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When it came to talking with God, I wanted to believe he was like those stars. If I looked, he’d be there. I’d lost a lot of things in the years that led up to this point - shoes and keys and books and boyfriends - but I never lost that hope
Hannah Brencher
Many people are born into their religion. For them it is mostly a matter of legacy and convenience. Their belief is based on faith, not just in the teachings of the religion but also in the acceptance of that religion from their family and culture. For the person who converts, it is a matter of fierce conviction and defiance. Our belief is based on a combination of faith and logic because we need a powerful reason to abandon the traditions of our families and community to embrace beliefs foreign to both. Conversion is a risky business because it can result in losing family, friends and community support.
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
There are two reasons why we don't trust people, First, we don't know them. Second, we know them.
Like the kite that caught up to the sky,painted with clouds, I lost track of it, but it was connected by string, something I was holding, something I could always bring back.
Kelli Russell Agodon
There was no truth in anything he said, anything he believed. It was all just an expression of his own needs.
Greg Egan
In the contexts of religion and politics, words are not regarded as standing, rather inadequately, for things and events; on the contrary, things and events are regarded as particular illustrations of words.
Aldous Huxley
Naturally, I always place my word over anyone else's simply because I know why I said what I said.
Criss Jami
You can't have a church town without belief and you can't have belief without intolerance.
Howard Jacobson
Lifeboats are decked out on the sides of a ship waiting for when disaster strikes, faith on the other hand is a part of you for whenever.
Unarine Ramaru
One would think after all the disappointment life offers us unfortunate few we would give up the trifles connected with hope, feeling, belief and optimism in our fellow souls.
Daleen Van Tonder
We need to think about faith, religion, and spirituality in a new way. When I grew up I was taught that religion was about what we believed. What made my denomination different (and correct, of course) was our sound doctrine. We were right. This made religion too much about being right, about us and them. Too much attention then goes into defending our beliefs.I am now convinced that “belief,” in the way we usually use the word, is actually the enemy of faith, religion, and spirituality. Let me say that again: belief is the enemy of faith. When we dwell on beliefs we ask all the wrong questions. My faith is much more about what I love than about what I think.When the conversation shifts away from our beliefs to what we hold most dear, to what moves us at the depths of our being and what calls us, wondrous new possibilities emerge. We share and explore our deepest experiences. We discover what we have in common. Our attention naturally turns to how we want to live our lives and to the commitments we are willing to make. Our concern at the personal level becomes one of developing our awareness, of spiritual disciplines, of growth. At the interpersonal level, our attention turns to loving relationships. Finally, our attention turns to issues of compassion, justice, and interdependence. Faith becomes a relationship. Faith is about being faithful to what we hold sacred.
Peter Morales
Leaders think it’s possible. They inspire followers to believe in the same good news and it becomes a blessing to them. Leadership is all about inspiring people to believe in what becomes profitable to them!
Israelmore Ayivor
God of great miracles.God of great mercies.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Environment provides us with many cultures. From each we identify our beliefs that give us our values. From our values we pick up our choices and our choices bring out our character. Our characters make us to lead!
Israelmore Ayivor
It is the finding of neuroscience, in fact, that belief is at least in part a matter of emotion. Whatever we believe to be true lights up areas of our brain responsible for self-identification and the processing of feelings and sentiments. If we believe something, then, the object of our belief becomes an emotionally potent aspect of our own self-image. There is some common sense to this, too: the most passionate of believers and the most strident of New Atheists are palpably, visibly fired up and ready to defend their positions.
Steve Volk
We all have that divine moment, when our lives are transformed by the knowledge of the truth.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Your purpose is God’s success. You can’t pay for what God want to be done. It’s God’s business; it’s his farmland, so when he said he’ll provide the rain, don’t doubt it!
Israelmore Ayivor
God will judge us by what we did to relieve the suffering of our fellow human beings. I don't think God cares what doctrine we embrace.
Abraham Verghese
She is of the race of Jeanne d’Arc, this Northern girl, in her voice, her bearing, her beliefs. That kind if not to be possessed by one man; she belongs to a cause, to the people.
Florence Converse
It's tempting to believe that a break from life's routine will only cause chaos. But regimen does not ensure security. The only constant we can count on is change.
Gina Greenlee
We've got to believe that God is sane, Davie boy. We'd be lost indeed if we didn't do that.
John Wyndham
The one thing that I want every single child to have experienced at some point in their life, as part of their education, is to have some idea they hold to be true, and at the very basis of their being, proved to be wrong.Because that opens your mind to the realization that the world is different than you thought it would be, and you have to begin to open your mind to the possibilities of existence.And opening your mind frees you, it doesn't constrain you. It makes the world more wonderful, more exciting, and more worth living in.
