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..books look as if they contain knowledge, while e-readers look as if they contain information.
Julian Barnes
Globalization has shipped products at a faster rate than anything else; it’s moved English into schools all over the world so that now there is Dutch English and Filipino English and Japanese English. But the ideologies stay in their places. They do not spread like the swine flu, or through sexual contact. They spread through books and films and things of that nature. The dictatorships of Latin America used to ban books, they used to burn them, just like Franco did, like Pope Gregory IX and Emperor Qin Shi Huang. Now they don’t have to because the best place to hide ideologies is in books. The dictatorships are mostly gone—Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay. The military juntas. Our ideologies are not secrets. Even the Ku Klux Klan holds open meetings in Alabama like a church. None of the Communists are still in jail. You can buy Mao’s red book at the gift shop at the Museum of Communism. I will die soon, in the next five to ten years. I have not seen progress during my lifetime. Our lives are too short and disposable. If we had longer life expectancies, if we lived to 200, would we work harder to preserve life or, do you think that when Borges said, ‘Jews, Christians, and Muslims all profess belief in immortality, but the veneration paid to the first century of life is proof that they truly believe in only those hundred years, for they destine all the rest, throughout eternity, to rewarding or punishing what one did when alive,’ we would simply alter it to say ‘first two centuries’? I have heard people say we are living in a golden age, but the golden age has passed—I’ve seen it in the churches all over Latin America where the gold is like glue. The Middle Ages are called the Dark Ages but only because they are forgotten, because the past is shrouded in darkness, because as we lay one century of life on top of the next, everything that has come before seems old and dark—technological advances provide the illusion of progress. The most horrendous tortures carried out in the past are still carried out today, only today the soldiers don’t meet face to face, no one is drawn and quartered, they take a pill and silently hope a heart attack doesn’t strike them first. We are living in the age of dissociation, speaking a government-patented language of innocence—technology is neither good nor evil, neither progress nor regress, but the more advanced it becomes, the more we will define this era as the one of transparent secrets, of people living in a world of open, agile knowledge, oceans unpoliced—all blank faces, blank minds, blank computers, filled with our native programming, using electronic appliances with enough memory to store everything ever written invented at precisely the same moment we no longer have the desire to read a word of it.
John M. Keller
People open bookstores because they want their souls back.(from "Two Women" published in Do Me: Tales of Sex & Love from Tin House)
Elizabeth Tallent
Below Les Avants there was a chalet where the pension was wonderful and we would be together and have our books and at night be warm in bed together with the windows open and the stars bright.
Ernest Hemingway
The library became the cathedral where I would come to worship amd the stories were as precious to me as prayers.
Anita Anand
That's what lay behind the feud under way in the Republic: a battle between different noble family factions in a fight for power. Serving this side or the other was of no interest to Mathias. But the consequences of a Venice under the Pope's direct control weren't at all to his liking. His beloved books would be burned by ignorant, avid priests. Men like Malachia would win.It was the same old struggle. The same fight Gheorg had chosen, the same fight that might take him to Wittenberg. But he wouldn't clear the way for Alexander VI. With what little strength he possessed, even though he was nothing more than a pawn of a chessboard, that extended farther then he could see, Mathias would help those in power smash what had all the makings of a major plot, one designed to overturn the government in power in La Serenissima. And these thoughts allowed the monk to find the first answer to the many question with which he still felt burdened.He and the Borgias did NOT share the same Church.
Riccardo Bruni
For her a day of pampering meant comic books, black liquorice, serious exercise, veggie curry and, above all, solitude.
Salla Simukka
Was I (am I not still?) a victim of words and books merely, and are books just an excuse for living, living things out in parenthesis, even in the most desolate stony place as I was, quotations and misquotations raining down on me thick and fast – words, words, words – the multitude of words, a parody of rain? For after all, as old Mrs Feany said, the rain is healthy. And the rain it raineth everyday. But the stuff of books and solitude and spying on the poor, could they be healthy? Or were my doubts the real heresy and treason? What book ever changed the world? It seems a solipsism to say that what changes the way we see the world, changes the world, but it is not. Where do you want me to begin? The Bible, Das Kapital? The Divine Comedy, The Satanic Verses?
Andrew McNeillie
What is the sweetness of flowers compared to the savour of dust and confinement?
Peter Ackroyd
Each Inspirational Messenger who was and has been acknowledged in the history books was done so because of the way they chose to live. Their life had a core message that was central to their years, whether they exemplified and expressed whenever they took a step in the world.
