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I have been an author for 20 years and an ass for 55.
Mark Twain
When I die cremate me so I can finally fit into something small.
Xondra Day
New York City, city of exaggerations. Place of Herculean ascensions and perilous falls.
Kurt Wenzel
No, I will not join your Civil War reenactment troupe.
Aaron A.A. Smith
I'll write'em if you'll read'em
Robert Lee Thompson
He has tongue of a writer.
Toba Beta
To master magical realism, one must make the real seem unreal but, more importantly, make the unreal seem real.
Kevin Ansbro
Literature can stop my heart and execute me for a moment, allow me to become someone else.
Colum McCann
I don't believe it pays to be a great author.
Jean Webster
Where Norman Rockwell is the Artist for the man on the street, O'Henry is his author.
Sonia Rumzi
But you can't fault me on my footnotes. I've worked hard on them and they look pretty impressive. And almost all the sources I quote actually exist. I must confess, however, that the idea of putting footnotes in chapter 5, the autobiographical chapter, started out simply as a joke. Who but a biblical scholar would think of footnoting an autobiography? But the joke quickly got out of hand and become a significant part of that chapter. I plan someday to write a scholarly article consisting of a single sentence and a twenty-page footnote.
Jeffrey L. Staley
I crept in to find my father with pennies on his eyes - and looking closer I saw they were made of foil-covered chocolate. Of course I stole and ate them. Magical guilt? Tell me about it
Steve Aylett
He had long been curious at leaders intermittent calls for a return to past values and had tested the notion by trying to build a house from the sky downwards
Steve Aylett
Determine the result you desire..law of averages does not know the objective untill the decision is made. Once a decision is made, the law of averages goes into operation.
Earl Prevette
One of the single most important things a writer must do, besides writing, is reading ...... and drinking coffee.
Linda Ghaderi
In the stories Joan wrote when she was Daniel’s age, she had murdered her characters, while Daniel had his one character facing down dangers and searching for answers. The genesis of the stories was clear to her: because Daniel felt loved and safe within his family, he could imagine himself taking risks, venturing out onto figurative limbs. He was lucky, Joan thought. She had only felt loved and safe within the worlds she created.
Cherise Wolas
By connecting your inner child to your internal being, you bring out the hero in you that is inside all of us.
Kim Ha Campbell
If you wait to live you will never succeed. Living begins today and it begins within you.
Asa Don Brown
If I choose to write about sheep, it's just because I happened to write about sheep. There is no deep significance.
Haruki Murakami
Humanity was a passing notion to him; something he liked to try on for size and model in the dressing room, but never actually felt compelled to buy.
Jane Bled
Every well-written book is a light for me. When you write, you use other writers and their books as guides in the wilderness.
Kate DiCamillo
Yeah, I write Urban Fantasy, but its more like Die Hard or Indiana Jones with Fairies, Mummies and a Vampire who uses guns more than his teeth.
Kevin James Breaux
Pregressive art can assist people to learn not only about the objective forces at work in the society in which they live, but also about the intensity social character of their interior lives. Ultimately, it can propel people toward social emancipation
Angela Y. Davis
When people have a hard task to do - one which stretches them - they become less concerned with trivial matters.
Idries Shah
I used to always read with a pen in my hand, as if the author and I were in a conversation.
Tara Bray Smith
Expression is a function of intention and intention emanates from your thought faculty.
Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
~Reading a book is like looking through a window!
Zetta Hupf
It ain't just about writing on some documents,author writes on to the readers' heart and mind.
Toba Beta
Yes, I felt very small. The typewriter seemed larger than a piano, I was less than a molecule. What could I do? I drank more.-pg 237
Albert Sánchez Piñol
Originality, not Intelligence, is the sign of a brilliant Author. All the Education in the world won't help someone who can't think for themselves.
A.M. Sawyer
In my younger days dodging the draft, I somehow wound up in the Marine Corps. There's a myth that Marine training turns baby-faced recruits into bloodthirsty killers. Trust me, the Marine Corps is not that efficient. What it does teach, however, is a lot more useful.The Marine Corps teaches you how to be miserable.This is invaluable for an artist.Marines love to be miserable. Marines derive a perverse satisfaction in having colder chow, crappier equipment, and higher casualty rates than any outfit of dogfaces, swab jockeys, or flyboys, all of whom they despise. Why? Because these candy-asses don't know how to be miserable.The artist committing himself to his calling has volunteered for hell, whether he knows it or not. He will be dining for the duration on a diet of isolation, rejection, self-doubt, despair, ridicule, contempt, and humiliation.The artist must be like that Marine. He has to know how to be miserable. He has to love being miserable. He has to take pride in being more miserable than any soldier or swabbie or jet jockey. Because this is war, baby. And war is hell."Page 68
Steven Pressfield
Two questions form the foundation of all novels: "What if?" and "What next?" (A third question, "What now?", is one the author asks himself every 10 minutes or so; but it's more a cry than a question.) Every novel begins with the speculative question, What if "X" happened? That's how you start.