Lawrence M. Krauss
Did Cinderella wonder whether her prince would have cared for her had he first seen her in her everyday clothes? Did she believe the ladies of the palace were truly her friends or did she suspect they were just friendly because she was the princess and wore beautiful gowns?Did she fear that life could again change? Everything could disappear as it had done when the clock struck twelve?Did Cinderella wonder whether her good fortune was real or the trick of a magic wand?It’s a sad thing to lose belief.
Gita V. Reddy
My only armor is my belief that life has meaning...
Dean Koontz
Pray all you like, ask anything you want, but don’t forget that he never promised he’d say yes. He never guaranteed us anything. Not anything at all. Except one thing. Just one thing . . . . That he cares . . . That is all. Nothing else.
Madeleine L'Engle
We're experiencing the genesis of a community where it does not matter where your roots lie, but what you believe in. We will continue to create an inclusive and sustainable spirit, spreading the word from coast to mountaintop.
Akilnathan Logeswaran
This tendency to defend a belief structure is true in all cases, even the rational. Never underestimate our ability to convince ourselves of what we wish to be true, especially if we have invested time and money in our beliefs.
Gudjon Bergmann
It is a world that is made of love. Did you think there is only the kind of love your sister has for her husband? Did you think there must be here, a man with whiskers, and over here, a lady in a gown? Haven't I said, there are no whiskers and gowns where spirits are? And what will your sister do if her husband should die, and she should take another? Who will she fly to then, when she has crossed the spheres? For she will fly to someone, we will all fly to someone, we will all return to that piece of shining matter from which our souls were torn with another, two halves of the same.
Sarah Waters
Because you deserve dignity, beyond anything else in this world. You deserve a God, and a faith, and a belief that finds you dignified at the core.
Hannah Brencher
Real life issues are not mathematical equations. We’re not calculators crunching numbers. We’re humans sorting through complex, multi-layered issues, and we’re doing so while enduring the (sometimes profound) personal effects of our conclusions. While we want to be reasonable, we are inexorably pulled in the direction of our oldest mental habits and by our deepest life-impacting needs. We’re repelled by those ideas which can jeopardize our comfort, safety, and happiness. We can try to be fair, but all the while we are fighting against our needs and fears. There are things we don’t want to be true (or false). Our lives are built on certain beliefs which, if disproved, could wreck us. These are the truths that we 'can’t handle'.
Daniel Ionson
If we want to use a physical analogy, a more accurate one would show that many of our beliefs are like boulders pushed off from the top of a mountain. The boulder tips, and the thousands of contours of the mountainside, along with any trees (or lack thereof), its hardness, etc., react to the shape, size, and contours of the boulder itself. Rainfalls alter how much cushion the earth gives when the boulder slams into it and how much trees and shrubs will bend before breaking. All of these variables mix and, based on its bounces and rotations, the boulder lands in a very specific spot at the bottom. In many ways, this is how we form many of our beliefs—by countless, unique mental influences pushing us this way and that.
Daniel Ionson
The Existential-Epistemic Spiral—MeaningOur central beliefs shape and guide us, but the staggering synergistic power of our dynamics working together creates an existential centripetal force at the core of our being—meaning. Nothing affects us like meaning. Meaning is everything, the cumulative effect of all dynamics spinning inside of us. It generates and sustains our identity, creates stability and purpose. It drives our choices, shapes our feelings, and guides our morality.
Daniel Ionson
We all live within our belief solar systems; it’s how we make it through each day. What feels “real” and “true” is based on it. Internal consistency and function means that a belief solar system is simply livable, but it says nothing about its veracity.
Daniel Ionson
The great GOD is a tower of refuge to the poor.The great GOD is a tower of refuge to the needy in distress.
Lailah Gifty Akita
You can receive all the compliments in the world, but that won't do a thing unless you believe it yourself.
Criss Jami
But what use is the unicorn to you if your intellect doesn't believe in it?
Umberto Eco
I hope that I get to see you love what you are. To know yourself as gift and worth and truth. That you see what a huge thing it is to have the courage to break your own heart. That you have chosen wholeness — even when it has shattered you. And that you will one day see that you can be whole and broken in the exact same spaces, that they nestle side by side — and that this is the way of things. Not your punishment for wrongdoing, or for not trying hard enough — but just the way of things. That you can stand and look at yourself in a mirror and see your goodness right there, see the worth of what you bring on the surface of your skin, just like I do. That you trust there is brilliance to come. That you own what is yours to own, both the bad and the good. That you do not insist on owning it all. It was never all yours to hold
Jeanette LeBlanc
... an impression of inescapable noise or acute disorder, a rush of adrenalin, sensations of alarm, a sense of unbalance or chaos, residual feeling of nausea and anxiety. These are the forms of bodily distress that occur when one's ingrained, taken-for-granted sense of how certain things are - and thus presumably will be and in some sense should be - is suddenly or insistently confronted by something very much at odds with it.
Barbara Herrnstein Smith
Cut the connection between your clothes and your beliefs, because clothes will not make you something, it won’t make you honest or dishonest, good or bad! Your essence will not change because of what you wear!
