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Faith isn’t pretending our problems don’t exist, nor is it simply blind optimism. Faith points us beyond our problems to the hope we have in Christ.
Billy Graham
Evangelism is not a calling reserved exclusively for the clergy. I believe one of the greatest priorities of the church today is to mobilize the laity to do the work of evangelism.
Billy Graham
One of the devil’s methods is to attack everyone . . . He knows that the Word of God is powerful, and he will try to keep you from it.
Billy Graham
When we are filled with the Spirit of God, obeying God, in His will and quoting Scripture, Satan will be defeated.
Billy Graham
Jesus did not dispute [Satan] . . . our Lord quoted Scripture, and that’s one thing the devil can’t stand! The Scripture defeats him every time.
Billy Graham
Fear can paralyze us and keep us from believing God and stepping out in faith. The devil loves a fearful Christian!
Billy Graham
We have seen moral and religious leaders,men who claim to be followers of Jesus,fall into disgrace in the eyes of God and man, and worst of all we have seen the Gospel of Jesus Christ and twisted and distorted it by false teachers to accommodate the destructive morals and secular behavior of these times.
Billy Graham
As long as Satan is loose in the world and our hearts are dominated by his evil passions, it will never be easy or popular to be a follower of Christ.
Billy Graham
God’s followers need to know the truth He sets forth in His Word so that we can confidently discern between His truth and Satan’s lies.
Billy Graham
Salvation is free, but there is a price to pay in following Jesus. It is never said in Scripture that we can have “Christ and . . .”.It is always “Christ or . . .”. What is your “or”?
Billy Graham
God—the Bible’s Author—loves you and wants you to be His child through faith in Jesus Christ.
Billy Graham
Faith is loved and honored by God more than any other single thing.
Billy Graham
Your faith may be just a little thread. It may be small and weak, but act on that faith. It does not matter how big your faith is, but rather, where your faith is.
Billy Graham
Jesus Himself was the first missionary . . .He pledged His followers to be missionaries too!
Billy Graham
The happiest people I know are separated followers of Jesus Christ.They are not dependent on artificial stimulants. They do not resort to sick, dirty jokes. They do not abuse their bodies to relax their minds.
Billy Graham
Faith implies four things: self-renunciation, reliance with utter confidence on Christ, obedience, and a changed life.
Billy Graham
When our faith becomes nothing more than a series of rules and regulations, joy flees and our love for Christ grows cold.
Billy Graham
If our faith isn’t rooted in the Bible, it will wither like a plant pulled out of the soil.
Billy Graham
Fear can banish faith, but faith can banish fear.
Billy Graham
Do you want your faith to grow? Then let the Bible begin to saturate your mind and soul.
Billy Graham
Faith literally means “to give up, surrender, or commit.” Faith is complete confidence.
Billy Graham
Faith in Christ is voluntary. A person cannot be coerced, bribed, or tricked into trusting Jesus. God will not force His way into your life. The Holy Spirit will do everything possible to disturb you, draw you, love you—but finally it is your personal decision.
Billy Graham
By faith in [Jesus] we can be forgiven of our sins and know the joy of following Him every day.
Billy Graham
The men who followed Jesus were unique in their generation. They turned the world upside down because their hearts had been turned right side up.
Billy Graham
The same Book that tells us over and over again of God’s love warns us constantly of the devil who would come between us and God, the devil who is ever waiting to ensnare men’s souls.
Billy Graham
The devil is the god of this world and he has blinded our eyes.
Billy Graham
Satan wants to lure us into his traps, and he knows exactly what kind of “bait” will appeal to us. He knows what we’re like, and he will attack us exactly where we are the weakest.
Billy Graham
Satan will do everything he can to divide Christians and destroy our witness. Only the Holy Spirit can subdue our old nature and overcome it with God’s love.
Billy Graham
Don’t give Satan a foothold, but discipline yourself to stay close to God. He alone is your security.
Billy Graham
Satan rejoices when old habits overwhelm [us] and we cave in to the pressure of the crowd . . .perhaps temptation lures [us] into sin . . .a backsliding Christian compromises their faith and causes unbelievers to mock the Gospel.