Tom Clancy
Writing is the only way to run away from home, without ever leaving.
Shannon L. Alder
Write what you want to write and would like to read, not for any invisible audience. Your readers will find you.
David John Griffin
Commercial fiction writing – where my bread is buttered – is fairly straightforward. The writing is simply efficiency and story. The more you have of one the less you need of the other.
Joe Ducie
A novel is a writer's rant disguised as entertainment...
James Minter
There is no good or bad author; there is only one kind of an author, that who connects with the readers.
Saru Singhal
It is an awesome tragedy in this life that, when asking what a person is and they reply doctor or lawyer or engineer, we don't say "Well thats a nice little hobby, but why don't you take up writing or painting or music?
D.A. Botta
Like a father with his daughter, the writist plays peek-a-boo with the world. His aim is to evoke that sweet smile, the one that says "i remember you. I am glad you are here again".
D.A. Botta
Ideally, love is unconditional; practically, it is more often the opposite.
T.F. Hodge
I have yet to find that one perfect phrase that epitomizes all the mysteries of the universe. Luckily, I doubt to ever pen it in this lifetime, for then the seeking ends; miserable is the day the adventure ends.
D.A. Botta
Sometimes just looking into a person's eyes can tell a graphic story and a brilliant novel if you have the ability to turn it into words.
L.L. Caulton
For some reason, when people meet me and find out I'm a writer they always ask if I write children's books. Um... please don't let your kids read my books. Well, unless your kids are in their 30s or something...then yeah, they're old enough. LOL
Michelle M. Pillow
The first task of every author is to evoke emotion in their reader. You may laugh or you may cry; you may love me or you may hate me. So long as you feel something, I know that I'm doing my job.
V.L. Dreyer
My writing, it’s my way of making sense of everything. My way to feel whole. May I never be complete and may I never feel content – please, let me always have the need, always have the urge to write.
Charlotte Eriksson
Writing fulfils an insatiable drive. Finishing the story satisfies my thirst. But I must keep drinking until the story quenches a buyer.
Ace Antonio Hall
I'm afraid that surprise, shock, and regret is the fate of authors when they finally see themselves on the page.
Julia Child
I’ve long considered becoming a writer to be the death of nightmares. For me at least, since I started writing I hadn’t had any. Something really terrible or awful happens in a dream and you wake up and think, awesome, and reach for a pen and paper.
Logan Kain
Words both written and read are my passion.
Leslie Austin
To be an effective criminal defense counsel, an attorney must be prepared to be demanding, outrageous, irreverent, blasphemous, a rogue, a renegade, and a hated, isolated, and lonely person - few love a spokesman for the despised and the damned.
Clarence Darrow
I realised early on that being an author is a hugely misunderstood job.
Sara Sheridan
Edinburgh is a comfortable puddle for a novelist.
Sara Sheridan
I'm a professional writer and I consider it part of my job to publicise my work and these days part of that job is done online.
Sara Sheridan
With our writings, we can right the world.
Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
Inspiration doesn't always come in chronological order.
Gina Marinello-Sweeney
The righteous will possess the earth, and they will live forever on it." PSALM 37:29. ~Stop being envious no one can make it without the true help of a honest individual or someone who believes in your future. Stop hating people for success this will make your bones rotten. DONT burn the only bride you left standing. Your image doe's not pay bills stop being concerned about how your social media page looks. & build a foundation on the heels of your strength. Stop feeling sorry for yourselves the world is to cold for anyone to be in weakness. #God1st #FAMILYCLOSE #Author #Writer #MusicArtist
Ray Rage Patino
To write is human, to receive a letter: Devine!
Susan Lendroth
No man can stay forever young unless he is a writer.
Let you light shine from the inside out.
Juliet M Sampson
I am an acquired taste. Do with that what you will.
Lisa Marie Perry
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