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Profit is a by-product of success, focus on success not on profit.
Firoz Thairinil
Leaders can choose to grow and change, but generally the most powerful predictor of future performance is past behavior. Evaluate them realistically.
Lee Ellis
Affirming others isn’t ‘flattering’ them—it’s when you genuinely and consistently acknowledge their efforts and accomplishments, both large and small. Make affirmation a habit and watch what happens!
Lee Ellis
Leaders devoid of crucible experiences are likely to be overly confident about their ideas, and surprisingly more susceptible to fears; this is also true of children who are overly sheltered from facing challenges and experiences that help build their character. Courageously facing our fears in the difficult times gives us both humility and real confidence.
Lee Ellis
Voters—here’s the real challenge: we don’t need empty promises made by politicians whose only goal in life is to get elected or re-elected. We need leaders with attributes that qualify them to lead us through the difficult challenges we’re facing.
Lee Ellis
Over-communicating is the glue that holds a high-performing team together and keeps them focused in the same direction. And, it circles back to clarity. Without good, consistent communication, you don’t have clarity.
Lee Ellis
Good teams are committed to the team mission and to each other personally. Good leaders inspire and build this commitment and trust.
Lee Ellis
Persistence is important in every endeavor. Whether it’s finishing your homework, completing school, working late to finish a project, or “finishing the drill” in sports, winners persist to the point of sacrifice in order to achieve their goals.
Lee Ellis
Professional accountability is a good thing. Without it, excellence is merely a pipe dream and even average performance isn’t a realistic expectation.
Lee Ellis
We all want to ‘count for something’–to make a difference. And, accountability helps us get where want to go in terms of achieving our goals and fulfilling our responsibilities.
Lee Ellis
As is often the case with children, the rule of ‘monkey see, monkey do’ plays out in the workplace. It’s hard to be good role model, and it’s one of the greatest challenges of leadership.
Lee Ellis
…some leaders don’t want to celebrate with their team because they are afraid—yes, afraid that if they celebrate, people will quit working hard and lower the standards. I say don’t let your fear take you out.
Lee Ellis
Leaders must be good listeners. It’s rule number one, and it’s the most powerful thing they can do to build trusted relationships.
Lee Ellis
People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.
Michael S. Miller
Regardless of gender, one has to be willing to take what belongs and what has been promised, by not backing down and by not giving up. Never be willing to throw in the towel and accept defeat!
Ellen J. Barrier
Business is leisure when you find pleasure in it.
Peter Adejimi
Inaction is no longer acceptable.
Eric Lowitt
Leadership must come from all of us -- the private, public, and civil sectors.
Eric Lowitt
All we cared about was dividends. Well, we can't do business that way today. We have learned that what's best for the countries we operate in is best for the company. Maybe we can't make the people love us, but we will make ourselves so useful to them that they will want us to stay.
Sam Zemurray
Wanna run a killer business? Design it from the start so that it's leverageable, expandable, predictable & financeable - & you're unstoppable.
Ziad K. Abdelnour
Ideas... [are] like babies - everything about their environment [says] they shouldn't exist. But they do. You can't dwell on problems too early, or they will swamp the virtues and you will decide not to do the project.(Attributed to Mike Jones)
Steven Levy
Careers are developed one conversation at a time - over time.
Beverly Kaye Julie Winkle Giulioni
Inherently, Larry & Serge aren't paper-oriented - they're product oriented. If they have another 10 minutes, they want to make something better. They don't want to take 10 minutes to tell you something they did.- Terry Winograd
Steven Levy
Fear would have told the Wright brothers not to fly. Fear would have told Rosa Parks to change seats. Fear would have told Steve Jobs that people hate touchscreens.
Jon Acuff
In order to survive, I came up with a five-step secret to getting it all done. If you're busy too, feel free to use it:1. Admit that you can't possibly get it all done.
Jon Acuff
Good leaders know who they are—their strengths, weaknesses, passions, talents, and values. And, developing leaders always starts with self-awareness.
Lee Ellis
Networking means the act of exchanging information with people who can help you professionally.
Michele Jennae
Fearful leaders side-step issues instead of dealing with them, cover up mistakes instead of owning up to mistakes; they skulk back into the shadows and hope that the crisis—whatever it is—will somehow blow over instead of facing their fears. Worse, they resort to lies and deception to cover up the truth.
Lee Ellis
I don't take much stock of detectives in novels - chaps that do things and never let you see how they do them. That's just inspiration: not business.
Arthur Conan Doyle
A COnNeCtworker is a networker that Considers Others’ Needs Continually.
Michele Jennae
At the base level, it is about making connections and building relationships, but if you take the letters from networker out of the word COnNeCtworker, you are left with 4 letters. C. O. N. C. Victor, we actually talked about this at Carina’s the other day with Sheila. C. O. N. C. stands for Considering Others’ Needs Continually.
