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Your level of education speaks on your behalf. It demonstrates your ability to establish a clear vision, prioritize your goals, and honor your commitments. Oh yeah, did I mention it also makes you smarter?
Susan C.Young
Your education is one of the greatest treasures you can ever acquire and something no one can ever take away from you.
Susan C.Young
Whether it is in the way you walk, talk, dress, or behave, your personal brand impacts how people react and respond to you. It is the essence of what makes you likable, knowable, and trustworthy. And it is what can make you memorable and sought after in the marketplace.
Susan C.Young
It is no longer a matter of IF you have a personal brand--it is a question of “How is it working for you?” Does it best express your intentions, your uniqueness, and your service offering? Is it helping or hindering your progress and success in business?
Susan C.Young
What is YOUR personal brand? How are you packaging your unique talents, style, personality and/or products to represent who you are, what you do, and how you show yourself to the world?
Susan C.Young
Science proves that what appears to be solid is simply moving at a slower rate. Whereas, what is moving, grooving, and flowing, has a higher rate of vibration. We as humans work the same way.
Susan C.Young
Like everything else in our world, we too are energy. Each one of us is an energy being releasing our own distinctive energy signature that is perceptible to others by way of our choices, perceptions, behaviors, attitudes, and physical cues.
Susan C.Young
You know when you feel good and you know when you feel bad. As a result, you are experiencing and displaying a wide range of energies, aren’t you? Some bring you up, while some bring you down. Start paying attention to your unique energy.
Susan C.Young
At networking events, I am a heat-seeking missile for happy, vibrant people. With experience and practice, you can develop a sixth sense about whom to approach and of whom to be wary. I'm drawn to people with positive energy. I would rather be lifted up than pulled down. Wouldn’t you?
Susan C.Young
Imagine how your positive attitude feels when you are enjoying a fabulous day—the sky is blue, the grass is green, the birds are singing—and all is right in your world. You are filled with boundless energy and joyful optimism. Life is great! And then . . . you cross the path of an energy vampire whose low vibe and toxic energy drains out every bit of yours—pulling you down.
Susan C.Young
The difference between a positive attitude and a negative attitude can be measured by its level of energy, both inwardly and outwardly.
Susan C.Young
Energy is contagious and infectious and whether it is the good kind or the bad kind—other people feel it.
Susan C.Young
Few places are more important for dressing appropriately than the workplace, where a professional appearance is crucial.
Susan C.Young
Create your own personal brand to stand apart from the crowd. Package your unique talents, style, personality, and products. Show and tell who you are and what you do—to the world.
Susan C.Young
Proven professionals know that by focusing on quality, you can’t lose with the classics and your clothes will last longer. It’s not about having expensive clothing, it is about having style.
Susan C.Young
An important part of dressing for success is not only wearing something well but making sure it is appropriate for the occasion or the environment.
Susan C.Young
Dressing appropriately in one venue may be highly inappropriate in another.
Susan C.Young
Dressing appropriately in one venue may be highly inappropriate in another. Yet every day we see a lack of modesty and taste, regardless of how uncomfortable it makes others feel.
Susan C.Young
Experts agree that color can stimulate emotions which evoke different responses. Simply by changing colors, you can change moods, communication, perceptions, energy, and expectations.
Susan C.Young
Research has shown that different colors represent different character qualities and have a powerful psychological effect. Color portrays different meanings in life and in business. Choose the colors that not only make you look and feel great, but inspire the emotions you hope to evoke.
Susan C.Young
The importance of healthy habits and hygiene for making a positive first impression should go without saying; however, I would be remiss if I did not include this topic in the book, because surprisingly, many people just don’t get it.
Susan C.Young
Are your habits and hygiene hindering your success or making a great first impression on your behalf?
Susan C.Young
Without a second look, your habits and hygiene reflect a lot about you—your thoughts, values, beliefs, priorities, self-esteem, self-respect, confidence, and every other category covered in this book that influence how people perceive you.
Susan C.Young
When you resolve to live a healthier life, you will feel better, look better, and make a better impression on everyone you meet. Only you have the power, ability, and personal choice to instill healthy habits and hygiene into your life.
Susan C.Young
I know that trying to begin a new habit may be uncomfortable, inconvenient, or challenging. However, when the goal is to feel terrific, isn’t it worth your consideration?
Susan C.Young
Companies that do not have a succession plan in place in which their seasoned professionals are teaching the younger, less experienced generations risk losing far more than talent. The depth of their experience is a valuable commodity and resource.
Susan C.Young
Take your place among experienced professionals by focusing on ways to learn, grow, and succeed.
Susan C.Young
If you were to spend your own time and money to hire a consultant, coach, or trainer, wouldn’t it give you more confidence knowing that they have "walked the talk" and have vast experience with what they are teaching?
Susan C.Young
Becoming an expert not only establishes you as a leader in your field, it will make you a trusted resource that people can rely on for new and innovative ideas. In addition to raising the stakes and helping you increase your income, your expertise will serve to make a powerful first impression, which will truly help you shine and stand apart from the crowd. Having fun and meeting interesting, incredible people along the way is an added bonus!
Susan C.Young
By establishing a strategic online presence through your website, social media, keywords, meta tags, and Google AdWords, the world may discover your expertise and "beat a path to your door.
Susan C.Young
Become a thought leader by taking an idea, belief, or process and turning it inside-out and upside-down. Bust beyond the box and shatter a few ceilings to go where no one has gone before. Make your mark by becoming a pioneer in your pursuits.
Susan C.Young
To position yourself as an expert, create content, write a book, build a blog, post on social media, and write articles for professional publications and news sites to build your intellectual portfolio of expertise. Repurpose content in a variety of ways.
