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A Christian funeral should be a coronation ceremony, a statement to the world about eternal life.
Billy Graham
Where will we spend eternity—with God in that place of endless joy the Bible calls heaven, or apart from Him in that place of endless despair the Bible calls hell?
Billy Graham
God wants us to know His will and He reveals it to us both through the Bible and through the guidance of His Holy Spirit. Seek God’s will when you pray, and He will help you know it.
Billy Graham
The Bible condemns the use of any substance which alters or distorts our thinking (including alcohol, which was the most common drug in ancient times).
Billy Graham
To know the will of God is the highest of all wisdom. Living in the center of God’s will rules out all falseness of religion and puts the stamp of true sincerity upon our service to God.
Billy Graham
God’s holiness demands that sin be punished—but God’s love has provided the way of redemption through Christ.
Billy Graham
God will never—never—lead you to do something that is contrary to His written Word, the Bible.
Billy Graham
Living the Christian life means striving for holiness.
Billy Graham
When that glorious day comes, sin and death will be destroyed and Satan will be banished. All the strife and hatred and suffering and death that twist and scar this world will vanish, and the Lord’s Prayer will be fulfilled: God’s will will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Billy Graham
Some of the most heart-breaking letters I receive are from people who tell how alcohol or drugs have ravaged their lives and destroyed their families.
Billy Graham
We cannot be satisfied with our goodness after beholding the holiness of God.
Billy Graham
If you are ignorant of God’s Word, you will always be ignorant of God’s will.
Billy Graham
When the headlines get black and foreboding, the sale of alcohol and barbiturates rises in the country, as millions try to escape from the grim realities of [such] dangers.
Billy Graham
Many people turn to alcohol to try to drown the [cries] and longings of the soul. Others attempt to quiet the longings of their souls in other ways. Nothing but God ever completely satisfies, because the soul is made for God.
Billy Graham
Some years ago I was invited to be on a television talk show with one of the most famous personalities in America. Afterward she took me aside and told of the emptiness in her life. “My beauty is gone,” she said, “I am getting old, I’m living on alcohol, and I have nothing to live for.
Billy Graham
One of the most conspicuous modes of escape is alcoholism, which is now a national catastrophe.
Billy Graham
This self-confident generation has produced more alcoholics, more drug addicts, more criminals, more wars, more broken homes, more assaults, more embezzlements, more murders, and more suicides . . .it is time all of us . . . begin to take stock of our failures, blunders, and costly mistakes. It is about time that we place less confidence in ourselves and more trust and faith in God.
Billy Graham
Escapism seems to be the order of the day . . .Escape with drugs or alcohol, and the bitterness of living will be blurred . . .We can’t escape from God.
Billy Graham
Researchers have found that peer pressure exerted within a clique has caused every one of its members to experiment with drugs, to engage in murderous gang fights, to steal autos, and to violate the seventh commandment.
Billy Graham
Liquor is not necessary either for health or for so-called gracious living . . .It is the cause of untold sorrow, suffering, and material loss, not to mention the spiritual implications of drinking.
Billy Graham
Drunkenness. This Greek word means overindulgence in alcohol. Alcohol may be used for medicine, but it can also become a terrible drug. The way it is used in our world is probably one of the great evils of our day. It is a self-inflicted impediment that springs from “a man taking a drink, a drink taking a drink, and drink taking the man.”Distilled liquors as we have them today were unknown in Bible times.12
Billy Graham
In Houston, Texas, a man was born again in one of our meetings. He owned a liquor store. The next morning he had a sign on the front of his door saying, “Out of business.
Billy Graham
One of the characteristics of some drugs (such as cocaine) is that they make a person feel strong and alert—when in fact the opposite is the case. Don’t allow yourself to be deceived.
Billy Graham
God wants us to work (whether at home or on the job), but that doesn’t mean it’s wrong to retire. The Levites (who assisted in Israel’s worship) were required to retire at fifty.
Billy Graham
Ask [God] to help you reflect Christ as you grow older, instead of turning sour or grumpy.
Billy Graham
Life can grow sweeter and more rewarding as we grow older if we possess the presence of Christ. Sunsets are always glorious. It is Christ who adds colors, glory, and beauty to man’s sunsets.
Billy Graham
Life has its share of joys and laughter—but we also know life’s road is often very rough. Temptations assail us; people disappoint us; illness and age weaken us; tragedies and sorrows ambush us; evil and injustice overpower us. Life is hard—but God is good, and heaven is real!
Billy Graham
Many people are trying to steady themselves by taking tranquilizers. Jesus is the greatest tranquilizer of all. He can straighten out your life and put you back on center.
Billy Graham
Some people seem to put the devil on a par with God. Actually, Satan is a fallen angel.