Mehmet Murat ildan
One definition occurred to both of them—that he had come out into the light of that lucid and radiant ignorance in which all beliefs had begun. The sky above them was full of mythology. Heaven seemed deep enough to hold all the gods.
G.K. Chesterton
Love never lies and it never tries, it's unafraid and heaven made.Keep the faith, surrender the time, just like a grape we need to ripen on the vine.Be like a fairy, constantly glow, leave a trail of love wherever you go.Do not try to make sense of this world. Do try to know yourself and to grow yourself while in it.The more you are, the more you have.Rather than make the best of a situation, make the best situation. Create, don't negate.Keep the dream alive and the heart open.Be your most glorious self, and even better, be indifferent to what anyone may think of it.Don't fear the dark, it's helping you find the light. We wouldn't know morning, if we didn't see night.Never give to say you've given, never shy away from a good cry, never stop a laugh from happening, and always wonder, why?Don't get mad, get motivated!
Allyson Giles
(I should mention I attended a Christian elementary school where “my dad’s hermeneutic can beat up your dad’s hermeneutic” served as legit schoolyard banter.)
Rachel Held Evans
What are we without belief, without purpose?
Rachelle Dekker
Remember that "seeing is believing" puts the cart before the horse. Art is the concrete artifact of faith and expectation, the realization of a world that would otherwise be little more than a veil of pointless consciousness stretched over a gulf of mystery.
Stephen King
Faith is a state of openness or trust.To have faith is like when you trust yourself to the water. You don’t grab hold of the water when you swim, because if you do you will become stiff and tight in the water, and sink. You have to relax, and the attitude of faith is the very opposite of clinging, and holding on.In other words, a person who is fanatic in matters of religion, and clings to certain ideas about the nature of God and the universe becomes a person who has no faith at all. Instead they are holding tight. But the attitude of faith is to let go, and become open to truth, whatever it might turn out to be.
Alan W. Watts
When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I reasoned as a child, but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
Holy Bible
Blasphemy is the crime of not taking someone's beliefs as seriously as they do.
Jasper Sole
Everlasting light, everlasting glory.
Lailah Gifty Akita
We do tend to believe things while we're hearing or reading them. Afterwards, it's another matter, when the book is closed and the voice stops speaking.
Javier Marías
I've always thought it nonsense to believe something true simply because it was written in a book long ago.
Ken Liu
Only absurdities need to be defended. Truth speaks for itself.
Stefan Emunds
Some of these stories, it is understood, are not to be passed on to my father, because they would upset him. It is well known that women can deal with this sort of thing better than men can. Men are not to be told anything they might find too painful; the secret depths of human nature, the sordid physicalities, might overwhelm or damage them. For instance, men often faint at the sight of their own blood, to which they are not accustomed. For this reason you should never stand behind one in the line at the Red Cross donor clinic. Men, for some mysterious reason, find life more difficult than women do. (My mother believes this, despite the female bodies, trapped, diseased, disappearing, or abandoned, that litter her stories.) Men must be allowed to play in the sandbox of their choice, as happily as they can, without disturbance; otherwise they get cranky and won't eat their dinners. There are all kinds of things that men are simply not equipped to understand, so why expect it of them? Not everyone shares this believe about men; nonetheless, it has its uses.
Margaret Atwood
It could be that God has absconded but spread, as our vision and understanding of the universe have spread, to a fabric of spirit and sense so grand and subtle, so powerful in a new way, that we can only feel blindly of its hem.
Annie Dillard
Morality is always prejudicial.
Stefan Emunds
Belief & Trust should be deep from mind & heart. Love is just emotional...without Belief & Trust, love is like an empty bottle. Only the outer layer will be present, the inside will be ALWAYS hollow..
Shibin Thomas
He couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have found a girl like her. She may have been the perfect woman for him.
Jason Medina
If we could visit Highsmith today, I would lead you down the silent corridors until we came to a striking seal on the floor, a blood-red H carved in stone. This hallowed seal represents the sacred Honor of every student who spends four years at Highsmith. The stone seal is indelible, consecrated by the generations of alumnae who have passed by, understanding and believing. No outsider, no matter how cunning, can ever steal that belief away.
James Klise
I hear talk of that slippery slope, and my heart catches for a beat. But there is the musky truth I'm standing in that I can't deny, and it tastes of so much holy. That old way, the narrow line, I see now that was a slippery, saccharine surface where my soul could gain no purchase. For the first time, my feet feel sure beneath me, and that sense is twining its way up from my ankles, racing toward my knees, my thighs, my secret places, my heart. It's in my blood now, and I can't deny it. I can't deny it. I open my eyes, because I could see even through my clutched-closed lids that the darkness is light, that the blindness has given way to searing vision. I can't deny it.
Beth Morey
That's how you avoid becoming a moth," he says. "Stop asking others what to believe. Figure it out for yourself.
Stephanie Oakes
The definition of an asshole is a guy who doesn't believe what he's seeing.
Richard Bachman
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