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Don't let the Sun go down on you today. Be the light instead, that shines forth and touches everyone's shadow, awakening them to that light.
Denis John George
The paradox of quantum physics in the 21st Century, awakens us to the realisation that "nothing matters" in and of itself. That nothing can be stated with certainty; but everything is just a mathematical probability occurring in an instance of space-time convergence, which forms our objective reality in the present moment.
Denis John George
I want to read you every night. I want to take you to bed with me : your words, your thoughts, your mind, your body and your soul.
Avijeet Das
Once the body has atrophied, you will become vulnerable to many conditions.
Steven Magee
The earlier you invest in health, the more dividends it pays later.
Tarun Sharma
Self-care is a deliberate choice to gift ourself with people, places, things, events, and opportunities that recharge our personal battery and promote whole health—body, mind, and spirit.
Laurie Buchanan
The concept of a Miracle, that is, an event that takes place somehow beyond the scope of functional Reality, is absurd. . . There cannot be a true miracle. There can only be events that appear miraculous when you don’t really understand How Life Works.
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
There exists only a mechanism by which meaning flows from intangible mind element into real event – and when you see that, all the postulated structures and cosmologies, built only of concepts, dissipate like yesterday’s weather.
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
So, am I some sort of Savior? Not hardly. Save yourself the worry about needing to be saved from anything.
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
As it is, the vital question you should be asking is not what I am, but what you yourself are.
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
Since the effects of your life that lead to pain and annoyance are always consequences of inner elements, what you commonly regard as “problems” are more accurately seen as outer symptoms of inner, causal problems. The practical approach is to begin looking at those specific aspects of your life that are not as you desire to find their source, rooted in your mindset.
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
If you picture other people as superior to yourself, you will realize thatmental image. Putting a preacher, a saint, a prophet, an expert or anybody up on a pedestal in your personal view, fundamentally accomplishes nothing but the effect of putting you in a pit.
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
One vital aspect in the Path toward Clear Awareness is the beginning of differentiation between belief-induced appearance and Reality. In many ways I can illustrate illusions and point out artificial concepts that are commonly accepted as real, but the onus of recognition is for you to come to see these things as what they are.
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
So how do you teach your kids Awareness – to trust in themselves, to love without judging, to expect health without having to manipulate their bodies with drugs, to expect and accept abundance, not eternal struggle? Simply put: you can’t – unless you have that Awareness yourself. In that case, youdon’t have to “do” anything – just be yourself.
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
. . . And the consequence to that is, you can never attain a Clear Awareness of life’s flow by absorbing and following Old Teachings, however revered by our culture, however vaunted by institutions and fancy buildings, however nice they sound, because you must already hold adequate wisdom in order to even identify it. Unless you can tell which expressions are wise because you are aware of life’s nature yourself, you will invariably be soundly, profoundly fooled.
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
Vocal cords are not rental units. No Hebrew prophet, nor Mohammed, nor any founder of any cult or religion ever spoke the words of anybody but themselves.
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
Simply put, the relative age of a philosophical perspective has nothing to do with its veracity. It is pure illusion to imagine that just because a view of life was held and put to words long ago, that it is more valid.
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
The only creative force capable of causally revising your experienced reality is your power to change your Self.
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
But there is only one mechanism to life, one way in which Reality functions. Theology, the rendered definition behind religion, philosophy and science all purport to depict that functionality. But if each fails to do so accurately, that invalidity needs to be exposed – and the only way to do that is to point out the fallacious elements of the description.
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
It must be obvious that the Reality we all encounter only works one way, and it functions that way regardless of what the experiencer believes.
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
Of the hundreds of religions and philosophies ever entertained by the mind of man, each considered by the convinced holder to be the only valid one, only at the very most one can be accurate. . . Just as obvious should be the possibility, if not likelihood, if not certainty, that none of those hundreds of religions accurately depicts How Life Works.
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
The real Journey is a personal venture into your own mind content. Nobody, not the greatest mystic, the most vaunted guru, the most hailed psychologist, though they might shuttle you along the trail for a ways, will get you there. Only you yourself can do that.
