Dear lady, … dear gentleman, reader, [it’s] not right … to put down this writer on his writing … And I’ll tell you why, too: it hurts, that’s why…. People try to understand why writers commit suicide by jumping off boats or by alcoholism or by being heroic continuously or by rope or gun or drug or knife or water, and … I can tell you straight out, … it is reading slurring remarks about their writing that drives writers to the grave. Dirty remarks passed by … dirty but damned nicely educated and very highly-paid ladies and gentlemen have the effect of killing writers. Yes, that’s right. Dirty words … in slick paper magazines read by smart people do assassinate writers. … And boy let me tell you I am all for it, even when by some … misunderstanding the dirty words are directed to me rather than to the party really deserving them. Accidents happen, dear clever reviewer or critic, and let it not be said that William Saroyan is one not to see a situation from the point of view of the other party, … and I shall be the first to defend your right to be critical and even sarcastic, knowing full well that it is not about me and my writing, although my name is by mistake taken in vain by you. … But go on, go on, do your good clever writing, every one of you, I am home, your are home, and we are each of us not yet on Variety’s Necrology list, so if we can’t take it, who can?

Dear lady, … dear gentleman, reader, [it’s] not right … to put down this writer on his writing … And I’ll tell you why, too: it hurts, that’s why…. People try to understand why writers commit suicide by jumping off boats or by alcoholism or by being heroic continuously or by rope or gun or drug or knife or water, and … I can tell you straight out, … it is reading slurring remarks about their writing that drives writers to the grave. Dirty remarks passed by … dirty but damned nicely educated and very highly-paid ladies and gentlemen have the effect of killing writers. Yes, that’s right. Dirty words … in slick paper magazines read by smart people do assassinate writers. … And boy let me tell you I am all for it, even when by some … misunderstanding the dirty words are directed to me rather than to the party really deserving them. Accidents happen, dear clever reviewer or critic, and let it not be said that William Saroyan is one not to see a situation from the point of view of the other party, … and I shall be the first to defend your right to be critical and even sarcastic, knowing full well that it is not about me and my writing, although my name is by mistake taken in vain by you. … But go on, go on, do your good clever writing, every one of you, I am home, your are home, and we are each of us not yet on Variety’s Necrology list, so if we can’t take it, who can?