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I’m afraid most Bibles remain unopened and unread. Don’t let this be true of yours!
Billy Graham
The vitality [of] the Bible [is] exhibited in every generation . . .Its power to transform lives is its best apologetic.
Billy Graham
Everything that we see about us that we count is our possessions only comprises a loan from God, and it is when we lose sight of this all-pervading truth that we become greedy and covetous.
Billy Graham
Life is not a matter of dollars and cents, houses and lands, earning capacity and financial achievement. Greed must not be allowed to make man the slave of wealth.
Billy Graham
What is the authority in your life? Is it your selfishness? Your lust? Your greed? Or have you turned it all over to God and said, “Lord, You are going to be my authority”? When you are under authority, you are then able to assume authority.
Billy Graham
We have seen the results of unrestrained greed, corruption, and manipulation on Wall Street, financial mismanagement in the halls of government, fraud and perversion at the highest levels of both church and state. Many people sense the possibility of an even greater unraveling in the world. We are constantly confronted by the realities of new problems in this age of crisis.
Billy Graham
It is not wrong to want to work and earn a decent living; in fact, God has given work to us. But this legitimate desire can very easily cross the line into greed—especially in our materialistic society.
Billy Graham
Greed is an unreasonable or all-absorbing desire to acquire things or wealth. One test of greed is that it is never satisfied. Greed is repeatedly condemned in the Bible.
Billy Graham
We need to be on guard against greed . . . above all we need to make sure our lives are centered in Christ and not things.
Billy Graham
Exercise and proper eating habits are very important, since the Bible says that the body is God’s holy temple, but I don’t think that superbodies equate with committed Christian discipleship. Some of the greatest saints I’ve known have been those with physical infirmities.
Billy Graham
Let us always remember that Christ calls men and women not only to trust Him as Savior, but also to follow Him as Lord. That call to discipleship must be part of our message if we are to be faithful to Him.
Billy Graham
To be a disciple is to be committed to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and committed to following Him every day. To be a disciple is also to be disciplined in our bodies, minds, and souls.
Billy Graham
Our minds must be set always to seek the will of the Lord. Following the progressive discipline revealed through the Bible will result in a walk of obedience to God.
Billy Graham
God does not discipline us to subdue us but to condition us for a life of usefulness and blessedness. In His wisdom, He knows that an uncontrolled life is an unhappy life, so He puts reins on our wayward souls that they may be directed into the paths of righteousness.
Billy Graham
It is no accident that the words discipline and disciple resemble each other in the English language. The most common word in the Gospels for a Christian is disciple.
Billy Graham
Christ never told his disciples that they would get an Academy Award for their performances, but He did tell them to expect to have troubles.
Billy Graham
Jesus Christ spoke frankly to His disciples concerning the future . . .In unmistakable language He told them that discipleship means a life of self-denial, and the bearing of a cross.
Billy Graham
Many Christians want the benefits of their belief, but they hesitate at the cost of discipleship.
Billy Graham
To be a disciple of Jesus means to learn from Him, to follow Him. The cost may be high.
Billy Graham
We are commissioned to make disciples, to bring them into the same direct relationship with Christ as those who left their nets and their fishing boats to become “fishers of men.
Billy Graham
An evangelist is like a newscaster on television or a journalist writing for a newspaper . . . except that the evangelist’s mission is to tell the Good News that never changes.
Billy Graham
During all my years as an evangelist,my message has always been the Gospel of Christ.It is not a Western religion, nor is it a message of one culture or political system . , .it is a message of life and hope for all the world.
Billy Graham
Philip is the only person in the Bible who was called an evangelist, and he was a deacon!
Billy Graham
He who is called to and set apart for the work of an evangelist is to devote his time and effort single-mindedly to this God-given task. He is not to be distracted by anything likely to deflect him from this. Persecution will not weaken his resolution. The persuasion of others will fall on deaf ears. Only the clear leading of God will cause him to change his ministry.
Billy Graham
No clergyman however brilliant, no evangelist no matter how eloquent or compelling, can bring about the revival we need. Only the Holy Spirit can do this.
Billy Graham
The evangelistic ministry is a fight, not a frolic.
Billy Graham
The great crowds themselves are meaningless. The thing that counts is what happens in the hearts of the people. The evangelist sows the seed, and much inevitably falls upon stony ground and bears no fruit. But if only a few seeds flourish, the results are manifold.
Billy Graham
Evangelism is more than simply encouraging decisions for Christ. It is urging people to become disciples—followers—of Jesus Christ. As such, the evangelist has a responsibility to make growth in discipleship possible for those who come to faith under his ministry.
Billy Graham
This is still the age of grace. God’s offer of forgiveness and a new life still stands. However, the door will one day be closed. Someday it will be too late. This is why the Bible continually warns and challenges: “Now is the accepted time” [2 Corinthians 6:2 NKJV].
Billy Graham
When you pick up the cross of unpopularity, wherever you may be, you will find God’s grace is there, more than sufficient to meet your every need.
Billy Graham
Some of the most radiant Christians I have ever met were “wheelchair” saints. May God give you grace to “triumph in affliction.
