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Effective preaching must be biblical preaching, whether it is the exposition of a single word in the Bible, a text, or a chapter. The Word is what the Spirit uses.
Billy Graham
Double-mindedness means the faculty of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind and accepting both of them. We talk out of both corners of our mouths at once.
Billy Graham
I have not known of too many people who found Christ on their deathbeds. When we come to Christ in our youth, a life is saved. When we come in old age, a soul is salvaged and life eternal is assured; but the opportunity to live a life for Christ has been lost.
Billy Graham
Someday your life will be over, no matter how much attention you give to your health. Will you look back with regret, because you nourished your body but starved your soul?
Billy Graham
We spend enormous amounts of time and money on fad diets, expensive exercise machines, and health clubs. For many people, these things only demonstrate their preoccupation with the physical side of life . . . but even more important is taking care of our souls.
Billy Graham
Partial education throughout the world is far worse than none at all if we educate the mind but not the soul.
Billy Graham
Unless the soul is fed and exercised daily, it becomes weak and shriveled. It remains discontented, confused, restless.
Billy Graham
God requires something of us. We must confess our spiritual poverty, renounce our sins, and turn by faith to His Son, Jesus Christ. When we do that, we are born again. He gives us a new nature. He puts a little bit of heaven down in our souls.
Billy Graham
The Bible teaches that whether we are saved or lost, there is conscious and everlasting existence of the soul and personality.
Billy Graham
May we all storm the gates of heaven for the souls of the anguished, that in their greatest time of need they will hear the gentle voice of God’s Spirit calling them to repentance.
Billy Graham
The Bible teaches that you are an immortal soul. Your soul is eternal and will live forever . . . the real you—the part of you that thinks, feels, dreams, aspires; the ego, the personality—will never die . . . your soul will live forever in one of two places—heaven or hell.
Billy Graham
Even in the darkest moment, before death snatches man’s last breath, God is willing to save a lost soul.
Billy Graham
It is a time for soul-searching, a time to see if our anchor holds.
Billy Graham
The soul actually demands as much attention as the body . . . the soul was made for God, and without God it is restless and in secret torment.
Billy Graham
The searchlight of [God’s] Spirit will probe the inner depths of your soul and reveal things that you think you have already yielded, but you have not.
Billy Graham
The Bible teaches whether we are saved or lost, there is an everlasting existence of the soul.
Billy Graham
Hardship is not our choice; but if we face it bravely, it can toughen the fiber of our souls.
Billy Graham
Our soul is that part of our being which possesses intelligence, conscience, and memory—the real personality. Your body will die, but your soul lives on. And that soul has a “sixth sense”—the ability to believe, to have faith.
Billy Graham
Our souls set us apart from every other living creature, and that makes us unique. It also makes us fully human.
Billy Graham
Let [Christ] transform your life so that you will have a glow on your face, a spring in your step, and joy in your soul.
Billy Graham
Where do we get the notion that our idea of success and God’s are the same? You have written a book; you are a clever manager and promoter; you are a talented artist; you are independently wealthy; you have achieved fame and fortune. Without the gifts of intelligence, imagination, personality, and physical energy—which are all endowed by God—where would you be?
Billy Graham
Our world is obsessed with success. But how does God define success? Success in God’s eyes is faithfulness to His calling.
Billy Graham
The Bible says that God sees two classes of men. He sees the saved and the lost, those who are going to heaven and those who are going to hell.
Billy Graham
Lying is one of the worst of all sins and can be committed by a thought, word, or deed. Anything that is intended to deceive another person is lying.
Billy Graham
As men and women seek to find independence from God, they have lost a sense of purpose in life. The worth of human personality is often equated with what we do for a living. However, a person’s occupation, community standing, or bank account is not what is important in God’s eyes.
Billy Graham
Tell me why the gardener trims and prunes his rosebushes, sometimes cutting away productive branches, and I will tell you why God’s people are afflicted. God’s hand never slips.
Billy Graham
All around you are people who need Christ: your family, your neighbors, people you work with or go to school with every day. Are you praying for them, asking God to open the door of their hearts to His truth?
Billy Graham
Someday all of us will give account of the way we have used the gifts God has given. The person to whom much has been given will find much required of him.
Billy Graham
I have never met a person who didn’t have problems of some kind. This is why we need one another’s encouragement.