Billy Graham
[Angels] guide, comfort, and provide for the people of God in the midst of suffering and persecution.
Billy Graham
The empire of angels is as vast as God’s creation. If you believe the Bible, you will believe in their ministry.
Billy Graham
Whether or not we sense and feel the presence of the Holy Spirit or one of the holy angels, by faith we are certain God will never leave us or forsake us.
Billy Graham
[Angels] crisscross the Old and New Testaments, being mentioned directly or indirectly nearly 300 times.
Billy Graham
Just as millions of angels participated in the dazzling show when the morning stars sang together at creation, so will the innumerable hosts of heaven help bring to pass God’s prophetic declarations throughout time and into eternity.
Billy Graham
Anger and bitterness—whatever the cause—only end up hurting us. Turn that anger over to Christ.
Billy Graham
[God] wants to help you overcome the bitterness and anger that you feel, and He wants to encourage you . . . He knows that anger and depression will never help you deal with your problems—they only make them worse.
Billy Graham
God’s will is for us to commit our lives to Christ and follow Him. God’s will also is that we avoid sin.
Billy Graham
Do you want to know what God’s will is for you? It is for you to become more and more like Christ. This is spiritual maturity, and if you make this your goal, it will change your life.
Billy Graham
Sometimes it’s best to start moving in the direction you think God may want you to go, and then trust Him to lead you—closing doors He doesn’t want you to go through and opening up others.
Billy Graham
Each generation becomes more addicted to the sedatives of life, to dull the pain of living.
Billy Graham
The greatest barrier to knowing God’s will is simply that we want to run our own lives. Our problem is that a battle is going on in our hearts—a battle between our wills and God’s will.
Billy Graham
God’s will is that we would be righteous in our living. God is holy, and the whole scheme of redemption has holiness for its goal.
Billy Graham
The secret strength of a nation is found in the faith that abides in the hearts and homes of the country.
Billy Graham
We talk out of both corners of our mouth at once. We say we are a Christian nation, but much of our literature, our social practices, our deep interests are not Christian at all. They are totally secular.
Billy Graham
Spiritually, we have wandered far from the faith of our fathers . . . no nation which relegates the Bible to the background, which disregards the love of God and flouts the claims of the Man of Galilee, can long survive.
Billy Graham
No form of government has been able to establish righteousness, justice, and peace, the three elements without which we can never have continued national prosperity or international peace.
Billy Graham
Our government is certainly going to fall like a rope of sand if unsupported by the moral fabric of God’s Word. The moral structure in our country grew from Judeo-Christian roots. When those values are applied, they produce moral fruits. But if that structure disappears, the moral sentiment that shapes our nation’s goals will disappear with it.
Billy Graham
We face dangers every day of which we are not even aware. Often God intervenes on our behalf through the use of His angels.
Billy Graham
God isn’t finished with you when you retire! When we know Christ, we never retire from His service.
Billy Graham
Among young people . . . drinking is for getting drunk. And many go on to become alcoholics.
Billy Graham
Drunkenness is not a new vice. Its ravages have always been a scourge on the human race . . .Alcohol is a killer, a murderer.
Billy Graham
Thousands are killed and injured every year by teenagers driving too fast or under the influence of drugs and drink . . .others are killing [themselves] with alcohol or heroin overdoses.
Billy Graham
In Christ alone there is deliverance from man’s tortured thoughts and freedom from the sordid habits which are destroying so many people. Why does the Bible so clearly denounce drunkenness? Because it is an enemy of human life. Anything that is against a person’s welfare, God is against.
Billy Graham
Do not seek solace in alcohol. Alcohol obscures good judgment and leaves you unable to think clearly or understand what God is trying to say to you.
Billy Graham
What began as an apparently harmless pastime has ended up as a frightening, overpowering addiction or obsession.
Billy Graham
Some [young people] are taking pills called “heaven or hell” drugs, because you’re liable to experience either one.
Billy Graham
Drinking and other forms of body-wrecking pleasures are signs of weakness rather than manliness. It takes a better man to live a clean life—free from the stimulants, depressants, and drugs—than to be artificially [stimulated].
Billy Graham
The cult of self has become an addiction—feeding off the ego of self-glorification. The word cult encompasses many movements and ideas, but simply put, it describes a culture of alternative beliefs, fads, and trends, and tampers with just enough truth to knock many off balance.
Billy Graham
There is hope for the alcoholic: God is able to deliver from this as well as any other addiction.
Billy Graham
Old age has its compensations. More than ever I see each day as a gift from God. It is also a time to reflect back on God’s goodness over the years and an opportunity to assure others that God truly is faithful to His promises.
Billy Graham
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