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Surrendering to who you really are and why you are here may very well change the world.
Maria Flynn
Williams was complex and tortured. He was not a saint but had his saintly side, which came and went, radiant and sincere as long as it lasted.
Philip Zaleski
Although it might seem as though anonymity, invisibility, and other such distancing factors grant us the freedom to engage in more authentic forms of self-expression than we're usually permitted, [John] Suler warns against the temptation to regard disinhibition as "revealing of an underlying 'rue self." He suggests instead that the inhibited self and disinhibited self are simply different *sides* of the *same* person. So Suler challenges the intuitive notion that whatever inhibits us thereby diminishes the authenticity of our self-expression.
Mimi Marinucci
Plasticity inhibits authenticity, and fosters in its place a kind of fairytale, insubstantial, unstable environment. All under the cover of freedom of choice. but there is no freedom larger than simply being who you must be. There is no more formidable Self than the one that has adjusted to nonnegotiable fixed points or unconditional obstacles to its aspiration. There is no more compelling truth than accepting with genuine grace what one cannot change.And so there is no larger testimony to freedom than someone who has taken such a course of life over a long haul; who ultimately and transparently bears the marks and scars of where they have been in real time. Such person wear line on their faces, lines that resolutely defy the airbrush. Such persons need not continuously broadcast their inner narratives; nor need they present the same visage to every acquaintance. But their faces still speak volumes to anyone with eyes to see. Their faces bear the marks of their irrevocable investments in their inalienable humanity.
Mariam Thalos
Just say what you want to say . . . and say it with all your heart.
Elizabeth Gilbert
There was no one for you to impress and no one for you to offend. You were right there and I was afraid of how real you were, which made me question my own level of authenticity. I'd take off my clothes on the beach or spill my guts to a girl I'd never met on the bus, thinking I was uncensored and open, but I wasn't always real if I wanted someone to like me. I gravitated to those who withheld or told me who they thought I was.
Mary-Louise Parker
My friendships have stopped being so exclusive and the guidelines have simplified.Does knowing me help someone I know become a better person?Am I becoming a better person knowing someone?Here’s how I know a relationship is working. When I’m with that person, I am happy. I look forward to seeing that person. I’m not afraid that that person will hurt me intentionally. I’m not hesitant to speak up if I do feel hurt. Knowing that person, challenges me to grow. Being around that person gives me comfort when I feel sad. That person is someone I want to celebrate with when things are great.I’ve let go of expecting people to behave a certain way or to treat me a certain way. However, I feel I’m more idealistic about my relationships than I’ve ever been. I want the most difficult thing you can ask a person and that is for them to be themselves, the good and the bad. I want authenticity where many find it hard to be authentic with themselves. It’s from our authentic selves where true connections are made.It’s from those true connections where I finally feel understood.
Don’t walk through life stifling your authenticity, suppressing your uniqueness, hiding your truth out of fear of what others may think, Being someone other than you are only hampers your wellbeing and also wastes a whole lot of your energy.
Renee Cefalu
Professional happiness is the tonic of longevity.
Garry Fitchett
Each man had come to know the other's caricature as a lie.
Chris Matthews
I often think that the effort we put into trying to pretend something about us is true — that we are less than we are or more than we are or that one aspect of ourselves is the whole story — is based in a fear of being really known, of being truly seen, as we actually are. Perhaps we each have a wound, a vulnerable place that we have to protect in order to survive. And yet sometimes we overcompensate so much for the things we are trying to hide that no one ever suspects the truth…and then we are left in the true aloneness of never really being known.
Nadia Bolz-Weber
True friends—those that want nothing for you but peace, harmony, and joy—sometimes more than you want it for yourself—will rise to the surface. Those are the ones to listen to and commune with. You will know their voice because it’s authentic as well, and it speaks with no ulterior motives or projections. It may not tell you pretty things, but it will always speak in love.
