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Wrong is an addictive, repetitive story; Right is where the movement is.
Paul Hawken
The world is on fire! Why am I sitting in front of my computer? It is because I don’t have a fire extinguisher for the world, and there isn’t a global 911 to call.
Charles Eisenstein
If you look at the science that describes what is happening on earth today and aren't pessimistic, you don't have the correct data. If you meet people in this unnamed movement and aren't optimistic, you haven't got a heart.
Paul Hawken
We need to consume less. A lot less. Less food, less energy, less stuff. Fewer cars, electric cars, cotton T-shirts, laptops, mobile phone upgrades. Far fewer.Yet, every decade, global consumption continues to increase relentlessly.
Stephen Emmott
I think the church is often a culprit in the busyness, especially in the evangelical church. Again, it's part of being Americans. Part of being evangelicals too is that we're highly activist. We are always diving in, willing to solve problems, and again there's a lot good there. But we also need the theological balance that the Kingdom is not ours to bring or ours to create.
Kevin DeYoung
If my activism, however well-motivated, drives out love, then I have misunderstood Jesus’ gospel. I am stuck with law, not the gospel of grace.
Philip Yancey
Action comes from keeping the heat on. No politician can sit on a hot issue if you make it hot enough.
Saul D. Alinsky
What a nation needs more than anything else is not a Christian ruler in the palace but a Christian prophet within earshot.
Philip Yancey
We cannot do everything, but we can all do something.
Dillon Burroughs
I guess it's the curse of our generation, having to put aside our lives to do the right thing.
Allan Dare Pearce
To crank up a noisy bad stance out in a place like San Francisco and start yelling about “getting things done in Washington” is like sitting far back in the end zone seats at the Super Bowl and screaming at the Miami linebackers “Stop Duane Thomas!
Hunter S. Thompson
In the case of Tunisia, it was indeed this single act that sparked what had been long-standing active protest movements and moved them forward. But that's not so unusual. Let's look at our own history. Take the civil rights movement. There had been plenty of concern and activism about violent repression of blacks in the South, and it took a couple of students sitting in at a lunch counter to really set it off. Small acts can make a big difference when there is a background of concern, understanding, and preliminary activism.
Noam Chomsky
Why do you live out here? You're a great healer; you could get work in the inner city if you wanted to. Even in E-star, I bet." t"Well, I just don't want to live anywhere else," She looked up, smiling so that the lines at the edges of her eyes crinkled. As she looked out into the expanse of endless desert that led up to the crater wall, she seemed as though her thoughts were far away. "This place is our home. It was my mother's home, and her mother's before that. This is what we know, and even though our lives aren't as long as those with the clean air... this is our land.
Hazel Blackthorn
We survive on adversity and perish in ease and comfort.
Nobody can possibly be so hungry that they need to take a life in order to feel satisfied - they don't after all, take a human life, so why take the life of an animal? Both are conscious beings with the same determination to survive. It is habit, and laziness and nothing else.
The enemy was not the Klan but the inside-outside lock that racism and classism had on the minds of the people: It operated from the inside through self-hate and self-doubt, and from the outside through the police, carnivorous landlords, and the welfare system.
Junius Williams
If not you, who? If not now, when? The worst thing well-meaning people can do is simply let things remain as they are.
Christine Pope
There is no way to tell if we are the pioneers of a visionary new age, whisking humanity into the high vibrations of an interdimensional love party, or post-modern Don Quixotes attacking techno-industrial windmills with our flimsy, rolled-up yoga mats.
Jonathan Talat Phillips
I detect the activist returning with a vengence.
E.A. Bucchianeri
Our ailing planet needs spiritual warriors, ones capable of standing up to the Western materialism machine, so we can create sustainable societies that care for their citizens, harmonize with the cycles of nature, and receive and honor the vast healing light that quietly connects us all.
Jonathan Talat Phillips
We need to stop fighting the old systems and start creating new containers for people who are going through these spiritual openings,’ Tavis reflected. ‘Together, we need to build something that’s never existed before—a global network of light.
Jonathan Talat Phillips
Could it be that following our initiatory path and connecting with higher source wisdom might actually be one of our species’ best defense systems?
Jonathan Talat Phillips
Why build entirely new systems for connecting to Christ consciousness when the institutions—whether Methodist, Lutheran, or Baptist—have already been created?
Jonathan Talat Phillips
Maybe the same essential download was also being delivered to other people—a massive, compassionate battalion of us—at the same time.
Jonathan Talat Phillips
What good is a revolution anyway if it isn’t joyful?
Jonathan Talat Phillips
They built a city of their dreams, with a thriving gift economy and vibrant culture that encouraged all participants to let loose their wildest, most glorious freak. They weren’t protesting; they were celebrating.
Jonathan Talat Phillips
Everything's urgent to a Democrat.
Carol sobeski
You didn't choose God. He chose you. When you stop feeling hurt by everyone and plotting your comeback, he has some very important things he wants you to accomplish with your life.
Shannon L. Alder
I don't get it. I just don't get it. If Art is supposed to imitate Life, why do they want all the actors to be thin? There are fat people in the world. Shouldn't there be a few of us actors to represent them?