Billy Graham
In our desire to achieve success quickly it is easy to get our values mixed up and call evil good and good evil.
Billy Graham
Instead of manipulating [people] for our own purposes, we’d help them achieve what is best for them. We’d also try to see life through their eyes. Treat others the way you would want them to treat you.
Billy Graham
If the other person would just do things my way, we could get along,” one says, when the other person is probably thinking the same about us—that leads to conflict. Our deepest problems are within ourselves.
Billy Graham
Man boasts of his nobility, his ideals, and his progress. Man’s goal is imitation, not redemption.
Billy Graham
Man persists in waywardness. If one institution fails [he says], try another—anything but God’s plan.
Billy Graham
Some of the most miserable people I have ever met have been people who are very popular with the public, but down inside are empty and miserable.
Billy Graham
Proclaiming “the whole will of God” should be the goal—and the joy—of every church and every preacher.
Billy Graham
Our souls have a disease. It causes all the troubles and difficulties in the world. It causes all the troubles, confusions, and disillusionments in your own life. The name of the disease is . . . sin.
Billy Graham
We spend all our time and energy pampering our bodies and minds, but if we ignore our souls, we will end up spiritually starved and malnourished.
Billy Graham
Take care of your soul—your inner self—by feeding on the Word of God and letting His Spirit transform you from within.
Billy Graham
Christ taught that in the sight of God one soul is worth the entire materialistic world! In God’s sight the individual is all-important. When Christ calls a man to follow Him, He calls him “out” from the “group.” Christ can fill the vacuums. He can restore your personal identity. He can become the truth to your generation.
Billy Graham
Nothing can calm our souls more or better prepare us for life’s challenges than time spent alone with God.
Billy Graham
You should no more allow sinful imaginations to accumulate in your mind and soul than you would let garbage collect in your living room.
Billy Graham
Compared to when I was a boy, we now live in reverse. The people are locked up in their homes at night and criminals are outside on the loose! When I was young, the criminals were locked up and the people were free to move about. That time has passed for many cities.
Billy Graham
The central theme of the universe is the purpose and destiny of every individual. Every person is important in God’s eyes.
Billy Graham
In our day many people are broad but shallow. Agnosticism, anxiety, and emptiness have gripped much of our world.
Billy Graham
No area of human life is so full of difficulties and heartaches as relationships. If you listed everything that upset you during the past week, I suspect most had to do with other people. People can be selfless and kind, but they can also be difficult, stubborn, ego-driven, thoughtless, mean, selfish, manipulative. But the problem is not just other people; it’s also ourselves.
Billy Graham
Man is not growing better! Man is not climbing upward. Instead of progress in man himself there is degeneracy—degeneracy of body, mind, and spirit. Man is going downhill.
Billy Graham
Success stories may be great motivational material for sales seminars, but we are not always successful.
Billy Graham
Time and tide and the ravages of sin take their toll on the most noble achievements of man.
Billy Graham
Our job in life is not to be successful, but to be faithful.
Billy Graham
This age is interested in success, not suffering . . . Our Lord was ridiculed, insulted, persecuted, and eventually killed. In the face of opposition, He went about “doing good.
Billy Graham
Many of the wicked are receiving their wages now. Many Christians who may not be succeeding according to the world’s standards now, will reap great rewards in heaven.
Billy Graham
The Western world’s sole objective seems to be success, status, security, self-indulgence, pleasure, and comfort.
Billy Graham
Success or failure cannot be measured by any human standard.
Billy Graham
God measures people by the small dimensions of humility and not by the bigness of their achievements or the size of their capabilities.
Billy Graham
God can take anything that happens to us—even bad things—and use it to shape us and make us into a better, more Christlike person—if we will let Him.
Billy Graham
There are three of you. There is the person you think you are. There is the person others think you are. There is the person God knows you are and can be through Christ.
Billy Graham
Our personalities, our intelligence, and our capabilities are gifts from [God’s] own bountiful hand. If we divert their use for our own profit, we become guilty of selfishness.
Billy Graham
Almost nothing is as complex as the human personality, and no simple formula will ever cover every situation or every relationship.
Billy Graham
People are little creatures with big capacities, finite beings with infinite desires, deserving nothing but demanding all. God made people with this huge capacity and desire in order that He might come in and completely satisfy that desire.
Billy Graham
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