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Every word that [Jesus] spoke was historically true. Every word that He spoke was scientifically true. Every word that He spoke was ethically true. There were no loopholes in the moral conceptionsand statements of Jesus Christ. His ethical vision was wholly correct, correct in the age in which He lived and correct in every age that has followed it.
Billy Graham
We should be about our Father’s business by pouring His compassionate love into aching and parched souls that have nowhere to turn, no one to love, and no one to care. Let them see Jesus in us. That is a living testimony.
Billy Graham
What shall I do, then, with Jesus who is calledthe Christ?” (Matthew 27:22 NIV). This is the most important question that has ever been asked. It is also the question you must ask yourself.
Billy Graham
Sin diverts some. Pleasure diverts others. Social service and “religious” activity divert others. We are told to be occupied with Jesus Christ Himself.
Billy Graham
Jesus knows the intentions of our hearts and what we do in secret.
Billy Graham
I trust Jesus with all my tomorrows, knowing that He will solve the mystery of life beyond the grave.
Billy Graham
[Christ’s] goodness is still a rebuke to our badness; His purity still shows up our impurities; His sinlessness still reveals our sinfulness; and unless we allow [Jesus] to destroy the evil within us, the evil within us still wants to destroy Him. This is the conflict of the ages.
Billy Graham
A Roman soldier . . . thrust a spear into Jesus’ side and out came blood and water. Physicians say that a mixture of blood and water indicates that Jesus died of a broken heart. He poured out the last ounce of His blood to redeem us.
Billy Graham
Our imaginations are so stilted. The very thought of being like Jesus is breathtaking.
Billy Graham
Our schedules are so hectic we can’t get everything done, or else we are bored and restless, constantly looking for something to amuse us. We are the most frantic generation in history—and also the most entertained. The Bible tells us that both extremes are wrong.
Billy Graham
God gives us a glimpse of what heaven will be like for the believer. It will have the characteristics of a happy home, a holy city, a glorious garden, and a beautiful bride. This staggers the imagination!
Billy Graham
God is concerned with our imaginations, for they in a large measure determine what kind of persons we are to be.
Billy Graham
Jesus invited us not to a picnic, but to a pilgrimage; not to a frolic, but to a fight. He offered us not an excursion, but an execution.
Billy Graham
All transgressions begin with sinful thinking . . . guard against the pictures of lewdness and sensuality that Satan flashes upon the screen of your imagination, select with care the books you read, choose discerningly the kind of entertainment youattend, the kind of associates with whom you mingle, and the kind of environment in which you place yourself.
Billy Graham
Never has there been a time when men tried so desperately to have fun as they do today.
Billy Graham
We have arrived at the point where we are flippant about God. We tell jokes about Him. God’s name is used so often in profanity in the entertainment world that sometimes it is embarrassing to watch television.
Billy Graham
We don’t have to be on the battlefields of the world to experience strife and conflict. We need only to open our eyes each morning and read the headlines, we need only to turn a keen ear when our phones ring with bad news, we need only to open our hearts to those next door—and maybe even in our own homes—to notice those with grieving hearts.
Billy Graham
The facade of grief may be indifference, preoccupation, anger, cheerfulness, or any variety of emotions. But if we try to understand it, we may learn how to cope with it.
Billy Graham
If there is something we need more than anything else during grief, it is a friend who stands with us, who doesn’t leave us. Jesus is that friend.
Billy Graham
Often it takes that “knife in our heart” to drive us to Him. Our faith, our very lives, depend on God, and when we enter the valley of grief, we need His help or we will never climb another mountain.
Billy Graham
When we grieve over someone who has died in Christ, we are sorrowing not for them but for ourselves. Our grief isn’t a sign of weak faith, but of great love.
Billy Graham
Grief turns us inward, but compassion turns us outward, and that’s what we need when grief threatens to crush us. The Bible says, “Carry each other’s burdens” [Galatians 6:2 NIV].
Billy Graham
Grief which is not dealt with properly can cause us to lose our perspective on life.
Billy Graham
Grief comes with many losses. Whatever its cause, grief will come to all of us.
Billy Graham
God’s forgiveness is not just a casual statement; it is the complete blotting out of all dirt and degradation of our past, present, and future.
Billy Graham
The only sin God cannot forgive is the sin of rejecting Christ. Turn to Him in repentance and faith—and He will forgive.
Billy Graham
Sinners, pray to a merciful God for forgiveness.
Billy Graham
Truly, the world is in need of moral leadership . . .that teaches the difference between right and wrong and teaches us to forgive one another even as we are forgiven by our Father in heaven.
Billy Graham
We make a mockery of God’s forgiveness when we deliberately engage in sin because we think He will forgive it later.