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
But Lao Tzu’s teaching suffers from the major problem endemic to such visionaries. In the intervening two and a half millennia, his words have been misinterpreted and distorted by generations of adherents until his message is riddled with meaningless ritual and dogma. Taoism contracted the conceptual plague: it became a religion.
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
Clearly, when western cultures absorbed Christianity, they got an all-inclusive package: ancient Hebrew rituals and myths steeped in lost purpose, scantily recorded and broadly misinterpreted teachings of Jesus, revisions and distortions by Paul, twisted cosmology and superstitions supplied by priesthoods and bureaucratic/political distortions innate to man’s traditionalendeavors.
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
However, in regards to the theological aspects of each religion, tradition or philosophy, the same exacting standard must be set as measurement: does it clearly and accurately depict the functionality of Reality? That is, does the cosmology precisely describe how Reality works? If not, then the religion is invalid.
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
Even though this deity (the Christian God with a capital "G") has evolved through its 2000 years, it somehow maintains in its current version all old characteristics, whether conflicting or consistent: readiness to punish but ability to heal, vindictiveness yet forgiveness, utter cruelty to outside nonbelievers but looking for converts, etc.
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
But what you are looking for is not “truth,” not a collection of fine and polished answers emanating from grand buildings, expert acknowledgement and advanced academic degrees. What you are looking for is your Self, and what I provide here are some tools and perspectives to aid a Journey through the jungle of explanations and definitions and up a mountain of perspective to where you can see that Self clearly.
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
However, science, by its very nature, forms its own inherent boundaries to man’s progress. . . Focused as it is on the world out there, categorizing and measuring, theorizing and concluding all things based on external evidence and proof, science misses the core of life: the consciousness doing the experiencing.
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
If you’ve come to see that the image you absorbed while growing up is not valid, and you launch out on a prefabricated Journey, you are most likely to simply replace it with another, fancier paradigm – the mind is that easily fooled by its own base view.
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
You never saw an angel, because they don’t exist – at least not in this Reality. They do exist in the realm of imagination – but then, just about anything can be conjured up there in a mind steeped in myth and lore.
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
One always has to wonder anew how anyone could imagine a god, who, so overwhelmingly intelligent and powerful as to have been able to create this enormously complex world and the vast universe it floats around in, would populate it with a bunch of humans whose primary purpose consisted of bowing subserviently in worship.
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
Above, in discussing the perceptive notions of Jesus, remarkable concepts of Plato or the highly introspective lessons of Gautama and Lao Tzu, it took considerable discussion to explore the meaning and relate it to How Life Works. Islam presents no such deep pool of thought to pierce.
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
Whatever beliefs and definitions you hold will seem to be true.
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
Beliefs and definitions never clarify how Reality works -- they only distort perception of it.
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
Reality, in its essence, consists not of particles interacting pointlessly in anindependent physical plane, but rather of values, psychological elements ofmind, made real.
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
Reality works in this fashion: what you hold in your mind – the self-image,hopes and expectations, world view, beliefs, fears, feelings and all else – becomes realized in your life, continuously.
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
Regardless of what you believe in or conceive of as the functionality of Reality, the Oneness of you with all you experience in your life is an absolute
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
The Flow in life is not a temporal displacement of moving objects, from a past into a future via a present. Theessential, ongoing Flow to this Reality is an emergence from the value set of your inner nature into the outer realm of events and relationships, where it is then experienced by you in a Now moment.
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
So life does flow, but not from left to right on a time scale, rather frominside out.
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
I write these pieces, not to convince you of anything, nor to argue points for the purpose of proposing a new standard or a new philosophy – and certainly not to create yet another religious movement. Rather, my purpose is simple: to communicate a new and clean perspective of life that I often refer to as Clear Awareness.
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
Clear Awareness is not a magical state to be attained by secret rituals, chants, pleading to some external source or emergence into astral planes, nor a status bestowed by a certified master. Nor is it a capability of yours that needs to be developed, strengthened or discovered. Awareness is the core attribute of your existence; it only needs to be freed from all the synthetic definitions, beliefs, misconceptions, fears and other hindering fallacies your mind has absorbed through the course of your life.