Akosua Dardaine Edwards
Authenticity is about returning and magnifying who you are, instead of trying to become someone who you think you should be. It’s about peeling off the false adornments and standing wholly, holy, and true.
Akosua Dardaine Edwards
Authenticity is not possible without embracing the “and” within us. Our minds like to categorize things into neatly labeled boxes. Am I right, or is she right? Let’s stretch our minds to I can be right and so can she. Embracing the “and” is like yoga for the brain. When we train ourselves to hold paradoxes by stretching ourselves out of the boxes our minds create, we stretch into new possibilities and adapt more quickly in a fast-changing world.
Henna Inam
Most of us want to be authentic. Yet, we are not who we think we are. We are made up of a rich array of facets and possibilities, many of which we ignore because we label them as “bad”. We create a cardboard cutout image of ourselves to look good to others. The discord between who we are and the image we have to live up to slowly kills our aliveness. When we suppress parts of ourselves, it lowers our mojo, sense of fulfillment, leadership effectiveness and impact in the workplace.
Henna Inam
Authentic leadership is leading adaptively from your core, choosing who you’re most inspired to be to serve the greatest good in this moment.
Henna Inam
Authentic leadership is a whole body experience. Our bodies have a lot more to teach us about ourselves than our thoughts.
Henna Inam
If we try to emulate the leadership style of others we perceive as successful, we end up being second-rate versions of someone else.
Henna Inam
Inspiration is the most radiant and flourishing expression of our authenticity.
Elaina Marie
An authentic life facing reality without mental equivocation is the simplest type of life.
Kilroy J. Oldster
You can ask others for directions about your life's path...But remember, then you're on someone else's journey and may get lost. Search for your path within.
Nanette Mathews
There are always people who are inspired by you, just because you are who you are.
Cindy Timmers
How can one person be more real than any other? Well, some people do hide and others seek. Maybe those who are in hiding ... are simply inauthentic... But there are folks who know and aren't afraid to look and won't turn tail should they find it--and if they never do, they'll have a good time anyway because nothing, neither the terrible truth or the absence of it, is going to cheat them out of one honest breath of earth's sweet gas.
Tom Robbins
The word 'inauthentic' is used by Heidegger to describe the ostrich-like attitude of the man who seeks to escape from his inescapable self-responsibility by becoming an anonymous member of a crowd. This is the normal attitude of nearly everybody. To be 'authentic' a man must be constantly and deliberately aware of his total responsibility for what he is. For example, a judge may disclaim personal responsibility for sentencing people to punishment. He will say that as a judge it is his duty to punish. In other words it is as an anonymous representative of the Judiciary that he punishes, and it is the Judiciary that must take the responsibility. This man is inauthentic. If he wishes to be authentic he must think to himself, whenever he sits on the Bench or draws his salary, 'Why do I punish? Because, as a judge, it is my duty to punish. Why am I a judge? Is it perhaps my duty to be a judge? No. I am a judge because I myself choose to be a judge. I choose to be one who punishes in the name of the Law. Can I, if I really wish, choose not to be a judge? Yes, I am absolutely free at any moment to stop being a judge, if I so choose. If this is so, when a guilty man comes up before me for sentence, do I have any alternative but to punish him? Yes, I can get up, walk out of the courtroom, and resign my job. Then if, instead, I punish him, am I responsible? I am totally responsible.
Nanavira Thera
What may appear as audacity God views as authenticity.
Rick Warren
It's not about who you think you know, but about who actually knows you.
Akilnathan Logeswaran
Leadership vision is built on the leader’s authenticity.
Pearl Zhu
Nothing is more attractive than authenticity
Angie karan
SHINING is how you become BRIGHTER!
Trilby D. Johnson
Authenticity soothes the soul.
Arthur P. Ciaramicoli
Branding is a verb, ya heard? Now get out there and BE your brand.
Catrice M. Jackson
Take your feet of of the brakes, push the pedal, give yourself the green light and be unstoppable.