Camryn Manheim
You never do any good until you get into some trouble.
Arthur Miller
There is nothing like the whites of someone’s eyes to convince you how very true what you believe is, how very much you must act on it.
Jennine Capo Crucet
We are the dead . Our only true life is in the future. We shall take part in it as handfuls of dust and splinters of bone.
George Orwell
But if you sit around thinking what to do and end up not doing anything, why bother even thinking about it? You're better off going out on the town and having a good time. No, we have to think and act. That's what we're doing here, and that's what you have to do.
Elvia Alvarado
There is no politically neutral fence available for us to sit on, and our attempts to do so have the consequence (intended or not) of supporting the existing political system.
Anne Kearney
I'm fighting now only for individual captive dolphins and dolphins in general but also for people, for the mind and sensibilities of future generations toward the world itself.
Richard O'Barry
Or perhaps it's "activist," but on environmental and economic problems, without understanding that pressuring women to have too many children is the biggest cause of environmental distress, and economic courses should start with reproduction, not just production.
Gloria Steinem
Reuse is the original green collar job.
MaryEllen Etienne
We can't achieve zero waste without reuse.
MaryEllen Etienne
I have no interest in eliminating the tension between justice and forgiveness by taking justice off the table. Given the subtleties of sin and the persistence of evil, we would soon be living in moral anarchy and political chaos if there were no provision for justice.
Eugene H. Peterson
Why is it that the people who seem to have the most to say aren’t doing anything at all?
Colleen Patrick-Goudreau
Do what you can, when you can.
Johnny Worthen
There is a stereotype that vegans talk about being vegan all the time. The irony is, once people find out I’m vegan, I quickly become their confessor, counselor, and sounding board.
Colleen Patrick-Goudreau
People will love him (Theodore Roosevelt) for the enemies he has made.
Doris Kearns Goodwin
I really admired Cesar Chavez and Gandhi, but my form of activism would have to be the written word, not the empty stomach. My parents had brought my family t the United States because of the fear of empty stomachs.
Josefina López
Lincoln on Grant: "He makes things get. Wherever he is, he makes things move.
Abraham Lincoln
A truly living human being cannot remain neutral.
Nadine Gordimer
While most activists could use a good dose of gentleness, I think most believers could use a good dose of holy anger.
Shane Claiborne
I'm for truth, no matter who tells it. I'm for justice, no matter who is for or against it.
Malcolm X
No genuine change in society ever occurs without the mass public getting behind a cause. The good guys in government are counting on enough of us common people waking up and demanding more rights and greater freedoms.
James Morcan
When, thirty-five years ago, I tried to give a summary of the ideas and principles of that social philosophy that was once known under the name of liberalism, I did not indulge in the vain hope that my account would prevent the impending catastrophes to which the policies adopted by the European nations were manifestly leading. All I wanted to achieve was to offer to the small minority of thoughtful people an opportunity to learn something about the aims of classical liberalism and its achievements and thus to pave the way for a resurrection of the spirit of freedom after the coming debacle.
Ludwig von Mises
If you’re not angry, you’re either a stone, or you’re too sick to be angry. You should be angry. You must not be bitter. Bitterness is like cancer. It eats upon the host. It doesn’t do anything to the object of its displeasure. So use that anger, yes. You write it. You paint it. You dance it. You march it. You vote it. You do everything about it. You talk it. Never stop talking it.
Maya Angelou
I do what I can,' I said. 'When I can do more, I will. You know that.
Octavia E. Butler
It's not an effective protest if it's not pissing people off.
John Scalzi
Don’t be a witness. Be an activist.
DaShanne Stokes
A study of the San Francisco Beat enclave by psychiatrist Dr. Francis Rigney in the late 1950's showed 60 percent "were so psychotic or crippled by tensions, anxiety and neurosis as to be nonfunctional in the competitive world." In contrast, the several studies released so far made of the student radicals at Berkeley show them to be stable, serious, and of above-average intelligence. The point is that the Beats had to "cop out" of the Rat Race because they couldn't perform; the New Left chooses to reject a society it could easily be successful in.
Jack Newfield
I really admire people in the public eye, who have influence or celebrity and they take a stand on something important, bring awareness and take compassionate action.When you have been blessed with abundance or are an influencer and you bring attention to a cause, or do something to help the world, that's using your blessings for the greater good. Those are the people who inspire me.
Eileen Anglin
This is the world as it is. This is where you start.
Saul D. Alinsky
16 days of activism? I don't know about you folks, but I'm an activist every single day.
Christina Engela
I remember the philosopher Bertrand Russell was asked why he spent his time protesting against nuclear war and getting arrested on demonstrations. Why didn’t he continue to work on the serious philosophical and logical problems which have major intellectual significance? And his answer was pretty good. He said: “Look, if I and others like me only work on those problems, there won’t be anybody around to appreciate it or be interested.
Chomsky Noam
I was born for this moment in Earth's history and if you believe you are a lightworker, so were you.
Eileen Anglin
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