Billy Graham
We cannot ask forgiveness over and over again for our sins, and then return to our sins, expecting God to forgive us. We must turn from our practice of sin as best we know how, and turn to Christ by faith as our Lord and Savior.
Billy Graham
Christ can take the most sin-laden, selfish, evil person and bring forgiveness and new life.
Billy Graham
Forgiveness is one of the most beautiful words in the human vocabulary. How much pain and unhappy consequences could be avoided if we all learned the meaning of this word!
Billy Graham
When God forgives us and purifies us of our sin, He also forgets it. Forgiveness results in God dropping the charges against us.
Billy Graham
Before asking God’s forgiveness there is something important you must do. You must repent, that is, turn from the behavior and lifestyle that [leads to sin].
Billy Graham
When God forgives, there is an immediate andcomplete change in relationship. Instead of hostility, there is love and acceptance. Instead of enmity, there is friendship.
Billy Graham
Repent when you fail, and immediately seek God’s forgiveness and restoration. Sin breaks our fellowship with God.
Billy Graham
Guilt is not all bad. Without it there is nothing to drive a person toward self-examination and toward God for forgiveness.
Billy Graham
In one bold stroke, forgiveness obliterates the past and permits us to enter the land of new beginnings.
Billy Graham
Forgiveness does not come easily to us, especially when someone we have trusted betrays our trust. And yet if we do not learn to forgive, we will discover that we can never really rebuild trust.
Billy Graham
A muscle becomes weak if it is not used. To become strong, a muscle must push against something.
Billy Graham
God takes the weak and makes them strong. He takes the vile and makes them clean. He takes the worthless and makes them worthwhile. He takes the sinful and makes them sinless.
Billy Graham
God is in control. He may not take away trials or make detours for us, but He strengthens us through them.
Billy Graham
Grief can kill a person emotionally and physically. If not counteracted with God’s strength and power, our personal weakness may debilitate us.
Billy Graham
God will give us the strength and resources we need to live through any situation in life that He ordains.
Billy Graham
We must learn to let the Word of God feed us and strengthen us in our faith in God its author, Christ its message, and the Holy Spirit its teacher.
Billy Graham
Are your beliefs anchored in a faith that can withstand emotionalism, the drug culture, social and peer pressure, and material temptations? The world is seething with demonic energy. Only supreme inner strength can resist its ceaseless hassling.
Billy Graham
We shouldn’t think about ourselves and how weak we are. Instead, we should think about God and how strong He is.
Billy Graham
Our ministries are strengthened, sometimes more than we realize, by our devotional life.
Billy Graham
The focus on self has led our society into a fascination with pleasure, emotional and sexual stimulation, and “personal fulfillment.” America’s compulsion for “maximum personhood” is evidenced everywhere.
Billy Graham
Are you disappointed with society? If you are,I challenge you to take the first step. I challenge you to look at yourself.
Billy Graham
Today we see social evil, terrorism, and gross immorality throughout the world. Someone has said, “A wrong deed is right if the majority of people declare it not to be wrong.”By this principle we can see our standards shiftingfrom year to year according to the popular vote!This new permissiveness is condoned by intelligent men and women,many of whom are found in the churches.
Billy Graham
Jesus indicated that there will be a permissive society just before He comes back . . . the world today is on an immoral binge such as has not been known since the days of Rome. We are in a hedonistic society, and what we are seeing is human nature expressing itself without God.
Billy Graham
Sickness is deep within the soul of our society—and that has always been God’s exclusive territory.
Billy Graham
The world does need changing, society needs changing, the nation needs changing, but we never will change it until we ourselves are changed.
Billy Graham
The same conditions that prevailed in Rome prevail in our society. Before Rome fell, her standards were abandoned, the family disintegrated, divorce prevailed, immorality was rampant, and faith was at a low ebb.
Billy Graham
Sometimes I think the truly committed Christian is in conflict with society around him more than any other person. Society is going one direction, and the Christian is going in the opposite direction. This brings about friction and conflict. But God has promised, in the midst of trouble and conflict, a genuine peace, a sense of assurance and security, that the worldly person never knows.
Billy Graham
In a decadent society the will to believe, to resist, to contend, to fight, to struggle is gone. In place of this will to resist, there is the desire to conform, to drift, to follow, to yield, and not give up.
Billy Graham
Many children today are growing up without discipline. As they become adults and the discipline of job or family demands are placed upon them, they do not know how to cope . . .children need discipline to be useful members of society. Likewise, God’s children need discipline to be useful members of His family.
Billy Graham
Children must be taught obedience just as much as they need to be taught to read and write.
Billy Graham
Parents need much wisdom in relating to their grown children—and much prayer. Children likewise have much to learn about relating to their parents as the years pass.
Billy Graham
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