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Write the masterpiece that has not been written.Sing the masterpiece that has not been sung.Paint the masterpiece that has not been painted.Create the masterpiece that has not been created.
Matshona Dhliwayo
Oppenheimer’s theorizing was so startlingly original — so far in advance of the corroborating observations and so far off the beaten track of astrophysical research — that his colleagues’ ignorance cost him the recognition he deserved.
Algis Valiunas
The fun thing about insanity is that it is often so very hard to tell it apart from brilliance.
Evan Currie
A loud mind is greater than a loud mouth.
Matshona Dhliwayo
The ordinary think inside of the box, the extraordinary think outside of the box, but genius thinks inside, outside, below and above the box.
Matshona Dhliwayo
The spirit of excellence exorcises the demon of mediocrity.
Matshona Dhliwayo
Only a mind that is deeply stirred can utter something noble and beyond the power of others.
Some things are so silly they have a certain brilliance to them. Other things, set as standards for brilliance and therefore exalted by many who don't know why, become tarnished because of it.
Criss Jami
There is no such thing as a person without brilliance.
Bryant McGill
Genius is the ability to independently arrive at and understand concepts that would normally have to be taught by another person.
Immanuel Kant
If everyone had the luxury to pursue a life of exactly what they love, we would all be ranked as visionary and brilliant. … If you got to spend every day of your life doing what you love, you can’t help but be the best in the world at that. And you get to smile every day for doing so. And you’ll be working at it almost to the exclusion of personal hygiene, and your friends are knocking on your door, saying, “Don’t you need a vacation?!,” and you don’t even know what the word “vacation” means because what you’re doing is what you want to do and a vacation from that is anything but a vacation — that’s the state of mind of somebody who’s doing what others might call visionary and brilliant.
Neil deGrasse Tyson
External beauty is certainly cool to admire, but when worshipped - it eclipses internal shine.
T.F. Hodge
Works from the soul transcend works from the mind.
Matshona Dhliwayo
To observe is not to not feel—in fact, it is to put yourself at the mercy of feeling, like the child's warm skin meeting the cold air of midnight. My own children, too, have been roused from the unconsciousness of childhood; theirs too is the pain and the gift of awareness. 'I have two homes,' my daughter said to me one evening, clearly and carefully, 'and I have no home.' To suffer and to know what it is that you suffer: how can that be measured against its much-prized opposite, the ability to be happy without knowing why?
Rachel Cusk
[He] was a brilliant man. People tend to become wary of individuals like him because their brilliance reminds them of their own mediocrity. Envy is a blind man who wants to pull out your eyes.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón
Another savage trait of our time is the disposition to talk about material substances instead of about ideas. The old civilisation talked about the sin of gluttony or excess. We talk about the Problem of Drink--as if drink could be a problem. When people have come to call the problem of human intemperance the Problem of Drink, and to talk about curing it by attacking the drink traffic, they have reached quite a dim stage of barbarism. The thing is an inverted form of fetish worship; it is no sillier to say that a bottle is a god than to say that a bottle is a devil. The people who talk about the curse of drink will probably progress down that dark hill. In a little while we shall have them calling the practice of wife-beating the Problem of Pokers; the habit of housebreaking will be called the Problem of the Skeleton-Key Trade; and for all I know they may try to prevent forgery by shutting up all the stationers' shops by Act of Parliament.
G.K. Chesterton
To write about him is to write about Greatness. To discuss him is todiscuss Intellectual Brilliance. To think of him is to think of Modesty,Simplicity and Lucidity. To remember him is to remember Nationalism atits finest hour. He was not one of those who merely achieved greatnessnor certainly one of those upon whom greatness was thrust-he was infact born great.
Munindra Misra
Your opinion of your mental capacity may be great, but if your idea of intelligence is crude, your intelligence-producing thought will also be crude, and can produce only crude intelligence. It is therefore evident that to simply think that you are brilliant will not produce brilliancy, unless your understanding of brilliancy is made larger, higher and finer. …. When your thinking is brilliant, you will be brilliant, but if your thinking is not brilliant you will not be brilliant, no matter how brilliant you may think you are.
Christian D. Larson
If God wants something from me, he would tell me. He wouldn't leave someone else to do this, as if an infinite being were short on time. And he would certainly not leave fallible, sinful humans to deliver an endless plethora of confused and contradictory messages. God would deliver the message himself, directly, to each and every one of us, and with such clarity as the most brilliant being in the universe could accomplish. We would all hear him out and shout "Eureka!" So obvious and well-demonstrated would his message be. It would be spoken to each of us in exactly those terms we would understand. And we would all agree on what that message was.
Richard C. Carrier
When you are clearly-defined, deliberate with intention and operating at your highest level, your brilliance cannot be hidden, diminished or overshadowed.
Rhonda Louise Robbins
Let your brilliance be expressed through kindness.
