Lussurioso: “Welcome, be not far off, we must be better acquainted. Push, be bold with us, thy hand!”Vindice: “With all my heart, i’faith. How dost, sweet musk-cat? When shall we lie together?”Lussurioso: (aside) “Wondrous knave!Gather him into boldness? ‘Sfoot, the slave’sAlready as familiar as an ague,And shakes me at his pleasure! — Friend, I canForget myself in private, but elsewhere,I pray do you remember be.”Vindice: “Oh, very well, sir.I conster myself saucy.”Lussurioso: “What hast been? What profession?”Vindice: “A bone-setter.”Lussurioso: “A bone-setter!”Vindice: “A bawd, my lord, one that sets bones together.”Lussurioso: (aside) “Notable bluntness!