Susan C.Young
Put in the time. To position yourself as an expert, practice, apply, experiment, volunteer, and work within your area of knowledge to deepen your own understanding as you build real-life experience.
Susan C.Young
To position yourself as an expert, learn everything you can about a subject. Develop your knowledge: read books, attend classes, listen to your market, get training, attend seminars, find a mentor, join a mastermind group of like-minded individuals, watch videos, and study.
Susan C.Young
To position yourself as an expert, share your knowledge with others. Deliver presentations and teach others on your topic. Look what TED Talks have done for normal people who simply presented their passion and thereby launched careers, fame, and fortune. Interact with your target market. Maximize use of the Internet and SEO.
Susan C.Young
When you have paid the price, earned the right, and done the homework to be called an expert, people perceive you differently.
Susan C.Young
Your expertise can elevate your impressions to bring you to an entirely new realm.
Susan C.Young
Your body language is your primary language—and one that every person understands! Although it is non-verbal, evidence suggests that our body language and tone of voice can have a bigger impact and account for more of our communication than the words we speak.
Susan C.Young
Your body language continuously communicates for you, whether you are aware of it or not. Are your intended messages being well conveyed?
Susan C.Young
One of the most compelling things about you is the energy you put forth—whether it is positive, negative, or neutral. And that is only the beginning.
Susan C.Young
The way you walk, talk, stand, and carry yourself sends messages to others that can attract or repel, encourage or discourage, and impress or depress.
Susan C.Young
Using your body language to your advantage can not only improve how others perceive you, but can raise your own levels of confidence, competence, and self-esteem.
Susan C.Young
Being mindful of your body movement, facial expressions, voice tone, gestures, orientation, postures, and touch will help you project personal excellence for transforming your communications with others.
Susan C.Young
Your energy naturally produces a physical presence. I can see a person from across a crowded room and feel his or her energy. Before I've ever met them or shared the same space, I will pick up their vibe to know if she is someone I would like to know or if she is better to avoid.
Susan C.Young
We live in a universe made up of energy. The energy that binds, as it whirls and swirls physical atoms, exists at varying levels of vibration and frequency.
Susan C.Young
Throughout your life you will meet thousands of people, but every once in a while, you feel instant chemistry with a person and connect immediately. It is like meeting an old friend or returning home again. Your relationship enjoys easy compatibility and commonality. Not only can you sometimes finish each other’s sentences, but regardless of how much time may pass, you can reunite and start up wherever you left off.
Susan C.Young
Instant chemistry feels great! It is a raw, organic emotion. The art and science of relationship chemistry is still a mystery to me, but it is always a delight when it happens. You certainly know when you feel it, and that sizzle begins many a new relationship.
Susan C.Young
Ask anyone who has ever fallen in love at first sight and they will tell you—their mutual chemistry created an instant attraction. We have all known friends who went on a first date and knew instantly that they would spend the rest of their life with that person. Or, they knew instantly there was no chance because there was no chemistry at all.
Susan C.Young
Unfortunately, while people may be considerate with their illness, they often lack the same consideration with their bad attitudes, not thinking twice about spewing their negative energy on everyone around them and making others sick in the process. Talk about making a bad impression, much less setting you up for an unfavorable outcome!
Susan C.Young
It's a fact. We are magnets who attract whatever we are being. When we emit positive energy, thoughts, feelings, and vibrations, we attract more positives to us. When we emit negative energy, thoughts, feelings, and vibrations, we attract more negatives.
Susan C.Young
The "Law of Attraction" simply states: “What you think about, you bring about.” Whatever you focus on will expand and attract more of the same. Whatever you are putting out there is usually what you are getting back. So, if you don’t like what you’re getting, you’ve got to change what you are giving.
Susan C.Young
You magnetize what you are being. You give a smile . . . you get a smile back. If you point fingers with anger, you will get anger in return. If you are obsessing about scarcity, you will continue to live in lack. If you focus on nurturing friends, you will enjoy more enriching relationships.
Susan C.Young
Without even realizing it, we magnetize people, opportunities, and outcomes. Many people continue to attract dysfunctional folks who bring trauma, drama, crisis, and negativity and then wonder why they are so miserable. Be cognizant of how you’re being because it is most certainly attracting what you’re receiving.
Susan C.Young
Cheri Davis is a fun, energetic, positive, and beautiful friend. We both share a vibrant and positive energy which is a rare and wonderful quality. No matter what is going on in the world, we have a magic ability to energize each other and make the day better simply by speaking. She once said to me, “Susan, our low is most people's high.” Indeed. We will not always match the energies of others, and when theirs is lower than ours, that can be a very good thing!
Susan C.Young
Emotion is energy in motion; therefore, different states of mind, perceptions, and feelings can all result in different electromagnetic frequencies. How can you elevate your enthusiasm and energize your life?
Susan C.Young
What saps your energy and drains your strength? If it makes you feel bad on the inside, it will make those around you feel bad too! Don’t be the energy vampire whom people want to avoid.
Susan C.Young
Fuel Your Ride with Positive Energy. Having desire, vision, and focus will help you turn your bus in the right direction, and positive energy is needed to take you where you want to go.
Susan C.Young
Throw out and discard all negative energy that comes your way and find the positives in the situations. You may be having a bad day at work or a lot to do, but be thankful you have a job to go to while many others do not. Always fuel your life with positive energy if you want to be successful.
Susan C.Young
Guard your energy by setting boundaries, just saying 'no," and limiting your interactions with people who drain you. The measure—how do they make you feel?
Susan C.Young
Access your joy within; feel and focus on it, allowing it to expand to fill your entire being.
Susan C.Young
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