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We reach the end of our lives long before we reach the end of ourselves.
Marty Rubin
In some ways, the great danger for this commodified universe is our boredom with it ... There is this sort of dialectic that you could tease out, that even in this overdeveloped late-capitalist world, that boredom was still this kind of critical energy that you could work on and try to theorize and then act on, to find other kinds of belonging, other kinds of desire, other kinds of life.
Kenneth McKenzie Wark
A wrong mind-set is like bad soil that restricts a plant’s growth. Similarly, limiting beliefs about ‘what we deserve’ hinder our growth. They stop us from being abundant in every area of our life.
Hina Hashmi
Grateful attitude,Thank God for one specific thing daily and write it in a journal. You will be amazed at abundance of blessings which will flow in your life.
Lailah Gifty Akita
The Question of How? When you are writing goals, or even thinking about achieving big things in life, the question that will come to your mind is “how?” You may think, “I don’t have enough education or money, and my health isn’t good enough. How will I ever be able to achieve these goals?”These thoughts alone can discourage you from going any further. However, take this simple example: Imagine you are standing in front of your refrigerator and would like to open the door. What do you do? Do you think about how to do it? Do you worry about whether or not your muscles will respond and help you open the door? Unless you, unfortunately, have a physical disability, you are able to open the refrigerator door, having full faith that you can do it. Just as you may not be aware of the complexities of the way your body works to allow you to you to open that refrigerator door without thought, so the Universe has provided you with everything in abundance, and a continuous flow of prosperity can come your way. Only when you accept that it is possible, you can and will live the life that you dream about.
Zeeshan Raza
The bread of such a nation (living godly) shall be in constant supply. Talking of abundance, provision, prosperity, surplus etc.
Sunday Adelaja
When you recognize the many types of abundance in your life, more abundance will flow to you through all levels of your life and amongst all of the people in your life.
Cheryl Hamada
The poor man is poor because he will not heed instruction.
Fred C. White
If you want to prosper, prosper God.
Sherry K. White
You give because the love of God has been poured into your heart, not to satisfy the law.
Sherry K. White
When I am in the vibration of prosperity and abundance I am cosmically connected to my world and the Universe.
Debbie A. Anderson
The key to abundance is acceptance. The more you expect, the less you accept.
L.J Vanier
ANYAELE SAM CHIYSON’S LAW OF OBJECTIVITY : You must be aware of who you are, use your ability to do all things right, and have all things turn out well for you without hindrance through personal feelings, prejudice, impedance or encumbrance to make your mark impeccably and in a way that is free from any subjective preference and full of excellence.
Anyaele Sam Chiyson
OUR Abundance IS inevitable
Alexia Penteleon de aRcturi
So even though Grandpa's life has closed its final chapter, the story that he embodied continues each time we take a handful of dirt to check moisture levels or turn our head at the sound of the wind shifting directions before a storm. It lives on as we give thanks for the abundance that we have, whatever it looks like. It lives on in every decision we make that puts someone else first.
Heidi Barr
Kuan Yin speaks on The Law of Prosperity and Abundance: “Continue down the path that makes you feel fulfilled. Those who continue on an unrewarding path for the sake of only monetary gain are displaying a lack of trust in life. Continuing in such a mistrustful way will only bring impoverishment. Following one’s heart, continuing on one’s divine path can bring abundance.
Hope Bradford
There is always something good and unique in the life of every woman so put those talents and wisdom to good use today, by so doing you will make your world a better place than you met it.
Jaachynma N.E. Agu
Having riches ultimately means having few needs.
J.R. Rim
There is a lie that acts like a virus within the mind of humanity. And that lie is, ‘There’s not enough good to go around. There’s lack and there’s limitation and there’s just not enough.’The truth is that there’s more than enough good to go around. There is more than enough creative ideas. There is more than enough power. There is more than enough love. There’s more than enough joy. All of this begins to come through a mind that is aware of its own infinite nature.There is enough for everyone. If you believe it, if you can see it, if you act from it, it will show up for you. That's the truth.
Michael Bernard Beckwith
Life punishes those who have things in abundance by making them worry about petty things like: what to wear, or, which car to drive.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Abundance is more than your money, your title or your profession.
Kim Ha Campbell
The important thing is to convince people to make and share useful things. Fighting with greedy douches who don't share doesn't do that. Making more, living under conditions of abundance, that does it.
Cory Doctorow
Each time you ask for guidance and act on the wisdom you receive, you align your mind with the mind of God; you tap into a stream of conscious guidance that is divine intuition.
Lynn A. Robinson
It's time to launch yourself into that bigger life using your full capacities and with the light of our spirit shining brightly.
Lynn A. Robinson
The way to create more joy in your life is by having an attitude of abundance.
Lynn A. Robinson
When you have a dream and are committed to achieving it, your life takes on new meaning. By unfolding a dream, you discover what makes you happy and brings you joy.
Lynn A. Robinson
Positive thinking may seem like a fairly basic thing, but I know people who, when asked if they understand the importance of positive affirmations, reply, "Yes! I'm positive things will not work out!