Catrice M. Jackson
Authenticity reduces stress and produces faith in oneself and in the potential to grow and learn.
Arthur P. Ciaramicoli
Genuine, authentic relating enlivens the spirit.
Arthur P. Ciaramicoli
Customers don't just want another cool product or service, they want to have an experience worth sharing
Bernard Kelvin Clive
Pampered content is a public resignation of artistic integrity.
Kevin Focke
What you're willing to give tells you who you are. Not what you are willing to bargain for, or willing to be paid for - but what it is you are willing to give.
Garry Fitchett
Be real. Be you and don't you dare apologize for who you are ever again.
Catrice M. Jackson
I feel I need a holiday, a very long holiday, as I have told you before. Probably a permanent holiday: I don't expect I shall return. in fact, I don't mean to, and I have made all arrangements....I feel all thin, sort of stretched, if you know what I mean: like butter that has been scraped over too much bread. That can't be right. I need a change, or something.'Bilbo
J.R.R. Tolkien
But above all, in order to be, never try to seem.
Albert Camus
We are not here to fit in, be well balanced, or provide exempla for others. We are here to be eccentric, different, perhaps strange, perhaps merely to add our small piece, our little clunky, chunky selves, to the great mosaic of being. As the gods intended, we are here to become more and more ourselves.
James Hollis
In this ever-changing society, the most powerful and enduring brands are built from the heart. They are real and sustainable. Their foundations are stronger because they are built with the strength of the human spirit, not an ad campaign. The companies that are lasting are those that are authentic.
Howard Schultz
Mass advertising can help build brands, but authenticity is what makes them last. If people believe they share values with a company, they will stay loyal to the brand.
Howard Schultz
I now inhabit a life I don't deserve, but we all walk this earth feeling we are frauds. The trick is to be grateful and hope the caper doesn't end any time soon
David Carr
Authentic brands don't emerge from marketing cubicles or advertising agencies. They emanate from everything the company does...
Howard Schultz
It's our very capacity for self-consciousness that makes us self-destructive!
Alison Bechdel
Often misconstrued, authenticity is not about being an open book, revealing every detail of yourself without rhyme or reason. It is simply the act of openly and courageously seeing what needs to be seen, saying what needs to be said, doing what needs to be done, and becoming that which you are intent on being.
Scott Edmund Miller
I don't rhyme about guns I ain't shotHoes I ain't caughtOr shit I ain't bought.
It's not odd these days to hear politicians trumpeting their own authenticity, a claim that an earlier day would have considered self-cancelling. But when Michelle Bachman, Rick Perry, and Rick Santorum say "I'm authentic," they're not evoking the shade of Neal Cassady. (102)
Geoffrey Nunberg
The expression of your heart is beating beneath your fears
Rachel Archelaus
Above the keyhole the door has a latch. It is pretending to be an authentic old latch. The door is pretending to be an authentic old door. Maybe everything there is isn't authentic any more. Maybe everything there is is a kind of pretending.
Ali Smith
Being authentic is nothing more than the daily practice of releasing who you believe you should be and having the guts 2 be true to yourself
Sravani Saha Nakhro
For the analyst it is a source of never-ending astonishment how comparatively well a person can function with the core of himself not participating.
Karen Horney
Let authenticity ignite your brilliance and dignify your craft.
Sravani Saha Nakhro
Simply by being your absolute, most genuine self in every interaction of every hour, you provide a great and rare service on this earth.
Roland Merullo
There are more gifts in who you are than there are in who you think you want to be.
Julieanne O'Connor
Authenticity is a powerful force. Don't ruin it with an illusion.
K. Melissa Kennedy
Actions Matter: Do As I Do. Not As I Say.
Frank Sonnenberg
People usually reveal only those aspects of life that enhance their personality & image, but in my case I love amusing people by being myself!
Ramana Pemmaraju
The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.
C.G. Jung
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