Bryant McGill
I would be dreadfully remiss not to think that God would painstakingly craft something an intimately ingenious and inexplicably intricate as my life, and that by virtue of such sheer brilliance I should not examine it with the greatest precision and unleash it with the fullest abandon.
Craig D. Lounsbrough
... I should take off this ridiculous hood so they can see my face and catch a glimpse at real perfection." (Vincent)"Then you'd just be an enormous man with a hump and a beautiful face," Breccan said.Vincent hissed. "And the fact remains... you do think I'm beautiful," he said as he started to leave.
Madison Thorne Grey
Now more than ever the world needs your brilliance, your voice, your unique imagination, and your particular genius.
Gloria Burgess
The Excellence Manifesto #1I pledge myself to patience.I pledge myself to boldness.I pledge myself to kindness.I pledge myself to prudence.I pledge myself to cheerfulness.I pledge myself to genuineness.I pledge myself to goodness.I commit to skilfulness.I commit to diligence.I commit to resourcefulness.I commit to excellence.I commit to perseverance.I commit to brilliance.I commit to transcendence.
Matshona Dhliwayo
It is at the edge of excellence that genius awaits.
Matshona Dhliwayo
Stand out because you think differently.Stand out because you speak differently.Stand out because you act differently.Stand out because you work differently.Stand out because you live differently.
Matshona Dhliwayo
Dream what others do not.Imagine what others have not.Do what others will not.Achieve what others could not.
Matshona Dhliwayo
Renounce poor work.Shun trivial work.Entertain respectable work.Welcome superior work.Honor transcendent work.
Matshona Dhliwayo
Make your mark now.Make your mark today.Make your mark forever.
Matshona Dhliwayo
If you are a musician,sing to one as if you were singing to a million.If you are a dancer,dance to one as if you were dancing to a million.If you are a performer,perform to one as if you were performing to a million.
Matshona Dhliwayo
Let your work speak for itself:If poor, it will remain silent.If average, it will whisper.If good, it will talk.If great, it will shout.If genius, it will sing.
Matshona Dhliwayo
Dream the impossible.See the impossible.Pursue the impossible.Achieve the impossible.
Matshona Dhliwayo
Flawed genius is better than flawless talent.
Matshona Dhliwayo
Soul power supersedes mind power.
Matshona Dhliwayo
Show me your talents and I'll show you your net worth.
Matshona Dhliwayo
Genius is talent set on fire.
Matshona Dhliwayo
Brilliance is the masterpiece of your mind. Excellence is the masterpiece of your heart. Genius is the masterpiece of your soul.
Matshona Dhliwayo
There is nothing higher-class than real craftsmanship, diversity, originality and the service of skilled human hands.
Bryant McGill
The proliferation of creative power can transform the world for all of its inhabitants.
Timothy Simpson
The miracle is that the brilliance of the miraculous can live in the blandness of the mundane. The greater miracle is that we have enough brilliance in our own blandness to see it.
Craig D. Lounsbrough
Ten thousand women marched through the streets shouting, 'We will not be dictated to,' and went off and became stenographers.
G.K. Chesterton
Geniuses’ steps take you higher than talent’s leaps.
Matshona Dhliwayo
The lowest wisdom of the wise is greater than the highest wisdom of fools.
Matshona Dhliwayo
Light the candle of success with the flame of excellence.
Matshona Dhliwayo
My goal is not to upset the apple cart, but to make it more accessible.
Tom Althouse
Your power and brilliance is the the most awesome force life could muster.
Bryant McGill
Excellence in obscurity is better than mediocrity in the spotlight.
Matshona Dhliwayo
You become the master of what you master.
Matshona Dhliwayo
If records refuse to be broken, shatter them.
Matshona Dhliwayo
If you have a spark of genius, kindle it until it becomes a flame.
Matshona Dhliwayo
Hating yourself is like hating the sun. No matter how much you complain of it agitating your eyes, its brilliance shines on.
Curtis Tyrone Jones
When the Earth basks in the Sun's brilliance, you'll find me there with my arms spread wide and my face with a smile.
Saim .A. Cheeda
Mental illness is not a fraternity or a social club for like minds. It is its own religion to each person that has it. Their mind is their pastor, their feelings are their scriptures and their delusions are their own bible story. To break them free, is to break their faith in signs. That is why so many feel lost.
Shannon L. Alder
So, how close are love and genius, really? We know that they are both mentioned far more than lived.
Criss Jami
There’s no logical connection between being smart and having money.
Christopher Langan
Our art is never really ours. Each person who experiences it brings to it a piece of themselves and reacts to it in ways that stem from their personal struggles, beliefs, morals, and even hang-ups.
Teresa R. Funke
In times of trouble, people need artists. We create those spaces where their own pain and worry and sadness can rest, and where their broken hearts can hope again.
Teresa R. Funke
As with everything else, the more we separate ourselves from each other, the weaker we become.
Teresa R. Funke
In those glorious moments when someone sees, really sees, your art and bothers to tell you so, relish it!
Teresa R. Funke
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