Emily Gowor
A person who does not read cannot think. He may have good mental processes, but he has nothing to think about. You can feel for people or natural phenomena and react to them, but they are not ideas. You cannot think about
Rex Stout
Peter Pan has to be the book of my childhood. Come to think of it, it's the book of my adulthood too. It's a book which, in the reading of it, takes me back to editions that I've had and lost, with various illustrators' work in them. It brings back moments sitting reading it with my mother. It brings back my first contact with the Disney cartoon. It brings back standing in the play-yard when I was a kid, when the wind was really blowing, and closing my eyes, spreading my arms and pretending I could fly. It brings back childhood dreams of flying. It brings back the first encounter I ever had with an invented world... Never Never Land was really the first journey I took to an invented world which I believed in wholly and completely. I remember the immense solidarity that I felt with the Lost Boys, with Peter, with the Indians - how much I wanted to be a Red Indian - how much the saving of Tiger Lily meant to me as a kid, how much I wanted to one day wake up and save an Indian squaw from drowning.
Clive Barker
Parents who daily read Robert Lewis Stevenson to their children and surrounds them with blocks, plastic animals, and some cardboard boxes or kitchen pots and pans are going to produce a qualitatively different child from those who spend that time on TV or videos, even if their choices ARE only Winnie the Pooh and Mr. Rogers.
Diane Medved
The books we read in childhood don't exist anymore; they sailed off with the wind, leaving bare skeletons behind. Whoever still has in him the memory and marrow of childhood should rewrite these books as he experienced them.
Bruno Schulz
In a book, all would have gone according to plan... but life was so fucking untidy — what could you say for an existence where some of the most crucial conversations of your life took place when you needed to take a shit, or something? An existence where there weren't even any chapters?
Stephen King
Books fashion nets to sustain and support the reader as he falls helplessly through the chaos of his own existence.
Fay Weldon
~I gripped the knife even tighter. Far off in the distance, I could still hear them speaking, but only one thing was clear in my mind: Trevor, my father, was going to die.From that moment on, I was Chloe Kallistrate, a vampire hunter.~
Jennifer Malone Wright
Check the top 1000 books on Amazon. Most of them have a shirtless guy on the cover, because they're smutty "romance novels" (read: porn for women) about a girl being swept off her feet by one (or more) billionaire alpha-males. There are literally tens of thousands of books out there about shirtless billionaire alpha-male vampires who can't wait to mate with you. Lucky you! And women eat that shit up! Men, not so much. Men prefer to watch actual porn.
Oliver Markus
Great bodies die but great minds don't die! Inside the tomb of great men lay dead body's but at the library of great men lay the living minds of dead bodies!
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
There are those who wish to read everything. Do not try to do this. Let it> alone. The number of books is infinite, and you cannot follow> infinity...For where there is no end, there can be no rest; where there is> no rest, there can be no peace; and where there is no peace, God cannot> dwell.
Hugh of St. Victor
As I quietly stare off into space, eyes glazed over and brow thoughtfully taut, know that I am going about my business. I am a storyteller. Daydreaming is the best part of my job.
Richelle E. Goodrich
The pleasures of being a novelist are many. But the greatest by far is the manner in which I live through my characters; experiencing every detail of their story as it unfolds gradually and personally within my own creative psyche. I'm like a cat with untold lives, because each new book is my rebirth.
Richelle E. Goodrich
Frozen yogurt is tastier than ice cream; nobody is too old for cartoons; bald men are sexy; chocolate is the best medicine; BIG books are better; cats secretly rule the planet; and everything should be available in the color pink, including monster trucks.
Richelle E. Goodrich
Dare to imagine. Dare to be. Books are the seeds. Dreams are the soil. The fruit of the harvest, a world reborn.
Richelle E. Goodrich
Closed books are like closed eyes—you must open them to see anything.
Richelle E. Goodrich
There are few things better than losing yourself in a book. And if you're lucky enough to have that adventure continue in a series, it's like chocolate ganache on the icing on the cake.
Richelle E. Goodrich
Time machines, magic portals, transporters, worm holes, flying carpets, relocation charms—such things do exist. They're called books.
Richelle E. Goodrich
Reading...inspires,enlightens,nurtures,refines,educates,informs,transforms,persuades,challenges,engages, entertains,mesmerizes,captivates,gratifies,rewards,quiets,and calms.Granted, it won't get the dishes done,but sacrifices must be made.
