But looking at you was nothing like looking at those pictures. When I first saw,” he said, looking down at her chest, then up again to meet her eyes, “it hurt, almost a physical pain. Since you finished chemo, you’ve gotten so strong again. Sometimes I almost forget what you’ve been through. But seeing your scars, they reminded me of your hurt. How you’ve been cut apart. What you gave up.”It was important, not keeping herself back from him, putting parts of herself off limits. But it stung when he sank down to brush his lips over the two biggest scars.“But your scars are beautiful. I mean, I look at them, and I want to kiss, I want to touch, I feel this tenderness for them. You know how when you love someone, when you’ve been with them a long time and you know all the little lines and curves and planes of their body, how you look at little parts of them—the corner of their mouth, the back of their hand, the little crease where their earlobe meets their jaw—and you can feel like you’re in love with that little piece of them? Maybe soon, I’ll look at your scars like that. But right now, it’s this feeling I’ve never had for a part of someone’s body, before, because they promise me you’re well. That you get to live. That we get to have a long life together.”Her love for him was swelling up in her chest, the way it did sometimes, an ache she wanted to hold on to.

But looking at you was nothing like looking at those pictures. When I first saw,” he said, looking down at her chest, then up again to meet her eyes, “it hurt, almost a physical pain. Since you finished chemo, you’ve gotten so strong again. Sometimes I almost forget what you’ve been through. But seeing your scars, they reminded me of your hurt. How you’ve been cut apart. What you gave up.”It was important, not keeping herself back from him, putting parts of herself off limits. But it stung when he sank down to brush his lips over the two biggest scars.“But your scars are beautiful. I mean, I look at them, and I want to kiss, I want to touch, I feel this tenderness for them. You know how when you love someone, when you’ve been with them a long time and you know all the little lines and curves and planes of their body, how you look at little parts of them—the corner of their mouth, the back of their hand, the little crease where their earlobe meets their jaw—and you can feel like you’re in love with that little piece of them? Maybe soon, I’ll look at your scars like that. But right now, it’s this feeling I’ve never had for a part of someone’s body, before, because they promise me you’re well. That you get to live. That we get to have a long life together.”Her love for him was swelling up in her chest, the way it did sometimes, an ache she wanted to hold on to.