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
If you find that you “disagree” with something I’ve written, then you missed the point!!
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
The New Age is not one of bells and whistles and mystical special effects. It is not a fantasy state driven by the alignments of planets or the power of crystals, nor a metaphysical rising to higher plains of consciousness by virtue of chanting esoteric mantras. It will not feature the arrival of a thunderbolt-wielding god, ready to set up a final judgment by reviving hordes of old, decayed corpses. The real New Age is a simple, but stunningly profound, awareness that one’s Self and all that one encounters are two aspects of the same, singular Essence.
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
In terms of idols which represented various gods: worshipping an idol or star cluster is no different than worshipping a concept.
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
The religious and scholarly alike arrive at conclusions as to Jesus’ nature based on the world-view they hold, the belief structure that shapes their interpretation. Inaccurate views of the function of reality can only lead to erroneous conclusions.
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
Understand that religion, at least western versions of it, rests on a type of thinking called Revelation. This mode holds that truths concerning the workings of reality are hidden, masked by, through or behind a deity such that only a few privileged souls are able to see through the veil and “reveal” those truths. . . But (around 1600) revelation as a means of understanding began to be challenged by two other methods of differentiating truth from fallacy: Reason and Empiricism.
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
However, just as earlier, when Christianity was introduced it didn’t eliminate pagan conceptualizations, but layered new beliefs on top of them, so science simply added to the western mindset. It didn’t fully displace religion, luck, fate, etc. Science just heaped other definitions onto the average person’s already conglomerated psychic truckload.
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
You encounter, at its core, a subjective Reality, one based on meaning and value reflective of your own Self, not an objective universe, cold, particle-based and indifferent as science projects.
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
Various visionaries through time came to see with some degree of clarity that Oneness, that intrinsic connection between Self and experienced Reality.
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
The fact is: Jesus wrote not a solitary word that survives. Equally astounding is historical silence: not a single historical account refers to him during his lifetime from any source whatsoever, Roman or Jewish, official or personal.
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
Josephus is the first historian to make note of Jesus having even existed – and that happened six full decades after his death.
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
The authors of the gospels, like all writers in all time periods, either reference information they have at hand – including things they’ve heard or read – or they make things up. . . For reference material, the author of Mark relied not on Jesus himself or any writings from him. . . . His sole source(was): oral traditions passed along by word-of-mouth for four decades.
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
That means 19 or 20 of the books of the NT (New Testament) are anonymous. Many are blatantly pseudepigraphic (forgeries, see next section), with famous names applied to artificially promote veracity.
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
The gospels, never meant to report, butrather to convince, are in no sense objective and dispassionate biographies. They are glowing accounts meant to persuade people of the writers’ convictions.
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
Of course, the original (anonymous) writer of (the Gospel of) John didn’t use quotes – as they didn’t exist in written Greek – but the translator/publisher of the modern Bible does. And that style strongly implies a validity that is pure illusion.
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
Regardless of type, however, the mechanism of a religion works like this: children, from the time they can communicate, are taught to see reality in a certain way. They are indoctrinated with a pre-defined belief structure and value set. Naive, open to such teaching, given only the religious viewpoint and perhaps punished or ostracized if they don’t accept it, most ultimately absorb and mimic the religion outright.
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
The scientist would look at a sphere, measure the surface in great detail, categorize the skin qualities and components, then predict evolving surface tensions and potentials. The use of that sphere, however, along with its beauty and potential would not be of interest. Science would count the bricks of a house, but not care about living in it, thus missing the point – but thinking that, by quantifying the physical, everything had been covered.
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
You are the only real authority in your life, but you yield that status to so many externals by believing in them, by having been punished or forced into accepting them.
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
Because your life is a reflection of your inner Self, causality comes exclusively in changing your own nature, not trying to change the external world out there by manipulating it.
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
There is no “other self” to the unconscious, no independent entity with its own agenda; it is only information and stored value relationships – a broad array of raw information that undergirds the more superficial “knowledge” learned through rational processes and impacts in all ways the emerging Reality that each conscious Self encounters.
Thomas Daniel Nehrer
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