Richelle E. Goodrich
You remember?' he said incredulously. 'What could you possibly remember?' he asked, staring at her, waiting for the answer.The beauty from within her soul shined brightly through her loving eyes as she looked deep into Noah’s now melting eyes.'I remember — I love you,' she said in a soft voice, nervously biting her lip.
Sebastian Cole
But Fin would always be a bit of a romantic, at least when it came to books.
Cathleen Schine
Reading always calmed me down: filling my head with other - made up - people's problems and conflicts made my own seem less terrible, less real.
Heather James
One final time I told myself I wasn't abducting my little brother.
Marcus Sedgwick
I have always kept a stack of library books next to my bed as a lifeline. If I ever woke in the middle of the night too scared to move or too sad to roll over, the books were my saviors.
Julie Halpern
You know, when I was little, my dad told me that if I misbehaved, he'd send me to live with a witch who ate children.''Really?'She nods. 'I was so afraid of the witch. Feelings are magnified when you're young, I think, and the fear can stay with you for a long time. I eventually grew out of the fear but even now when I read something with a witch, my mind always traces back to that story. Isn't that weird?''How'd you grow out of it?' I ask. 'The fear?'She takes a long moment to answer. 'I read lots and lots of books about witches.
Stephanie Oakes
My own drawing was a house made of books, but where there should have been a door, there was a book, and where there should have been windows, there were books, and where the chimney should have been open to let the smoke out, a book was covering the hole, so if anyone was in the house, they couldn't get out. They'd suffocate, to be found years later, a desiccated corpse still marking its place in the book it had been reading with a knobby finger bone, head caved in by an avalanche of fallen books. As I said, I liked books.
Nova Ren Suma
We have all sorts of words that could describe us. But we get to choose which ones are most important.
Jennifer E. Smith
Creative writing is your ability to develop your inner tension, your libido, your supply of energy and electric charge, turning the charge into an image or thought, and wording the thought, thus contributing all the activity of your mind to the immortal culture of humankind and subsequently to your own immortality.
Lara Biyuts
The first step to Happiness is deciding exactly what kind of life you want. That kinda comes from experience.
I.B. Opene
I have had my say, as he wished. Now the book belongs, as he points out, to the world he claims to speak for.
Julian Darius
Without a mission and a sense of whom you write for, you aren't worth reading.
Steve López
Brendan stopped reading. The words had melted into a liquid blur...In his possession was a box full of information that would likely fill in the gaps and help him to wrap his brain around the whys of her death. And yet, there was really only one question that mattered, and Tommy had already answered it.
Lynda Meyers
You become a man when, in having children, you not only physically look after and protect them but also protect them with all the love and learning you have to give.
Carew Papritz
Writing is the voice of the heart' Julia Suzuki
Julia Suzuki
Next to motherhood, I personally believe that being an author is the best job in the world.
Geraldine Solon
Strive to be beyond what others perceive you to be, by striving beyond the limits of yourself.
Debbie Tosun Kilday
You are your greatest product and behind every book lies an author who wrote it.
Geraldine Solon
I wish I could read my books over for the first time to see what you guys see.
Shandy L. Kurth
A friendship with the Lord will sustain you in difficult times.
Elizabeth George
In College average and numbers means everything to a guy.
Slicktor Victor Robinson
When I started this book last year, I had a small reception in mind. A few copies in my hand to share with close friends, maybe a small gathering... I never imagined that my book would have its own ISBN number and be available to the public. I never imagined seeing my name next to the words, "published author." I feel so thankful that this has worked out so well for me. God is good!
Kristyn Van Cleave
The only way that your work will truly find an audience is if it is genuine.
Gina Marinello-Sweeney
Be generous with your life - love deeply, honestly, and without reservation.
Carew Papritz
I will try to write books until I drop dead.
Cornelia Funke
I don't want to write about real things, I would rather write about an uncontrollable parasitic twin.
Mary Sage Nguyen
Just because you're breathing, doesn't mean you're alive.
Carew Papritz
An undaunted author, is the one who will succeed. There is no misfortune, that can dim their optimism.
Mary Sage Nguyen
The spirit of imagination smells exactly how the person inhaling it imagines it to smell.
S.A. Tawks
They were completely alone on the long stretch of country road and there was no one else to share the moment with them.
S.A. Tawks
I loved to read when I was a kid, and as soon as I realized that an actual person got to make up the books I loved so much, I decided that that was the job for me.
Margaret Peterson Haddix
There's something about each of my books that I'm really proud of, and there's something about each of my books that I cringe over.
Margaret Peterson Haddix
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