Billy Graham
[Christians] are called to distinguish themselves as Christ followers, not community organizers.
Billy Graham
The devil and his demons really do believe in God—and why wouldn’t they? They understand that they are engaged in a cosmic battle of titanic proportions, and they know they are up against the Creator of the universe—a truth that makes them shudder. There are no atheists in hell!
Billy Graham
When our minds are on Christ, Satan has little room to maneuver.
Billy Graham
The greatest roadblock to Satan’s work is the Christian who, above all else, lives for God, walks with integrity, is filled with the Spirit, and is obedient to God’s truth.
Billy Graham
The greatest hindrance to Satan’s destructive efforts is our standing strong in the knowledge and fear of the Lord.
Billy Graham
Satan rejoices when we are inconsistent, because he knows that an inconsistent Christian is an ineffective Christian—or worse.
Billy Graham
We constantly pass up the rich and beautiful and ennobling experiences and seek out the tawdry, the cheap, and the degrading. These are the works of the devil, and they flourish on every side!
Billy Graham
The devil is a master at making us question God and His Word. Twisting Scripture . . . taking a verse out of context . . .deceiving us into thinking God is mean-spirited—these are some of Satan’s favorite tricks.
Billy Graham
Satan does not care how much you theorize about Christianity or how much you profess to know Christ. What he opposes vigorously is the way you live Christ.
Billy Graham
We must be constantly aware that Satan can take any human effort and twist it to serve his own purposes.
Billy Graham
Only God can thwart the plans of Satan and his legions.
Billy Graham
If you are not careful you will find yourself actually in the employ of the devil. He is powerful, slick, crafty, wily, and subtle.
Billy Graham
[Satan] will create a religion without a Redeemer. He will build a church without a Christ. He will call for worship without the Word of God.
Billy Graham
The mind is the devil’s favorite avenue of attack.
Billy Graham
I have yet to see Satan overcome a truly joyful Christian.
Billy Graham
Before Satan there was no sin, and before sin there was no pain.
Billy Graham
Since the Bible is God’s Word, we shouldn’t be surprised if Satan tries to convince us otherwise.
Billy Graham
We are living in a topsy-turvy world, where all is confusion. But you may be sure that it is confusion with a plan—Satan’s plan!
Billy Graham
Never forget: Death was Satan’s greatest victory.
Billy Graham
Satan will thrash about in one last burst of evil,hoping to capture as many souls as possible before his inevitable end.
Billy Graham
The Bible teaches that Satan is the author of sin. Sin is the reason we have afflictions, including death. All of our problems and our suffering are a result of man’s rebellionagainst God. But God has provided a rescue in His Son.
Billy Graham
We have two natures within us, both struggling for mastery. Which one will dominate us? It depends on which one we feed.
Billy Graham
We are to feed the new nature on the Word of God constantly, and we are to starve the old nature, which craves the world and the flesh. We are told to “make not provision for the flesh” [Romans 13:14 KJV].
Billy Graham
The greatest need in the world is the transformation of human nature. We need a new heart that will not have lust and greed and hate in it. We need a heart filled with love and peace and joy, and that is why Jesus came into the world.
Billy Graham
Men cannot help that it is their nature to respond to the lewd, the salacious, and the vile. They will have difficulty doing otherwise until they are born again.
Billy Graham
In John 6 we read that when great multitudes went after Him, He told them three times that unless they were willing to pay the price, they could not be His followers.
Billy Graham
[Jesus] asked [His followers] to count the cost carefully, lest they should turn back when they met with suffering and privation. He told His followers that the world would hate them.
Billy Graham
Don’t be deceived by Satan and his lies. Instead, stay close to Christ—because the closer you are to Him, the farther away you are from the devil.
Billy Graham
Christ warned His followers that to believe in Him would not make them popular, and that they should be prepared to face affliction for His sake.
Billy Graham
If [Christian leaders] do not teach Christian principles to all followers of Christ, we are not equipping them with God’s truth that willovercome worldly influence.
Billy Graham
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