Lynn A. Robinson
Learning to pay attention to how your body feels can offer you rich guidance about your choices and direction in life.
Lynn A. Robinson
You have a contribution to make and unique gifts to offer. It's time to stop listening to the voices that tells you that you're not good enough, won't make it, or don't have anything to offer.
Lynn A. Robinson
You have an inner prosperity guide: your intuition. When you begin to pay attention to it, it will lead you to this truth - Abundance is your birthright.
Lynn A. Robinson
When you fill your soul by listening to and acting on your intuition, you'll find yourself moving toward the fulfillment of your dreams.
Lynn A. Robinson
Would you rather be right, or would you rather be happy?
Lynn A. Robinson
Listen to what you tell yourself about your life situation. If you find it's pessimistic or negative, ask yourself, "What's another way of thinking about this?" or "What do I want to create in my life?
Lynn A. Robinson
Joy doesn't exist out in the world somewhere. Joy is an inside job.
Lynn A. Robinson
Your spirit knows your purpose, your calling, and your highest potential. It may come as that inner voice that nudges you, saying "There's something bigger out there for you. You have a larger purpose. LISTEN.
Lynn A. Robinson
Focus on your potential not your past.
Mensah Oteh
Get your dance on today...move some energy around...visualize everything as you want it to be...Fullness, Completeness...You!
Sereda Aleta Dailey
We must know how to properly manage the abundance of God’s riches that He will give to those who are ready to establish His Kingdom on this earth
Sunday Adelaja
When there is abundance of fish, we need help to pull the nets.
J.A. Perez
Expansion (both far and wide) is the order of the day
Sereda Aleta Dailey
What other goal could there be, then finding one's self within God and God within one's very Self? For as we know God, we also are known.
Vivian Amis
Getting unstuck is a matter of choice. If you want flourish in life make a choice today to move into that reality. You can do it.
Sereda Aleta Dailey
The eyes of a nation (living godly) like this shall see the King of kings and the Lord of lords in all his beauty. Meaning salvation and redemption shall be readily available in abundance for the people of that land.
Sunday Adelaja
These is nothing divine about deprecating your gifts and talents or diminishing their worth in any way. Shining is sharing an abundance with us all.
Tama Kieves
Herein lies the paradox: If you want more of whatever it is you desire, you have to first prove to the universe that you are capable of having it by developing a consciousness that affirms there is no shortage of it. The only way to do this is by creating a vacuum or space for it to be received, and the only way you can create a space for it to be received is by letting go of what you do have, trusting that the universe knows what it is doing. That's the law of circulation in action.
Dennis Merritt Jones
If you can't get what you want from life, see if you're withholding something from someone else, because you won’t get what you want unless you start giving away what you have to those that need it. Selfishness is incompatible with abundance and going to Church won’t help you escape this Divine law.
Robin Sacredfire
Old Mother Hubbard Went to the cupboard To get her dear dog a bone.Though the cupboard was bare,When she focused elsewhereHer heart overflowed with fun!
Kristen McKee
You only get what you give away.
Jade Onyx
You can, if you believe you can.
Mensah Oteh
The Internet was always destined to be...The framework for its invention has always existed so to one day provide a vehicle for Critical Mass Consciousness. Through its speed and convenience, the Internet has the power for global and indeed universal transformation. Critical Mass Consciousness can work with the Law of Attraction to actualize an abundant global paradigm for all. Naturally, there is also an opportunity for misuse. How this medium is used on a personal and mass level will determine this culture’s past and future karma…You’re at page ten but I understand the entire evolution. In reality, it’s already over. It’s a dream. Remember? You’re living a dream. It’s very complicated to hold the dream and live the dream. You are learning the art of juggling the dream and the world of dreams.”-Kuan Yin (from "Critical Mass Consciousness: Kuan Yin Speaks on Humanity's Evolutionary Potential
Hope Bradford
Expect abundance to receive abundance.
Debasish Mridha
Giving opens the door to abundance.
Debasish Mridha
The way is open, ride the wave of success again today. You can't lose.
Sereda Aleta Dailey
Another miraculous transformation is the shift from a sales mentality to a service mentality. When we're motivated by the desire to sell, we're only looking out for ourselves. When we're motivated by the desire to serve, we're looking out for others. Since in the realm of consciousness, we only get to keep what we give away, a service mentality is a far more abundant attitude.
Marianne Williamson
To live a pure unselfish life, one must count nothing as one's own in the midst of abundance.
Gautama Buddha
Utopia is a collective shift of perception away. Abundance is all around us. Only our efforts at tower-building blind us to it, our gaze forever skyward, forever seeking to escape this Earth, this feeling, this moment.
Charles Eisenstein
The grateful heart sits at a continuous feast.
Without darkness, we may never know how bright the stars shine. Without battles, we could not know what victory feels like. Without adversity, we may never appreciate the abundance in our lives. Be thankful, not only for the easy times, but for every experience that has made you who you are.
You simply will not be the same person two months from now after consciously giving thanks each day for the abundance that exists in your life.
Sarah Ban Breathnach
Find gratitude in the little things and your well of gratitude will never run dry.
Antonia Montoya
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