What can we each do? You and I personally need to evaluate our talents and passions. What are our individual options and desires? How do they fit into the bigger picture?
John Perkins
I don't feel like I can change the world. I don't even try. I only want to change this small life that I see standing in front of me, which is suffering.
Somaly Mam
Somewhere along the road many of us have picked up the belief that to change we must suffer. Some things are earned with work. But work is not suffering. Work is just work.
Oriah Mountain Dreamer
Are you so dead inside you don't feel the daily anguish, terror and deathly suffering of millions? What happened to you? You've changed.
Bryant McGill
I was the worst kind of fool. When I look back on that August night, changed forever by all my wounds and all my suffering, that undamaged Odd Thomas seems like a different human being from me, immeasurably more confident than I am now, still able to hope, but not as wise, and I mourn for him.
Dean Koontz
There have been times, lately, when I dearly wished that I could change the past. Well, I can’t, but I can change the present, so that when it becomes the past it will turn out to be a past worth having.
Terry Pratchett
Stay More' is synonymous with 'Status Quo' in fact, there are people who believe, or who like to believe, that the name of the town was intended as an entreaty, beseeching the past to remain present.
Donald Harington
As for us, we respect the past here and there, and we spare it, above all, provided that it consents to be dead. If it insists on being alive, we attack it, and we try to kill it.
Victor Hugo
Too many things have changed. Too much time has passed. I'm different now, a man with a pocketful of unconnected but terribly vivid memories. I was looking to dredge up what I'd long forgotten. Most of all, I am wishing for something to fasten all these gems, maybe something to hold them in a continuity that I can comprehend.
Andrew X. Pham
Nights without beginning that had no end. Talking about a past as if it'd really happened. Telling themselves that this time next year, this time next year, things were going to be different.
Raymond Carver
Early impressions are hard to eradicate from the mind. When once wool has been dyed purple, who can restore it to its previous whiteness?
My father used to say that when he was growing up the water was clear and there were tons of fireflies everywhere... He felt sorry for the kids growing up today... But it is really beautiful... Time will just keep on passing... we'll get old... and look back on the past. I hope we can always say... how great things were.
Fuyumi Soryo
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