Michele Jennae
The single biggest challenge to any organization is the constant cloud of fear and doubt that swirls around the heads of the people involved. As a leader, your job is to hold fast to the big picture, to keep seeing in your mind’s eye, with crystal clarity, where it is you’re going—that place that right at this moment exists only in your mind’s eye. And to keep seeing that, even when nobody else does. Especially when nobody else does. Your people count on you to do this. It’s the biggest job you have.
Bob Burg and John David Mann
A COnNeCtworker is a networker who is always taking into account the needs of others. Approaching people with a service attitude to bring them value and build a relationship. Then when that person is looking for a reliable service provider in a particular industry, they will pick the COnNeCtworker.
Michele Jennae
Warren Cox, God knew, was no prize; a commercial person, a sales person, the kind of man who said things like "x numbers of dollars". At lunch today, laboriously trying to explain some business procedure, he had said "x number of dollars" three times.
Richard Yates
All powerful and lasting change, whether in your personal life or your business, comes from the heart, not the mind.
Tonya Sheridan
Be the competition you wish to see in the world.
michael p naughton
Large-scale change is grounded in small steps toward a big idea
Stewart Friedman
Success in business means doing things better than rivals, not just doing things well.
Philip M. Rosenzweig
The least important person in a business is the most important person in a business.
Jennifer Ho-Dougatz
1. Do consumers recognize that they have the problem you are trying to solve?2. If there was a solution, would they buy it?3. Would they buy it from us?4. Can we build a solution for that problem?
Ries Eric
The code-of-ethics playlist:o Treat your colleagues, family, and friends with respect, dignity, fairness, and courtesy.o Pride yourself in the diversity of your experience and know that you have a lot to offer.o Commit to creating and supporting a world that is free of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation.o Have balance in your life and help others to do the same.o Invest in yourself, achieve ongoing enhancement of your skills, and continually upgrade your abilities.o Be approachable, listen carefully, and look people directly in the eyes when speaking.o Be involved, know what is expected from you, and let others know what is expected from them.o Recognize and acknowledge achievement.o Celebrate, relive, and communicate your successes on an ongoing basis.
Lorii Myers
Busy is good because it showsyou’re alive.
Alison G. Bailey
Social media takes time and careful, strategic thought. It doesn’t happen by accident.
Brian E. Boyd Sr.
I’ve watched my dad move our family from extreme poverty to extreme wealth and then everywhere in between. Never once did I see or hear him be anything but a cheerleader for the accomplishments of others. It didn’t matter if he was down or up in life, he wanted everybody around him to succeed. I’ve even watched him praise the very people that have tried to destroy him over the years and then very publicly wish them success and happiness. He taught me the enthusiasm that should always come at the success of others. He constantly taught me that when others succeed, it gives us all more opportunity to succeed. He taught me that when there is conflict, minor or major, you can almost always walk away at the end with a handshake.
Dan Pearce
Business art is the step that comes after art. I started as a commercial artist, and I want to finish as a business artist. Being good in business is the most fascinating kind of art. During the hippie era people put down the idea of business. They’d say “money is bad” and “working is bad”. But making money is art, and working is art - and good business is the best art.
Andy Warhol
The purpose of every business and organization is to get and keep customers.
Shep Hyken
For your business to stand out and succeed, you have to put a primary focus on the social media space, go in big (halfway will not do), and do it better than most, right from the start.
Brian E. Boyd Sr.
Your job is not to be a fire killer. Your job is to prevent fires.
Sam Carpenter
Care for your infant business or career as you would care for your infant child - with loving attention, with no expectation of any reward, being in the moment with it, accepting it as is, watching it grow, enjoying every step of the way.
Marc Allen
Who was the moron on the phone?""Carl Avery," Kate said. "A long-standing client and potential felon.
Jennifer Crusie
Entrepreneurs are all unique. One way to build a business and turn it into a brand is to know who you are.
Ziad K. Abdelnour
Social media is your opportunity to reach a massive number of people with transparency, honesty, and integrity.
Brian E. Boyd Sr.
It is far better to have 10,000 Facebook friends who are in the same category or aligned with your values or a common inter- est than 100,000 random robot followers from around the world.
Brian E. Boyd Sr.
Many in business feel they have to live up to a machismo archetype of the big-swinging-dick business leader
Jon Miller
To an extent, we get the big businesses we deserve. No conversation about the role of business in society is complete without considering the role of the public. Ultimately it is the public – as consumers, as citizens – who create the environment in which business operates.
Jon Miller
Government should protect people and regulate corporations, not protect corporations and regulate people.
Anthony Sloan
If you don’t plan to have someone work for you, you will work for someone else. There is no in-between.
Ehab Atalla
Social media isn't something that you "do", instead you have to "be" social.
Peter Thomson
Just as we leave the effects of our work behind in results, we leave the effects of our interactions with people in their hearts, minds, and souls.
Henry Cloud
There is power born of humility . . . Humility, in business and in life, is a powerful asset and does not denote lowliness, unimportance, or self-deprecation.
Richie Norton
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