Billy Graham
We are living in an age of grace, in which God promises that “whosoever will” may come and receive His Son. But this period of grace will not go on indefinitely. We are even now living on borrowed time.
Billy Graham
Only as we bow in contrition, confession, and repentance at the foot of the cross, can we find forgiveness. There is the grace of God!
Billy Graham
The motive of grace is the infinite, compassionate love of a merciful God, but the work of grace was the death of Christ on the cross.
Billy Graham
The grace of God has been tested in the crucible of human experience, and has been found to be more than an equal for the problems and sins of humanity.
Billy Graham
Throughout Scripture we read of warnings preceding disaster. Such alerts from God are part of His grace and provision.
Billy Graham
Christ did not suffer and die to offer cheap grace. Jesus did not willingly go to the cross so we could have an easy life or offer a faith built on easy-believism. As someone said, “Salvation is free, but not cheap.” It cost Jesus His life.
Billy Graham
I look forward to seeing Christ and bowing before Him in praise and gratitude for all He has done for us, and for using me on this earth by His grace—just as I am.
Billy Graham
Envy and greed always—always—exact a terrible price. I have never met an envious or greedy person who was at peace.
Billy Graham
The Bible warns us against greed and selfishness, it does encourage frugality and thrift.
Billy Graham
The Bible sees greed as a form of idolatry, because a greedy person worships things instead of God. Greed and envy have their roots in selfishness.
Billy Graham
Envy and greed starve on a steady diet of thanksgiving.
Billy Graham
Happy is the person who has learned the secret of being content with whatever life brings him, and has learned to rejoice in thesimple and beautiful things around him.
Billy Graham
Do you really want happiness? Then you will have to pay the price of humbling yourself at the foot of the cross and receiving Christ as Savior.
Billy Graham
Happiness is a choice, but grief is a certainty.
Billy Graham
Christ said there is a happiness in that acknowledgement of spiritual poverty which lets God come into our souls.
Billy Graham
It is the presence of sin that prevents man from being truly happy.
Billy Graham
The mourning of inadequacy is a weeping that catches the attention of God . . .The happiest day of my life was when I realized that my own ability, my own goodness, my own morality was insufficient in the sight of God; and I publicly and openly acknowledged my need of Christ.
Billy Graham
We say, “Happy are the clever, for they shall inherit the admiration of their friends”; “Happy are the aggressive, for they shall inherit a career”; “Happy are the rich, for they shall inherit a world of friendsand a house full of modern gadgets.” Jesus said, “[Happy] are the meek; for they shallinherit the earth” [see Matthew 5:5]. If we want the secret of happiness . . ."meekness” is a basic key.
Billy Graham
My wife and I were invited to have lunch with one of the wealthiest men in the world. He was seventy-five years old. Tears came down his cheeks. “I am the most miserable man in the world,” he said. I have everything anyone could ever want. If I want to go anywhere, I have my own yacht or private plane. But down inside I’m miserable and empty.” Shortly after, I met another man who preached in a small church nearby. He was vivacious and full of life, and he told us, “I don’t have a penny to my name, but I’m the happiest man in the world!
Billy Graham
The Bible lists in Hebrews 11 the heroes of the faith . . .who were tortured, imprisoned, stoned, torn apart, and killed by the sword. They didn’t wear designer jeans but went about in animal skins, destitute and tormented.
Billy Graham
There is no room for God’s Word in our culture, where our children are without reverence for God or faith in the Bible. There is no room for our Lord’s creed of purity and self-denial when the media sends forth a constant barrage of profanity and indecency and materialism.
Billy Graham
Discouragement is the opposite of faith. It is Satan’s device to thwart the work of God in your life.
Billy Graham
[The] inability to comprehend fully the mysteries of God does not in any way curtail the Christian faith. On the contrary, it enhances our belief. We do not understand the intricate pattern of the stars in their courses, but we know that He who created them does, and that just as surely as He guides them, He is charting a safe course for us.
Billy Graham
The Bible teaches that faith will manifest itself in three ways. It will manifest itself in doctrine—in what you believe. It will manifest itself in worship—your communion with God . . .It will manifest itself in morality—in the way you live and behave.
Billy Graham
Christians who are strong in the faith grow as they accept whatever God allows to enter their lives.
Billy Graham
I have never been to the North Pole, and yet I believe there is a North Pole. How do I know? I know because somebody told me. I read about it in a history book, I saw a map in a geography book, and I believe the men who wrote those books. I accept it by faith. The Bible says, “Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” [Romans 10:17 KJV].
Billy Graham
Our faith can stand up to any question, but sometimes people ask questions—and keep asking questions—just to avoid facing their own spiritual needs and acknowledging who Jesus really is.
Billy Graham
Don’t forget: Without fuel, a fire grows cold—and without the “fuel” of the Bible, prayer, and Christian fellowship, our faith grows cold.
Billy Graham
The Bible teaches that faith is the only approach that we have to God. No man has sins forgiven, no man goes to heaven, no man has assurance of peace and happiness, until he has faith in Jesus Christ.
Billy Graham
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